Cognitive Brain Research 7 Ž1999. 493–501
Research report
‘Paradoxical’ alpha synchronization in a memory task
W. Klimesch ) , M. Doppelmayr, J. Schwaiger, P. Auinger, Th. Winkler
Department of Physiological Psychology, UniÕersity of Salzburg, Institute of Psychology, Hellbrunnerstr. 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
Accepted 8 December 1998
The results of a specially designed memory search paradigm which maximizes episodic short-term memory ŽSTM. and minimizes
semantic long-term memory ŽLTM. demands show that the upper alpha band synchronizes selectively in those conditions and time
intervals where episodic STM demands are maximal. This finding of a selective alpha synchronization occurring only in the upper alpha
band and during highest task demands is surprising because it is well known that usually alpha desynchronizes during mental activity.
Because experiments from our laboratory indicate that desynchronization in the upper alpha band is related to semantic LTM processes,
the present finding suggests that a selective synchronization in this frequency band reflects inhibition of semantic LTM. It is assumed that
once the capacity limits of STM are reached or exceeded, processing resources are no longer distributed and that potentially interfering,
task irrelevant, brain areas or processing systems are inhibited. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Event-related desynchronization; Alpha oscillation; Synchronization; Theta; Memory
1. Introduction
During the last few years, alpha oscillations have attracted considerable interest as recent publications indicate
Žsee, e.g., Refs. w1,5,19,22x.. The well known finding that
alpha desynchronizes during a variety of different tasks,
seems to imply that desynchronization reflects a state of
active cortical information processing. More recent studies
have shown that alpha desynchronization is a local phenomenon that occurs over task relevant brain areas whereas
task irrelevant regions show a pronounced synchronization.
As an example, in a task where subjects had to judge
visually presented items and to give a motor response,
Pfurtscheller and Klimesch w21x have found that during
visual stimulation alpha desynchronizes over occipital
recording sites whereas over the motor cortex a strong
synchronization could be observed. During the motor response, the opposite result was obtained. Now, regions
over the motor cortex desynchronized and occipital areas
synchronized. These and similar findings have led to the
hypothesis that in contrast to desynchronization, alpha
synchronization indicates a state of ‘idling’ w22x or even a
state of cortical inhibition w7x.
Corresponding author. Fax: q43-662-8044-5126; E-mail:
[email protected]
The present study was designed to test the validity of
the hypothesis that alpha synchronization reflects inhibition of task irrelevant cortical processes. In a series of
experiments we have found that upper alpha desynchronization responds to semantic long-term memory ŽLTM.
demands, whereas theta synchronization responds to
episodic short-term memory ŽSTM. tasks Že.g., Refs. w9–
11x.. These findings which have been replicated by other
research groups Že.g., Ref. w2x. suggest that in a task which
maximizes episodic STM and minimizes semantic LTM
demands, the upper alpha band will start to synchronize,
particularly under conditions where episodic demands are
very difficult.
A memory search paradigm w23x was used to vary
episodic memory demands. In each trial, subjects viewed a
string of 5 or 10 characters Žletters and numbers; termed
‘memory set’. which they were asked to retain in memory.
Then, after a retention interval of 5 s, a single character
Žtermed ‘frame’. appeared. If the frame was contained in
the memory set, subjects had to respond with ‘yes’, otherwise with ‘no’. Episodic memory demands are varied by
two factors, memory load Ž5 versus 10 characters per set.
and overall processing demands Žconsistent versus varied
mapping condition.. Under the consistent mapping condition subjects knew, which characters the memory set on
the next trial will contain, under the varied condition each
memory set contained different characters. In the varied
condition episodic demands increase because characters of
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W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
the current and preceding memory set must not be confused.
On the basis of this design, task difficulty is associated
only with episodic STM but not with semantic LTM
demands. In the most difficult condition Ž10 characters;
varied mapping. subjects have to encode the simultaneously presented character string, keep them in STM for 5 s
and to scan STM after the frame is presented. This procedure is repeated every 11 s for a total of 240 trials.
