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Ecotourism helps to conserve the environment and it resources and increase diversity of plants and animals. As local communities begin to see their natural resources as sources of tourist income, the communities may work harder to protect those resources
The ecotourism has a significant role in the economic development of this zones or regions as tourist attractions. The most important positive contributions refers to the state revenue generated by tourist spending and export / import of goods complementary for receiving countries, and the boost of investment in various sectors, so the multiplier effect of tourism by contributing to the economic prosperity of the country. Tourist activities carried out under the banner of ecotourism offer opportunities specific to the local population and tourist industry is forced to use natural resources in a sustainable manner and to assess the valuable natural and cultural objectives. As reflected in the various views reflected in literature, ecotourism is also an industry in the tourist market, designed to meet the special travel needs. Because these approaches can be considered ecotourism and tourism market segment, having a common language with cultural and rural tourism, as demonstrated prev...
Ecotourism focuses on the enhancement and maintenance of natural ecosystem through tourism. In the 21 st century, travel and tourism have become world's fastest growing industries and are the major source of foreign exchange earnings for many developing countries. Ecotourism has become a growing niche market within this larger travel industry. For the last two decades, it has not only substituted mass tourism, but also has converged the biodiversity conservation and the socioeconomic development of local community. Now-a-days, government and non-government agencies promote community based ecotourism into interior regions to develop the livelihood of the local people. In practice, ecotourism has often failed to deliver the expected benefits to the local community due to a number of factors such as the shortages of the financial and social capital within the community, lack of mechanisms for a fair distribution of the economic benefits of ecotourism, and insecurity in connection with acquisition of lands. A research was conducted on Gopegarh Heritage and Nature Ecotourism Centre (GHNEC), Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal to find out the success and failure stories of ecotourism policy. It reveals that due to the lack of proper infrastructure, the benefits of ecotourism do not reach to the people it aimed for. Introduction In the 21 st century, tourism is one of the fastest growing markets and a major source of foreign exchange earnings for many developing countries. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) reports that 4.4% international tourism grew annually between the years 2013 to 2014. Easy and quick economic earnings from tourism without much investment has captured the attention of most countries and led to its huge popularity and acceptability. However, such a global growth of tourism causes a significant threat to the cultural and biological diversity. During the late 20 th century, many academics and scholars pointed towards the destructive effect of tourism on biodiversity. Thus, it has become of utmost importance that the tourism industry must be concerned about the environment and its sustainability. With that concern, an alternative form of tourism also has begun to take shape. Broadly defined, this 'alternative tourism' includes 'forms of tourism that are consistent with natural, social, and community values, and which allow both hosts and guests to enjoy positive and worthwhile interaction and shared experiences' (Eadington & Smith 1992). This new product of tourism has taken the attention of scholars concerned with recent agendas to link conservation and development) proposed for one of the most influential definitions on environment-friendly tourism or ecotourism-Travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objectives of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas.
Biodiversity is the variety of life, in all of its many manifestations encompassing all forms, (plants, animals and microorganisms) and at all levels of biological organization which includes genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity (Christ et al., 2003;Gaston and Spicer, 2004; Meduna et al., 2009; CBD, 2012). The earth's biodiversity constitutes valuable natural resources in economic, cultural, aesthetic, scientific and educational terms, providing enormous amounts of both monetary and non-monetary benefits to humankind.
Revista De Turism Studii Si Cercetari in Turism Journal of Tourism Studies and Research in Tourism, 2013
This paper takes into consideration some theoretical notions about ecotourism, an important segment of the tourism phenomenon, and wants to place face-to-face some of the most important attempts to define it (from Ceballos-Lascurain to David Weaver and Yi-Yen Wu). An important role in understanding ecological tourism is understanding the impacts that it has had on various elements of human society, and in a holistic vision we can conclude that ecotourism should be actually a principle that leads / underpins the entire global phenomenon of tourism.
Prof. Dr. Ceval Kaya Armağanı, 2022
Harezm Türkçesi döneminde hazırlanmış olan bu eseri, müstensih/müellifin Karahanlı Türkçesiyle yapılmış bir çevirinin Harezm sahasında istinsah edilmiş bir nüshasından kopya ettiğini, sonra da birçok kelime ve öbeğin altına aynı anlama gelen yeni kelimeler ve söz öbekleri eklediğini belirtmiştim. Metin üzerindeki gözlemlerim sonucunda müstensih/müellifin Karahanlı Türkçesine yeterince hâkim olmadığı, Eski Türkçe ve Karahanlı Türkçesi söz varlığında bulunan bazı kelimeleri tanımadığı kanaatine vardım. Bunun en belirgin örneği ḳunçuy kelimesini metin boyunca ḳancavī olarak harekelendirmesidir. Yazar çeviride her kelime için hareke kullanmamıştır. Okuyucunun okumakta tereddüt edeceğini düşündüğü, çoğu arkaik veya kullanım sıklığı az olan kelimeleri harekelendirmekle yetinmiştir. Fakat kopya edilen kaynak metin harekesiz olduğu için kendisi de doğru okumakta tereddüt etmiş, bazen de yanılmıştır. Bu makalede müstensihten kaynaklanan yanlış okumalar üzerinde durulacaktır.
Early accounts of politeness have been widely criticised for adopting a universalist stance while attempting to account for a phenomenon that is clearly culture-dependent. In reaction to this criticism, Leech (2007/2014) has argued for the necessity of politeness universals, on condition that they allow for the investigation of the relevant cultural variation. This paper sets out to provide additional support for Leech's claim, by pursuing the argument that even though different societies have in principle different politeness values, all members of the same cultural and/or linguistic group typically accept very similar sets of such values. This argument is theoretically supported by resort to Searle's notion of the Background , as a body of preintentional mental capacities that safeguards the alignment of our intentional states with that of our peers. Given then the systematicity with which we develop a culturally uniform understanding of politeness, the postulation of politeness universals, in Leech's sense, cannot but be a useful analytical tool when theorising about politeness.
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