Exact ray paths in bent waveguides
Ajoy Ghatak, Enakshi Sharma, and Jacintha Kompella
We present here the Lagrangian formalism for studying the ray paths in cylindrically symmetric media. We
have used the analysis to obtain the exact ray paths in bent slabs as well as in bent fibers with a separable profile.
The study of ray paths in graded-index multimode
media is a subject of considerable interest in the area of
fiber optics and graded-index imaging systems.'-' 2
When rays in multimode waveguides encounter bends
there are radiation losses; these losses are either by
refraction or by tunneling. The fractional loss of power when a ray is reflected from an outer caustic along
the ray path is usually calculated by using the WKB
method.13"14 Hence it is essential to know the exact
ray paths in bent waveguides and thereby know the
exact positions of the ray caustics to calculate the bend
loss. A number of ray tracing algorithms for inhomogeneous media have been proposed. 3 - 8 However, all
these methods are numerical in nature.
In this paper, we present an analysis to find ray
paths in cylindrically symmetric graded-index media
and also in bent waveguides. We use the Lagrangian
formulation which makes the analysis simpler and
neater than the use of the ray equation
d /n dr=Vn
dsn ds-
Starting from Fermat's extremum principle for ray
we can define the optical Lagrangian, which when substituted in Lagrange's equations of motion gives the
ray equation. This analysis has until now been carried
out only in a Cartesian system of coordinates (see, e.g.,
Refs. 15 and 16). In this section, we define the optical
Lagrangian in cylindrical system of coordinates and
show that for systems with cylindrical symmetry this
approach gives the ray invariants and ray paths in a
very straightforward manner.
In the cylindrical system of coordinates (r,k,z), the
arc length ds along the path of the ray can be written in
the form
[1 + (r)
+ (z)2] 1/2dr,
Thus Eq. (2) can be written in the form
5 f Ldr = 0,
an application of this method, we have illustrated its
use on bent graded-index optical waveguides.
f nds =O,
in the cylindrical system of coordinates. The equations derived for the ray trajectory have been put in a
form convenient for use in numerical calculations.
Optical Lagrangian in Cylindrical Coordinates
n(r,o,z)[I + (r0)2 +
represents the optical Lagrangian in the cylindrical
system of coordinates. In the following sections, we
use the Lagrangian given by Eq. (5) to determine the
ray paths for specific types of refractive-index profile
which are of considerable practical importance.
Enakshi Sharma iswith Delhi University, South Campus, Department of Electronic Science, New Delhi 110021, India; the other
authors are with Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Physics
Department, New Delhi 110016, India.
Received 11 December 1987.
i©1988 Optical Society of America.
APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 27, No. 15 / 1 August 1988
Ill. Ray Paths in Cylindrically Symmetric
(z-lndependent) Refractive-Index Profiles
We assume that the refractive index depends only on
the r-coordinate, i.e.,
n = n(r).
This is indeed the case for a straight optical fiber.
Even for a bent slab waveguide, the profile is essentially of the form given by Eq. (6), provided we choose our
coordinate system appropriately (see Sec. V). Thus
L = n(r)[1 + (rk) + ()211/2
circle, we will have a profile of the type given by Eq.
(11). Furthermore, it has been shown that a separable
profile given by Eq. (12) can describe a large class of
optical waveguides (including rectangular core integrated optical waveguides and elliptical core fibers) to
and the Lagrange's equations
d FaLl
where g = 2A(n0/a2 ), and a represents the radius of the
core. If the axis of such a fiber is bent along the arc of a
a considerable degree of accuracy.' 7 -' 9
For n2 (r,z) given by Eq. (11), the Lagrange's equation
d (OL\_ L0
d (OLA aL
dr ai / z
readily give the following invariants:
p2 + 22)1/2]
Eqs. (7) and (8) we obtain
dz [G
It should be pointed out that 3 and Tareidentical to the
ray invariants as obtained in Ref. 9. However, it is
obvious that the derivation of [Eq. (8)] and of the ray
[Eq. (9)] is very much simplified
G --n(z)
In Sec. V, we show that the profile given by Eq. (11)
is applicable to bent waveguides with a separable profile; i.e., the (unbent) waveguide is characterized by a
n(r)r 2Ido]
n(r z)r2 d=
= R-= n(r,z)
Now, using Eq. (14),
(dz d)
Substituting for dk/ds from Eq. (16) in the above
equation we obtain
Obviously, a parabolic-index fiber has a separable profile:
22 =nogx
_ n2(z)
The equation defining the exact ray paths can now be
obtained. We introduce a new invariant / as
refractive-index distribution of the form
n2(r) = n2[1- 2A(r/a)2 ]
n I a ds a
and we get the second ray invariant:
n'2 (x) + n" 2 (y).
I as
dinate gives us
exact ray paths.