Semantic LTM demands are minimized and do not increase with task difficulty because the characters Žthe
numbers 1, 2, . . . 8 and the consonants B, C, F, H, K, L, R.
are meaningless on the semantic encoding level. This also
holds true for combinations or strings of characters Žsuch
as F, 3, 7, H, R. which are used as memory sets.
The idling and inhibition hypotheses of alpha synchronization lead to different predictions. The inhibition hypothesis suggests that with increasing task difficulty, processing resources are no longer distributed but become
concentrated on the episodic STM system and that potentially interfering, task irrelevant brain areas or processing
systems are inhibited. Thus, once the capacity limits are
reached or exceeded, semantic LTM processes become
inhibited. We expect that at least in the most difficult
condition Ž10 characters; varied mapping. the upper alpha
band will show a task related increase in band power.
According to the idling hypothesis task irrelevant brain
areas are in a resting state. Thus, there is no reason to
assume that with increasing task difficulty alpha synchronization will increase.
Episodic memory demands dominate early after the
presentation of the memory set, because at least 5 different
characters must be encoded simultaneously and retained in
STM, whereas only one character is presented for retrieval.
Accordingly, we assume that upper alpha synchronization
will be significantly larger during encoding than during
2. Materials and method
2.1. Subjects
A sample of 14 right handed students Ž7 males and 7
females. participated in the experiment. Their mean age
was 23.7 years with a range of 19.4 to 34.5 years. Before
participating in the experiment, subjects were asked about
the hand they use in different tasks such as handwriting,
throwing a ball, etc. A subject was considered right-handed
if hershe indicated to use the right hand for all of these
different tasks.
2.2. Materials
Frame set size was kept constant throughout the experiment and consisted of only one character. Memory set size
Žmemory load. varied and comprised either 5 or 10 characters. Memory sets were constructed from 15 characters Žthe
numbers 1, 2, . . . 8 and the consonants B, C, F, H, K, L,
R.. By using the following sampling procedure, 60 memory sets were drawn for each of the two memory load and
mapping conditions. In the consistent mapping condition, 6
blocks with 10 different memory sets were used for each
memory load condition. Within a single block, the characters and their ordering remained identical for 10 subsequent trials. Between blocks, characters varied. They were
drawn randomly with the restriction that each character
occurs with equal frequency Žhence the use of 15 characters.. In the varied mapping condition 60 different memory
sets were drawn Žfor each of the two memory load condition. by using the same sampling rule. For both mapping
conditions, the frames were randomly selected Žfrom the
same set of 15 characters from which the memory sets
were constructed. by considering the following restrictions. Within each of the four experimental conditions,
each frame had to occur with equal frequency and half of
the frames had to be contained in the memory set and,
thus, required a yes response Žthe other half required a no
response and was not contained in the memory set..
2.3. Design
Subjects had to respond by pressing a ‘yes’ response
key if the letter or number of the frame was contained in
the memory set, otherwise with ‘no’. Each of the four
experimental sessions was preceded by a practice session
of 10 trials. Each subject was tested under all of the four
experimental conditions. Presentation sequence was counterbalanced between subjects.
2.4. Procedure
The string of characters of the memory set and the
frames appeared at the centre of the screen of a computer
controlled monitor. Characters Žletters or numbers. were 3
cm in height. The length of a 10 character-string was 23
cm. Subjects sat at a distance of 1.4 m from the monitor.
Each trial had a length of 11 s. The first 1000 ms were
used as reference interval Žsee under ‘event-related desynchronization’ ŽERD., below.. After 1500 ms a brief auditory warning signal ŽWS. was presented Ž3000 Hz, lasting
for 250 ms.. The memory set was presented for 3000 ms
and appeared 1000 ms after the onset of the WS. The
frame was presented for 250 ms and appeared 6000 ms
after the onset of the WS.
