Key Terms in Discourse Analysis
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Key Terms in Semiotics, Bronwen Martin and Felizitas Ringham
Key Terms in Second Language Acquisition, Bill VanPatten and
Alessandro G. Benati
Key Terms in Linguistics, Howard Jackson
Key Terms in Translation Studies, Giuseppe Palumbo
Key Terms in Phonology, Nancy C. Kula and Wyn Johnson
Key Terms in Semantics, M. Lynne Murphy and Anu Koskela
Key Terms in Discourse Analysis, Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece
Key Terms in Stylistics, Nina Nørgaard, Beatrix Busse and Rocío Montoro
Key Terms in Pragmatics, Nicholas Allott
Key Terms in Systemic Functional Linguistics, Christian Matthiessen,
Marvin Lam and Kazuhiro Teruya
Key Terms in Syntax and Syntactic Theory, Silvia Luraghi and Claudia Parodi
Key Terms in Discourse Analysis
Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece
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© Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece 2011
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ISBN: 978-1-8470-6320-5 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-8470-6321-2 (paperback)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Baker, Paul, 1972Key terms in discourse analysis / Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-84706-320-5 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-84706-321-2 (pbk.)
1. Discourse analysis. 2. Discourse analysis–Terminology.
3. Linguistics–Terminology. I. Ellece, Sibonile. II. Title.
P302.B285 2010
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Notes on Examples
The Key Terms
The Key Thinkers
The Key Texts
Notes on Examples
Rather than always inventing examples to illustrate points, we have tried to
take them from real life uses of language. To achieve this, we have used
corpora – large collections of naturally occurring texts that have been
collected and electronically transcribed for the purposes of linguistic analysis.
The corpora we have used are
The British National Corpus (BNC), consisting of approximately 100 million
words of written (90%) and spoken (10%) British English mainly produced in the early 1990s.
The British English 2006 (BE06) Corpus, consisting of 1 million words of
standard British English, collected from 15 written genres and published
circa 2006.
Where we have included examples from corpora, we have also included file
reference numbers.
The Key Terms
An absence is something that could be present in language use or discourse,
but is not, possibly for ideological reasons (see van Leeuwen 1996, 1997). For
example, Hollway (1995: 60) notes that ‘there is no currently available way of
conceptualizing women’s pleasure and active sexual desire . . . in heterosexual
sex which is regarded as consistent with principles of women’s liberation’.
Absences can be difficult for discourse analysts to identify because the text
itself is unlikely to reveal what is absent, so the analyst is required to refer to
additional sources. One method of identifying absence in a particular TEXT is
to carry out some sort of comparison, for example, by comparing two similar
texts against each other or by comparing a single text against a much large
set of ‘reference texts’ via CORPUS LINGUISTICS techniques. Another technique
would involve asking multiple analysts to examine the same text in order to
gain a range of possible perspectives on what could have been present but is
Access, in relation to CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, is concerned with who has
access to certain types of discourse or roles and who gets to control the
access of other people – therefore access is strongly related to POWER. Van Dijk
(1996: 86) points out that in some discourse situations certain roles afford
more access than others – so in education, teachers have more control over
educational discourse than students, while in health settings, doctors have
more control over the discourse – such as what can be discussed or the setting
or timing of an interaction. Access (or lack of it) therefore plays an important
role in reinforcing existing power relations. While many westernized societies
stress concepts like ‘free speech’ or ‘equal opportunities’, at times patterns of
access in those societies may not reflect these ideals.
For example, Fairclough (1989: 62–68) discusses a number of ways in which
access to discourse is unequally distributed across societies. Literacy plays an
important role in determining access – people who have poor literacy (the
vast majority who are working class in the United Kingdom) are unlikely
to have access to higher education. Fairclough (1989: 65) argues that ‘the
educational system reproduces . . . the existing social division of labour, and
the existing system of class relations’.
In addition, formality represents another way that access is constrained –
many contexts which involve the exercise of power (such as politics, law,
education, medicine or the media) tend to require people to participate in
formal situations. Therefore, special knowledge and skills normally need to be
acquired in order for people to gain access to those situations. Particular
forms of jargon or POLITENESS strategies need to be learnt. As some people
do not have access to ways of learning how to participate in these formal situations, they will therefore never be able to be participants in them (see also
Scott and Lyman (1968: 46) define accounts as the social process of how
people present themselves, particularly when engaged in lapses of conventionality. Such people are likely to use an ‘account . . . a statement . . . to
explain unanticipated or untoward behavior’. Scott and Lyman categorize
excuses and justifications as types of accounts. The examination of accounts
is a key aspect of DISCURSIVE PSYCHOLOGY (e.g. Potter and Wetherell 1987), which
has shown that people attempt to construct cohesive accounts of their behaviour and attitudes that may actually be contradictory when subjected to
qualitative analysis.
adjacency pair
In CONVERSATION ANALYSIS, an adjacency pair consists of two functionally related
turns, each made by a different speaker (Schegloff and Sacks 1973). The first
turn of the pair requires a relevant response (the second turn). Pairs can take
various forms, for example,
invitation – acceptance (or rejection)
request – acceptance (or denial)
greeting – greeting
assessment – agreement (or disagreement)
blame – denial (or admission)
question – answer
The response in the second part of the turn can be categorized as preferred
or dispreferred. Generally, the preferred second is the shorter, less complicated response, while the dispreferred second tends to be longer and requires
more conversational work. In example 1 below from Atkinson and Drew
(1979: 58), the second part of the adjacency pair is a preferred response,
while example 2 shows a typical dispreferred second which contains a delay:
‘hehh’; a marker: ‘well’; an appreciation of the offer: ‘that’s awfully sweet of
you’; a declination: ‘I don’t think I can make it this morning’; a further delay:
‘hh uhm’; and an ACCOUNT: ‘I’m running an ad . . . and I have to stay near the
phone’. (See also TURN-TAKING.)
Example 1
A: Why don’t you come up and see me some time?
B: I would like to.
Example 2
A: Uh, if you’d care to come and visit a little while this morning, I’ll give
you a cup of coffee.
B: Hehh, well, that’s awfully sweet of you. I don’t think I can make it this
morning, hh uhm, I’m running an ad in the paper and uh I have to stay
near the phone.
An adjective is a word which describes something, usually being used to give
additional information about a noun or pronoun. Many adjectives can be
evaluative and are thus important in discursive representation as they reveal
author stance: ‘The waiter was a portly middle-aged man, deferential but
dignified’ (BNC, ASN). Leech (1966: 151) notes that adjectives tend to be
extremely common in advertising discourse. Some adjectives can be gradable,
happy, happier, happiest, although others are not, dead.
Another distinction can be made between attributive and predicative
adjectives, which can have consequences for discourse representation. An
attributive adjective directly modifies a noun (the gay man), whereas predicative adjectives are often used with copula (he is gay). In the former, the adjective
appears as one descriptive component of a person’s IDENTITY, potentially
allowing for other representations, whereas in the latter, the adjectival trait
becomes foregrounded, with the referent appearing to be the sum of the
adjective and nothing more. Another strategy, where adjectives are transformed into nouns (he’s a gay), even further represents a person as embodying
a single, essential trait.
Agency is an important aspect of the REPRESENTATION of SOCIAL ACTORS. A
grammatical agent is a participant in a situation who carries out an action.
Linguistic agency refers to how characters or objects are represented in
relation to each other. In example 1, the policeman is the agent, while the
woman is the patient.
Example 1
The policeman attacked the woman.
The term agent is sometimes confused with the term
– and in some
cases, an agent and a subject are the same things, as in example 1. However,
agency is determined by a thing’s explicit relationship to a verb, while a
subject is defined by flow of information, word order and importance in
a sentence. So in example 2, the agent is the still the policeman, although the
subject is the woman.
Example 2
The woman was attacked by the policeman.
van Leeuwen (1996: 32–33) points out that sociological agency is not always
realized by something taking the grammatical role of ‘agent’. Other linguistic
techniques, such as using prepositional phrases like from, can make the
grammatical agent sociologically patient, as in example 3 (ibid.) where
the grammatical agent is ‘people of Asian descent’.
Example 3
People of Asian descent say they received a cold shoulder from neighbours
and co-workers.
Agency can also be absent from a sentence, as in example 4, where we do
not know who attacked the woman.
Example 4
The woman was attacked.
Agency can be attributed to processes (e.g. via nominalizations), abstract
nouns or inanimate objects, obscuring the real agent, as in example 5 from
Fairclough (1989: 123).
Example 5
Unsheeted lorries from Middlebarrow Quarry were still causing problems
by shedding stones.
In this example, the agent is an inanimate object: the ‘unsheeted lorries from
Middlebarrow Quarry’ (we are not told who did not put sheets on the lorries,
causing them to shed stones). Agency could be made clearer if it were
attributed to the people who controlled the lorries, rather than the lorries
themselves. Fairclough (1989: 52) argues that there may be ideological
aspects to the ways that agency is presented (or misrepresented): ‘The power
being exercised here is the power to disguise power . . . it is a form of the
power to constrain content: to favour certain interpretations and “wordings”
of events, while excluding others . . . It is a form of hidden power.’ See also
A type of ASSIMILATION which involves collectively representing people by referring to numbers or amounts. van Leeuwen (1996: 49) notes that ‘aggregation
is often used to regulate practice and to manufacture consensus opinion even
though it presents itself as merely recording facts’. Aggregation can involve
actual statistics, ‘eight out of ten cats prefer it’, but can also use less specific
determiners like some or most, for example ‘some men have a check up every
few months just to be sure they haven’t got any infections without knowing’
(from man{sex}man, a Terrance Higgins Trust booklet about safer sex
produced in 2002). See also COLLECTIVIZATION.
Anaphora involves one term referencing another which has previously been
mentioned. This is often carried out by the use of pronouns or determiners as
in the example below where the word them anaphorically refers to ‘gypsies
and travellers’.
John Prescott yesterday unveiled proposals to stop Gypsies and travellers
from exploiting legal loopholes which have allowed them to buy up green
belt land then set up camp. (BE06, A02)
A way of understanding subcultural language use developed by Halliday
(1978). An anti-language is the form of language used by anti-societies –
societies which are resistant to mainstream society. Such anti-societies might
be involved in activities which the mainstream society considers to be illegal
or socially tabooed in other ways. Anti-languages are often secret, being
communicated through speech rather than being written and they can be
subject to rapid change (or OVERWORDING), as new words need to be invented
to replace old ones that have become known to mainstream society.
Anti-languages are not normally completely different languages but instead
tend to contain new lexical words (mainly nouns, verbs and adjectives, which
are central to the activities of the subculture), often retaining the grammatical
rules of the language used by mainstream society. For example, an antisociety based around illegal drug use would have words for types of drugs
and their effects, dealers, the police, money etc. As well as allowing members
of the anti-society to recognize each other, and creating a shared sense of
IDENTITY, Halliday (1978: 166) notes that the social values of words and phrases
tend to be emphasized more in anti-languages, as compared to mainstream
languages, a phenomena which he terms sociolinguistic coding orientation.
Halliday (1978: 171) also points out that anti-languages enable users to
reconstruct their own subjective reality: ‘Anti-language arises when the alternative reality is a counter-reality, set up in opposition to some established
norm.’ Anti-languages are therefore a good example of symbolic power
(Bourdieu 1991). See also CAPITAL.
Beier (1995: 65) argues that Cant, a language variety used by sixteenth and
seventeenth century rogues, is more appropriately classed as jargon than
anti-language, as it has few words attacking social, religious and political
systems, while Baker (2002: 15) views Polari (used by gay men in early to
mid-twentieth century United Kingdom) as an anti-language, as its lexicon
mocked and feminized institutions like the police, helping to demarcate social
boundaries and reconstructing an alternative value system according to the
attitudes of its members.
Prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people. Pauley (2002: 1) writes that
anti-semitism ‘attributes to the Jews an exceptional position among all other
civilisations, defames them as an inferior group and denies their being part of
the nation[s]’ in which they reside. See also Reisigl and Wodak (2001).
A form of analysis suggested by Michel Foucault (1972) which focuses on
the ways that discourse operates as a system for creating authoritative
statements. This form of analysis, while historical, differs from other forms of
historical analysis (such as anthropology) in that it does not try to identify
‘truths’ or what people actually meant or said when they wrote particular
texts or acted in certain ways but is instead more concerned with the mechanisms and structures that allowed certain people to have their ideas expressed
and taken seriously at various points in time. This form of analysis is therefore
concerned with discursive practices and rules.
In the field of critical thinking, Bowell and Kemp (2002: 8) define an argument
as a ‘set of propositions, of which one is a conclusion and the remainder are
premises, intended as support for the conclusion’. See also Walton (1990). An
argument differs from rhetoric in that arguments tend to appeal to people’s
critical faculties, whereas rhetoric relies on the persuasive power of certain
linguistic techniques to influence a person’s beliefs, desires or fears.
Argumentation theory is used in the DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH to CRITICAL
DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, which focuses on the identification, reconstruction and
evaluation of arguments as well as showing how arguments are used by
certain groups in order to justify or legitimize the exclusion and discrimination
of other groups. Wodak (2001: 73) defines argumentation as a DISCURSIVE
STRATEGY, which has the objective of providing a justification for a particular
position. See also FALLACY, TOPOI.
According to van Leeuwen (1996: 48–50), assimilation is a way of representing social actors as groups. There are two main types of assimilation:
An attitude is a person’s judgement towards something. Attitudes are
generally positive or negative, although people can potentially also possess
audience design
ambivalent attitudes (e.g. be both positive and negative) or profess to have no
attitude (e.g. not really care). In traditional social science research, attitudes
were often measured by using questionnaires or surveys which asked people
to tick a box to indicate where their attitude fell on a scale (with one end
representing an extreme negative attitude and the other end being extreme
positivity). These scales are often referred to as Likert scales (see Likert 1932).
A typical Likert scale would have 5 points (although sometimes point 3 is
removed in order to force respondents to make a choice):
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly agree
Since the 1980s, this sort of questionnaire-based attitude research has been
criticized, as people may hold complex and contradictory sets of beliefs or
opinions around a particular topic, which they may not be fully aware of or
be able to adequately articulate. For example, Potter and Wetherell (1987)
conducted interviews with people to find out their attitudes towards race
relations and showed that within the spoken transcripts the respondents
tended to produce incompatible and varying statements, often contradicting
themselves, thus making it very difficult to categorize their attitude on a Likert
Scale. Rather than asking people to rate their attitudes on a scale then, Potter
and Wetherell suggest that we examine what people do with their talk, in
order to obtain a clearer account of how they make sense of a topic and
position themselves in relation to it. Such an approach therefore rejects the
idea that attitudes are stable, consistent internal structures but instead views
people as drawing on different discourses. See also the treatment of attitudes
by Van Dijk (1998).
audience design
A theory developed by Allan Bell (1984) which argues that speakers change
styles in response to their audience. Bell identified a classification system
for different types of audiences, depending on three criteria: whether the
audience design
audience is known to be part of a speech context, whether the speaker
ratifies or acknowledges the listener’s presence, and whether the listener is
directly addressed. According to Bell, an addressee would be a listener who is
known, ratified and addressed. An auditor would be one who is not directly
addressed but is known and ratified. Overhearers and eavesdroppers would
not be ratified, but the speaker would be aware of the former and unaware
of the latter. See also RECEPTION.
biological sex
back channels
A term identified by Duncan (1973) to describe feedback that is given by a
hearer in order to indicate that they are attending to someone else’s speech.
They can be (1) non-verbal, for example, consisting of nods, gestures or
facial expressions, or (2) verbal, for example, words like yeah, right, okay or
vocalizations like mm and uh-huh. They can also include cases where a hearer
completes part of a speaker’s turn.
A form of EXCLUSION less radical than SUPPRESSION. van Leeuwen (1996: 39)
notes that ‘the excluded social actors may not be mentioned in relation to a
given activity, but they are mentioned elsewhere in the text, and we can infer
with reasonable (but never total) certainty who they are. They are not so
much excluded, as de-emphasized, pushed into the background’.
As an example, Sunderland (2004: 34, 40) notes that in a newspaper article
about ‘dream weddings’, the focus is on the bride who is described as making
a ‘breathtaking entrance’ down a flight of stairs. There are references to
couples and people but no specific mentions of bridegrooms: ‘[I]f the groom
is backgrounded in this “fairytale” text, his important, grounded, “real life”
concerns must be elsewhere’ (ibid.: 40).
biological sex
Biological sex is usually a binary assignation. A person’s sex is based on their
reproductive organs (either male or female – although in a small number of
cases, a person may be inter-sexed). In addition to reproductive organs, there
are other differences: males have one X and one Y chromosome, whereas
females have two X chromosomes. Researchers have also found differences in
the brains of males and females (Baron-Cohen, 2004). Biological sex has been
used in a great deal of variationist linguistic research, for example, how do
males use language differently to females? However, many linguists have
noted that sex is different to GENDER, which is socially constructed, although
the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and sex roles often
dictate gender roles (so men are expected to speak, dress, think and behave
in ways that are different to women, thus producing, reinforcing or exaggerating certain differences). Wittig (1992: 2) takes a more radical position,
arguing that biological sex is a social construct propagating IDEOLOGY and that
man and woman are not fixed categories: ‘There is no sex. There is but sex
that is oppressed and sex that oppresses.’
