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This study explored the prevalence and causes of child abuses e.g., physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of child domestic workers in Bangladesh. This study used a mixed method approach. Data sources were 849 child domestic workers, 849 house owners, and 15 development practitioners and experts. A household survey was carried out in three different areas in the Dhaka city. The study employed semistructured interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), and observation methods. The results showed that the prevalence of child abuses was very high and manifested physically, emotionally, and sexually among the studied child domestic workers. This was noted as a violation of Bangladesh law and of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The findings of this study could be an important guideline to the policy makers, human rights practitioners, and international human and child rights organisations in seeking to alleviate these violations.
Child abuse, a common phenomenon in Bangladeshi society, is increasing alarmingly. Both male and female children are abused sexually and physically. Sometimes children are forced to work and the experience domestic violence. Now, Emergency demand for protecting the children from abuse has been raised in the Bangladeshi society. The first part of this paper deals with theoretical aspects where second part with scenario of Bangladesh. Third part has made an analysis on the basis of field survey. Forth part discusses about the link between child abuse and human rights violation. Finally findings of this paper are given briefly.
Violence against Women is a major threat to the rural Bangladesh. Despite remarkable achievements in the field of women's development and bearing a magnanimous history of women's movement, incidences of violence against women are still burning issues. It is qualitative research. It is not easy to guess whether violence against women has decreased or increased over the past decades because of lack of reliable baseline survey but in absolute term, the number of incidences is on the increase. The majority of women are domestically violated by their husbands, in-laws and other family members. This Paper makes an attenpt to make a sense about the types, reasons, and domestic violence against women in rural Bangladesh, collecting data and analysis from different sources. For these reasons, we have selected 118 respondents to identify the socioeconomic and demographic status and causes of domestic violence.
The study was conducted on Tangail Sadar upazila at Tangail district in Bangladesh. There were 60% boys and 40% girlstaken for the study applyingconvenience sampling method. According to the study, 32.9% respondents worked in restaurant, 18.8% in industries and households. Results showed that 41.1% respondents were sexually abused, 23.55% tortured by senior co-workers and 35.25% were physically assaulted. There were 42.4% respondents to work 5-8 hours and 30.5% above 8 hours per dayviolating the ILO regulations.
Domestic violence has been a widespread practice throughout history. Similar to other regions of the world, domestic violence has been a significant issue in Bangladesh that has an impact on the lives of several women in both the urban and rural areas. Today, domestic violence is reported by 50 to 70 percent of women in Bangladesh, which has one of the highest rates of violence against women in the world. Physical, sexual, economic, and psychological abuse are the four main types of domestic violence in Bangladesh. However, it is believed that the primary causes encouraging domestic violence in the nation are the patriarchal social structure, the culture of acceptance, and the widespread practice of community violence. The current institutional and legal safeguards for victims' rights frequently appear ineffective and broken. Following the severity of the phenomenon, the stakeholders must implement a number of short, medium, and long-term actions to end domestic violence in Bangladesh. The study was conducted to show the consequences of domestic violence in Bangladesh and the causes behind it. Some possible measurements also suggested to prevent this problem from our country.
Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Although Bangladesh maintains inadequate records of the various forms of violence against women, it is clear that domestic violence against women is the most insidious problem for women in Bangladesh. For many Bangladeshi women, home is a place of pain and humiliation and violence is an integral part of everyday life. Domestic violence against women, perpetrated by their husbands, is a multi-faceted problem in Bangladesh. The efforts of the scholars to empirically investigate the problem are inadequate and a lot of issues are yet to be explored. This review is an attempt to present the findings of the major empirical research that has so far been conducted in Bangladesh. It broadly categorises the prior research into three major areas, which include: i) forms, practices and factors of domestic violence; ii) consequences of domestic violence; and iii) help-seeking and coping strategies. In addition, the review explores some of the major gaps in the existing literature. It is hoped th...
This paper aims to improve our understanding about the prevalence and determinants of child abuse in Bangladesh. Another thing is to focus on the activities that are taken by the NGOs in this perspective, which is trying to improve the “abusive” condition & give the children who are directly or indirectly affected by the various abusive conditions a path of better future. The information was collected from 36 children aged 08-15 years is given sheltered by the NGO named “APARAJEYO BANGLADESH”. Findings revealed that a large number of the children are in the labor force, although the country laws prohibited child labor. The prevalence of child abuse and exploitation was widespread in all over Bangladesh. The incidence of physical assault is much higher among younger children although the probability of other types of abuse was higher among older children. Boys are more exposed than girls to abuse of any kind. Poverty is also significantly associates with child abuse. The out-of-school and the illiterate children, landless and unskilled laborers are more likely to be abused than others when age and sex of children are controlled. In this review it is highlighted on the causes of child abuse & given some recommendation to improve their (Children) condition with public awareness.