2.4.1. Apparatus
EEG-signals were amplified by a 32-channel biosignal
amplifier system Žfrequency response: 0.16 to 30 Hz.,
subjected to an anti-aliasing filterbank Žcut-off frequency:
30 Hz, 110 dBroctave. and were then converted to a
digital format via a 32-channel ArD converter. Sampling
W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
rate was 128 Hz. The data were processed by the
B.E.S.T.-system of Grossegger and Drbal. During data
acquisition, EEG signals were displayed online on a high
resolution monitor and stored on disk.
2.4.2. Recordings
A set of 25 silver electrodes, attached with a glue paste
to the scalp was used to record EEG-signals. Thirteen
electrodes were placed according to the International Electrode Ž10–20. Placement-System, at F3, F4, Fz, C3, C4,
Cz, T3, T4, P3, P4, Pz, O1 and O2. From the remaining
twelve electrodes, 4 electrodes were placed over parietooccipital areas ŽPO3, PO1, PO2, PO4., 4 electrodes were
placed over centro-parietal areas ŽCP5, CP1, CP2, CP6.,
and 4 electrodes were placed over fronto-central areas
ŽFC5, FC1, FC2, FC6..
In addition to the 25 electrodes described above, two
ear lobe electrodes Žtermed A1 and A2., were attached to
the left and right ear. The Electrooculogram ŽEOG. was
recorded from 2 pairs of leads in order to register horizontal and vertical eye movements.
All data were referentially recorded by using a common
reference placed on the nose. In order to eliminate the
effects of the nose reference as well as other types of
artifacts, the EEG recordings were corrected by subtracting
the arithmetically averaged ear lobe recordings ŽA1 q
A2.r2 from all of the other recordings. This type of
recording is also termed ‘referential recording with re-referencing against averaged ear lobes’.
All of the epochs were checked individually for artifacts
Žeye blinks, horizontal and vertical eye movements, muscle
artifacts etc.. by visual inspection. Only epochs with a
correct yes or no response were used for data analysis. The
percentage of epochs that were excluded from data analysis Ždue to artifacts. for hits and correct rejections ranged
from 28% to 42% in the four experimental conditions.
2.4.3. The calculation of ERD
Event-related changes in band power were calculated by
using the ERD-method which was originally proposed by
Pfurtscheller and Aranibar w20x. Before calculating ERD,
the data for each epoch and each of the 25 channels were
digitally band-pass filtered, squared Žin order to obtain
simple power estimates. and averaged separately for each
experimental condition and for each subject. Based on
these data, ERD is defined as the percentage of a decrease
or increase in band power during a test interval as compared to a reference interval: ERD%s wŽband power,
reference interval. y Žband power, test interval.xrŽband
power, reference interval.4 = 100. As mentioned earlier,
the first 1000 ms of each trial were used as reference
interval. The test intervals are consecutive time intervals of
500 ms. Positive ERD-values are obtained when power in
the test interval decreases. On the other hand, negative
ERD-values Žor ERS., indicate that band power increases
Žsynchronizes. in the test with respect to the reference
2.4.4. The indiÕidual determination of frequency bands
The frequency windows for the theta and alpha bands
were determined individually for each subject i by using
mean peak frequency f Ž i . of the dominant EEG frequency
in the alpha band for all recording sites as an anchor point.
Frequency f Ž i . was determined from spectra which were
calculated over the entire epoch of 11 s and then were
averaged over all epochs and leads. In using f Ž i . as
individual anchor point, four different frequency bands
with a bandwidth of 2 Hz each were defined: Ž f Ž i . y 6. to
Ž f Ž i . y 4.; Ž f Ž i . y 4. to Ž f Ž i . y 2.; Ž f Ž i . y 2. to f Ž i .; f Ž i .