A term used by Karl Marx (1977) to describe the upper or ruling class in a
capitalist society. The bourgeois own the means of production and are defined
in contrast to the proletariat (those who work for a wage). Marx attacked
the bourgeois for believing that its view of society and culture was universally
true (e.g. for their support of the capitalist system which enabled them to
maintain power), pointing out instead that these concepts were ideologies.
There are many types of capital, although they all relate to the concepts of
advantage and POWER. People who hold capital (or have access to it) will be
advantaged over those who do not. The term can be applied to a wide range
of spheres: symbolic capital, physical capital, intellectual capital, natural capital
etc. Bourdieu (1986) makes a distinction between social capital, economic
capital and cultural capital. Economic capital refers to factors of production
that are used to create goods or services; this can include land, labour and
management. Social capital refers to connections between individuals or
social networks as well as group membership. Cultural capital refers to ACCESS
to education, knowledge, attitudes and skills (as well as social skills) that will
help a person to have a higher status in society, for example, if a person
applies for a job, he/she would not only need to have the requisite skills and
experience to be eligible for the job but also would need to know how to
write an application letter and a c.v. The applicant would also need to know
how to conduct him/herself in an interview situation, by dressing appropriately, using formal and polite language, perhaps modifying their accent and
being able to follow the interview’s ‘script’. Capital can often involve a
relationship between physical, material objects and more abstract phenomena. For example, owning an expensive work of art is an aspect of cultural
capital, although the cultural capital can only be fully realized if the owner is
aware that the art has a high cultural value.
A system of economics which emphasises private ownership, free markets,
choice, competition and entrepreneurism. Proponents of capitalism include
the economists Adam Smith, who argued that capitalism promotes economic
growth, and John Maynard Keynes, who believed capitalism was important
for freedom. Philosopher Ayn Rand also advocated capitalism, on the grounds
that it allowed people to act in their rational self-interest. As Klein (2007)
notes, in the latter half of twentieth century, under the influence of Milton
Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, many countries moved towards a model of
‘laissez-faire’ capitalism (removing state interference in economic affairs),
including America and the United Kingdom. Capitalism has been criticized for
helping to create, maintain or exaggerate social and financial inequalities. It is
also argued that it results in cycles of boom and recession or depression, while
environmentalists have argued that capitalism requires continued economic
growth and will eventually deplete the world’s resources. At the time of
writing, the majority of critical discourse analytical research has taken place in
rich, westernized, capitalist countries, and much of this research is underlain
by a critique of capitalism, to varying degrees.
A cataphoric reference is an expression which refers to a later expression. As
with ANAPHORA, cataphoric references are often pronouns or determiners. The
example below is from a newspaper article – here the cataphoric reference
‘he’ occurs in the headline, referring to the later reference of ‘David Blunkett’
in the main body of the story.
He’ll be cleared says Blair
Tony Blair threw a protective shield around David Blunkett yesterday,
insisting he would be cleared of using high office to help his ex-lover
Kimberly Quinn. (BE06, A02)
1. In terms of discourse analysis, this can involve assigning something to a
particular category; for example, words can be assigned to grammatical
or semantic categories, whereas utterances could be assigned to pragmatic
categories according to their function (apology, request, disagreement
etc.). Categorization schemes can sometimes be difficult to implement if
ambiguous cases are found. In addition, categories can proliferate if
instances are found that do not fit into the existing set. Such schemes may
therefore develop during the process of categorization, although a final
scheme ought to be robust enough to cover all instances, including dealing
with those which are ambiguous. A categorization scheme also ought to be
transparent so that other researchers could arrive at the same decisions.
2. van Leeuwen (1996: 55) describes categorization as a way of representing
social actors, and makes the distinction between two types: FUNCTIONALISATION
(what people do) and IDENTIFICATION (what they are). He notes that with
categorization ‘the English language allows us to make a choice between
functionalisation and identification and that the use of this choice in
discourse is of critical importance for discourse analysts’. Foucault (1979a)
demonstrates how the categorization of sexuality changed in the late
nineteenth century, for example, from sodomites (who engage in a sex
act) to homosexuals (a species).
classroom discourse
The language used by teachers and students to communicate with each other
in the classroom. Here, the use of discourse refers to the type, genre or
context of language used. An analysis of classroom discourse may not only
use recordings of actual speech but could also involve reflexive feedback
interviews with participants or consultation of teaching texts. Cazden
(2001: 3) notes three questions that classroom discourse analysis can try to
address: ‘How do patterns of language use affect what counts as “knowledge” and what counts as learning? How do these patterns affect the
equality or inequality of students’ educational opportunities? What communicative competence do these patterns presume and/or foster?’ There is
no single way of carrying out classroom discourse analysis, although a
number of schemes have been developed; for example, Walsh (2006) uses
a framework for examining classroom discourse called Self-Evaluation of
Teacher Talk (SETT).
A set of words consisting of a SUBJECT and a PREDICATE, and expressing a proposition. Halliday’s SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR considers the clause, rather
than the sentence, as the basic unit of grammatical analysis. A clause can
exist on its own as a sentence, for example, ‘The man replied’ (BNC, A0R), but
more complex sentences can contain multiple clauses or clauses embedded
within clauses. Clauses which cannot exist on their own as a sentence
are referred to as dependent clauses. Clauses can be classified further; for
example, adverbial clauses function as adverbs: ‘I left when I was about eight’
(BNC, CH8). Relative clauses modify nouns: ‘We can return for a moment to
code switching
talk to the girl who went to Italy’ (BNC, A04), while complement clauses are
arguments of predicates: ‘I am sure that it would be welcomed by them’
(BNC, K98). See also PHRASE.
code switching
The use of multiple languages or language varieties (usually in conversation,
although the term can be applied to other registers such as COMPUTER-MEDIATED
COMMUNICATION). While borrowing occurs at the level of the lexicon only, code
switching occurs at the grammatical or discourse level. Code switching
was initially viewed as evidence for substandard language ability, but since
the 1980s it has been seen as being related to group membership and a
normal product of interaction between bilingual or multilingual people. Code
switching is one way that ethnic minorities maintain a sense of IDENTITY; it can
also be used to shift FOOTING or to structure talk in interaction (Auer 1984).
Meyerhoff (2006) differentiates between ‘code switching’ and ‘code mixing’:
The former refers to the ‘phenomenon of moving between distinct varieties’;
it is ‘the alternation between varieties, or codes, across sentences or clause
boundaries’ (p. 116); the latter ‘generally refers to alternations between
varieties, or codes, within a clause or phrase’ (p. 120).
Coherence refers to the ways that a text is made semantically meaningful (as
opposed to COHESION, which is concerned with grammar). Coherence can
be achieved through techniques like IMPLICATURE or BACKGROUNDING actors. De
Beaugrande and Dressler (1981: 4) view coherence as one of seven ‘standards
of textuality’, being concerned with ‘the ways in which the components of
the TEXTUAL WORLD, i.e. the configuration of CONCEPTS and RELATIONS
which underlie the surface text, are mutually accessible and relevant’.
Cohesion refers to the way that a text makes sense syntactically. Halliday and
Hasan (1976) note that common cohesive devices include forms of reference
(e.g. ANAPHORA and CATAPHORA), ELLIPSIS, SUBSTITUTION, LEXICAL COHESION, conjunction and replacement. De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981: 3) view coherence
as one of seven ‘standards of textuality’, claiming that coherence ‘concerns
the ways in which the components of the SURFACE TEXT, i.e. the actual
words we hear or see, are mutually connected within a sequence. The surface
components depend upon each other according to grammatical forms and
conventions, such that cohesion rests upon GRAMMATICAL DEPENDENCIES’.
A type of ASSIMILATION which involves collectively representing people (without
using statistics). According to van Leeuwen (1996: 49–50), the word we can
be used to represent collectivization, or terms like this nation, the community
or even the name of a country (Australia) can represent a collective IDENTITY.
The following text excerpt, from President Barack Obama’s inaugural speech
(20 January, 2009), contains a number of examples of collectivization (shown
in bold).
. . . AMERICA has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of THOSE
IN HIGH OFFICE, but because WE THE PEOPLE have remained faithful to the ideals of OUR FORBEARERS, and true to OUR founding documents. So it has been.
So it must be with THIS GENERATION OF AMERICANS. That WE are in the midst of
crisis is now well understood. OUR NATION is at war . . .
Collocation refers to the ways that certain words tend to regularly occur next
to or close to each other. It can be thought of as the ‘company that a word
keeps’. Most native speakers of English are probably aware of some collocations (such as tough and luck), although there are many which are less
noticeable (particularly to non-native speakers) and can only be revealed by
CORPUS LINGUISTIC methods. Stubbs (1996: 172), in noting the ideological effects
of collocations, suggests that their analysis helps to ‘show the associations
and connotations they have, and therefore the assumptions which they
embody’. Some collocations became naturalized and therefore it is difficult
to unpack the information and assumptions within them; an example that
Stubbs gives is working mother, which contains an IMPLICATURE that when
mothers stay at home to look after children they are not working, suggesting
society only considers ‘work’ to be of value if it is paid work. In addition,
Stubbs (1996) argues that collocations may also prime readers to think of
groups in certain ways – so with the strong collocational relationship between
illegal and immigrant, we may be primed to think of illegality, even if we
encounter the word immigrant on its own. See also SEMANTIC PROSODY, SEMANTIC
Initially used in the natural or social sciences referring to a species (plant,
animal, human) populating a new area, the term was taken up by Habermas
(1984) in an analysis of contemporary CAPITALISM to describe how systems
such as the economy, the state and institutions have had an enormous impact
on people’s lives. Fairclough (1989: 197–198) adapts the term to refer to
colonizations in the societal order of discourse, noting the way in which
‘discourses of consumerism and bureaucracy have “colonized” other discourse types or expanded at their expense’. In writing about the colonization
of advertising, Fairclough (1989) notes ‘the dramatic increase in advertising
in the last three decades . . . the extent to which people are exposed to
advertising on a daily basis . . . the penetration of advertising into noneconomic aspects of life . . . into the home through television’. Further
examples of the colonization of advertising would involve phenomena
such as product placement in films or marketing firms hiring academics to
carry out research that will then be cited in the media along with reference to
the company which sponsored the research.
colony text
A term coined by Hoey (1986), which is taken from natural science where it
describes ant hills and beehives. The components of a colony can be moved
around but the colony’s meaning remains the same. This applies to certain
computer-mediated communication (CMC)
texts made up of many discrete and similar entries, for example, shopping
lists, horoscopes, dictionaries and personal advertisement columns.
community of practice
A term developed by Lave and Wenger (1991) to describe the ways that
people who have shared sets of common goals interact with each other, particularly related to contexts where people learn to carry out certain practices
in ‘apprenticeship’ situations. It is ‘a set of relations among persons, activity
and world, over time and in relation with other tangential and overlapping
communities of practice. A community of practice is an intrinsic condition for
the existence of knowledge’ (ibid.: 29). Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (1998:
491) advocate that a community of practice is where ‘observable action and
interaction do the work of producing, reproducing, and resisting the organization of power in society and in societal discourses of gender, age, race
etc.’. Communities of practice can range from being very formal to informal,
short lived and spontaneous (e.g. a group of people who do the washing
up together after a meal). The term has some similarities to DISCOURSE
computer-mediated communication (CMC)
Forms of interaction such as email, chat rooms, instant messaging, blogging
and commenting that occur between people who are using computers,
although the term is also sometimes used to refer to other electronic means
of communication such as text messaging via mobile telephones. A distinction is made between synchronous and asynchronous types of CMC (the
former involves instantaneous ‘real-time’ interactions such as chatrooms, the
latter involves ongoing interactions where there may be long breaks between
communicative ‘turns’ (such as emails needing no immediate response). Discourse analysts have considered how participants in CMC make use of various
affordances in order to effectively communicate (e.g. the use of emoticons)
and maintain relationships, how aspects of discourse like TURN-TAKING are managed and how language is used to construct online identities, including
anonymous identities.
Connotation is an aspect of sign theory. According to de Saussure (1966), a SIGN
consists of a signifier (the representation of something) and what is signified
(the mental construct of what is being represented). Words are signifiers, for
example, the word blue signifies the mental concept of the colour blue. The
relationship is arbitrary and not necessarily fixed. Signifiers do not have to be
words but can involve other forms of representation, such as images, traffic
lights or gestures. Language users agree on the relationship between signifiers
and signifieds. Such relationships can be denotative (literal), whereby the word
blue signifies the mental concept of the colour. However, the relationship can
also be connotative, whereby further (often nonliteral) signifiers are ascribed to
the signified. For example, blue has a range of different connotative meanings
which can differ across different cultures. Among other things, it can connote
nobility (blue blood), sex (blue movie), sadness (feeling blue), rarity (once in
a blue moon) or coldness (turning blue with cold). Such meanings require
additional knowledge of social context in order to be correctly interpreted.
Connotations often express positive or negative attitudes.
The consumption of a range of goods and services collectively referred to as
commodities, and a key aspect of modern CAPITALISM; the concept is therefore
central to western CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. Fairclough (1989: 199–201)
notes that three sets of conditions relate to the rise of consumerism: (1) economic conditions, such as the ability to produce large varieties of commodities
in large quantities coupled with increased wages and leisure time in a population; (2) technological conditions, such as the development of mass media
and (3) cultural conditions, such as the rise of individualism and the decline of
cultural communities. Advertising discourses are essential to consumerism,
and Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis has not only examined advertising
texts but has also shown how advertising discourses pervade into other contexts (see COLONIZATION). The term is often used critically, for example, consumer
feminism refers to ways that advertisers claim to ‘empower’ women by
encouraging them to purchase targeted products such as plastic surgery
(see also Talbot’s [1998] work on consumer femininity, which positions women
as consumers).
content analysis
A method for studying the content of communication developed by Alfred
Lindesmith in the 1930s but becoming popular in the 1960s when it was
adapted by Glaser (1965). Content analysis involves the development and use
of coding frames, often to make comparisons between different texts, for
example, the analyst might focus on comparing the frequencies of certain
types of KEYWORDS in different political or media texts. Classification systems
need to be reliable in that different human raters ought to be able to make
the same categorizations (Weber 1990: 12). In addition, the analysis tends to
focus on the ‘manifest’ meaning of the text (e.g. what has been written or
said) rather than attempting to interpret author intentions. Krippendorff
(2004) lists six questions which content analysis must address: (1) which data
are analysed? (2) how are they defined? (3) what is the population from which
they are drawn? (4) what is the context relative to which the data are analysed? (5) what are the boundaries of the analysis and (6) what is the target
of the inferences? Content analysis is normally carried out on electronically
coded texts, allowing large amounts of data to be quickly and accurately
processed (giving it similarities to CORPUS LINGUISTICS).
An important aspect of many strands of DISCOURSE ANALYSIS – which helps in the
interpretative process of linguistic phenomena as well as providing explanations.
The analysis of context forms part of most CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS approaches.
Van Dijk (2001: 108) makes a distinction between local contexts which are ‘properties of the immediate interactional situation in which a communicative event takes
place’ while global contexts are ‘defined by the social, political, cultural and historical structures in which a communicative event takes place’. Wodak (2001: 67)
identifies four levels of context that are used in the DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH:
1. the immediate, language or text internal CO-TEXT
2. the intertextual and interdiscursive relationship between utterances, texts,
genres and discourses
3. the extralinguistic social/sociological variables and institutional frames of a
specific “context of situation” (middle-range theories)
4. the broader sociopolitical and historical contexts, which the discursive
practices are embedded in and related to (grand theories).
conversation analysis (CA)
conversation analysis (CA)
A form of linguistic analysis which focuses on transcripts of real-life spoken
interactions. It is often referred to as the study of talk in interaction. While
analysts study private, informal conversations, they also examine institutional
interactions (e.g. doctor–patient, legal interactions, police interviews, talk in
the classroom; see Drew and Heritage 1992).
CA was developed in the 1960s by the sociologist Harvey Sacks along with
Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson (e.g. Sacks et al. 1974), who were
influenced by ETHNOMETHODOLOGY. CA focuses on structures within speech,
particularly TURN-TAKING organization, sequence organization (see ADJACENCY
PAIR) and REPAIR. A key aspect of CA is the belief that conversations tend to
follow regular structures and that breakdowns in such structures are of interest. CA therefore involves carrying out a close reading of a transcript, focusing
on ‘small’ phenomena like pauses, interruptions and laughter. Most conversation analysts prefer to work with detailed transcripts. Gail Jefferson developed
a TRANSCRIPTION scheme which allows analysts to consider the speaker’s volume, intonation, speed and emphasis as well as phenomena like breathing or
lip-smacks (see Atkinson and Heritage 1984).
