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IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004.
3 pages
1 file
The Geometry modeler in Geant4 (a software toolkit for the simulation of the interactions of particles with matter) is a key component of the Geant4 software. It offers the ability to describe the geometrical structure of a detector in a natural way, and has been designed for allowing efficient propagation of particles in the geometrical detector model and exploit at the best the features provided by the Geant4 simulation toolkit. Advanced techniques for optimizing tracking in the geometrical model have been seriously taken into consideration in the design, both in order to optimize the run-time performance and reduce the physical memory consumption when dealing with complex geometrical setups. A great variety of geometrical shapes are defined, including the possibility of combining them with Boolean operations to achieve nearly any possible detector geometry configuration. The major concepts of the Geant4 geometry modeler are here reviewed, with emphasis on recent features introduced in the last releases of the software.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015
Thread-parallelisation and single-instruction multiple data (SIMD) "vectorisation" of software components in HEP computing has become a necessity to fully benefit from current and future computing hardware. In this context, the Geant-Vector/GPU simulation project aims to re-engineer current software for the simulation of the passage of particles through detectors in order to increase the overall event throughput. As one of the core modules in this area, the geometry library plays a central role and vectorising its algorithms will be one of the cornerstones towards achieving good CPU performance. Here, we report on the progress made in vectorising the shape primitives, as well as in applying new C++ template based optimisations of existing code available in the Geant4, ROOT or USolids geometry libraries. We will focus on a presentation of our software development approach that aims to provide optimised code for all use cases of the library (e.g., single particle and many-particle APIs) and to support different architectures (CPU and GPU) while keeping the code base small, manageable and maintainable. We report on a generic and templated C++ geometry library as a continuation of the AIDA USolids project. The experience gained with these developments will be beneficial to other parts of the simulation software, such as for the optimisation of the physics library, and possibly to other parts of the experiment software stack, such as reconstruction and analysis.
2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008
The Geant4 software toolkit simulates the passage of particles through matter. It is utilized in high energy and nuclear physics experiments, in medical physics and space applications. For many applications it is necessary to measure particle fluxes and radiation doses in parts of the setup where there are complex structures. To undertake this in a flexible way, Geant4 has tools to create and use additional, parallel, geometrical hierarchies within a single application. A separate, parallel geometry can be used for each one amongst shower parameterization, event biasing, scoring of radiation, and/or the creation of hits in detailed readout structures. We describe the existing basic capabilities of the Geant4 toolkit to create multiple geometries and the recent major enhancements undertaken to streamline, enhance and extend these. New functionality enables Geant4 developers to offer new embedded schemes for scoring (requiring no user C++ code); has simplified the implementation of processes or capabilities using alternative geometries. In addition they provide advanced users easy to use tools with which to create new processes or applications which use different (or common) geometries for any purpose. I. INTRODUCTION HE Geant4 simulation toolkit [1][2] provides comprehensive detector and physics modeling capabilities embedded in a flexible structure. It is in use by many high-energy physics experiments, projects in space science [3] and medical physics [4] to simulate setups of arbitrary complexity. Key capabilities of this kernel include, geometry description and navigation, and tracking which interfaces with its physics processes and models. This paper provides an overview of the capabilities of the Geant4 toolkit for creating and utilizing multiple geometrical descriptions of a setup. Their primary uses are for performance optimization, by parameterizing the energy deposition of showers or biasing the Monte Carlo to sample efficiently tracks in an important region[5], and for measuring the effects of the passage of particles, in scoring radiation dose and flux. New features that greatly enhance Geant4 toolkit's capabilities for parallel geometries are described in this paper, and have been publicly available since Geant4 version 9.0, released in
a.nd the position ol` the particle a.ll along the tracking process. 'l`he apparatus is lind in which volume a particle is, but determines il. lrom the detector geomel.ry vehicles. Unlike many similar programs, Gl*ZAN'l` does not require the nscr |.o ray showers, medical applications ol` synchrotron light or radio-dosimetry on space simulation in lligh Finergy Physics and il. is also used in ol.her liclds such as cosmic the l,l•]l' experiments in mind. lt. has now become almost. a. standard lor det.ector 'l`he (l l•l/\ N'l`Tl [ll program has been designed at the beginning ol` t.he eighties wit.h il. IIll.I`0dU.Clil()l'l with•t.or design, physics simulation and event. reconstruction. riewing system will also be included, in a.n integrated environment together cists and engineers designing new detectors. '|`lie skeleton ol a. general event with CAI)/(ZA M systems. 'l`his will represent a major advantage liir physi-particular the new strategy will allow to exchange t.he det.ect.or description arens such as tracking perl`orm:•.ncc, graphics, and detector design l.r)•nl5. ln a backward compatible user interface a.nd enhanced l`nuct.ionaliI.y in many deci:=i•»ns a.t every I»il`urca.tion ol` the tree. 'l`he new desrzriptiou will feature orithms for t.rackin r. Elementary surl`ace-point a.l orithms are used to take E L K at ini|.ializaI.ion time to allow tl•e utilization ol' new ell`ecIivc binary search al will he used to describe the detector. 'l`l1ese are organised into a. binary tree and composite volumes which can he handled by most. CAI)/(T/\ l\•l systems in the geometry description and detector da.l.a.-base. Basic geometrical entities many areas of (TIC/t N'I`. 'l`his paper will linens on the work currently planned lor the next. generation of experiments, improvements are now required iu cope with the increased requirements imposed by the simulation ol°deter•tors the interaction ol' particles with matter in lligh linergy Physics detectors. 'l`o l,lCl' collaborations and it has now become almost a. st.a.nda.rd I'or simulating 'l`he (`IIEIA N'l`3 program has been designed in I98 I-I!)82 liar the needs ofthe
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2003
Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2021
Full detector simulation is known to consume a large proportion of computing resources available to the LHC experiments, and reducing time consumed by simulation will allow for more profound physics studies. There are many avenues to exploit, and in this work we investigate those that do not require changes in the GEANT4 simulation suite. In this study, several factors affecting the full GEANT4 simulation execution time are investigated. A broad range of configurations has been tested to ensure consistency of physical results. The effect of a single dynamic library GEANT4 build type has been investigated and the impact of different primary particles at different energies has been evaluated using GDML and GeoModel geometries. Some configurations have an impact on the physics results and are, therefore, excluded from further analysis. Usage of the single dynamic library is shown to increase execution time and does not represent a viable option for optimization. Lastly, the static buil...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2009
The current status of the Geant4 toolkit and the recent developments for the geometry, electromagnetic and hadronic physics for medium and high energy are presented. The focus of many recent improvements of the toolkit are key applications including the simulation of large Hadron collider (LHC) experiments at CERN. These developments and physics model extensions provide new capabilities and improvements for other applications of the toolkit for radiation studies in high energy physics (HEP), space and medical research.