to Ž f Ž i . q 2.. The ERD was calculated within these individually determined frequency bands which are termed
theta, lower-1 alpha, lower-2 alpha, and upper alpha. Averaged over the sample of subjects, alpha frequency was
10.2 Hz. Thus, when considering averaged values, the four
frequency bands show the following cut-off points: 4.2
Hz–6.2 Hz, 6.2 Hz–8.2 Hz, 8.2 Hz–10.2 Hz, 10.2 Hz–12.2
2.4.5. Statistical analyses
Three factorial ANOVA’s were calculated for hits and
correct rejections, for each frequency band and frontal ŽF3,
F4, FC5, FC6., central ŽC3, C4, FC1, FC2, CP1, CP2.,
parietal ŽP3, P4, CP5, CP6., temporal ŽT3, T4. and occipital ŽO1, O2, PO3, PO1, PO2, PO4. recording sites. For
these sites, data were averaged separately for the left and
right hemisphere but only for those 1 s intervals of an
epoch which represent the first 1000 ms after presentation
onset of the memory set and frame. Thus, in an attempt to
avoid complex interactions, electrode location and brain
area were not used as separate factors.
The factors and their levels are ENCODE–RETRIEVE
Žmemory set, frame., LOAD Žload 5, load 10. and DEMAND Žconsistent, varied.. Because of the large number
of ANOVA’s Ž2 response conditions= 4 frequency bands
= 5 recording regions= 2 hemispheress 80 ANOVA’s.
only results which are significant at or beyond the 2.5%level will be reported. The degrees of freedom Ž df . for
main effects and interactions are 1 Ž df numerator. and 13
Ž df denominator. in all of the cases. For a parsimonious
description of the results, the df ’s will not be reported
together with significant F-values.
3. Results
3.1. BehaÕioral data
Averaged over the sample of 14 subjects, the percentage for hits in the conditions, load 5rconsistent, load
5rvaried, load 10rconsistent and load 10rvaried are:
95.7%, 82.3%, 98% and 72%. Listed in that same order,
the percentage for correct rejections are: 98.7%, 90%, 98%
and 80%.
W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
3.2. ERD r ERS
3.2.1. Theta band, hits
Main effects were found for ENCODE–RETRIEVE
only and here at frontal Žleft and right hemisphere., central
Žleft and right hemisphere. and parietal Žleft hemisphere.
sites. Listed in this sequence the F-values and their significance levels are: F s 17.11, p - 0.01; F s 6.67, p 0.025; F s 19.49, p - 0.01; F s 9.92, p - 0.01; F s 9.97,
p - 0.01.. The respective means indicate that the amount
of event-related synchronization ŽERS or negative ERD. is
significantly larger during retrieval Žframe. than encoding
Fig. 1. Theta band, time course of ERDrERS for the first 8.5 s of the experimental trial Žepoch. representing hits. Data are averaged for both hemispheres.
Bold horizontal lines indicate the reference interval and those time periods during encoding and retrieval, which were subjected to statistical data analysis.
Faint horizontal lines indicate exposure durations for the WS, the memory set and the frame. At frontal and occipital sites, the increase in ERS with task
difficulty is stronger during encoding than retrieval Žcf. the vertical lines.. Note that a large ERS was found in response to the WS particularly at frontal but
not at occipital recording sites. At frontal sites, theta ERS Žfor the most difficult condition, Load 10 varied. is particularly strong during retention and after
the memory set disappeared.
W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
Žmemory set.. For frontal sites, this result is depicted in
Fig. 1a which shows the time course of ERDrERS over
most of the trial. Note that the ANOVA results refer only
to the time interval of 1 s after onset of the memory set
and frame. These intervals are marked by bold horizontal
lines below the respective diagrams. Two significant inter-
actions were observed, one at frontal sites over the left
6.6, p - 0.025. and another at occipital sites over the right
LOAD; F s 6.39, p - 0.025.. The two-factorial interaction which was found at frontal sites can be interpreted on
Fig. 2. Upper alpha band, time course of ERDrERS for the first 8.5 s of the experimental trial Žepoch. representing hits. Data are averaged for both
hemispheres. Bold horizontal lines indicate the reference interval and those time periods during encoding and retrieval, which were subjected to statistical
data analysis. Faint horizontal lines indicate exposure durations for the WS, the memory set and the frame. Note that a large upper alpha ERS was found
during encoding in the most difficult condition ŽLoad 10 varied., whereas a pronounced ERD can be observed during retrieval Žpresentation of the frame..
