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2020, Science
3 pages
1 file
SCIENCE mutual respect can the Americas write a new playbook that fulfills the often stated but seldom realized ideals of equality for all.
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 2010
The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 coincided with a major wave of immigration to the United States. More than 23.5 million newcomers arrived between 1880 and the 1920s, mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia, Canada, and Mexico. During earlier epidemics, the foreign-born were often stigmatized as disease carriers whose very presence endangered their hosts. Because this influenza struck individuals of all groups and classes throughout the country, no single immigrant group was blamed, although there were many local cases of medicalized prejudice. The foreign-born needed information and assistance in coping with influenza. Among the two largest immigrant groups, Southern Italians and Eastern European Jews, immigrant physicians, community spokespeople, newspapers, and religious and fraternal groups shouldered the burden. They disseminated public health information to their respective communities in culturally sensitive manners and in the languages the newcomers understood, offe...
Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 2020
Covid-19, which has caused a severe pandemic to the whole world since December 2019, continues to spread while collapsing health systems, societies and economies; while leaving controversy behind. As the coronavirus spread globally demographics of the infected are identified and current evidences point ethnical "bias" of not only to the relatively higher infection rates among minority groups, but also to the severity of the clinical course. In communities where sanitation, prevention, and determined treatment standards for the current situation are not met, the results of the pandemic can be far more devastating.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 2022
Across the United States, public health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have fallen short. COVID-19 has exacerbated longstanding public health shortfalls in disadvantaged communities. Was this predestined? Understanding where we are today requires reflection on our longer journey. Disparities cataloged during COVID-19 reflect the same unequal host exposure and susceptibility risks that shaped previous pandemics. In this review, we provide historical context to better understand current events and to showcase forgotten lessons which may motivate future action to protect our most vulnerable citizens. Keywords Health disparities • COVID • Pandemic • United States • Public health In the future we will look back on this epidemic of influenza with wonder and surprise; yes, in spite of
European Psychologist, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes an unprecedented threat for individuals and societies, revealing stark inequalities in preparedness, exposure, and consequences. The present systematic literature review complements extant knowledge on disasters and pandemic diseases with programmatic research on the COVID-19 pandemic. Building upon an integrative definition of threat, we merge intra-personal threat regulation with group dynamics and inter-group relations. Via streamlined methods of knowledge synthesis, we first map out a broad taxonomy of threats, as appraised by the majority population and ethnoracial and immigrant minorities. Second, we delve into research linking threat appraisals with either conflict or prosociality within and across group boundaries. To conclude, we propose some guidelines for researchers to actively involve ethno-racial and immigrant minorities, and for societies to cope cohesively with the impact of COVID-19.
Academic Medicine, 2020
Social Science Research Network, 2017
Department of Homeland Security , 2021
Foreign-born noncitizens in the United States have different COVID-19 risks and outreach requirements than the native-born population. This report details population estimates, demographic profiles, status-specific risk factors, and health policies that apply to immigrants by status group. Estimates and breakouts are available for all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia. This information is intended to be immediately useful to including immigrants in state and local vaccine outreach and public health activities. Coauthors: Marc R. Rosenblum, Bryan Baker, Alexander Eastman
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all of us, but not all of us equally. Far from acting as the great leveller, the disease that itself does not discriminate has revealed and exacerbated startling health disparities across the United States and globally. The early disaggregation of data indicated that Covid-19 mortality rates were more than double in Black populations than in White populations in the U.S., and were one and a half times as high, nationwide, in Latinx, and Indigenous populations. Infection rates, by population group, were also higher. The disparities of the global spread added further complexities. Now, as the Covid-19 vaccine has been developed in record speed, the challenge of distribution must incorporate facts about public health disparities alongside questions of prioritization. Two big questions loom: how much do our concepts of distributive justice and global justice incorporate racial justice? And how much should they? Matiangai Sirleaf has given us a vocabula...
Space and Culture, India
This study begins with the historical understanding of race and its modern perspectives as a social construct amid social identity and critical race theories. Next, race and ethnicity are explored within the context of COVID-19, whereby those of non-white backgrounds are seeing different disastrous health outcomes and experiencing heightened levels of racism in the pandemic. Examples and analyses from around the world are then provided, which have resulted in health disparities and increased racism against non-white people, such as the high-rise apartment building disasters, rural Indigenous communities, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Adding fuel to the fire, there have been rumours internationally of certain ethnic groups carrying and spreading COVID-19.
El sorprendente poder de los hábitos atómicos La manera en que tus hábitosmoldean tu identidad (y viceversa) Cómo construir mejores hábitos en cuatro sencillos pasos PRIMERA LEY HACERLO OBVIO El hombre que no se veía bien La mejor manera de comenzar un nuevo hábito La motivación está sobrevalorada; el ambiente a menudo es más importante El secreto del autocontrol SEGUNDA LEY HACERLO ATRACTIVO Cómo lograr que un hábitosea irresistible El papel de la familia y los amigosen la formación de hábitos Cómo localizar y arreglar las causas de tus malos hábitos TERCERA LEY HACERLO SENCILLO Avanza despacio, pero no des marcha atrás La ley del menor esfuerzo Cómo dejar de postergar usando la regla de los dos minutos Cómo hacer inevitables los buenos hábitos e imposibles los malos hábitos CUARTA LEY HACERLO SATISFACTORIO La regla cardinal del cambio de conducta Cómo mantener los buenos hábitos todos los días Cómo un socio corresponsable puede cambiarlo todo TÁCTICAS AVANZADAS CÓMO PASAR DE SER SOLAMENTE BUENO A SER VERDADERAMENTE GRANDIOSO 18 La verdad acerca del talento (Cuándo los genes importan y cuándo no) 19 La regla de Ricitos de Oro: Cómo mantenerte motivado en la vida y el trabajo 20 El inconveniente de crear buenos hábitos Conclusión. El secreto para alcanzar resultados que duren Apéndice. ¿Qué leer a continuación? Pequeñas lecciones de las cuatro leyes Cómo aplicar estas ideas a los negocios Cómo aplicar estas ideas a la paternidad Agradecimientos Acerca del autor Créditos Planeta de libros atómico 1. una cantidad extremadamente pequeña de una cosa, la unidad más pequeña e irreductible que forma parte de un sistema mayor. 2. la fuente de una inmensa energía o poder. hábito 1. una rutina o práctica que se realiza de manera regular; una respuesta automática a una situación específica. NOTAS Matt Slater, «How GB cycling went from tragic to magic», BBC Sport, 14 de abril 2008, [Cómo el ciclismo británico pasó de trágico a mágico].
TGCL Series, 2013
The European Legacy, 2017
In: Ressourcen, Mitteilungen der DGAMN, Band 29 (2016)
EC Cardiology, 2020
Popular Communication
Physical Review A, 2015
Biological Psychiatry, 1996
Plumilla Educativa, 2014
European urology, 2017
ChemMedChem, 2014
Odontología Sanmarquina, 2014
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA, 2014
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2015