The Geant4 toolkit offers a rich variety of electromagnetic physics models; so far the evaluation of this Geant4 domain has been mostly focused on its physics functionality, while the features of its design and their impact on simulation accuracy, computational performance and facilities for verification and validation have not been the object of comparable attention yet, despite the critical role they play in many experimental applications. A new project is in progress to study the application of new design concepts and software techniques in Geant4 electromagnetic physics, and to evaluate how they can improve on the current simulation capabilities. The application of a policy-based class design is investigated as a means to achieve the objective of granular decomposition of processes; this design technique offers various advantages in terms of flexibility of configuration and computational performance. The current Geant4 physics models have been re-implemented according to the new design as a pilot project. The main features of the new design and first results of performance improvement and testing simplification are presented; they are relevant to many Geant4 applications, where computational speed and the containment of resources invested in simulation production and quality assurance play a critical role. I. INTRODUCTION G EANT4 [1], [2] is an object oriented toolkit for the simulation of particle interactions with matter. It provides advanced functionality for all the domains typical of detector simulation: geometry and material modelling, description of particle properties, physics processes, tracking, event and run management, user interface and visualisation. Geant4 is nowadays a mature Monte Carlo system and is used in many, multidisciplinary experimental applications; its rich collection of physics processes and models, extending Manuscript received
2009 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vols 1-5, 2009
A R&D project has been launched in 2009 to address fundamental methods in radiation transport simulation and revisit Geant4 kernel design to cope with new experimental requirements. The project focuses on simulation at different scales in the same experimental environment: this set of problems requires new methods across the current boundaries of condensed-random-walk and discrete transport schemes. An exploration is also foreseen about exploiting and extending already existing Geant4 features to apply Monte Carlo and deterministic transport methods in the same simulation environment. An overview of this new R&D associated with Geant4 is presented, together with the first developments in progress. I. INTRODUCTION G EANT4 [1], [2] is an object oriented toolkit for the simulation of particle interactions with matter. It provides advanced functionality for all the domains typical of detector simulation: geometry and material modelling, description of particle properties, physics processes, tracking, event and run management, user interface and visualisation. Geant4 is nowadays a mature Monte Carlo system; its multidisciplinary nature and its wide usage are demonstrated by the fact that its reference article [1] is the most cited publication [3], [4] in the Nuclear Science and Technology category. Geant4 is the result of a R&D project (CERN RD44) [5] carried out between 1994 and 1998. RD44 was launched at a time when the LEP experiments were running GEANT 3 as a well-established system, that had been refined throughout a decade of production service. RD44 investigated the adoption of the object oriented technology and C++ for a simulation Manuscript received
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000
We describe a physics simulation software framework, MAGE, that is based on the GEANT4 simulation toolkit. MAGE is used to simulate the response of ultra-low radioactive background radiation detectors to ionizing radiation, specifically the MAJORANA and GERDA neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments. MAJORANA and GERDA use high-purity germanium detectors to search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of 76 Ge, and MAGE is jointly developed between these two collaborations. The MAGE framework contains the geometry models of common objects, prototypes, test stands, and the actual experiments. It also implements customized event generators, GEANT4 physics lists, and output formats. All of these features are available as class libraries that are typically compiled into a single executable. The user selects the particular experimental setup implementation at run-time via macros. The combination of all these common classes into one framework reduces duplication of efforts, eases comparison between simulated data and experiment, and simplifies the addition of new detectors to be simulated. This paper focuses on the software framework, custom event generators, and physics lists.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2017
Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports
Lìngvìstičnì doslìdžennâ, 2022
Seeking Peace in the Wake of War, 2016
Rodriguésia, 2024
Sba: Controle & Automação Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica, 2009
Psicothema, 2000
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024
SISFA Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference, 2024
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2009
Hippocampus, 2012
Deep Blue (University of Michigan), 1992
Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2017