Conversation analysts focus on the transcript of the talk and therefore do not
usually use other sources of information to aid their analysis. For example,
they tend to not make inferences about what people are thinking, and they
do not interview the participants to ask them about their inner feelings. In
addition, many conversation analysts do not try to explain their conversational
data by relating it to a person’s IDENTITY or personality or by considering the
wider social CONTEXT or any existing theories (which is where CA differs from
A term used by Fairclough (1994: 260), who describes it as ‘a restructuring of
the boundary between public and private orders of discourse’. Fairclough
also notes that it involves the use of language that is normally associated
with conversation (such as colloquial vocabulary, use of accent, prosodic and
conversational maxims
paralinguistic features and particular genres, such as the conversational narrative) being increasingly used in genres and contexts where they were not
found before. With conversationalization, language is used to create and
maintain a (sometimes synthetic) relationship between a speaker and hearer
rather than just being informational, so this can involve emotional, subjective
linguistic strategies, such as using appraisal lexis (very, really), vagueness (sort
of, kinda), repetition (that’s really really great!), first- and second-person pronouns, contractions, active sentences, informal TERMS OF ADDRESS, slang and
swearing, and humour and irony.
Conversationalization has similarities to terms like ‘fake intimacy’ (Hoggart
1957), public-colloquial style (Leech 1966) and ‘SYNTHETIC PERSONALIZATION’
(Fairclough 1989). Conversationalization could reflect a movement towards
democratization in society, enabling more people to participate in social and
political debates, and it could also reflect and create a more relaxed, informal
way of interacting. However, it is also argued that in CAPITALIST societies conversationalization is often used as a way of securing customer loyalty by
helping to create the appearance of a personal relationship between, say, a
service provider and a consumer or a politician and a voter. In addition, conversationalization has been criticized as only giving the appearance of an
equal or close relationship – generally, those who really do hold POWER can
decide when conversationalization is appropriate and when an interaction
should be of a more explicitly hierarchical nature. So a doctor may use conversationalization with her patients, but ultimately she has most of the power in
the interaction, which she can demonstrate at any point.
conversational maxims
Four maxims or guiding principles developed by Paul Grice (1975) to explain
how people conduct conversations. The maxims are not etiquette guidelines
(see POLITENESS) but can be best thought of as expectations that people have
about how conversations will normally be carried out. The maxims can be
flouted for various reasons. Speakers might secretly violate them to mislead,
opt out of them or be faced with a clash of maxims (ibid.: 49). Together, the
maxims relate to Grice’s COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE. Mey (2001: 76–77) argues that
the maxims cannot be universally applied as different cultures may have
cooperative principle
different principles about how co-operation should be achieved. The maxims
are as follows.
The Maxim of Quantity (which governs the appropriate amount of information or speech that someone makes in a conversation): (1) Make your
contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the
exchange, and (2) do not make your contribution any more informative than
is required.
The Maxim of Quality (which governs truthfulness): (1) Do not say what you
believe to be false, and (2) do not say that for which you lack adequate
The Maxim of Relevance: Be relevant. Some researchers (e.g. Sperber and
Wilson 1986) have argued that this is the most important maxim and actually
subsumes the other maxims within it. See RELEVANCE THEORY.
The Maxim of Manner: (1) Avoid obscurity of expression, (2) avoid ambiguity,
(3) avoid unnecessary prolixity or wordiness (e.g. be brief) and (4) be orderly
(e.g. describe events in the order in which they occur).
When a maxim is intentionally flouted in conversation, other participants
make inferences for the reason behind the flouting. For example, the Maxim
of Quality might be flouted in order to convey irony or sarcasm, for example,
if someone says ‘That’s great!’ after hearing bad news.
cooperative principle
A general principle of conversation postulated by Grice (1975: 45), who
describes it as ‘Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at
the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk
exchange in which you are engaged’. The cooperative principle is supported
corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS)
A form of discourse analysis that uses CORPUS LINGUISTICS methods and tends to
take a critical approach to analysis. Influential work related to this field could
be characterized by Hardt-Mautner (1995) and Stubbs (1996, 2001), although
the term CADS was coined by Alan Partington (2004). CADS involves using
computer software in order to identify linguistic patterns (such as frequencies
and COLLOCATIONS) in large bodies of language data, which can be used as
evidence for the existence of a particular discourse or ideological stance.
Baker (2006: 13) notes that the corpus approach enables researchers to take
into account the ‘incremental effect of discourse’. CADS research also places
importance on providing explanations for findings, which often means using
additional methods of analysis as a form of TRIANGULATION, and taking into
account contextual information regarding methods of PRODUCTION and RECEPTION of texts as well as INTERTEXTUALITY. Examples of research that could be
subsumed under or related to CADS include Fairclough’s (2000a) examination
of KEYWORDS in New Labour discourse, Hunston’s (2002) research on representation of the deaf, Partington’s (2003) work on US press conferences and
Baker’s (2005) research on the construction of gay men in public discourse.
corpus linguistics
McEnery and Wilson (1996: 1) describe corpus linguistics as the ‘study of
language based on examples of “real life” language use’, noting that it is ‘a
methodology rather than an aspect of language requiring explanation or
description’. Corpus linguists use computer software to examine frequencies
and relationships between words in (often large) sets of authentic texts that
have been electronically encoded. According to Baker (2006: 10–12), the
benefit of such a method is that it can help to reduce researcher bias,
enabling existing theories of language use to be tested on a large, representative sample of language data as well as allowing processes such as KEYWORDS
or COLLOCATIONS to reveal language patterns that nobody would have hypothesized. Hunston (2002) describes some of the many applications of corpus
linguistics including language teaching, stylistics, dictionary creation, forensic
linguistics, language variation, studies of IDEOLOGY and translation studies. See
The parts of TEXT (e.g. sentences or utterances) that come before and after a
particular piece of text under examination. See CONTEXT.
critical discourse analysis (CDA)
critical discourse analysis (CDA)
An approach to the analysis of discourse which views language as a social
practice and is interested in the ways that ideologies and power relations
are expressed through language. Critical discourse analysts are particularly
interested in issues of inequality, sometimes keeping in mind the question
‘who benefits?’ when carrying out analysis.
Unlike many other forms of linguistic analysis, CDA is not only concerned
with words on a page but also involves examining social context – for
example, asking how and why the words came to be written or spoken and
what other texts are being referenced by them (see INTERTEXTUALITY). The
approach was first developed by Norman Fairclough (1989), who adopted a
three-dimensional framework to analysis. The first stage (DESCRIPTION) involves
text analysis, correlating with CRITICAL LINGUISTICS, which itself was developed
out of Halliday’s SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR. The second stage (INTERPRETATION) focuses on the relationship between text and interaction, seeing the text
as both a product of the process of production and a resource in the process
of interpretation. The final stage (EXPLANATION) examines the relationship
between interaction and social context, considering the social effects of the
processes of production and interpretation.
Other approaches to critical discourse analysis have been proposed, although
all tend towards combining text analysis with consideration of wider
social context. Reisigl and Wodak’s (2001) DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH uses
ARGUMENTATION theory, whereas van Leeuwen (1996, 1997) concentrates
on social actor representation. Jäger’s approach (2001) is based on using
theoretical and methodological aspects of Foucauldian critical discourse
analysis with dispositive analysis. Van Dijk’s SOCIO-COGNITIVE APPROACH to CDA
employs a three-part model of memory, while Hart and Luke (2007) focus
on the synergy between cognitive linguistics and CDA. O’Halloran (2003)
develops a model of the interpretation stage of CDA, taking ideas from
connectionism, cognitive linguistics, inferencing and RELEVANCE THEORY, while
Partington (2004) and Baker (2006) have suggested an approach to CDA
which utilizes corpus linguistics methods to identify large-scale patterns (see
CORPUS-ASSISTED DISCOURSE STUDIES). Even within these specific ‘flavours’ of CDA,
there is generally no step-by-step, fixed approach to analysis. The analyst
cultural relativism
is given considerable freedom in choosing texts, combinations of different
analytical techniques and the order in which they are carried out. This can
sometimes make analysis challenging to novitiates, and this freedom, combined with the fact that CDA is concerned with highlighting social problems
like prejudice and exclusion, can open up practitioners to the accusation of
bias (e.g. they could select texts that prove their point while ignoring those
which do not). CDA has responded to this criticism in two ways: (1) by
acknowledging that the concept of the ‘neutral’ researcher is a fallacy and
advocating REFLEXIVITY, so the researcher reflects on his or her own position
and how it develops as the research progresses, and (2) by incorporating
TRIANGULATION, such as combining small-scale qualitative analysis with practices
from CORPUS LINGUISTICS such as SAMPLING and quantitative techniques, which
give evidence for wider trends.
critical linguistics
A socially concerned approach to linguistics, which was first pioneered by
Roger Fowler and Gunther Kress in the 1970s, emerging from the book
Language and Control (Fowler et al. 1979). Critical linguistics used Halliday’s
SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR to examine how phenomena are represented
in texts, for example, via the use of nominalizations or agentless passives,
pointing out that grammatical systems are closely related to social and
personal needs. However, critical linguists have also adopted other models
such as SPEECH ACT THEORY and CONVERSATION ANALYSIS. Critical linguistics was
used as the basis for the ‘descriptive’ level of Fairclough’s CRITICAL DISCOURSE
ANALYSIS and has also been influential in the development of other critical
approaches to discourse analysis such as the DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH or
cultural relativism
A concept developed by Frank Boas (1887: 589): ‘[C]ivilisation is not
something absolute, but . . . is relative.’ The term itself was coined in the
1940s after his death. Originally, an epistemological claim, it was used as a
methodological tool and a response to the ETHNOCENTRICISM of western
cultural relativism
researchers. An example of cultural relativism that Boas (1889) pointed out is
to do with the appearance of ‘alternating sounds’. English lacks certain
sounds that are used in other languages. When English speakers hear someone use such a sound, they misperceive it as another sound (sometimes
inconsistently – for example, they may perceive Japanese speakers as alternating between saying rice and lice when in fact they are always pronouncing
the word in the same way).
data-driven approach
A way of carrying out analysis involving the use of actual ‘data’, as opposed
to say, an introspective position. In addition, the data should be naturally
occurring rather than consisting of invented texts. In its most extreme
form, the researcher tries to avoid imposing existing linguistic theories or
categorization schemes (such as grammatical categories) from the outset
or setting out to investigate specific hypotheses about language use on the
data. Data-driven analysis is sometimes characterized as a bottom-up
approach, in contrast to theory-driven analysis which is top-down.
Instead, the researcher approaches the data with an ‘open mind’ and allows
whatever emerges as interesting, salient or frequent to ‘drive’ the analysis
along. The data then direct the analyst to choose certain features or adopt
a particular analytical framework. In CORPUS LINGUISTICS, Tognini-Bonelli (2001)
makes a related distinction between corpus-driven and corpus-based
approaches; the former is similar to data-driven analysis, using minimal
theoretical assumptions and relying on frequency and other statistical
information to direct the analysis, while the latter uses the corpus as a
source of examples to check researcher intuition.
Expressions in language that point to referents (or put more simply ‘refer
to things’). Such referents can be concrete (e.g. objects, people) or abstract
(e.g. points in time, ideas). Examples of deixis include the words this, that,
here, there, now, then, I, you, he and she. Such words can only be
understood by reference to context (e.g. by considering the words, sentences
etc. around the word or by addressing extralinguistic context – for example,
in a conversation a person may say ‘look at that’ and point to something).
Because deixis locates referents along specific dimensions, they can be
classified into different subtypes, for example, spatial, temporal, discourse,
person and social. Huang (2007: 132) classifies ‘deixis’ into two ways:
(1) ‘basic categories of deixis’ (person, time and space) and (2) ‘other
categories of deixis’ (social deixis and discourse deixis)’. See ANAPHORA,
A form of analysis which attempts to accurately describe the features of a
particular language without making value judgements, such as the extent to
which the language is correct, clear or manipulative in some way. This is different to PRESCRIPTIVISM. Description is usually an initial stage of CRITICAL DISCOURSE
ANALYSIS which usually comes before INTERPRETATION and EXPLANATION. It would
involve identifying a set of formal linguistic features in a text, such as pronoun
use, metaphor, modality, nominalizations and agency.
diachronic studies
Diachronic studies refer to the study of language as it changes over time.
Such studies have a longitudinal aspect in that they may follow a population,
group or individual and examine how their language use changes over a
particular period of time. Other diachronic studies may try to collect and then
compare samples of language from different time periods. Diachronic analysis
is therefore linked to historical linguistics. See SYNCHRONIC STUDIES.
direct speech
Direct speech is a form of speech presentation whereby a speaker’s utterance
is reported verbatim, unlike REPORTED SPEECH. Direct speech is often represented
as a sentence with a reporting clause, and the reported words are enclosed in
quotation marks: ‘There is a 1952 directive that’s never been superseded’, she
said deliberately (BNC, HR4). See Leech and Short (2007: 64).
A term with several related and often quite loose meanings. (1) Perhaps in its
most general usage, it can refer to any form of ‘language in use’ (Brown
and Yule 1983) or naturally occurring language. (2) It can also refer more
specifically to spoken language, hence the term DISCOURSE MARKER, which tends
to refer to speech. Stubbs (1983: 9) also makes a distinction between discourse, which is interactive, and text, which is a non-interactive monologue.
(3) Another meaning conceives discourse as ‘language above the sentence or
above the clause’ (Stubbs 1983: 1) and would lend itself to the analysis of text
structure and pragmatics. (4) Discourse can also be used to refer to particular
contexts of language use, and in this sense it becomes similar to concepts
like genre or text type. For example, we can conceptualize political discourse
(the sort of language used in political contexts) or media discourse (language
use in the media). (5) In addition, some writers have conceived of discourse as
related to particular topics, such as an environmental discourse or colonial
discourse (which may occur in many different genres). Such labels sometimes
suggest a particular attitude towards a topic (e.g. people engaging in environmental discourse would generally be expected to be concerned with
protecting the environment rather than wasting resources). (6) Related to this,
Foucault (1972: 49) defines discourse more ideologically as ‘practices which
systematically form the objects of which they speak’. Burr (1995:48) expands
on Foucault’s definition as
a set of meanings, metaphors, representations, images, stories, statements
and so on that in some way together produce a particular version of
events . . . Surrounding any one object, event, person etc., there may be a
variety of different discourses, each with a different story to tell about the
world, a different way of representing it to the world.
(7) Sunderland (2004) takes Foucault’s meaning a stage further by explicitly
identifying and naming specific discourses such as ‘women beware women’
and ‘male sexual drive’ (see DISCOURSE NAMING, GENDERED DISCOURSE). Discourses
are not articulated explicitly but traces of them can be found in language use.
The more ideological uses of discourses, which occur towards the end of
this list, reflect postmodernist thinking. Potter and Wetherell (1987) have
shown that people often appear to voice conflicting opinions around a topic,
which they argue is due to them accessing a range of competing discourses
in their talk. Discourses are therefore contradictory and shifting, and their
identification is necessarily interpretative and open to contestation, particularly as it is difficult to ‘step outside’ discourse and view it with complete
objectivity. Foucault (1972: 146) notes, ‘it is not possible for us to describe our
own archive, since it is from within these rules that we speak’.
discourse analysis
discourse analysis
Just as DISCOURSE has numerous meanings, there are equally plentiful conceptualizations of discourse analysis, which have changed over time. Brown and
Yule (1983: ix) refer to it as ‘how humans use language to communicate’.
Stubbs (1983: 1) refers to it as ‘attempts to study the organization of language above the sentence or above the clause; and therefore to study large
linguistic units such as conversational exchanges or written texts’. He later
notes that it also refers to ‘the study of naturally occurring language’ (ibid.:
9), pointing out that some writers such as Van Dijk have used the term text
analysis, which could serve as well as discourse analysis (although text analysis
implies a particular European tradition). While some discourse analysts focus
on how meaning and structure are signalled in texts, others, especially since
the early 1990s, have used discourse analysis more critically to examine issues
relating to POWER, inequality and IDEOLOGY. All forms of discourse analysis,
however, have tended to stress the importance of examining naturally occurring texts, even if methods of analysis, focus (e.g. the extent to which
INTERTEXTUALITY, methods of production and reception or socio-historical context is considered) and goals have differed. Burr (1995: 163) claims that the
term is an ‘umbrella which covers a wide variety of actual research practices
with quite different aims and theoretical backgrounds. All take language as
their focus of interest’. Burr (1995: 163) implies that CONVERSATION ANALYSIS
involves a form of discourse analysis, while it could also be argued that DISCURSIVE PSYCHOLOGY, INTERACTIONAL SOCIOLINGUISTICS and all of the different strands of
CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS are also forms of discourse analysis.
Discourse analysis has mainly been a qualitative form of analysis; traditionally,
it has involved a ‘close reading’ of a small amount of text, such as a detailed
TRANSCRIPTION of a conversation or a magazine article, although in more recent
years, discourse analysts have begun to use quantitative or corpus-assisted
methods on much larger sets of data (see CORPUS-ASSISTED DISCOURSE STUDIES).
