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The neuroscientist’s voice is imperious: «your body moves according to the constants of physiology and you are mistaken in believing that your will can disturb the natural order». Even the behavioural scientist’s voice is adamant: «do not believe that your will is foreign to the movements of the body because, otherwise, biological evolution would not use the lures of pain and pleasure to make your choices advantageous in preserving and perpetuating the species». I believe both the neuroscientist and the behavioural scientist are right. The will conforms to the natural order but at the same time is present in moving the body. This solution is depicted through the allegory that gives shape to the title: the mind is music and the meeting place with the body, the brain, is a musical score. The fulcrum of this truth consists in the denial of an old conjecture and, that is, of a substance obviously occult which is called matter.
Anuario De Filología Hispánica, 27(1), 2024
Resumen Han aflorado excepciones recientes y optimistas que abren filones en la mina de la investigación literaria para saldar cuentas con la historia del género narrativo de la novela corta y también con un campo de investigación fragmentario y heterogéneo. Uno de esos filones lo ofrece la novela corta firmada por escritores españoles que vivieron en el exilio, un campo de estudio necesario que, sin embargo, ha de sobrepasar un primer gran escollo, el de la ausencia de estudios generales sobre ello y la dispersión de las fuentes constitutivas del corpus literario. Salvadas las dificultades, se pretende realizar una panorámica de los textos seleccionados desde una perspectiva extrínseca o histórica, acompañada de unas primeras aproximaciones narrativas o intrínsecas, con el fin de dilucidar sus singularidades y su valor en la historia de la literatura española. Aun dentro de un corpus que no puede ser definitivo, los escritores que lo conformarían por el momento son: Cecilia G. de Guilarte, José Ramón Arana, Ramón J. Sender, Manuel Andújar, Eugenio F. Granell, Paulino Masip, Segundo Serrano Poncela, Juan Espinasa y Francisco Ayala. De este modo, se podrá contribuir a la historia de un reencuentro que aminore el exilio de la literatura española en el exilio. Así pues, se podrá afirmar que se está ante una serie de casos excepcionales que, como tales, han de ser valorados. Se comprobará cómo cabría considerar el género de la novela corta como una solución “discreta” de tantear el terreno literario fuera de una España bajo la censura franquista, pero también de realizar ciertas tentativas en España antes de que muchos de esos escritores inicien el regreso, en un principio en un sentido más literario que vital. Asumiendo, pues, los vínculos entre exilio y literatura (de la mano de la novela corta, con su amplia gama de diferencias), cabe emprender la tarea aún pendiente de suplir la ausencia detectada y contribuir a la iluminación, valoración y reposicionamiento de la novela corta cultivada durante el exilio por escritores españoles.
La présente recherche est née du sentiment de perplexité que j’éprouvais au moment où j’étudiais les relations entre Marseille et Pise au Moyen Âge et, plus tard, l’évolution institutionnelle de Marseille. J’avais alors rencontré des documents datés de façon non convaincante ; je laissais pourtant de côté mon embarras et faisais confiance aux savants du passé. Une analyse plus attentive de l’évolution institutionnelle de Marseille m’a cependant poussée à reconsidérer la question, en particulier en ce qui concerne les parchemins médiévaux de Marseille, ou élaborés à Marseille. La vérification de la datation de certains parchemins marseillais a ouvert des questions intéressantes à propos de la relation entre l’institution et la pratique documentaire, et de la vaste et complexe question des mentalités médiévales concernant la mesure et la perception du temps. La recherche, née du besoin, a effectivement conduit non seulement à corriger presque toutes les dates connues dans l’histoire de Marseille du milieu du XIIe siècle à 1223, mais aussi à comprendre, en partie, la « façon de sentir et de penser » dans le monde médiéval, dont parlait Marc Bloch, et la relation entre l’homme et la mesure du temps traitée par Jacques Le Goff dans son célèbre article.
This paper discusses the growing incidences of medical negligence in India in the recent years and also explores the factors contributing to the ongoing raise in these incidences. It is important to know what the factors that constitute medical negligence. As we are all aware that the duty of a doctor is to examine, diagnose and treat patients, to give consultation to the patients who come for the treatment or due to having any kind of illness. But on the other hand, an insufficiency or carelessness in this duty results in negligence. A fundamental understanding of how medical negligence is arbitrated in the various judicial courts of India will help a doctor to practice his profession without undue worry about facing litigation for alleged medical negligence. INTRODUCTION According to Winfield, negligence is defined as the breach of a legal duty to take care of a person who is suffering from illness and results in damage, undesired by the defendant to the plaintiff. It is the breach of duty to care, meaning thereby carelessness in a matter related in which the law mandates carefulness. A breach of this duty gives a patient the right to initiate action against negligence. More recently, Indian society is experiencing a growing awareness with regard to the patient's rights. This inclination is clearly noticeable from the recent spurt in proceedings with reference to medical professional or establishment liability, claiming redressal for the distress caused due to medical negligence, impaired permission and breach of confidentiality arising out of the doctor-patient relationship. The patient-centered initiative of rights protection is required to be appreciated in the economic context of the rapid decline of State spending and massive private investment in the sphere of the health care system and the Indian Supreme Court's painstaking efforts to constitutionalize a right to health as a fundamental right.
Resumen y comentario de la mesa redonda "El Fin de la Gramática", que clausura el X Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General (Universidad de Zaragoza, 20 abril de 2012). Participan Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez, Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera, Mª Victoria Escandell y José Mª García Miguel. Notas y comentario a vuelapluma durante la sesión.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021
The very low frequency (VLF) regime below 30 MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum has presently been drawing global attention in radio astronomical research due to its potentially significant science outcomes exploring many unknown extragalactic sources, transients, and so on. However, the nontransparency of the Earth’s ionosphere, ionospheric distortion and artificial radio frequency interference (RFI) have made it difficult to detect the VLF celestial radio emission with ground-based instruments. A straightforward solution to overcome these problems is a space-based VLF radio telescope, just like the VLF radio instruments onboard the Chang’E-4 spacecraft. But building such a space telescope would be inevitably costly and technically challenging. The alternative approach would be then a ground-based VLF radio telescope. Particularly, in the period of post 2020 when the solar and terrestrial ionospheric activities are expected to be in a ‘calm’ state, it will provide us a good chance...
pequeño resumen para macroeconomía
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ICERI2022 Proceedings, 2022
ГОСУДАРСТВО РЕЛИГИЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ в России и за рубежом, 2021
História: relações de poder, cultura e representações (Atena Editora), 2023
Pedagógusképzés, 2023
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología
Nature, 2014
Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria, 2014
Hospital pediatrics, 2013
Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS)
Chemical Physics Letters, 2018
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019