The Lagrange's equation corresponding to the o-coor-
In this section, we show that for a separable profile
given by the above equation, it is possible to derive
equations, simple integrations of which would give the
n2 (Xy)
= [[n(r~z)dsj
Ray Invariants and Ray Equations for Profiles of the
Formn2 (rz) = nd(r)+ nt(z)
We next consider a special class of cylindrically symmetric refractive-index profiles which can be put in a
separable form, i.e.,
n2(rz) = n'(r) + n2(z).
in the
present formalism when compared with their derivation from the ray equation [i.e., from Eq. (1)].
the above equation gives
Thus we obtain a ray invariant
k +
f(r) = n2 (r) _
2 2
G = n(r,z) dz,
Substituting for the terms on the right-hand side from
dr = -~
1 (r)1'12 ,
_ ( d )2]/
[1 -(r ds,)
dz [n(rz)
ds== dn2(Z)
2 n(rz)I dsjdz
Now Eq. (3) can be written as
L1+ r
which can be written in the form
The quantities Band Tare the two invariants of the ray
dL __ 2 da. = nr d=
gives us
F(z) = [n(z) + 12]
and r(o) is determined from Eq. (20). Now, using Eq.
(16) we may write
1 August 1988 / Vol. 27, No. 15 / APPLIEDOPTICS
dr\2 + 2 + dz 2
rn(rz)r22I ds 2
L ,3R J d¢
f= a
Substituting for dz/d5 from Eq. (17) we get
r [n2(r)- t1Ir2
?= r R
?= -a
Equations (17) and (20) represent (for a separable
profile) the rigorously correct ray equations which can
be used to determine the ray paths in bent waveguides.
Fig. 1.
Ray Paths In a Bent Slab Waveguide
Slab waveguide bent along the arc of a circle of radius R.
We consider a slab waveguide characterized by the
followingrefractive-index distribution:
n2 =n
We assume such a waveguide to be bent along the arc of
a circle of radius R as shown in Fig. 1. In the cylindrical system of coordinates defined in Fig. 1 we have
n2= n2 (r) = n 2 (r).
We can use the analysis of Sec. IV with n2(z) = 0 to
obtain the ray invariants
T= [n(r) dz]
n(r) R do,
1 ds
and the ray equations
r2 ,
r [[n2(r) - 12r _2
db /3L
Introducing the variables p = r - R and t = Rk, we get
dp =
) F
1 (1 + P)
f(p) = [n2 (p) - a](1 +
From the initial launch conditions we can determine
the values of the ray invariants A and Tand solve Eqs.
(25) and (26) explicitly to obtain the ray paths p = p()
and z = z). We consider now the case of a parabolic
index bent slab waveguide, i.e., n = n2 (p) =
- gp .
It is easily seen from Eqs. (25) and (26) that when e=0
the ray path is confined to a single plane, and the zcoordinate of the ray remains constant.
We first consider small launch angles and refer to
Fig. 2. Variation of f(p) with p for a bent parabolic-index slab
waveguide corresponding to F= 0. Curves 1, 2, and 3 correspond to
initial on-axis launch angles equal to 0.01 ( = 2.204), 0.10 ( =
2.182), and 0.16 ( = 2.148), respectively. The values of various
parameters are R = 2500 um, A = 0.02, n 2= 2.204, a = 25jum.
positive for all values of p > p1, and we have what are
known as refracting rays which leak out very quickly
from the core. It is obvious that for a bent structure
there are no bound rays, and all rays launched are
either tunneling or refracting.
The exact ray paths can be obtained from Eqs. (25)
and (26). However, the sign in front of the square
root is chosen according to the slope of the ray path and
is hence difficult to incorporate into a numerical algorithm. This problem can be overcome by squaring and
differentiating the two first-order simultaneous differential equations to obtain two second-order simultaneous differential equations given by
d2P2 [n2(P)
curve 2 in Fig. 2. We see that f(p) is positive in the
regions P2 < p < 3 and for p > p4 and negative in the
region 3 < p < 4. This is the case of what is known as
tunneling rays which undergo partial reflection at p =
p3 and part of the energy tunnels through the evanescent region p3 < p < 4 to leak away beyond p = 4. If
the launch angle is sufficiently large, we have a situation similar to the one shown in curve 3 where f(p) is
APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 27, No. 15 / 1 August 1988
+ 1 (1+R) dp -(1 + P) 1 '
(dz) (dp) ( + p)- 1
(/ +)4
Core cladding
P (Pm)
,4/ interface
1 2
. I
100 m
=320 m
= 640pm
( = R0 )In m
Fig. 3. Meridional rays in a bent parabolic-index slab waveguide
for different radii of curvatures. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 correspond
to R equal to 1500, 2000, 2500, 5000, and 25,000 Am, respectively.
The launch angle is equal to 0.1 rad. Slab parameters aren = 2.204,
A = 0.02, a = 25 Am.
z I Pm)
-Core claddinginterface
Fig. 4. Meridional rays in a bent parabolic-index slab waveguide
for different launch angles. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 correspond to
launch angles 0 = 0.16, 0.12, 0.10, 0.06, and 0.01 rad, respectively.