Focusing more on the ‘critical’ form of discourse analysis, adopted by social
psychological research, Burr (1995: 160–161) points out that its central tenets
include viewing research as a co-production between the researchers and
those who are being researched, with an acknowledgement that objectivity is
an impossibility. Instead, discourse analysts need to use REFLEXIVITY, with
researchers reflecting on their own position and how that has impacted on
the research process and findings.
discourse-historical approach
discourse community
A term used by Nystrand (1982) and then developed by Swales (1990: 24–27),
who defines a discourse community according to six characteristics: (1) a
broadly agreed upon set of common goals, (2) mechanisms for intercommunication among members, (3) participatory mechanisms to provide information
and feedback, (4) owns and uses one or more genres to further its communicative aims, (5) has acquired specific lexis and (6) has a number of members
who have a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise.
Members of discourse communities adopt a REGISTER of language, making
them different from a SPEECH COMMUNITY, which involves inherited or adopted
languages. However, being a member of a discourse community also involves
understanding and utilizing concepts and expectations that are set up with a
particular community as well as being aware of language. Examples of discourse communities could involve users of an email mailing list about a
particular television programme, members of a support group (e.g. Alcoholics
Anonymous) or people who subscribe to or publish in the same academic
journal. Discourse communities tend to function as mechanisms for enabling
communication, rather than as an end to themselves. The term is used by
some writers (e.g. Cossard 2006) as being interchangeable with COMMUNITY OF
PRACTICE, while others use the terms to mean different things, for example,
Hewings (2005: 38) suggests that community of practice is a related but
broader notion.
discourse-historical approach
A form of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS which was developed in Vienna by Martin
Reisigl and Ruth Wodak (2001). It has been influenced by Halliday’s SYSTEMIC
German ‘politico-linguistics’ and forms of critical discourse analysis carried
out by Fairclough (1989, 1995), van Leeuwen (1995, 1996) and Hodge and
Kress (1988). In order to reduce the risk of biased politicizing, the discoursehistorical approach uses TRIANGULATION, combining different methods and data
together and places emphasis on finding out as much about context as possible. Analysis of CONTEXT takes into account the use of language in particular
texts, INTERTEXTUAL relationships, INTERDISCURSIVITY, social variables and institutional frames which relate to the context of a situation and sociopolitical and
discourse markers
historical context: ‘[T]he discourse historical approach attempts to integrate
much available knowledge about the historical sources and the background
of the social and political fields in which discursive “events” are embedded’
(Reisigl and Wodak 2001: 35). In a typical discourse-historical analysis, the
researcher will first outline the contents or topics of a particular discourse,
then investigate the DISCURSIVE STRATEGIES (such as argumentation) used to
maintain it and finally examine the ways that particular constructions (such as
stereotypes) are linguistically achieved.
discourse markers
Sometimes called discourse particles or pragmatic markers, the term is often
used to refer to words or phrases that appear to have no grammatical or
semantic function, such as you know, like, oh, well, I mean, actually, basically,
OK as well as connectives like because, so, and, but and or. Schiffrin (1987:
31) defines them as ‘sequentially dependent elements which bracket units
of talk’. While most discourse markers were ignored by early grammars as
having empty meanings or being ‘fillers’, they were later acknowledged (particularly by corpus linguists) as playing important roles in the organization of
discourse and/or fulfilling pragmatic functions. For example, Aijmer (1996)
points to two functional classes of discourse markers, local markers like I
mean which help to mark micro structures, for example, within a single topic,
and global markers like anyway, which can be used to signpost transition
from one topic to another. Jucker and Smith (1998: 197) make a different
distinction between reception markers, which signal speaker reactions to
information provided by someone else (yeah, oh, ok, really), and presentation
markers, which modify information presented by the speaker (like, you know,
I mean). Rühlemann (2007: 121) makes a third distinction between presentdiscourse markers (which would include the above examples) and
presented-discourse markers (which are used to manage reported speech:
I goes, she was like). Andersen (1998) has shown that contrary to some
arguments discourse markers do adhere to grammatical and functional
restrictions and cannot occur anywhere in an utterance.
The concept of discourse markers can be expanded to refer to nonlinguistic
phenomena. For example, in speech, a rise in PITCH could be used to mark the
start of a new topic. In addition, in writing, discourse can be organized with
visual elements like paragraph spaces, subheadings etc.
discourse prosody
discourse naming
A form of DISCOURSE ANALYSIS developed by Sunderland (2004) in her work on
GENDERED DISCOURSES. It involves a close reading of texts in order to identify
linguistic traces suggestive of particular ways of looking at the world or
discourses. Sunderland (2004: 28) claims that
[p]eople do not . . . recognise a discourse . . . in any straightforward
way . . . Not only is it not identified or named, and is not self-evident or
visible as a discrete chunk of a given text, it can never be “there” in its
entirety. What is there are certain linguistic features: “marks on a page”,
words spoken or even people’s memories of previous conversations . . .
which – if sufficient and coherent – may suggest that they are “traces” of
a particular discourse.
Such linguistic traces (see also Talbot 1998) can be identified through traditional techniques of discourse analysis including social actor representation,
modality, transitivity and collocation. Part of Sunderland’s approach involves
identifying how discourses relate to each other. They can be conceived as
competing, dominant, mutually supporting, alternative etc. Another aspect
of naming discourses is more evaluative, with labels like damaging, liberating,
resistant, subversive and conservative being utilized. For example, the
sentence ‘The law says all men are free in England’ (BNC, C85) could be
viewed as embodying a number of different discourses. It could reference a
discourse of equality but also a somewhat contradictory sexist discourse in
that it explicitly refers to men but not women. We would need to investigate
the context of this sentence in more detail in order to determine how the
author orients to it.
discourse prosody
Discourse prosody, according to Stubbs (2001: 65), is ‘a feature which extends
over more than one unit in a linear string’. Discourse prosody has a great deal
in common with SEMANTIC PROSODY and SEMANTIC PREFERENCE, although where
semantic prosody/preference tends to focus on relationships between single
words, discourse prosodies look at relationships between a word and the
context that it is embedded in. For example, the verb swan and its associated
discursive competence
forms swanning, swanned and swans collocate with a set of words for places
(shops, town, pub) and countries (France, New York), which suggests a SEMANTIC
PREFERENCE. However, by examining the fuller context of swan as a verb, we get
a sense that users of this word disapprove of people they are writing about:
Example 1
When they were swanning around looking pretty, our families were working their fingers to the bone for virtually nothing. (BNC, CEY)
Example 2
Most ‘organisers’ swan in at eight-thirty looking important, only to discover
there’s a big hitch and they have no time to put it right. (BNC, ADK)
Example 3
‘So you’ve opted out of the war effort’, he greeted her nastily, ‘to go
swanning all over the Pacific?’ (BNC, FPX)
Example 4
Needless to say, these mega-rich popsters just swan around in wellies every
other weekend for the benefit of the colour supplements ‘Day In The Life’
features and leave all the actual farming to peasants who get up at dawn
and get paid in potatoes. (BNC, CAD)
Example 5
Morrissey ought to get himself a string section and stop swanning about
pretending to be Melvyn Bragg. (BNC, CK4)
From these examples, it can be seen that swan holds a negative discourse
prosody – people who ‘swan’ are constructed as oblivious to their responsibilities or other people (examples 1–4) or appear pretentious and delusional
(example 5).
discursive competence
Bhatia (2004: 144) defines discursive competence as ‘a general concept to
cover various levels of competence we all need in order to expertly operate
within well-defined professional as well as general socio-cultural contexts’.
discursive psychology
discursive practice
Fairclough (1992: 78) defines discursive practice as involving ‘processes of
text production, distribution and consumption’. These processes are ‘social
and require reference to the particular economic, political and institutional
settings within which discourse is generated’ (ibid.: 71). In Fairclough’s threedimensional model of discourse, discursive practice comes between TEXT and
discursive psychology
A form of discourse analysis developed by Edwards and Potter (1992), but see
also Potter and Wetherell (1987). It has a range of influences, including social
studies of science (Gilbert and Mulkay 1984), CONVERSATION ANALYSIS, ETHNOMETHODOLOGY, rhetorical social psychology (Billig 1987) and writings of
philosophers like Wittgenstein. It was set up as a means of critiquing ways
that traditional psychology understands, topics like ATTITUDES, ACCOUNTS and
memory. When analysing interview data, Potter and Edwards noted that
many interview respondents produce inconsistent or variable versions or
accounts and that rather than the analyst attempting to discount such
inconsistencies or identify the ‘correct’ one, an alternative was to treat such
inconsistencies within the context of their occurrence to show how people
handle interactional contingencies, argue points or tailor their talk to specific
rhetorical uses. Discursive psychology therefore focuses on close qualitative
analyses of spoken interactions (interviews, FOCUS GROUPS or naturally occurring
conversations within real-world situations like counselling, helplines or dispute
resolution), viewing talk as social action. Edwards (2005: 260) writes,
Rather than people having memories, script knowledge, attitudes, and so
on, that they carry around in their heads and produce on cue (or in RESEARCH
INTERVIEWS), people are shown to formulate or work up the nature of events,
actions, and their own accountability through ways of talking. These ways
of talking are both constructive and action oriented. They are constructive
in the sense that they offer a particular version of things when there are
indefinitely many potential versions, some of which may be available and
alive in the setting.
discursive strategy
discursive strategy
In the DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH, Reisigl and Wodak (2001: 44) define
discursive strategies as accurate and intentional plans of practices ‘adopted to
achieve a particular social, psychological or linguistic aim’. They are realized
via systematic uses of language. The authors go on to identify a range of
ARGUMENTATION strategies and TOPOI, PERSPECTIVATION, framing or discourse
emphasized femininity
eco-critical discourse analysis
A form of critical discourse analysis which is focused on the analysis of texts
that relate to the environment. Subsequently, eco-critical discourse analysis
addresses any discourse which has consequences for ecosystems (such as
economic discourses, gendered discourses or consumerist discourses). The
aim of such analyses is to expose underlying ideologies in such texts (see,
e.g. Harré et al. 1999, Stibbe 2006). The field was inspired by Halliday (1990)
who challenged applied linguists to address twenty-first century concerns,
particularly ecological issues. Two goals of eco-critical discourse analysis are
to expose damaging ideologies and find discursive representations that
contribute to ecologically sustainable societies.
A device used to maintain COHESION in discourse (see Halliday and Hasan 1976).
Ellipsis usually refers to an intentional omission of a word or phrase from a
text, often because the omitted text has already been referred to earlier and
is thus not necessary:
Elinor: Where are you going to hide it?
Tim: Somewhere you can’t have it. (BNC, KBW)
In the above example, Tim could have said, ‘I am going to hide it somewhere
you can’t have it’, but the first six words were omitted.
emphasized femininity
Connell’s theory of HEGEMONIC MASCULINITY conceives of a hierarchy of
masculinities, with societies viewing certain ways of being male as superior to
others. Could a similar hierarchical conceptualization be applied to femininity?
Connell (1987: 183) argues that ‘there is no femininity that is hegemonic
in the sense that the dominant form of masculinity is hegemonic amongst
men’. He therefore prefers the term ‘emphasized femininity’ as it positions
all femininity as subordinate. See also PRIVILEGED FEMININITY.
A logical relationship between two propositions, where if one is true then the
other must also be true (see Anderson et al. 1992, Routley and Meyer 1973).
For example, the statement ‘Mary married John’ entails that ‘Mary got
married’. Unlike presuppositions, however, entailments cannot be shown to
remain if negation is applied to the first proposition. So if we say ‘Mary didn’t
marry John’, we cannot confidently claim that Mary got married (she may
have married someone else or she may have married no one – we don’t
know). See also IMPLICATURE.
A form of EXCLUSION or marginalization, particularly in relation to IDENTITY
categories (see Namaste 2000: 51–52). Subordinated identities (e.g. women
and girls) are sometimes erased in language use. For example, in the
following excerpt, the generic man is used to refer to all humankind:
‘Prehistoric man chose to live here because he knew it was unique, endowed
with everything he could ever need to survive and thrive’ (BNC, HH8). In
addition, identities which threaten to disrupt boundaries between hegemonic
and subordinate identities can be erased in order to secure the appearance
of stable, discrete and different identity categories, helping to maintain a
clear power hierarchy – a case in point is bisexuality (see below).
Erasure can occur in a number of different ways. For example, it can refer to
a denial of the existence of a particular identity group (e.g. expressing the
belief that bisexuals are simply gay people who haven’t come to terms with
their sexuality yet), or it can involve the SUPPRESSION or BACKGROUNDING of an
identity (e.g. the identity is rarely, if ever, talked or written about – as Baker
(2008: 146–150) shows, in the 100 million word British National Corpus the
term bisexual only occurs 81 times while gay (referring to SEXUAL IDENTITY) is
over 19 times more frequent). Another way is to subsume the erased identity
under another identity (e.g. bisexual is often tagged on to the word gay as
in ‘gay and bisexual men’) rather than it occurring as a separate identity
(or occurring alongside heterosexual). This strategy also helps to secure a
us–them distinction.
An ergative VERB can be either transitive (requiring a subject and an object) or
intransitive (not requiring an object). Ergative verbs include those which
involve changes of state, such as break, melt, transform, and movement, such
as move, turn, walk. When an ergative verb is used in an intransitive way,
agency is obscured, but also the party undergoing the process being described
is sometimes constructed as responsible for causing the action which affects
it. Stubbs (1996: 33) gives the following example: factories have closed. The
use of the ergative with the reflexive voice particularly seems to blame the
subject for an action which is carried out on him/her: ‘Neurotic enough to
have vanished of her own accord — or even to have got herself murdered’
(BNC, H8T).
The view that particular entities (e.g. certain types of human beings) possess
specific characteristics that are fixed and internal. An essentialist argument
would be that someone is the way they are because they are ‘born that way’
and are unlikely to change their essential nature. Many sexual and ethnic
categorizations are essentialist. Essentialist thinking is often behind quantitative research (e.g. sets of questions aimed at revealing a person’s ‘inner’
personality or the extent to which they are masculine or feminine). Biological
or evolutionary explanations for ‘difference’ can also be referred to as
essentialist. Since the 1980s, essentialism has been relatively unpopular in
social science research, being challenged by SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM and POSTSTRUCTURALISM. It could be argued that essentialism results in STEREOTYPES,
whereby negative qualities are assigned to everyone who is labelled as a
certain IDENTITY category; differences are exaggerated and those who
blur, straddle or cannot be categorized into existing identity boundaries are
subject to ERASURE. However, some researchers have argued that it is sometimes advantageous for particular ethnic or minority groups to present
themselves as having a unified, stable identity (e.g. by downplaying intragroup differences) as this may help them to achieve certain political goals.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak refers to this as strategic essentialism (Landry and
MacLean 1996: 214), while Judith Butler (1991: 1) uses the term strategic
A set of standards in a research community, regarding the conduct of its
members, particularly in relation to human subjects. Ethics are often referred
to as guidelines rather than rules, as their implementation can be dependent
on the nature of the research being carried out and the needs of particular
respondents. Ethics ensure that respondents are treated fairly and respectfully
by researchers. A key ethical principle is informed consent – respondents must
be in a position to give (usually written) consent to be interviewed or recorded
for research purposes (and if they are not able to give consent themselves,
then permission ought to be obtained from whoever is responsible for
them, for example, a parent, guardian or teacher). Some researchers allow
participants the opportunity to read transcripts of their speech and ‘take
back’ anything that they do not feel comfortable with the researcher using. In
CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, ethical issues may arise around gaining permissions
to use and then quote from copyrighted texts, particularly if the analysis
reveals manipulative or prejudiced uses of language.
A distinction in ethics is made between confidentiality and anonymity – in the
former, the researcher guarantees that anything that the respondent says or
does during the research will not be made public, while anonymity means
that the respondent’s identity (and the identities of anyone he/she refers to)
will be altered or anonymized so that they cannot be traced back to the
respondent (generally it is easier to offer anonymity than full confidentiality).
Another aspect of ethics involves the researcher–respondent relationship,
which is unequal and is potentially open to abuses of POWER. Ethical considerations here include the fact that respondents often give up their time (for
no reward); they may be prompted to talk about or remember upsetting
incidents, or they may incorrectly come to view the researcher as a friend,
confidante or counsellor. In addition, ethical issues may arise if a respondent
articulates an attitude (e.g. a racist viewpoint) which the researcher finds
problematic or confesses to illegal activity. It could be argued that the
researcher has a duty of care to protect the respondent, although at the same
time the researcher should not compromise his or her own integrity. (See also
Israel and Hay 2006.)
A term developed by Sumner (1906) which reflects the belief that either one’s
own ethnic group or culture is superior to others or is to be used as the
benchmark with which to compare other groups. Ethnocentricism is often
ingrained in cultures and transmitted via discourse as we grow up. Therefore,
anthropologists have recommended that ethnographic fieldwork is carried
out as a way of countering ethnocentricism. See also CULTURAL RELATIVISM,
A branch of anthropology which involves making detailed descriptions of cultures, subcultures or other social groups (see Fetterman 1998, Wolcott 1999,
Brewer 2000). Ethnographers often use multiple methods of data collection,
also draw on diaries of subjects or other relevant texts (see TRIANGULATION).
