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2004, Journal of Interconnection Networks
6 pages
1 file
The problem of traversal of planar subdivisions or other graph-like structures without using mark bits is central to many real-world applications [7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18]. The first such algorithms developed were able to traverse triangulated subdivisions [10]. Later these algorithms were extended to traverse vertices of an arrangement or a convex polytope [3]. The research progress culminated to an algorithm that can traverse any planar subdivision [6, 9]. In this paper, we extend the notion of planar subdivision to quasi-planar subdivision in which we allow many edges to cross each other. We generalize the algorithm from [9] to traverse any quasi-planar subdivision that satisfies a simple geometric requirement. If we use techniques from [6] the worst case running time of our algorithm is O(|E| log |E|); matching the running time of the traversal algorithm for planar subdivisions [6].
Pattern Recognition, 1984
ln this paper, we describe a linear time algorithm for finding the convex hull of an ordered crossing polygon and prove its correctness. Convex hull Simple polygon Crossing polygon Ordered crossing polygon
We study the point location problem on dynamic planar subdivisions that allows insertions and deletions of edges. In our problem, the underlying graph of a subdivision is not necessarily connected. We present a data structure of linear size for such a dynamic planar subdivision that supports sublinear-time update and polylogarithmic-time query. Precisely, the amortized update time is $O(\sqrt{n}\log n(\log\log n)^{3/2})$ and the query time is $O(\log n(\log\log n)^2)$, where $n$ is the number of edges in the subdivision. This answers a question posed by Snoeyink in the Handbook of Computational Geometry. When only deletions of edges are allowed, the update time and query time are just $O(\alpha(n))$ and $O(\log n)$, respectively.
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, 2002
We consider online routing algorithms for finding paths between the vertices of plane graphs. We show (1) there exists a routing algorithm for arbitrary triangulations that has no memory and uses no randomization, (2) no equivalent result is possible for convex subdivisions, (3) there is no competitive online routing algorithm under the Euclidean distance metric in arbitrary triangulations, and (4) there is no competitive online routing algorithm under the link distance metric even when the input graph is restricted to be a Delaunay, greedy, or minimum-weight triangulation.
Theoretical Computer Science
The problem of finding a rectilinear minimum bend path (RMBP) between two designated points inside a rectilinear polygon has applications in robotics and motion planning. In this paper, we present efficient algorithms to solve the query version of the RMBP problem for special classes of rectilinear polygons given their oisibility graphs. Specifically, we show that given an unweighted graph G = (V, E), with 1 VI = N and 1 E I= M, algorithms to preprocess G in linear space and time such that the shortest distance queries-queries asking for the distance between any pair of nodes in the graph-can be answered in constant time and space are presented in this paper. For the case of a chordal graph G, our algorithms give a distance which is at most one away from the actual shortest distance. When G is a K-chordal graph, our algorithm produces an exact shortest distance in O(K) time. We also present a non-trivial parallel implementation of the sequential preprocessing algorithm for the CREW-PRAM mode1 which runs in O(logz N) time using O(N + M) processors. After the preprocessing, we can answer the queries in constant time using a single processor.
2014 Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), 2013
We present the first I/O-and practically-efficient algorithm for simplifying a planar subdivision, such that no point is moved more than a given distance ε xy and such that neighbor relations between faces (homotopy) are preserved. Under some practically realistic assumptions, our algorithm uses O(SORT(N)) I/Os, where N is the size of the decomposition and SORT(N) is the number of I/Os need to sort in the standard externalmemory model of computation. Previously, such an algorithm was only known for the special case of contour map simplification. Our algorithm is simple enough to be of practical interest. In fact, although more general, it is significantly simpler than the previous contour map simplification algorithm. We have implemented our algorithm and present results of experimenting with it on massive reallife data. The experiments confirm that the algorithm is efficient in practice. For example, for the contour map simplification problem it is significantly faster than the previous algorithm, while obtaining approximately the same simplification factor.