At frontal and temporal sites ERS increases with task difficulty Žcf. the vertical lines in the diagram and the significant interactions reported in Sections
3.2.6 and 3.2.7..
W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
the basis of Fig. 1a Žcf. the vertical lines in the diagram.
which indicates that the increase in ERS from the easiest
to the most demanding condition Ži.e., from Load 5, consistent to load 10, varied mapping. is larger during encoding than retrieval. Inspection of the respective data underlying the three-factorial interaction reveals a similar result.
As compared to the easiest, in the most demanding condition the increase in ERS is stronger during encoding than
retrieval. Although averaged over both hemispheres, the
data in Fig. 1c show the tendency of this finding.
3.2.2. Theta band, correct rejections
Main effects were found for ENCODE–RETRIEVE at
frontal Žfor both hemispheres. and central sites Žfor the left
hemisphere only.. The corresponding F-values and their
significance levels are: F s 6.74, p - 0.025; F s 16.74,
p - 0.01; F s 9.35, p - 0.01.. As for the hits, the extent
of synchronization ŽERS. is larger at these sites during
retrieval as compared to encoding. Significant interactions
were obtained for ENCODE–RETRIEVE= LOAD at central sites Žleft hemisphere: F s 6.98, p - 0.025; right
hemisphere: F s 6.96, p - 0.025. and for ENCODE–RETRIEVE= DEMAND at left temporal sites Ž F s 18.01,
p - 0.01.. The respective means indicate that during encoding Žas compared to retrieval. the increase in ERS is
stronger in the more demanding conditions Žload 10 and
varied. at left temporal sites. The opposite holds true for
central regions, where increasing memory load leads to a
stronger increase in ERS during retrieval.
3.2.3. Lower-1 alpha, hits and correct rejections
No significant main effects or interactions were obtained reaching or exceeding the 2.5% level. This holds
true for hits as well as correct rejections.
3.2.4. Lower-2 alpha, hits
Two significant main effects for ENCODE–RETRIEVE
were found over left central Ž F s 7.05, p - 0.025. and left
parietal sites Ž F s 7.21, p - 0.025.. The respective means
show that during retrieval ERD is much stronger than
during encoding.
3.2.5. Lower-2 alpha, correct rejections
With the exception of a significant interaction for right
frontal recordings ŽENCODE–RETRIEVE= LOAD; F s
11.62, p - 0.01., none of the results reached or exceeded
the 2.5% level. This interaction indicates that the extent of
desynchronization or ERD is stronger during retrieval than
encoding and for load 10 as compared to load 5.
3.2.6. Upper alpha, hits
With the exception of occipital areas, for all of the
recording sites and both hemispheres factor ENCODE–
RETRIEVE reached significance. The F-values for left,
Fig. 3. Power spectra for selected recording sites, averaged over all subjects. The spectra Žwith a frequency resolution of 1 Hz. were calculated for the 1-s
intervals Žreference, memory set and frame. as indicated by bold horizontal lines in Figs. 1 and 2. Note that at Pz, absolute alpha power reaches a
maximum during encoding Žpresentation of the memory set..
W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
right frontal; left, right central; left, right temporal and left,
right parietal regions are in that order: F s 7.55, p - 0.025;
F s 9.25, p - 0.01; F s 15.15, p - 0.01; F s 17.89, p 0.01; F s 15.35, p - 0.01; F s 17.41, p - 0.01; F s 8.23,
p - 0.025; F s 9.03, p - 0.01. The respective means show
a strong ERD during retrieval but ERS during encoding.
Significant interactions were found for ENCODE–RETRIEVE = DEMAND at right frontal Ž F s 7.9, p - 0.025.
and right temporal Ž F s 11.08, p - 0.01. sites. With increasing demands, upper alpha ERS increases Ž!. during
encoding ŽFig. 2a,b..