Ethnography tends to be a more qualitative than quantitative form of research,
focusing on providing a detailed account of the complexity and specificity of
a social world. Ethnographic fieldwork involves the researcher living among
the people being researched, collaborating with them and conducting the
research in their language.
A term coined by Harold Garfinkel in 1954 (Garfinkel 2002: 4), ethnomethodology is a sub-discipline of sociology which involves studying how people
produce and share social orders, or rather how they make sense of their
everyday lives. Ethnomethodology is a descriptive rather than interpretative
form of analysis and was influential in the development of CONVERSATION
ANALYSIS. Rawls (in Garfinkel 2002: 6) states that ethnomethodology does not
have a formal set of research methods, while Heritage (1991: 1) notes that it
also lacks a systematical theoretical statement. However, Rawls (in Garfinkel
2002: 5) writes that ethnomethodology assumes that ‘the meaningful,
patterned, and orderly character of everyday life is something that people
must work constantly to achieve [and that] one must also assume that they
have some methods for doing so’.
An aspect of social actor representation where particular social actors do not
appear in a text or as part of a discourse. van Leeuwen (1996: 38) notes that
some exclusions are ‘innocent’ in that they are details that readers are assumed
to know already. For example, in a sentence like ‘The man was arrested’, a
social actor like ‘the police’ is omitted, but we would probably be expected to
infer this from the context. There may be ideological reasons for omitting this
actor, but it could be due to something innocuous like space restrictions in a
However, some exclusions (consciously or not) serve ideological purposes, for
example, by obscuring or downplaying responsibility for various events. So in
a newspaper interview with a doctor involved in cases of parents being
wrongly accused of child abuse, the doctor says ‘Mistakes were made’ (BNC,
A30), which does not apportion blame to any individual or group. Two types
of exclusion are SUPPRESSION and BACKGROUNDING. See also Riggins (1997).
Usually the final stage of critical discourse analysis, coming after the stages of
DESCRIPTION and INTERPRETATION. Fairclough (1995: 163) writes, ‘The object . . . of
explanation is to portray a discourse as part of a social process . . . showing
how it is determined by social structures and what reproductive effects
discourses can cumulatively have on these structures, sustaining them or
changing them’.
The way that people wish to project themselves to others, from the term
‘saving face’. Goffman (1967: 5) defines it as
the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the
line others assume he has taken during a particular contact. Face is an
image of self delineated in terms of approved social attributes – albeit
an image that others may share, as when a person makes a good showing
for his profession or religion by making a good showing for himself.
involves our desire for appreciation and approval, whereas
involves our desire to remain autonomous and not be imposed
on. A face-threatening act (FTA) involves any situation or event which could
alter (usually negatively) the maintenance of our face, while facework is any
communicative strategy that is used to manage face during interactions.
Facework can be preventive (e.g. helping to avoid face-threatening acts) or
restorative (helping to restore face that has been lost). See also POLITENESS.
A form of ARGUMENTATION which appears convincing but is logically flawed.
Hamblin (1970: 12) says, ‘A fallacious argument, as almost every account
from Aristotle onwards tells you, is one that seems to be valid but is not so’.
The identification of fallacies is often used in the DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH.
Reisigl and Wodak (2001: 71–74) describe a number of fallacies, including
argumentum ad baculum (using threats as a form of persuasion), argumentum ad hominem (attacking someone’s character to refute their position),
argumentum ad misericordiam (unjustifiably appealing for compassion),
argumentum ad populum or pathetic fallacy (appealing to populist feelings or
the existing prejudices of a group, or pointing out that because many people
believe something then it must be true), argumentum ad ignorantiam
(arguing that because a standpoint has not being refuted, then it is true),
argumentum ad verecundian (misplaced reference to authorities who are
not qualified), secundum quid (making a generalization based on an
unrepresentative sample), post hoc, ergo propter hoc (mixing a temporally
chronological relationship with a causal one), petition principia also known
felicity conditions
as circular argument or begging the question (using a yet-to-be-proven
assumption as the starting point of an argument), rigged questions (asking a
question containing a PRESUPPOSITION, for example, ‘when did you stop beating
your wife?), ignoratio elenchi (evading the argument by discussing a different
and irrelevant point), straw man fallacy (inaccurately representing an
opponent’s argument in order to make it appear weak), fallacies in dictione
(changing the interpretation of an ambiguous utterance to weaken an
opponent’s standpoint).
felicity conditions
these are the circumstances that are required for a
to be successful; they often involve the rights, obligations, beliefs
or abilities of participants (see Austin 1962: 14–24). For example, with
statements like ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife’, ‘I name this ship
the Mary Rose’, ‘You have passed your driving test’, ‘I declare war on country
x’ or ‘I sentence you to 10 years imprisonment’, the speaker needs to be
qualified to make the statement (these are called preparatory conditions). In
addition, the person or people who are the recipients of the performative
need to be eligible – a person cannot be pronounced to have passed the
driving test if he or she has not just taken a driving test. The speaker must also
genuinely intend to make the performative statement (these refer to sincerity
conditions) – hypothetically a judge could jokingly sentence someone to
imprisonment, although not actually mean it.
feminist critical discourse analysis (FCDA)
A form of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS which is used to critique ‘discourses which
sustain a patriarchal social order: that is, relations of power that systematically
privilege men as a social group and disadvantage, exclude and disempower
women as a social group’ (Lazar 2005: 5). FCDA is thus concerned with taking the analytical tools developed in critical discourse analysis in order to
critique the ways that language use sustains unequal gender relations, for the
purposes of emancipation and transformation.
focus group
feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis (FPDA)
A form of discourse analysis developed by Judith Baxter (2002, 2003) which
is used as a supplement (rather than replacement) to other approaches
to language and gender research. FPDA is concerned with the way that
identities continually shift, particularly in spoken interactions (such as the
workplace or classroom situations). Baxter (2003: 9) argues that ‘individuals
are rarely consistently positioned as powerful across all discourses at work
within a given context – they are often located simultaneously as both powerful and powerless’. Like other forms of POST-STRUCTURALISM, FPDA does not
subscribe to a ‘grand narrative’ (e.g. the belief that all men oppress all women)
but instead wishes to show the complexity of POWER relationships, noting that
powerless people may experience ‘moments’ of power. In doing so, FPDA
aims to give voices to groups which are not normally heard, showing how a
range of different discourses interact with each other. FPDA also advocates
using REFLEXIVITY and TRIANGULATION, for example, by conducting different versions of analysis on the same text or getting multiple analysts, including the
person or people who produced the text, to separately analyse it.
focus group
A qualitative research method which was initially used as a marketing
technique to acquire feedback about new products in the 1940s (Merton and
Kendall, 1946) but was adopted and adapted for media research in the 1980s
and then social sciences research in the 1990s (see Marshall and Rossman
1999). Focus groups generally involve a small group of people (often with
shared characteristics such as age or gender) and a moderator who facilitates
a focused discussion around a particular subject. Sometimes the group is
‘warmed up’ by being given a presentation, problem or text which is used
to trigger discussion. The interaction is recorded, transcribed and analysed
afterwards. Lindlof and Taylor (2002: 82) argue that focus-group data
produce insights that would not be found in one-to-one interactions. Focus
groups are generally an inexpensive and quick way to gather data. Data from
focus groups can help to highlight respondents’ attitudes, priorities, language
and frameworks of understanding and can make it possible to identify group
norms and cultural values that are co-constructed between multiple
participants (Kitzinger 1995: 299). However, their small size means that
results are generally not representative of an entire population, although
Litosseliti (2003: 22) notes that they are instead ‘indicative’. Criticisms of
focus groups include the potential for irrelevant data to be produced or for
the group to be dominated by one or two strong personalities, resulting in
‘groupthink’. In addition, Walvis (2003: 404–405) cautions that the researcher
is also a participant and may influence the respondents without realizing.
Used in Goffman (1981: 124–129) to describe switches in the mode and
frame of a conversation. A participant’s alignment towards the interaction
changes noticeably; sometimes, this can be linked to POWER relationships.
Goffman gives an example of president Nixon teasing a female journalist by
making her do a pirouette to show her ‘slacks’ and then telling her that she
should wear a dress so she doesn’t look Chinese. In this instance, Nixon shifts
the footing of the interaction from a serious business one to an informal and
sexualized one, which disempowers the journalist. Footing can involve CODE
SWITCHING or switches in pitch, volume, rhythm stress or tonal quality. It can
occur quickly (appearing in linguistic units that are smaller than a sentence),
and Goffman suggests that there is continuum between gross and subtle
shifts in footing. Footing does not mean definitively changing the mode of
interaction to another mode, but it allows for the original mode of interaction
to be resumed.
In relation to CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, Resigl and Wodak (2001: 82) argue
that ‘“footing” means the speakers’ or writer’s discursive establishment of
the self as a social entity and the discursive transformation of the self’.
A term used in artificial intelligence, linguistics, discourse analysis, media
studies, sociology and psychology. While each field uses it somewhat differently, in discourse analysis it can be thought of as a means of conceptualizing
the way that background knowledge is used to make sense of and produce
discourse. Lakoff (2004: xv) says frames are ‘mental structures that shape the
way we see the world’. Minsky (1975) defines frames as forms of knowledge
that are stored in memory as data structures and represent stereotyped situations. When a new situation is encountered, a person selects an appropriate
frame from memory. Frames are structured as labelled slots which contain
fillers. The term has also been used by the sociologist Goffman (1974: 21)
who says that frames label ‘schemata of interpretation’, allowing people to
make sense of events. Goffman distinguishes between natural frameworks
(which are phenomena such as weather that are beyond human influence)
and social frameworks (such as weather forecasts) which explain events and
connect them to humans. Brown and Yule (1983: 238–241) note that frames
can be used to represent physical objects, for example, a frame representing
a house would consist of slots labelled ‘kitchen’, ‘bathroom’, ‘address’ etc.
However, they show that frames can also represent activities, giving the
example of a ‘voting-frame’ which would have slots for ‘voting-place’, the
person you give your voting card to etc. Fairclough (1989: 159), in his
that ‘frames represent the entities which can be evoked or referred to in
the activities represented by schemata’. See SCHEMA, SCRIPTS.
According to van Leeuwen (1996: 54), this is a form of CATEGORIZATION which
represents social actors in terms of what they do. This can be achieved in the
following ways:
1. Using a noun formed from a verb via a suffix like -er, -ant, -ent, -ian or -ee.
For example, stripper, participant, recipient.
2. Using a noun formed from another noun associated with an activity
that the social actor engages in, again via suffixes like -ian, -ist, -eer. For
example, electrician, artist, engineer.
3. Compounding nouns that denote places or tools linked to an activity the
social actor engages in, with more general nouns like man, women or
person. For example, fireman, chairwoman.
1. A euphemistic way of referring to BIOLOGICAL SEX, for example, ‘Each visitor
receives a ‘passport’ bearing the story of an actual victim or survivor who
was the same age and gender as the visitor’ (BNC, CKW).
2. A set of agreed-upon differences that are used to denote male and female
behaviour in particular societies (see Money 1955, Stoller 1968). By the
1980s, most academics used gender to refer to socially constructed traits,
whereas sex refers to the biological distinction between males and females.
The two concepts are often mapped on to each other, making gender
appear naturalized and fixed (see GENDER PERFORMATIVITY), although in fact
understandings about what constitutes gender tend to be specific to
particular periods in time or cultures. In its most simple form, gender
is perceived as a binary masculine/feminine distinction, with equivalent
pairings of oppositional traits (e.g. rational = masculine, emotional =
feminine). However, it could be argued that there are more complex
models. For instance, the view that gender is a linear scale with femininity
at one end and masculinity at the other, or actually two linear scales (one
with increasing levels of femininity and the other with increasing levels
of masculinity), which allows for a person to hold both masculine and
feminine traits (or neither) at the same time. In addition, some gender
theorists have pluralized the terms (e.g. Connell [1995] writes of masculinities) in order to show that there are multiple ways of being masculine
or feminine. See also HEGEMONIC MASCULINITY.
gender differences
The belief that men and women are fundamentally different in various
measurable ways. Explanations for such differences can be social (e.g. boys
and girls are treated differently by their parents, teachers etc.), biological
(references to different types and amounts of chemicals in male and female
bodies, differences in brain size, types of chromosomes, primary and secondary sexual characteristics, average weight, height and muscularity etc.), or
evolutionary (the view that males evolved to be hunter-gatherers while
females cooked and cared for children). Tannen (1990: 42) argues that males
gendered discourse
and females grow up in different cultures and use different ‘genderlects’,
which is used as an explanation for ‘cross-cultural miscommunications’.
Linguistically, females are supposed to be more gossipy, involved and cautious
about offending others than males who engage in more joke-telling, report
talk, problem solving, giving orders and talking about themselves. Larger,
meta-analytical studies have found little evidence of gender differences (e.g.
Wilkins and Anderson 1991, Dindia and Allen 1992, Canary and Hause 1993),
while corpus studies (Rayson, Leech and Hodges 1997, Schmid and Fauth
2003) have found that differences tend to be based on gradients rather than
absolutes, and Harrington (2008) cautions that results may be skewed by
small numbers of unrepresentative speakers. The gender differences theory
has been criticized as a ‘non-engaged and apolitical stance’ which aims at
‘the cementation of patriarchy’ (Troemel-Plotz 1991: 489) and a self-fulfilling
prophecy (Hyde 2005). Cameron (2007) describes gender differences theories
relating to language as a ‘myth’. See also WOMEN’S LANGUAGE.
gendered discourse
Gendered discourses are representations and expectations that males and
females will act in particular gendered ways (Sunderland 2004: 20–22).
Sunderland’s approach is influenced by CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, FEMINIST
differs from other approaches in that Sunderland describes how discourses
(including gendered discourses) can be ‘spotted’ and named via the analysis
of linguistic traces in texts. For example, in a newspaper article about the
numbers of first-class degrees awarded to males and females, Sunderland
identifies four gendered discourses: ‘battle of the sexes’, ‘gender differences’,
‘poor boys’ and ‘gender equality now achieved’. The identification of such
discourses involves a subjective form of interpretative analysis, based on
making sense of the text and its context. Sunderland (2004: 47) notes
that discourse identification and naming therefore may say something about
the namer as well as the discourse (e.g. she says that a pornographic text
could contain a discourse of liberation or a discourse of misogyny depending
on the analyst’s stance). See DISCOURSE NAMING.
gender performativity
gender performativity
A concept developed by Judith Butler who built on Austin (1962) and Searle’s
(1969) SPEECH ACT THEORY which stated that language was performative,
bringing certain states of affair into being. Butler argues that language is used
to construct gender and that gender itself is performative (ultimately a form
of copying) rather than something fixed and essential: ‘Gender is a kind of
imitation for which there is no original; in fact, it is a kind of imitation that
produces the very notion of the original as an effect and consequence of the
imitation itself’ (Butler 1991: 21). As well as being an imitation, gender
performance is necessarily repetitious: ‘Gender is the repeated stylization of
the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame that
congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance of a natural sort
of being’ (Butler 1990: 33). Language is one way (out of many) that people
perform gender. By accessing society’s gendered discourses about acceptable
ways of being male or female, most of us develop gendered linguistic
performances, based on features including pitch, speed, lexical choice and
topic (explaining to an extent why writers such as Lakoff (1975) claimed that
women use hyper-correct language and refer to rare colour terms). Gender
performativity theory does not imply that we are completely free to assume
‘any’ gender at any point (most of the time we are constrained by society’s
notions of what are acceptable gender performances for our sex – see
GENDERED DISCOURSES), but it offers a postmodern explanation for why gender
differences exist and appear to be constant and stable in a society (whereas in
fact they are constantly in flux and differ between societies).
According to van Leeuwen (1996: 46–48), genericization is a way of representing social actors as classes rather than as specific individuals (see
SPECIFICATION). This can be achieved by the use of plural nouns and the zero
article: ‘It’s not the first time this has happened: he’s gone with prostitutes
before’ (BNC, CBN). It can also be realized via a singular noun combined with
a definite article: ‘Central to this coercive policing was a concerted effort to
isolate the prostitute from working-class culture’ (BNC, G0D). Finally, an
indefinite article can be used with a singular noun: ‘If you were talking to a
prostitute on the beat, you’d get booked for gossiping – for idling your time’
(BNC, B24). Sometimes the present tense can be used for making generic
reference: ‘. . . prostitutes frequently change their names and appearances’
(BNC, CE2).
van Leeuwen (ibid.: 48) comments on the potential ideological effects of
genericization by noting that groups who are treated in this way are ‘symbolically removed from the readers’ world of immediate experience, treated as
distant “others” rather than as people “we” have to deal with in our everyday lives’.
A genre refers to a categorization of a particular type of text or social practice.