Abstract. In this paper we study the problem of nding the shortest path between two points lying on the surface of a (possibly nonconvex) polyhedron which is constrained so that a given point on the surface of the polyhedron must be seen from some point in the path. Our algorithm runs in time O (n2 log n) for the convex polyhedron and O (n3 log n) for nonconvex case. The method used is based on the subdivision of the inward layout and intersecting it with the visibility map of the point to be seen.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 1988
Planarity is a classical property of graphs, dating back to 1736, when Euler formulated the concept. A drawing of a graph on a plane in which no edges cross is called a planar embedding. A graph for which such an embedding exists is called a planar graph. The search for an efficient algorithm to decide planarity and find a planar embedding culminated in Hopcroft and Tarjan's linear-time algorithm ([101). Continuing in this tradition, we have developed a very efficient parallel algorithm for this problem. Our new algorithm finds a planar embedding for an n-node graph (or reports that none exists) in O(log 2 n) time using only n processors of an exclusive-write, concurrent-read PRAM. Thus it achieves near-optimal speedup. The fact that only n processors are needed for our algorithm makes it feasible to implement on a real parallel computer. In contrast, the previous best parallel algorithm for testing planarity, due to Ja'Ja' and Simon ([12]), reduced the problem to solving linear systems, and hence required M(n) processors, where M(n) is the number of operations required to multiply two n x n matrices. Ja'Ja' and Simon's algorithm was important because it showed that planarity could be decided quickly in parallel. However, such a large processor bound makes their algorithm infeasible. For any n large enough that a parallel algorithm would be preferred to the linear-time sequential algorithm (e.g., n = 5, 000), M(n) far exceeds the number of processors on any realistic parallel computer (e.g., M(5,000) > 125,000,000,000). Our planarity algorithm, on the other hand, would achieve the same time bound with only 5,000 processors. In general, once a problem has been shown to be in NC, it is important for designers of * finding a depth-first search tree of a planar graph in O(log 3 n) time using n processors (using ideas due to Justin Smith, combined with techniques of [23]). * finding an outerplanar embedding of an outerplanar graph in O(log 2 n) time using n processors, and finding an 0(1) separator of an outerplanar graph. Because our algorithm does not rule out any embeddings, it can be used to enumerate all possible planar embeddings of a graph at a rate of O(log 2 n) time per embedding, using n processors. 1.2 PQ-Trees Our parallel planarity algorithm is rare among parallel algorithms in that it uses a sophisticated data structure. We have parallelized the PQ-tree data structure, due to Booth and Lueker ([4]), giving efficient parallel algorithms for manipulating PQ-trens. No parallel algorithms for PQ-trees existed previously. We define three operations on PQ-trees, multiple-disjoint-reduction, join, and intersection, and give linear-processor parallel algorithms for these operations. We use PQ-trees for representing sets of graph embeddings. However, PQ-trees are generally useful for representing large sets of orderings subject to adjacency constraints. Booth and Lueker use PQ-trees in efficient sequential algorithms for recognizing (0,1)-matrices with the consecutive one's property, and in recognizing and testing isomorphism of interval graphs. Using our parallel algorithms for PQ-trees, one
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1986
We introduce the notion of generalized Delaunay triangulation of a planar straight-line graph G = (V, E) in the Euclidean plane and present some characterizations of the triangulation. It is shown that the generalized Delaunay triangulation has the property that the minimum angle of the triangles in the triangulation is maximum among all possible triangulations of the graph. A general algorithm that runs in O(I VI 2) time for computing the generalized Delaunay triangulation is presented. When the underlying graph is a simple polygon, a divide-andconquer algorithm based on the polygon cutting theorem of Chazelle is given that runs in O(I V I logl VI) time.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 1986
In this paper, we show that many graph search problems can be solved quite efficiently for a geometric intersection graph ofhorizontal and vertical line segments. We first extract several basic operations for depth first search and breadth first search on a graph. Then we present data structures for the intersection graph in terms of which those operations can be implemented in an efficient manner. The data structures enable us to solve various graph search problems besides depth first search and breadth first search. Specifying the results obtained in this paper for an intersection graph of n horizontal and vertical segments with m pairs of intersecting segments, we obtain algorithms with the following complexity, where N= min m, n log n}. (i) Depth first search and breadth first search can be executed in O(n log n) time and O(N) space. (ii) The biconnected components can be found in O(n log n) time and O(N) space. (iii) A maximum matching and a maximum independent set can be found in O(x/ N) time and O(N) space when no two horizontal (vertical) segments intersect. (iv) The connectivity k can be found in O(kn3/2N) time and O(N) space. Our algorithms can be applied to various practical problems such as the problem of finding a minimum dissection of a rectilinear region, which arises in the manipulation of VLSI artwork data, and the problem of determining whether there is a Manhattan wiring on a single layer, which arises in the design automation of digital systems.
PNAS Nexus, 2024
We develop an endogenous approach to the practice of denunciation, as an alternative to exogenous historical and sociological accounts. It analyzes denunciation as a response to increasing pressure, which in turn increases pressure on social contacts. The research context is the trial of Waldensians in Giaveno, Italy, in 1335, headed by the inquisitor Alberto de Castellario. A dynamic network actor model attests that coercive pressure not only raises the rate of denunciation but also compels denouncers to implicate individuals who are socially closer to them. We find that coercive pressure starts yielding diminishing returns relatively quickly, with the degree of redundancy of information escalating as a result of preferential attachment, increasingly targeting those already denounced by others, publicly announced suspects, and those having absconded from the trial.
Novos Olhares: Mulheres na História, 2024
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
Theory and Society, 2023
Journal of Military Ethics, 2024
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
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Actes des 7e rencontres régionales de la montagne (Soyons acteurs de la montagne de demain), 2014
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Value in Health, 2002
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Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (2000), 2000