3.2.7. Upper alpha, correct rejections
Significant effects were found for ENCODE–RETRIEVE over both hemispheres at central and temporal regions and at left parietal sites Ž F s 11.03, p - 0.01; F s
8.06, p - 0.025; F s 12.49, p - 0.01; F s 8.13, p 0.025; F s 8.03, p - 0.025.. As for the hits, the respective
means for correct rejections reveal a strong ERD during
retrieval but ERS during encoding. Significant interactions
were obtained for ENCODE–RETRIEVE= DEMAND at
left frontal Ž F s 7.29, p - 0.025., left temporal Ž F s 8.73,
p - 0.025. and left parietal Ž F s 6.82, p - 0.025. sites.
These interactions are very similar to those found for hits
Žcf. Fig. 2..
3.3. Power spectra at Fz, Cz and Pz
Because an event-related increase in alpha power is an
unusual result, power spectra were calculated for the most
demanding condition Žload 10, varied. where the largest
alpha ERS was found. In order to give a brief overview of
the results, spectra for Fz, Cz and Pz Žaveraged over the
sample of subjects. are shown in Fig. 3. Most interestingly,
the spectra for Cz and Pz show that during encoding,
power is larger as compared to the retrieval and even the
reference interval.
4. Discussion
As was predicted by the ‘inhibition’ hypothesis, significant upper alpha synchronization was observed only during that condition where episodic STM demands are maximal Ži.e., during load 10, varied mapping. and only during
that time interval where episodic encoding processes dominate Ži.e., during the presentation of the memory set but
not the frame.. Within the alpha band, the extent of
synchronization was largest for upper alpha, although similar trends could be observed for the lower-1 and lower-2
alpha bands. Inspection of the power spectra in Fig. 3
reveals that synchronization and desynchronization occur
in frequency ranges that vary between sites. As an example, at Fz and Cz, the increase in power during the
presentation of the memory set is restricted to the upper
alpha band and if frequency bands would not have been
adjusted to the individual alpha peak Žas was done for the
ERD analysis in this study., desynchronization in the
lower alpha band will mask and cancel the increase in
upper alpha power. This fact and the use of broad frequency bands may be the reason why other ERD studies
failed to find similar effects w8,24x. In a memory search
paradigm studied in Klimesch et al. w8x, a much broader
frequency range for calculating ERD was used. Sterman et
al. w24x, on the other hand, did not use individually adjusted frequency bands.
The findings of the present study are in good agreement
with research reported by Krause et al. w14,15x who used a
Sternberg paradigm with acoustic Žinstead of visual. stimuli. They have found pronounced Žbroad band. alpha synchronization during the presentation of the memory set.
Because other types of tasks Žas e.g., listening to music.
also showed pronounced alpha ERS Že.g., Ref. w16x., the
conclusion is that acoustic stimulation may be the main
reason for obtaining ERS instead of ERD. A possible
interpretation of these findings is that in contrast to occipital regions, electrophysiological changes are difficult to
detect by scalp electrodes in the primary auditory cortex,
which is rather deep inside the brain. Because other cortical regions should not be directly involved in an auditory
perception task, there is no reason to assume that alpha
desynchronizes over those cortical regions which are not
directly involved in task performance.
In a variety of studies we have found that lower alpha
ERD reflects attentional demands Žcf. the review in Ref.