Such categorizations are normally subjective and can often be broken down
into sub-genres. For example, the genre of fiction could be subdivided into
historical, adventure, mystery, romance, spy, western and so on. Bakhtin
(1986) refers to speech genres – socially specified ways of speaking or writing
that people use, manipulate and combine together (such as university lecture,
shopping list, gossip). Fairclough (1995: 14) defines a genre as ‘a socially ratified way of using language in connection with a particular type of social
activity’ and later (2003: 26) refers to them as ‘different ways of (inter)acting
Swales (1990) uses the term pre-genre to refer to categories which are found
across a range of different social practices – for example, narratives are pregenres as they can occur as ‘stories’ in everyday conversation, in television
reports, in client counselling and so on. In addition, Fairclough (2003: 68–69)
notes that genres can be lifted out of particular networks of social practices
from which they were originally developed. An interview, for example, can
now be found as part of a range of different social practices: job interview,
celebrity interview, political interview. He refers to such cases as disembedded
genres. A situated genre, however, is one which is specific to a certain network of practice.
hegemonic femininity
hegemonic femininity
Bordo (1993: 316) describes hegemonic femininity as having ‘a strong
emphasis on appearance with the dominant notion of an ideal feminine body
as thin and toned’ and is identified as having strong associations with heterosexual sex, romance and whiteness. Choi (2000) and Krane (2001) write
about sportswomen who are expected to perform hegemonic femininity
(e.g. wearing pink) while distancing themselves from behaviour seen as
masculine – a difficult feat as in order to be successful athletes they must
develop characteristics that are stereotypically associated with masculinity, such
as strength, independence and competitiveness. However, Connell (1987), who
hegemonic masculinity
A framework of masculinity proposed by Connell (1995) which views GENDER
relations as hierarchical yet complex. Hegemonic masculinity has four central
typologies – first is the concept of hegemonic masculinity itself: the ‘correspondence between cultural ideal and institutional power’ (ibid.: 77).
Hegemonic masculinity is the often-idealized version of perfect masculinity,
embodied by film heroes like James Bond or Rambo, as well as being reflected
by real-life powerful men such as presidents of countries or business leaders.
While such men are viewed as exemplars of masculinity, they only represent a
small minority of actual men (and many may be fictional). However, we are
conditioned to view such men as desirable and/or identify with them and
their goals. The second typology is SUBORDINATION, ‘specific gender relations of
dominance and subordination between groups of men’ (ibid.: 78). This
involves subordination of gay men by heterosexual men, working-class men
by middle-class men, counter-cultural men by mainstream men, ‘nerds’ by
‘jocks’ and so on. The third typology is complicity: ‘Masculinities constructed
in ways that realize the patriarchal dividend, without the tensions or risks of
being the frontline troops of patriarchy, are complicit in this sense’ (ibid.: 79).
Complicity involves accepting, or even helping to propagate the gender system, even though you may not greatly benefit from it. An extreme example
would involve a closeted gay politician voting against equal rights for gay
people although other cases could involve inaction, such as remaining silent
if someone makes a homophobic or sexist remark. The final typology is
marginalization – referring to those who are different from hegemonic or
subordinated masculinities as they are outside the ‘relations internal to the
gender order’ (ibid.: 80). So Connell notes that black sporting stars in America
may be exemplars of hegemonic masculinity, being rich and physically fit,
but their power does not trickle down to other black men in America, who
are marginalized rather than authorized by hegemonic masculinity. Bisexual
men may be another marginalized group, as they threaten the homosexual/
heterosexual binary divide. See also HEGEMONIC FEMININITY, HEGEMONY.
A term popularized by Gramsci (1971, 1985), who theorized that it involves
the exercise of POWER, whereby everybody in a society acquiesces in one way
or another to a dominant person or social group. It could be the case that
dominated people are not fully aware of their status or have been convinced
that it is the natural state of affairs, or they accept their position because they
receive some form of benefit from it. Gramsci applied the concept of hegemony to early twentieth century politics in order to explain why a socialist
revolution, predicted by Marxism, had not occurred. He suggested that it was
because power was maintained, not just through physical and economic
coercion but through IDEOLOGY: The values of the bourgeoisie (the powerful
class) had become established in wider society as commonsense values,
applicable to everybody. Therefore, a culture of consensus had developed,
whereby even people who belonged to the lower classes helped to maintain
the status quo because they also identified with bourgeois values. Hegemony
is thus maintained through the manufacture of consent. The dominant
acquire the consent of the dominated to the point where those who are
dominated see the world from the point of view of the dominant. They
misrecognize power and recognize it as legitimate. Van Dijk (1997: 19) argues
that consensus can be discursively established via ‘hegemonic power’.
A term conceived by Warner (1993) as social practices which are based around
the presumption of universal heterosexuality. Heteronormativity normally
involves EXCLUSION, SUPPRESSION or BACKGROUNDING of gay or lesbian identities,
behaviours or desires but may also involve more active practices such as stereotyping, tabooing, punishing or stigmatizing homosexuality (see HOMOPHOBIA).
Rich (1980: 653) conceives of a related term compulsory heterosexuality,
arguing that ‘[h]eterosexuality has been forcibly and subliminally imposed on
women’ so that men can wield power over them.
An irrational fear or hatred of same-sex identities, desires and practices. This
can be expressed in language via nominations like faggot but can also involve
negative STEREOTYPES, stigmatization, criminalization, EXCLUSION or denial of
ACCESS (e.g. laws which forbid same-sex marriage) or physical attacks. A range
of argumentation strategies are often given in order to legitimate homophobia, including reference to religion.
Homophobia often goes hand in hand with SEXISM. For example, many
pejorative homophobic terms aimed at gay men focus on GENDER deviance,
for example, sissy. Gay men are viewed negatively because they (supposedly)
act like women. There is therefore an IMPLICATURE that female identities are
subordinate to male ones.
A grammatical construction of functionally similar yet unequal constructs. It is
often achieved via SUBORDINATION or premodification in a complex sentence.
For example, consider the words different and artistic in the following:
‘Giacometti was an artist with very different artistic aims (BNC, A04). Both
function as adjectives; however, artistic only modifies aims, whereas different
modifies artistic aims. The oppositional construct is PARATAXIS.
Ideology can generally be thought of as the set of ideas, beliefs and aims that
a person or group holds. Fairclough (1992: 87), drawing on Althusser (1971),
views ideologies as ‘constructions of reality . . . which are built into various
dimensions of the forms/meanings of discursive practices, and which
contribute to the production, reproduction or transformation of relations
of domination’. Language is one way that ideologies are constructed, maintained and challenged. Fairclough (1992: 88–89) notes that it is not possible
to ‘read off’ ideologies from texts because ‘meanings are produced through
interpretations of texts’.
A way of defining social actors according to what they are as opposed to
what they do (FUNCTIONALISATION). van Leeuwen (1996: 54–55) notes that this
can achieved via three ways:
1. Classification – using existing societal categories such as age (e.g. youth,
pensioner), gender (man, woman, sissy), class (duchess, peasant), ethnicity
(Caucasian, African-American, black, white), religion (atheist, Jew). Such
categories change over time and across different societies.
2. Relational identification – referring to someone via their relation to someone else, for example, mother, friend, co-worker. In western societies,
relational identification is no longer viewed as important as other forms
of identification (some surnames initially acted as form of relational
identification though, e.g. Johnson). Also Von Sturmer (1981) shows how
Australian Aborigines place a high premium on relational identification.
3. Physical identification – referring to people via their physical characteristics,
for example, hair colour (redhead, blonde), size (giant), attractiveness
(stunner, hunk).
Some identification words can include more than one category, for example,
crone refers both to someone’s age but also contains elements of physical
categorization. See also CATEGORIZATION.
Gleason (1983: 918) points out that the term identity is relatively new,
emerging into social science literature in the 1950s and made popular by
the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson. For Gleason, most definitions tend to fall
into one of two opposing conceptions. In one sense, identity can be called
‘intrapsychic’ in that it comes from within, is fixed and stable and is what
people speak of when they talk about ‘who we really are’. A second conception holds that identity can be ‘acquired’ in that it is a conscious or
internalized adoption of socially imposed or socially constructed roles. Epstein
(1998: 144) points out that Habermas’s (1979: 74) discussion of ego identity
(as a socialized sense of individuality) makes a useful mediation point between
the two definitions.
Woodward (1997: 1–2) says identity ‘gives us an idea of who we are and of
how we relate to others and to the world in which we live. Identity marks the
ways in which we are the same as others who share that position, and the
ways in which we are different from those who do not. Often identity is most
clearly marked by difference’. She points out that identities are frequently
constructed in terms of oppositions: man/woman, black/white, straight/gay
and so on. However, while many people may view identity in terms of binaries, it may also be the case that these binaries are not mutually exclusive, or
they may exist as gradations or blends. Identity could therefore be said to be
composed of a number of (possibly infinite) interacting, internal and external
characteristics by which a person can be defined that change over time. At
certain points, particular aspects of identity may become foregrounded. For
example, Goffman (1963: 14) notes that stigmatized identities need to be
constantly managed, while Epstein (1998: 145) argues that deviant identities
are likely to subsume other aspects of identity – all behaviour of people with
a stigmatized identity will therefore be seen by others as a product of the
imagined community
A concept outlined by Anderson (1983) referring to the social construction
of a nation or community, based on the fact that very large numbers of
people will never meet each other but still feel that they belong to the same
community because they have similar interests or attitudes or a part of the
same nation. Anderson notes that ‘print-capitalism’ (the fact that books were
printed in national languages to maximize circulation) has made imagined
communities possible. See also DISCOURSE COMMUNITY.
According to van Leeuwen (1996: 59–61), impersonalization is a way of representing social actors as something other than human (see PERSONALIZATION).
This can involve abstraction – assigning a label based on a quality, for example,
referring to refugees as ‘problems’. It can also involve objectivation, where
‘social actors are represented by means of reference to a place or thing closely
associated with either their person or with the activity they are represented as
being engaged in’ (ibid.: 59). A number of subtypes of objectivation exist, for
1. Spatialization – referring to a group via a place, for example, ‘Unlike
Europe, America is against welfare payments available to everybody
without a job, even those who have never worked’ (BNC, ABK).
2. Utterance autonomization – referring to a social actor via their utterances,
for example, ‘Older workers face widespread and increasing discrimination
in European Community countries, a report said today’ (BNC, K2W).
3. Instrumentalization – referring to a social actor via an object that they used
to carry out an activity, for example, ‘Earlier eight people died when bombs
rained on the city’s crowded streets’ (BNC, CH6).
Information which is implied in a statement but cannot be derived from
applying logical inferencing techniques to it. An implicature is therefore what
is suggested but not formally expressed. Instead, the reader or hearer must
either understand that part of the statement has a conventionalized, special
meaning or take context into account in order to decode the implicature
(Grice refers to these as conversational implicatures). For example,
John: I’ve made a strawberry flan.
Fanny: I had strawberries for breakfast dear.
Here we might make the implicature that Fanny does not want to eat John’s
strawberry flan (as it is unusual to eat the same meal twice in one day, and
Fanny seems to be using this as an excuse, rather than saying something like
‘How lovely, can I have a big slice’). However, unlike ENTAILMENTS, the implicatures we make do not necessarily have to reflect truths (Fanny might have
intended to mean that she loved strawberries). See also PRESUPPOSITION.
A way of signalling one social meaning over another (often through linguistic
means). The term was popularized by Ochs (1992: 338) who writes, ‘In every
community, members have available to them linguistic resources for communicating such social meanings at the same time as they are providing other
levels of information’. Such signals are interpreted by other members of a
community. Although indexes are used to signify certain types of IDENTITY
distinctions, they are often ‘non-inclusive’ – most indexes can be used by
anyone and can also be used to mark a range of different types of social
information. Sunderland (2004: 25) notes, for example, how TAG QUESTIONS
can be used to index female identities but are also associated with hesitancy
and confirmation checks.
A way of specifically referring to a social actor as an individual, for example,
by using a person’s name (‘Mrs Smith’) or by singling them out in some other
way (e.g. through use of an indefinite article ‘a 35-year-old woman’). In
illustrating how individualization can be used in ideological ways, van
Leeuwen (1996: 48) states that middle-class newspaper tends to individualize
members of the elite, while working-class newspapers individualize ‘ordinary’
A term used by Wouters (1977) which referred to increasing permissiveness
and leniency in codes of conduct in (western) societies occurring in the 1920s
and again in the 1960s/1970s. It was adopted by Fairclough (1995: 19)
to refer (partly) to CONVERSATIONALIZATION of public discourse. Linguistically,
interactional sociolinguistics
Goodman (1996: 42–43) refers to it as involving shortened terms of address,
contractions of negatives and auxiliary verbs, the use of active rather than
passive sentence constructions, colloquial language and slang. It can also
involve the adoption of regional accents (as opposed to say Standard English)
or increased amounts of SELF-DISCLOSURE of private feelings in public contexts
(e.g. it can be found in talk shows or in the workplace). Goodman argues that
informalization of English is the result of a range of interacting factors, including urbanization of society, improved transport links, relaxed social attitudes,
new media, erosion of class distinctions, increased participation in society via
democracy and the competitive demands of CAPITALISM. Informalization can
therefore be potentially empowering and/or disempowering depending on
the context of its use and can also place more complex demands on members
of society, who need to judge when and the extent to which informalization
is appropriate.
intensifying strategies
In the DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH, this is a way of strengthening a discourse
or argument. At the linguistic level, it can involve using intensity markers or
gradable adverbs which emphasize or amplify a proposition (e.g. very, really,
absolutely), modal and semi-modal verbs (should, must, have to) or other lexis
which carry a strong evaluative load or evoke emotions. At the paralinguistic
level, it can involve the use of particular types of stress, speed or volume in
order to emphasize particular points, while at the nonverbal level, it can
involve the adoption of certain facial expressions or gestures.
interactional sociolinguistics
A term popularized by John Gumperz, who used it as an approach which
combined anthropology, linguistics, pragmatics and CONVERSATION ANALYSIS
into an interpretive framework for analysing meaning. It was initially often
used in cross-cultural comparisons, particularly to analyse intercultural miscommunications, although it has also been employed in cross-gender analysis
by researchers like Deborah Tannen. Interactional sociolinguistics argues that
sociocultural knowledge does not exist simply in values and judgements that
are outside interactions but that such knowledge is contained within interactions themselves and are signified through contextualisation cues.
A term used by Foucault (1972) and also adopted in CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS
by Fairclough (1995: 134–135) to refer to the ‘constitution of a text from
diverse discourses and genres’. Fairclough’s use of the term is inspired by
and related to the concept of INTERTEXTUALITY and is sometimes referred to as
‘constitutive intertextuality’ (Fairclough 1992: 124). Interdiscursivity can
involve the way that some genres or structures associated with genres seem
to ‘seep into’ others – for example, Fairclough (1995: 135–166) describes
how promotional discourses (associated with marketing or advertising) occur
in university prospectuses and newspaper advertisements for university
lectureships (an advert for a job also functions as an advert for a university’s
own achievements). See also COLONIZATION.
Interdiscursivity can also refer to identifying relationships between discourses.
For example, a discourse which constructs women as emotional may be a
smaller part of the higher order ‘gender differences’ discourse.
A stage of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, which generally comes between
Curbs fail to halt flood of refugees. (BNC, A4H)
For the above example, the descriptive stage of the analysis would identify a
water metaphor ‘flood’ being used to refer to refugees. The interpretative
stage of analysis might then focus on asking ‘what does this metaphor mean,
what is it being used to achieve?’ We could say, for example, that the water
metaphor has the effect of representing refugees as an out-of-control,
unwanted disaster as well as presenting them as a collective, indistinguishable, dehumanized mass. The interpretation of this metaphor is that the
writer intends to represent refugees in a negative way. The explanation stage
would then try to focus more on the wider social context, asking why
refugees are being represented in this way and what consequences this
may have for society and various groups in it.
interpretative positivism
So interpretation is generally generated through a combination of what is in
a text and the analyst’s interpretative procedures (also called members’
resources). Fairclough (1989: 142) lists six types of interpretative procedures
which each result in different yet related types of interpretation: (1) social
orders; (2) interactional history; (3) phonology, grammar, vocabulary;
(4) semantics, pragmatics; (5) cohesion, pragmatics and (6) schemata. For
example, interactional history results in the analyst referring to intertextual
context – how do text producers orient to existing discourses which are ‘out
there’ in other texts, and what do they assume that the reader already knows?
Interpretations can be problematic in that they depend on the perspective of
the researcher. McKee (2003: 66), for example, asks whether there ‘must be
a correct interpretation of each text’. A reflexive analysis would try to identify
the range of possible interpretations instead.
interpretative repertoire
A term used particularly in DISCURSIVE PSYCHOLOGY to refer to
relatively coherent ways of talking about objects and events in the world.
In discourse analytical terms, they are the ‘building blocks of conversations’,
a range of linguistic resources that can be drawn upon and utilised in the
course of everyday social interaction. Interpretative repertoires are part
and parcel of any community’s common sense, providing a basis for shared
social understanding. (Edley 2001: 98)
Some writers, for example, Potter and Wetherell (1995), have noted that
there are similarities between interpretative repertories and discourses.