This paper tries to analyze perception of educated and non-educated class about domestic violence against women .To knows the objectives, descriptive research design has been followed. Sample size is found out by applying systematic random sampling used. For quantitative method, survey method has been used and for qualitative method, case study method has been used. Here, the Likert scaling (1-to-5 rating scale) has been applied for some variables. Data has been analyzed by using SPSS, Univariate and bivariate has been done. For hypotheses testing, F-test used to test the degree to which two or more groups vary or differ in an experiment. The findings suggest that the perception about domestic violence against women was difference between educated and non-educated class. Most of the respondents (50.4%) think that violence means physical and mental torture but only 8% thinks it means physical, mental and verbal abuse. Again, 14.4% respondents view in that violence means doing anything against one will. 95.2% respondents say that there in difference in the forms of violence between and in laws house when only 4.8% find no difference. Only 27% educated and 9.8% non-educated respondents opined that dowry is the main reason of domestic violence, 2.7% educated and 5.9% non-educated told that women are the enemies of women, 18.9% educated and 11.8% non-educated told that only because of poverty domestic violence takes place. 21.6% educated and 25.5% noneducated respondents think that for women's suppression tradition and custom is responsible. This study may help to government to take appropriate policy to stop the domestic violence against women. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which allows use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 230, 2011
Concentrando l'attenzione su alcuni dei contesti maggiormente rappresentativi della variabilità rituale riscontrata nella necropoli di Monte Sirai (figg. 1-2), in questa nota si ripercorreranno le risultanze emerse durante le campagne di scavo 1 che hanno avuto luogo tra il 2005 e il 2010, privilegiando la documentazione ancora inedita 2 . In totale sono state individuate 96 sepolture distribuite in un arco cronologico esteso tra la fine del VII e la seconda metà del IV sec. a.C. Poiché l'insediamento di Monte Sirai sorse almeno nella seconda metà dell'VIII sec. a.C. e venne repentinamente abbandonato in un momento collocabile tra la fine del II e i primi decenni del I sec. a.C. 3 , sono tuttora sconosciute le sepolture relative ai primi orizzonti temporali successivi alla fondazione del centro e pochi sono i contesti noti relativi alle più tarde sepolture di età ellenistica 4 . Tra la documentazione raccolta durante gli ultimi lavori nella necropoli si è potuto notare come i contesti più antichi non risalgano oltre la fine del VII sec. a.C.; 1 Le annuali campagne di scavo a Monte Sirai si svolgono dal 2007 con concessione quinquennale del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, con la Direzione scientifica di Piero Bartoloni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Sassari, in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Cagliari e Oristano e con il contributo della Società Ati-Ifras Intini e delle Amministrazioni comunali di Carbonia e di Sant'Antioco; desidero in questa sede ringraziare tutti gli studenti e gli studiosi che hanno partecipato negli anni alle indagini sul terreno, ma soprattutto desidero esprimere grande riconoscenza al Prof. Piero Bartoloni per la fiducia accordatami e alla Dott.ssa Rosanna Pla Orquín per avermi coadiuvato sia nella conduzione delle attività di scavo che nella documentazione grafica del lavoro svolto; un contributo determinante è stato altresì offerto dalla Portovesme s.r.l. grazie all'interessamento e al mecenatismo dimostrato dall'Amm. Del. Dott. Carlo Lolliri. 2 Sul primo triennio di indagini: GUIRGUIS 2010a. 3 Per una storia degli studi con bibliografia precedente: Ibidem: 63-67; GUIRGUIS 2005: 19-23; BARTOLONI 2000a: 35-52; sulle nuove indagini in corso di svolgimento nell'abitato, nel settore meridionale dell'Insula C: GUIRGUIS, PLA ORQUÍN cds. 4 Incinerazioni secondarie entro recipienti chiusi: BOTTO, SALVADEI 2005: 150-151.
Contemporáneamente la responsabilidad contractual, en sentido amplio del término, se ha entendido como el sistema de acciones que dispone el acreedor frente al incumplimiento del contrato; dentro de las que se comprende tanto la acción de cumplimiento, la acción resolutoria, así como la de indemnización de perjuicios. Al estudio de dichos medios de tutela del crédito deben agregarse dos elementos. Por una parte, la excepción de contrato no cumplido como un mecanismo de defensa del deudor en los contratos bilaterales. Y por otra, las cláusulas que las mismas parten pueden agregar al contrato con el objeto de regular o anticiparse a los efectos del incumplimiento contractual. Dentro del ordenamiento nacional, en el estudio de los medios de tutela del crédito, se ha obviado la forma en que ellos se consagran en un método importante de solución de controversias como lo constituye el arbitraje. En tal sentido, en esta investigación se analizará la forma en que se manifiesta la responsabilidad contractual (incluida la excepción de contrato no cumplido y las cláusulas contractuales) en la jurisprudencia arbitral emitida por el Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago (CAM) durante un periodo de 10 años, comprendido entre los años 2007 y 2016; según las publicaciones periódicas realizadas por la misma institución. Esta investigación está compuesta de tres trabajos realizados en forma independiente, pero bajo la misma metodología, y que comprenden distintos periodos de tiempo de jurisprudencia arbitral. En dicho sentido, este trabajo en particular comprende 38 laudos emitidos entre las fechas 2 de enero de 2007 a 13 de abril de 2012., Maggio, 2019
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