The bend radius is R = 2500,um.
which can be solved using Runge-Kutta's
Fig. 5. Skew rays in a bent parabolic-index fiber for varying bend
radius R as seen in the fiber cross section. Curves 1, 2, 3, and 4
correspond to radius of curvature R equal to 2500 Am, 5000 Am,
12500 Mm, and I, respectively. The initial angle made with the z
axis is 1.45 rad.
method for
simultaneous second-order differential equations. 20
The last term in Eq. (29) is actually absent in a bent
slab waveguide; it appears for a bent fiber with a separable profile (see Sec. VI).
Meridional rays (for which I = 0) are confined to the
plane of the bend and are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The
rays are asymmetric about the axis of the waveguide,
and as the radius of curvature increases this asymmetry decreases. For R the ray paths converge to a
sinusoidal path of a straight waveguide.
We now consider a fiber whose refractive-index profile is described by Eq. (12). We bend this fiber along
the arc of a circle so that the y axis of the straight fiber
is parallel to the z axis of the coordinate system described in Fig. 1. Now in this coordinate system, the
+ n2(z).
fiber profile can be expressed as n2 (rz) = n
Using the analysis in Sec. IV, we have two invariants
given by Eqs. (14) and (16). Consequently, the ray
path can be described rigorously by Eqs. (17) and (20).
Once again we have
= S
+ P)
Plots of the ray position .p + z inside the core as a function
of distance along the parabolic-index bent fiber axis. These correspond to the plots shown in Fig. 5.
tions of the form given by Eqs. (28) and (29) where dz/
dt is now given by Eq. (30).
Ray Paths in a Bent Fiber
f(z) = n2(z)+ 2
and dp/dt is given by Eq. (26). The exact ray paths
can be obtained by solving the two simultaneous first-
order differential equations given above. As before, it
was found convenient to convert the above equations
to two simultaneous second-order differential equa-
Figure 5 is a plot of the projection of the ray path on a
cross section for skew rays obtained by launch conditions which correspond to a helical ray in a straight
fiber.' 6 Figure 6 shows the corresponding variation in
total distance from the waveguide axis. As the curvature increases, the rays become more and more skew.
This can be explained as being due to the asymmetry
induced by the bend.
This work got started when two of the authors (A.G.
and E.S.) were visiting Gerhard Grau's Institut fur
Hochfrequenztechnik and Quantenelektronik at Universitat Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany) during the summer
of 1987. The hospitality of Gerhard Grau and Wolfgang Freude is gratefully acknowledged. The authors
would also like to acknowledge stimulating discussions
with Anurag Sharma. The work was partially supported by a research project sponsored by the National
Bureau of Standards (U.S.A.) and the Department of
Science and Technology (India). One of the authors
(J.K.) would like to acknowledge a research fellowship
from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
1 August 1988 / Vol. 27, No. 15 / APPLIEDOPTICS
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,?u =,: sNcu~s1NcsQu,
where NCUand Nc, are the counts in the correlation peaks of the
unknown and standard detectors, respectively,and Qsand Quare the
solid angles subtended by the standard and unknown detectors,
In the second method (see Fig. 4), filters are placed in front of the
detectors to pass only the 584-A photons. Since the calibration of
the standard detector is good for all 584-A photons, it suffices to
count all the photon pulses Nu and N, put out by the unknown and
standard detectors, respectively, without having to measure electrons or correlations. Then the efficiency of the unknown detector
is given by
This work was done by Santosh K. Srivastava
of Caltech for
NASA'sJet Propulsion Laboratory. Inquiries concerningrights for
the commercial use of this invention should be addressed to the
Patent Counsel, NASA Resident Office-JPL, P.F. McCaul, Mail
Code 180-801, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109. Refer to
Fig. 4. Standard detector is used to calibrate an unknown detector.
In this case,the photons are bandpass-filtered, and the coincidencecounting circuitry is not used.
General-purpose image-data program
The image database computer program IBASE is a general-purpose imagery-information system. The system includes functions
The probability p that one of the 584-Aphotons generated by one
of the detected 78.8-eV electrons will scatter into the detector in
plished either by commands or through a hierarchy of menus. The
analytical capabilities of IBASE include contingency tables, image
filtering (low-pass,high-pass, and bandpass), proximity maps, clus-
question is calculated based in part on the known solid angle sub-
tended by the detector from the point of view of the beam intersection. Then the efficiency
of the detector is given by
for cataloging and managing files of digital images and for conducting analyses of these images. Use of the system may be accom-
tering, histograms, regression, slope calculations, scaling, and Bool-
ean manipulations.
also has an interface to the Cheshire
If the efficiency Is of a detector (the standard detector) has already been measured, it can be used to measure the efficiency fu of
Image Classification expert system.
All information stored by IBASE is considered part of a GeoCube.
A GeoCube is a rectangular region defined by the coordinates of two
opposite corners and can store many images called layers. Each
an unknown detector in two ways. In the first, the measurement is
made on the calibrating apparatus without recording the electron
7 = NC/pNe.
The efficiency of the unknown detector is given by
APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 27, No. 15 / 1 August 1988
layer contains information such as the name, date, and layer type.
layer can contain a report or data:
as used here, report