However, Edley (2001) argues that interpretative repertoires are used to
emphasize human agency, noting that people can choose from a pool of
available repertoires.
interpretative positivism
Interpretative positivism, identified by Simpson (1993: 105), is a potential
problem when carrying out discourse analysis, involving making the assumption that a particular linguistic feature is always used with the same function
or same intent. However, Fowler (1991: 90) notes ‘there is no constant
relationship between linguistic structure and its semiotic significance’. HardtMautner (1995) gives the example of agentless passives. Passive constructions
obscure agency; however, this may be intentional (the writer wishes to background who is to ‘blame’ for a particular act), or it may be due to a variety of
other reasons. Perhaps the agency can easily be inferred from the context or
the agent is mentioned earlier in the text. The agent may be obscured due to
word limitations or simply to make writing style less repetitive.
A term coined by Julia Kristeva in 1966 (see Moi 1990) which refers to the
ways that texts refer to or incorporate aspects of other texts within them. This
can take many forms, for example, parodies, retellings, sampling, direct reference or quotation and allusions. It is often only possible to make sense of a
text by fully understanding how it refers to other texts. For example, Martin
Luther King’s famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech incorporates a great deal of
intertextuality. He refers to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address by using
the phrase ‘Five score years ago’ as well as adopting quotes from the Bible,
Shakespeare and the United States Declaration of Independence. The concept
has been adopted, particularly within CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (see Fairclough
1989: 55, 1995: 187–213), as an aspect of considering the wider (historical
and social) context of a text under analysis. Fairclough (1992: 117) makes a
distinction between ‘manifest intertextuality’, which involves using actual
content from one text in another, and constitutive intertextuality’, which
involves using structures from existing texts (this latter type is sometimes
Prejudice or discrimination against Islam or Muslims. A 1997 report by the
Runnymede Trust identified a number of perceptions which relate to Islamophobia: It is seen as monolithic, barbaric, sexist, violent, supportive of
terrorism, a political IDEOLOGY, separate and ‘other’ and that anti-Muslim
hostility is thus natural. Halliday (1999: 898) is critical of the term, arguing
that the stereotypical enemy ‘is not a faith or a culture but a people’ and
that the term itself produces an unhelpful distortion – ‘that there is one
Islam: that there is something out there against which the phobia can be
directed’ (ibid.). He also points out that the term ‘inevitably runs the risk
of denying the right, or possibility of criticisms of the practices of those with
whom one is having the dialogue’ (ibid.: 897). See Richardson (2004) for
a CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS of the (mis)representation of Islam/Muslims in
British newspapers.
In CORPUS LINGUISTICS, keyness is the relative frequency of a particular linguistic
item in one text or corpus when compared against another text or corpus via
statistical tests of significance (usually chi squared or log likelihood). Many
tests of keyness are carried out on single words, deriving a list of KEYWORDS.
However, keyness can also be used on LEXICAL BUNDLES or clusters (short fixed
sequences of words) or semantic or grammatical groups of words (as long as
the texts being used have been annotated according to their semantic/
grammatical categories accordingly). For example, Baker (2006) wanted to
identify aspects of argumentation in a series of UK parliamentary debates on
the subject of banning fox hunting. He compared the speech of politicians
who wanted to keep hunting with those who wanted to ban it, by assigning
semantic tags or codes to each word that was spoken. Corpus analysis software was then used to identify which semantic codes were statistically more
frequent (or ‘key’) in the ‘ban hunting’ speeches when compared to the
‘keep hunting’ speeches. Politicians who wanted to ban hunting used more
words in the semantic category for ‘toughness’ (strong, toughen, weakness)
to argue that their position was tough and their opponent’s was weak,
whereas those who wanted to keep hunting used more words in the semantic category ‘sensible’ (reasonable, absurd, rational), arguing that their position
was the ‘commonsense’ one while their opponents were illogical.
1. A cultural keyword is a word which reveals something important about
a particular culture or society. The concept was initially proposed by
Benveniste (1954: 336) but has been developed by Williams (1976) who
created a dictionary of keywords for English. Wierzbicka (1999) claims that
cultures can be understood through the use of particular keywords, for
example, German has Heimat (homeland) and Russian has dusha (soul).
Such keywords are usually nouns or adjectives (often abstract concepts like
heritage, care or community). Cultural keywords are generally identified
via subjective means – for example, the researcher makes a decision to
categorize a word as a cultural keyword. Such subjective keywords can
sometimes be used in CONTENT ANALYSIS.
2. A keyword in CORPUS LINGUISTICS is any word whose relative frequency in one
text or corpus is statistically significant (using chi-square or log-likelihood
tests) when compared against another text or corpus (often a reference
corpus). The concept was created by Mike Scott and was first implemented
in the corpus analysis software Wordsmith Tools. Because keywords are
based upon statistical tests, any word can be potentially key if it is frequent
enough (although it is up to the researcher to specify the cut off point for
statistical significance). Some keywords (such as proper nouns) reveal
information about the content of a corpus or text; others (such as closed
class items) can tell us about particular stylistic choices, while others can be
indicative of cultural keywords (see above). Keywords can also help to act
as signposts for discourse, IDEOLOGY or argumentation. For example, Baker
(2006) found that members of parliament who wanted to ban fox hunting
used the keyword barbaric (to argue that hunting was cruel) in debates,
whereas those who wanted to keep hunting used the keyword illiberal
(to argue that people should have freedom to hunt if they wanted to).
Grammatical words, if key, can also tell us something about discourse or
argumentation strategies. For example, McEnery (2006) showed how the
word and was key in texts which wanted to ban swearing in the media
because the word was used so often to create associations between
swearing and other negative phenomena (such as drunkenness and sin).
See also KEYNESS.
Saussure (1966) makes a distinction between la langue and parole. Langue
is a language system as a series of signs. It covers the systems of grammar,
spelling, syntax and punctuation. While langue refers to the system of
language, PAROLE refers to the use of the system; it is the external manifestation of langue, characterized by individual, personal usages of language.
Structuralist linguists were interested in investigating langue.
Legitimation is a process whereby something becomes legitimate according
to the values of a particular society. Habermas (1985) notes that legitimation
is negotiated in societies – for example, citizens give the state legitimacy
in return for certain benefits (e.g. welfare). Fairclough (2003: 219) defines
legitimation as ‘widespread acknowledgement of the legitimacy of explanations and justifications for how things are and how things are done’, while
van Leeuwen (2007) identifies four legitimation strategies: authorization,
moral evaluation, rationalization and mythopoesis. Beetham (1991: 39)
implies that legitimation does not occur at the end of a power struggle; it is
not the ‘icing on the cake of power’ but instead is ‘more like the yeast that
permeates the dough and makes the bread what it is’.
lexical bundle
A fixed set of words (usually between three to five words in length) which are
reasonably frequent in natural language use. They are sometimes referred to
as clusters, chunks, multi-word sequences, lexical phrases, formulas, routines,
fixed expressions and prefabricated patterns. Unlike idioms like kick the
bucket, lexical bundles tend to be difficult to identify (and are thus overlooked
in language grammars and teaching materials) because they often bridge two
structural units, for example, the lack of the. CORPUS LINGUISTICS approaches
have been able to identify such bundles and facilitate their categorization into
particular functions. Referential expressions are used to identify something as
being important or to be specific about something, for example, something
like that, a little bit about, in the United States. Stance indicators express
modality or attitude towards a proposition: I don’t know if, it is important to,
lexical cohesion
I want you to. Discourse organizers introduce, clarify or elaborate on a topic:
I want to talk about, you know what I mean, has to do with the. See Biber
et al. (1999, 2004).
lexical cohesion
A way of achieving COHESION by way of repeating the same word or phrase or
using chains of related words that contribute towards the continuity of lexical
meaning: ‘Each day she had gone with Tom and Peter or just with Tom down
into the Underground and played her violin’ (BNC, EDN). In the above
example, Tom is repeated a second time, in order to make it clear who is
being referred to. A pronoun like him would have been ambiguous. In other
cases of lexical cohesion, a related word can occur in place of the original
reference: ‘Father Death climbs the tree to gather a rosy apple but directly he
touches the fruit he is caught’ (BNC, HH3). Here, apple is later referred to by
the superordinate category fruit. Another type of lexical cohesion involves
repetition of another member of a semantic category: ‘To the right, a brickred dune stood alone among golden yellow ones’ (BNC, AT3). Here, brick-red
and golden yellow both belong to the category of colours.
Mediated Discourse Analysis (MDA)
Mediated Discourse Analysis (MDA)
A form of discourse analysis which considers texts in their social and cultural
contexts. MDA focuses on the actions that individuals take with texts and the
consequences of these actions (see Scollon 1998, 2001, Norris and Jones
2005). While MDA is interested in discourse, unlike CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS,
it does not take discourse, text or language as its central focus; instead, it is
interested in the analysis of social action. In order to achieve this, it considers
six central concepts: mediated action, site of engagement, mediational means,
practice and mediational means, NEXUS OF PRACTICE and COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE.
Analysis is achieved through TRIANGULATION of different types of data (e.g.
using participant observation, focus groups, surveys, analysis of media content), participants’ definition of significance and issue-based analysis. MDA
tends to be well suited to the analysis of the intersection of everyday social
practices with broad issue-based public discourses in societies. For example,
Scollon (2001) gives an example: When purchasing a cup of coffee, he is
surprised when the waiter asks his name and then later calls his name when
the coffee is ready to collect. This reflects an ‘erosion of the distinction
between institutional and non-institutional actions’ (ibid.: 180).
members’ resources
A way of representing something in terms of something else. The identification and analysis of metaphors are often used in the DESCRIPTION stage of
CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS as a way of revealing ideologies or discourses
surrounding a subject.
The Arts Council and Sports Council have enthusiastically welcomed the
move, but all Roy Hattersley can do is trot out allegations of electioneering
and say he’ll ‘consider’ keeping it. (BNC, K52)
In the above example, Roy Hattersley is represented as ‘trotting out’ allegations.
This is a metaphorical usage, suggesting that the way Hattersley makes
allegations is well rehearsed (as if he is riding a horse at a showjumping
contest) and thus contrived. The metaphor ‘trot out’ is therefore used to
dispute Hattersley’s claims. See also SIMILE.
mitigating strategies
Reisigl and Wodak (2001: 45) identify mitigating strategies in discursive
presentation as ways of modifying the epistemic status of a proposition by
mitigating the illocutionary force of an utterance. Some examples involve use
of impersonal constructs, ‘it seems quite clear that . . .‘; forms indicating
degrees of reservation, ‘I’m not an expert but . . .‘; using a question instead
of an assertion, ‘Shouldn’t we go further?’; framing assertions with plural
pronouns, ‘We proposed this yesterday . . .‘ and use of vague expressions,
‘There may be some points you didn’t mention before’ (ibid.: 84). See also
Ways of expressing possibility (epistemic modality) or necessity (deontic
modality), as the two examples below, respectively, show:
‘You must be out of your mind,’ Nick said. (BNC, EFJ)
You must promise me that this will be our little secret. (BNC, JXS)
Modality can be expressed via a set of verbs known as modal verbs, including
should, would, will, could, can, may, must and shall. In addition, ‘semi-modals’ such as have to, need to and want to are increasingly used to express
modality (Leech 2002). Modal adverbs include perhaps, probably, necessarily
and inevitably.
Aspects of modality are sometimes focused on in CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS,
particularly because modal verbs often highlight POWER inequalities or
IDEOLOGY – deontic modality can be used to express authority, whereas
epistemic modality can construct different representations of the world.
moral panic
moral panic
A term popularized by Cohen in 1972. Moral panics arise when a particular
group, usually led by what Cohen calls ‘moral entrepreneurs’, attempts to
exert collective moral control over another group or person. They begin with
the identification of a ‘problem’ which is perceived as a threat to a community
or section of a community’s values or interests (sometimes reflecting political
or religious beliefs), for example, pornography on television. Cohen labels
those who are the subject of a moral panic as ‘folk devils’. There follows a
build up of public concern, often with the media helping to propagate the
panic. As a result, a number of solutions are proposed, until the panic recedes
or results in social change (see also Thompson, 1998: 98). Goode and BenYehuda (1994) say that a moral panic consists of the following features:
concern, hostility, consensus, disproportionality and volatility.
national identity
Narrative has been defined as stories about human cognition, actions (and
their consequences), events, and descriptions of circumstances in which those
events occur. They are normally structured with a beginning, middle and end.
Altman (2008: 26) defines a ‘narrative text as a series of individual followingunits, joined by modulations and arranged in a particular manner’. ‘Each
narrative text’, according to him, ‘thus displays a specific “following-pattern” ’
(ibid.). Examples of narratives include myths and legends which are found in
all human societies and are sometimes used to explain phenomena in nature.
Lyotard (1979) in his critique of ideological and institutional forms of knowledge argued that narratives are not used merely to explain but also to
construct dominant forms of knowledge and beliefs. For example, religions
such as Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism have institutionalized narrative
knowledge and use it as the basis for their moral codes. Lyotard theorized
that a form of narrative known as a grand narrative provides a connection
between sets of events and social systems such as CAPITALISM and class
STRUGGLE. However, POSTMODERNISM does not see grand narratives as holding
universal truths, but instead it views them as oppressive, contestable, fragmented and fluid.
national identity
National identity is a concept that is built around the idea of the nation state.
According to Barker and Galasinski (2001: 123), a nation state refers to the
political and administrative apparatus that has a claim of ‘sovereignty over a
space or territory’. Wodak et al. (2009: 3) point out that the concept of IDENTITY
in general and national identity in particular is ‘context dependent and dynamic’.
Thus there are different constructs of national identity, and these depend on
the society or nation concerned. Every nation state discursively constructs its
own identity, although such identities are ‘malleable, fragile, and frequently
ambivalent and diffuse’ (Wodak et al. 2009: 4). For example, one way of
constructing national identity could be geographical, being delineated by
boundaries separating different countries. Alternatively, it could be ethnic; for
example, a certain ethnic group may be discursively constructed as the legitimate ‘nation’ of a particular geographical ‘country’. Wodak et al. (2009)
identify a number of assumptions which inform their conceptualization of
nationalist discourse
national identities. First, nations are ‘IMAGINED COMMUNITIES which nationalized
political subjects perceive as discrete entities’ (ibid.: 3, see also Barker and
Galasinski 2001). Secondly, national identities are special forms of social
identities which are produced, reproduced and transformed through discourse. Thirdly, national identity involves a complex of ‘similar . . . perceptual
schemata . . . emotional dispositions and attitudes, and of similar behavioural
conventions which bearers of this “national identity” share collectively and
which they have internalized through socialisation’ (Wodak et al. 2009: 4).
According to Barker and Galasinski (2001: 124), ‘The symbolic and discursive
dimension of national identity narrates and creates the idea of origin,
continuity and tradition’. Members of a certain ‘national identity’ also share
certain attitudes and emotional dispositions towards those they consider to
be outsiders. Therefore, national identity is constructed as unified, being
created through symbols, images and rituals that represent the shared
meanings of nationhood (ibid.).
nationalist discourse
Nationalist discourse enables the construction of NATIONAL IDENTITY. It is the
discursive means whereby national identity is produced, reproduced, cemented
and transformed. Nationalist discourse is therefore a means of representing
shared experience through NARRATIVES, symbols and rituals which are regarded
as the core of a national identity. Discourse analysts have examined how
nationalist discourses can sometimes be based around STEREOTYPES which
distinguish between ‘us’ and ‘them’, and such discourses can be employed in
order to justify discrimination or exclusion of out-groups.
A term used to describe how certain practices and/or discourses have become
dominant, even universal, usually because such practices or discourses originate from dominant classes or groups. For example, the discourse and
practices surrounding women being nurturers is viewed as commonsensical in
many societies, having been naturalized. Fairclough (1989: 75) notes that
naturalized practices or discourses can be used to sustain unequal POWER relations: ‘Naturalization is the royal road to common sense . . . in the naturalization
of discourse types and the creation of common sense, discourse types actually
nexus of practice
appear to lose their ideological character. A naturalized type tends to be
perceived not as that of a particular grouping . . . but as . . . neutral in
struggles for power, which is tantamount to it being placed outside ideology’
(ibid.: 92).
negative face
A concept used in POLITENESS theory to refer to a person’s desire to act out of
their own volition and not to be imposed upon by others (Brown and Levinson
1987). In other words, negative face is our desire for freedom to do what we
want, how we want to and when we want to. Linguistic examples of people
taking negative face into consideration would be ‘Please, you go first’ or
‘Welcome to my humble abode’. See also POSITIVE FACE.
A term used to describe a dominant economic system which emerged after
the Second World War and is particularly associated with the United States. In
this case, liberalism refers more to economic rather than human rights and
freedoms. Neoliberals thus advocate economic measures that they believe
will ensure that the world remains economically stable or prosperous. They
advocate transferring some control of the economy from public to private
sectors along with moderate tax and interest rates, privatization of stateowned enterprises, deregulation and property rights. The term neoliberalism
is often used critically, and the system has been viewed by opponents as a
systematic dismantling of democratic institutions and the rise of a form of
governance where the state no longer protects the interest of the people
but is instead controlled by the interests of large multinational corporations.
Neoliberalism policies have also been viewed as responsible for widening
economic inequalities between individuals. Critical discourse analysts such as
Fairclough (2000b) have focused on the political discourse of neoliberalism.