w7x.. In recent experiments w12,13x, we were able to differentiate between two types of attentional processes Žalertness and expectancy. in two subbands of lower alpha. The
lower-1 alpha band desynchronizes in response to any
alerting stimulus. In contrast, desynchronization in the
lower-2 alpha band was observed when subjects were
expecting the presentation of an imperative stimulus Žto
which a response had to be given. and during that time
period Žpoststimulus. when subjects were comparing the
expected with the actually presented stimulus. When considering these results for the interpretation of the present
findings, we predict that desynchronization in the lower-1
alpha band is of comparable magnitude during encoding
and retrieval Žin all demand conditions., because alertness
should be equally important in all cases. The complete lack
of significant findings for the lower-1 alpha band supports
this view. Unlike alertness, expectancy should differ during encoding and retrieval. Only during retrieval, expectancy might play a role in the sense that subjects may
await the appearance of a particular frame. Thus, ERD in
the lower-2 alpha band should be somewhat stronger during retrieval as compared to encoding. This is indeed the
case as the results reported in Sections 3.2.4 and 3.2.5
Considering the nature of the task, we have to expect a
large theta ERS during the presentation of the memory set
which should increase with episodic STM demands. Al-
W. Klimesch et al.r CognitiÕe Brain Research 7 (1999) 493–501
though theta ERS was obtained, the strength of this effect
was much smaller than expected. One possible reason may
be due to the fact that in response to the warning signal, an
extremely strong theta synchronization was obtained Žsee
Fig. 1a.. As we now know from a recent study by Doppelmayr et al. w3x, large theta power preceding the presentation of the relevant stimulus leads to a suppression of theta
Event-related band power measures such as ERD reflect
non phase locked as well as phase locked Žor ‘evoked’.
EEG activity. Thus, it remains an open question to what
extent an increase in band power is influenced by certain
components of event-related potentials ŽERP’s.. In order to
differentiate between these two types of EEG activity, a
new measure Žtermed induced band power or IBP. was
developed which reflects band power changes that do not
contain phase locked EEG activity w12x. Results from our
laboratory indicate that on the one hand, theta ERS is
significantly influenced by evoked activity but that on the
other hand a highly significant induced band power component ŽIBP. remains w12,13x. Thus, it is unlikely that the
strong theta ERS which was found in response to the
warning signal Žcf. Fig. 1a,b. represents only evoked activity. For the alpha frequency range, we have found that
evoked EEG activity is practically absent w12,13x. The
additional fact that the upper alpha ERS—obtained in this
study—can be observed for a period of more than 3000 ms
Žcf. Fig. 2a,b. makes it extremely unlikely that these
results are influenced by ERP components.
Lopes da Silva has found that alpha activity is generated Žor induced. in thalamo-cortical reentrant loops as
well as in cortical networks Žw17x and the review in Ref.
w7x.. More recent evidence for this view comes from
studies using magnetoencephalography w6,26,27x. Theta activity on the other hand, probably is induced into cortical
networks via hippocampo-cortical reentrant loops w7,18x.
Support for this view is provided by an interesting study
from Gevins et al. w4x, who used a new method to spatially
sharpen the EEG with magnetic resonance imaging-based
finite element deblurring. These authors found a frontal
midline theta rhythm which increased with increasing
memory load. Most interestingly, dipole models localized
this signal to the region of the anterior cingulate cortex
which is part of the Papez circuit and, thus, is linked with
the hippocampal formation via complex reentrant loops.
Because hippocampo-cortical reentrant loops are comparatively denser in more anterior regions, whereas the
opposite holds true for thalamo-cortical loops, we would
expect that theta ERS is generally larger at anterior and
alpha ERD at posterior recording sites. This is in principle
the case, if we accept the interpretation Ždiscussed above.
that the strong theta ERS in response to the warning signal
Žwhich is maximal at frontal sites. has reduced the extent
of theta ERS during encoding Žcf. Fig. 1.. In addition, it is
important to note that the increase in theta ERS—in
response to task difficulty—is most consistent at frontal
recording sites. On the other hand, upper alpha ERD
Žwhich was found during retrieval Žcf. Fig. 2. is larger at
occipital as compared to frontal regions. Finally, when
proceeding from the proposed hypothesis that upper alpha
ERS reflects the inhibition of semantic LTM, the strength
of this effect should be larger over frontal regions which
are known to be related to semantic memory processes
w25x. In good agreement with this notion is the finding that
upper alpha ERS is particularly large over more anterior
recording sites, but practically absent at occipital regions.
This research was supported by the Austrian ‘Fonds zur
der wissenschaftlichen Forschung’ P-13047.
w1x E. Basar, Towards a renaissance of ‘alphas’, Int. J. Psychophysiol.
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