For a description of the term’s history, see Harvey (2005). See also CAPITALISM.
nexus of practice
A nexus of practice refers to a group of people who come together to engage
in a number of related social actions. According to Scollon (2001), the
concept signifies a genre of activity (like having a beer or coffee) and
the SOCIAL ACTORS involved in that particular activity. See also COMMUNITY OF
Nominalization refers to the conversion of processes into nominals (or verbs
into nouns), for example,
1. Move (verb) → movement (noun)
2. Difficult (adjective) → difficulty (noun)
This has the effect of backgrounding the process itself and can sometimes
omit the participants who are the agents in the processes:
Surely Tony Blair getting tough on immigration now is too little, too late.
(BE06, B05)
In the above example, immigration is a nominalized form of the verb
immigrate. The nominalized form does not necessarily have to specify who is
carrying out the process (the example does not reveal who is immigrating).
Fairclough (1992: 179) notes that medical and scientific texts favour nominalization, possibly to appear ‘objective’. In other cases, nominalization may be
used in order to obscure blame or serve to dehumanize certain groups.
The term non-discursive refers to social processes that are said to not involve
the use of discourse. Eagleton (1991: 219) makes a distinction between
practices and discourses, noting that there is a difference between giving
a sermon and taking a pebble from your left ear. The latter is more likely to
be a non-discursive practice. Discursive practices are shaped by the nondiscursive dimensions of social practice and vice versa and are therefore said
to be in a dialectical relationship (Fairclough 1992). However, other discourse
theorists see all social practices as discursive (Laclau and Moufe 1985), which
means that discursive practices are fully constitutive of the social world.
nonverbal communication
non-sexist language
Sexist language can be defined as language which discriminates on the basis
of GENDER or BIOLOGICAL SEX (see SEXISM). For example, generic uses of the pronoun he and other male generic terms like early man and fireman could be
said to background female members of the English speaking community. It
could also be argued that there is inequality in the TERM OF ADDRESS system.
Adult males are called Mr whereas adult females use Miss or Mrs, forcing
them to reveal their marital status.
Non-sexist language involves a deliberate attempt to avoid using gender
discriminatory words. For example, terms such as Ms, chair or director
of ceremonies have been suggested as replacements for their more sexist
counterparts such as Miss/Mrs, chairman and master of ceremonies. Some
people have opposed non-sexist language as a form of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.
Baker (2010) found increases in the frequency of non-sexist language usage
across four general corpora of written British English from 1931 through
1961, 1991 and 2006, noting that the most successful strategies seemed to
involve getting people to stop using a particular word, rather than persuading
them to change over to a new invented one, especially if it was difficult to use
in spoken contexts (such as him/her). Terms based on existing words like chair
proved to be more popular than more inventive strategies like the -person
suffix and Ms. Instead, he found that use of Mr had strongly declined
over time, suggesting a different sort of resolution to the unequal term of
address system.
nonverbal communication
The use of non-oral language to communicate. Examples include ‘body
language’ (hand gestures, posture, touch) and sign language. Nonverbal
communication also can be achieved through facial expressions, eye contact
(or lack of it) or via styling choices such as clothing or hairstyles. Aspects of
speech such as tone, speed, volume, stress, rhythm and so on can be viewed
as nonverbal, while in writing, nonverbal elements could include phenomena
such as the colour of the ink or the handwriting style used. SILENCE could also
be viewed as a form of nonverbal communication.
In general, a norm refers to the average or typical performance of a group of
people. This could involve results from a test or refer to phenomena like the
average weight of a population. However, in social research norms refer to
conventionalized ways of acting or behaving (see NATURALIZATION). Social norms
are usually unwritten expectations about the appropriate ways that people
should behave. They are handed down from generation to generation through
socialization, often via NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION or through discourses.
normalization of discourse
Normalization of discourse refers to ways that certain discourses, practices
and identities are constructed as normal (see also NATURALIZATION). This can
sometimes result in existing discourses being challenged. For example, Tasker
(2004, 2005) conducted a study of lesbian and gay parenting texts and found
that there are often similarities drawn between heterosexual and gay parenting. They argue that such similarities indicate a tendency to construct gay
parenting along the lines of heterosexual parenting in order to ‘normalize’
gay parenting. The discourse used to construct gay parenting this way can
therefore be said to be a normalization of gay parenting discourse.
A noun is any word that can be used to name something. Nouns can be
concrete (dog) or abstract (idea), singular (goose), plural (geese), uncountable
(sheep) or proper (Tom). Nouns can also modify other nouns (coffee
morning). Nouns are an open grammatical class, meaning that they have
many members and that new nouns can be created. Nouns function as heads
of noun phrases which in turn perform the functions of SUBJECT, OBJECT and
complement in a sentence. Nouns can be created from verbs, adjectives or
adverbs, sometimes via a process called NOMINALIZATION (e.g. accept →
In grammatical terms, ‘object’ refers to the entity that is represented as being
acted upon. It contrasts with other grammatical categories such as subject,
verb and adverbial. For example, in the clause ‘Kelly hit the ball’, there are
three grammatical categories, namely, SUBJECT, VERB and OBJECT. Kelly is the
subject, hit is the verb and the ball is the object.
1. The means of constructing an abstract concept as if it is something concrete or real (similar to reification).
2. The construction of human subjects as inanimate objects. This often occurs
linguistically, for example, involving avoidance of attribution of agency to
a human (or group or people), suggestions that the human is owned
by someone else or that it is acceptable to hurt the human or not show
concern for their feelings (see Nussbaum 1995). The following is an
example of objectification from a magazine article: ‘Two years later, at 18,
she found herself pregnant by Smith’ (BNC, CD5). Here the woman (the
singer Neneh Cherry) is depicted as having no agency in her pregnancy.
Objectivity in science refers to an impartial, rational analysis of a natural phenomenon that is not influenced by the characteristics of the analyst studying
the phenomenon. In that sense, objectivity means that the object of study has
been measured and evaluated in such a way that the same results can be
reproduced by another analyst.
The objective approach has been criticized from a post-structuralist perspective
as being difficult to apply to the social sciences, as it assumes that an analyst
can impartially select phenomena to study and that the methods and process
of analysis are not affected by the analyst’s personal prejudices and IDENTITY.
For example, Harré and Secord (1972), Brown (1973) and Armistead (1974)
have argued that the social psychology research of the 1960s and 1970s
implicitly voiced the values of dominant groups. Secondly, the objective
stance presupposes that a text can be separated from the social and historical
observer’s bias
conditions in which it is produced and consumed, while thirdly it could be
argued that objectivity (or the desire for it) is a ‘stance’ in itself, albeit
unacknowledged. Critical and post-structuralist analysts have therefore
viewed objectivity as problematic, instead suggesting that researcher
REFLEXIVITY and transparency of their own (changing) positions should
become part of the research process. Objectivity is associated with POSITIVISM.
observer’s bias
The observer’s bias refers to the ways that a research outcome can be influenced by the researcher (see OBJECTIVITY). For example, if the researcher sets
out to investigate whether men dominate women in mixed-sex interactions,
and hypothesizes that they do, he or she may conduct the research in such
a way that the outcome of the study supports rather than rejects the
observer’s paradox
This term, coined by William Labov (1973), refers to the difficulties experienced by researchers when they try to obtain naturally occurring linguistic
data. This is because the researcher needs to systematically observe and record
language as it is used in a natural context. However, the presence of the
observer or recording equipment may cause those who are being observed to
alter their behaviour. The following is a (simplified) example of transcribed
spoken data, taken from the British National Corpus (file KP0).
Speaker A:
Speaker B:
Speaker A:
Speaker B:
It’s fucking brilliant . . . Shit they didn’t record that did they?
It doesn’t matter.
Well I said a rude word . . .
Well no it doesn’t matter. Anonymity guaranteed. . . . They
won’t use the bit where we say fuck fuck fuck.
Speaker A: Fuck.
Researcher presence can thus result in language use that is not representative
of the ‘everyday language’ of the researched community, and yet it is only
through such systematic observation that the researcher can obtain the
required data, hence the paradox.
oppositional practices
A potential solution could be to secretly record the subjects, although this
would be viewed as a breach of researcher ETHICS and not recommended. A
more ethically sensitive solution to overcome the observer’s paradox would be
to use family members and friends to record speech (in the absence of the
researcher) in the hope that those being researched will feel more at ease and
therefore produce ‘natural’ speech. The researcher could also try to carry out
analysis on a group that he/she already ‘belongs’ to, as there would already
be pre-established ways of interacting. Another solution could be to ask
informants to recount tales of personal experience, which would be likely to
produce an emotional response, resulting in more naturalistic speech. The
researcher may also decide to disregard the first ten minutes or so of the
recording, in order to allow the subjects to acclimatize to being recorded.
Finally, the researcher could acknowledge the paradox when carrying out the
analysis. Depending on our research focus, the above example does not give
completely useless data – it could still be of interest to see how the participants oriented to being recorded, how they conduct TURN-TAKING and which
words they used under these circumstances (why did they say fuck and not
some other word?).
oppositional discourses
Discourses always exist in networks and are related in mutually supportive or
contradictory ways (see INTERDISCURSIVITY). Oppositional discourses draw upon
each other in order to contradict each other. For example, in the context of
some African countries, a ‘women as victims of poverty’ discourse seems to
exist in an oppositional relationship with a ‘women as agents of development’
discourse, suggesting that women are constructed simultaneously as being
vulnerable and prone to poverty and disease as well as being the backbone of
rural economies. Oppositional discourses can be indicators of a dominant
discourse being challenged by marginal or emerging discourses (see also
oppositional practices
These are sets of SOCIAL PRACTICES that have conflicting consequences. For
example, democracy as a social practice is the opposite of dictatorship.
Democracy as a social practice implies equality, respect for human rights,
consultation and freedom of expression. On the other hand, dictatorship
implies inequality, violation of human rights and lack of freedom. Additionally,
an oppositional practice can refer to any practice which is in opposition to a
socially sanctioned practice – for example, rebelling against authority or
Oppression refers to the way that POWER is exercised over a person or group of
people in an unjust and/or cruel manner. Oppression can affect victims at a
physical or emotional level and can be based on aspects of IDENTITY, such
as ethnicity, religion, gender or sexuality. It can involve ERASURE, exclusion,
is to identify ways that language and discourse is used in order to maintain or
resist oppressive practices. Other approaches, such as FPDA (FEMINIST POSTSTRUCTURALIST DISCOURSE ANALYSIS), are concerned with directly giving voices to
oppressed groups. See also HEGEMONY.
oral discourse
In traditional (older) forms of discourse analysis, the term TEXT was used interchangeably with DISCOURSE so that written texts were referred to as written
discourse as opposed to spoken texts which were referred to as oral discourse
(Levinson 1983). Today there is a distinction made between text and discourse
where texts are seen as the material realizations of discourses. In other words,
discourses are articulated through texts.
order of discourse
A term coined by Foucault (1971, 1984). Fairclough (1992: 43, 1993: 138)
defines order of discourse as the ‘totality of discursive practices in an institution and the relationships between them’. He later describes an order of
discourse as ‘a particular combination of genres, discourses and styles which
constitutes the discoursal aspect of a network of social practices . . . In
general terms [they are] . . . the social structuring of linguistic variation or
difference – there are always many different possibilities in language, but
choice amongst them is socially structured’ (Fairclough 2003: 220).
Orientalism/orientalist discourse
1. Earlier Orientalism gained recognition in the nineteenth century when
scholars from the West (mainly France and England) wrote about and
attempted to interpret aspects of Asian and Arab cultures against a
backdrop of colonialism. Nineteenth century western constructions of ‘The
Orient’ often depicted an exotic, irrational, passive and backward alien
culture in opposition to a normalized, rational, active and civilized westerner. At other times, oriental men were constructed as hyper-sexual and
thus threatening to white women.
2. Contemporary Orientalism is a critical POST-COLONIAL THEORY that tries to
deconstruct stereotypical depictions of Asian and Arab cultures and of
the former colonized subjects in general. Perhaps the most well-known
Oriental critique is that which is provided by Edward Said (1979) whose
rejection of the earlier Orientalism is also a rejection of the biological
generalization, cultural and religious prejudices that earlier Orientalism
Orthography refers to a system of writing which includes conventions of
punctuation, capitalization, hyphenation and word breaks as well as the symbols (graphemes) and diacritics used in a particular language. Phonemic
orthography is a writing system in which each sound (phoneme) has a distinct
letter used to represent it and which it does not share with another sound
(such as the International Phonetic Alphabet). Morphophonemic orthography
considers both sound and word structure. For example, in English, the voiced
/z/ sound at the end of birds and shoes is spelt with the same orthographic
character as the voiceless /s/ counterpart in rats and lips.
Defective orthography refers to a system where there is no correspondence
between the sound (phoneme) and the character used to represent the sound.
In English the vowel sound /i:/ is represented by different characters in the
words amoeba, succeed, replete, beat, believe, receive and machine. Finally,
a complex orthography, such as writing systems used to represent Chinese,
combines a number of symbols and punctuation rules.
overarching discourse
In CONVERSATION ANALYSIS, orthographic TRANSCRIPTION generally refers to
conventions that are used in order to represent spoken recordings (such as
conversations) in written form. Such conventions often reassign punctuation
marks or formatting styles to indicate different aspects of speech. For
example, [square brackets] to mark sections of overlapping conversation,
a number in round brackets (1.0) to indicate the length of a pause, CAPITAL
LETTERS to show raised volume or colons to show a draw:::n-out sound.
overarching discourse
A discourse which subsumes several other discourses under it. For example,
‘woman as domestic’ discourse can be regarded as an overarching discourse
under which are more specific discourses such as ‘woman as cook’, ‘woman
as nurturer’, ‘woman as cleaner’ (see DISCOURSE NAMING). The ‘woman
as domestic’ discourse itself can also be subsumed under higher order discourses such as ‘gender differences’ or ‘patriarchal society’. See Sunderland
(2004: 69).
According to van Leeuween (1996: 61), over-determination is a process of
social actor representation whereby a person or group is described as ‘participating, at the same time, in more than one social practice’. A subtype of
over-determination is inversion, whereby social actors engage in two practices
which are oppositional in some way (van Leeuwen (ibid.) points to the cartoon
characters in the television series The Flintstones, who live in prehistoric times
but also engage in many activities that are common to the twentieth century).
Another form of over-determination is symbolization, whereby a fictional social
actor or group stands in for a nonfictional social actor. A third subtype is
connotation, whereby a ‘unique . . . nomination or physical identification . . .
stands for a classification or functionalisation’ (ibid.: 63). For example, a term
like trailer trash (a pejorative term for people who live in trailer parks) connotes
a wide range of behaviours and attitudes which are popularly associated with
such people (e.g. that they are uneducated, bigoted, have poor taste, are
substance abusers etc.). Finally, distillation ‘is a form of over-determination that
connects social actors to several social practices by abstracting the same
feature from the social actors involved in these several practices’ (ibid.: 64).
The example that van Leeuween (ibid.: 64–5) gives involves a list of different
types of therapists, which includes groups like school teachers and lawyers.
van Leeuween argues that this taxonomy has abstracted peripheral qualities
of these jobs (teachers and lawyers are not really therapists but their roles may
involve some therapy-like work) and elevated them to generalizations.
The extensive use of synonymous or near-synonymous words to reference a
particular domain or social practice (also referred to as overlexicalization).
Overwording may indicate a preoccupation with a particular issue or domain
and is often found where there is ideological struggle. For example, the drug
marijuana has been referred to as cannabis, weed, ganja, pot, mary-jane,
hemp, dope, grass, hash and hashish, while people who are described as
freedom fighters can also be called terrorists, rebels, insurgents or assassins,
depending on the ideological perspective of the namer.
Parataxis refers to placing linguistic items side by side so that they have (or
appear to have) equal status (without using coordinating or subordinating
conjunctions). The most famous example of parataxis is Caesar’s ‘I came,
I saw, I conquered’. If multiple adjectives are used to modify a noun (or noun
phrase), then, unlike HYPOTAXIS, it is possible to put commas after each one to
show that they all modify the noun; for example, consider ‘Glasser still stands
in awe of this formidable, feckless man’ (BNC, A05). Here formidable and
feckless both modify the word man. The word formidable does not modify
feckless man.
This term is associated with the Swiss Linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1966)
and refers to actual instances of language use. It contrasts with LANGUE, which
refers to the abstract system of language such as its grammatical system.
Parole is about utterances (language as used by individual speakers in a
specific context) rather than the abstract system.
Parsing, or syntactic analysis, refers to the analysis of a sentence in terms of
its constituent parts. This can be done manually by diagramming or putting
brackets around sentences to show the different parts of the sentence such
as the Noun Phrase (subject), the Verb Phrase (predicator) and Noun Phrase
(object) in an subject verb object (SVO) structure.
participant observation
Participant observation is a qualitative research strategy that has its origins in
traditional ETHNOGRAPHY. It involves the researcher immersing herself in the
researched community’s environment and joining in with their daily activities
and routines, often over a long period of time. It helps the researcher to
understand the research phenomenon from the participants’ perspective,
what is sometimes referred to as an ‘insider perspective’. A disadvantage of
passive agent deletion
participant observation is that it can be very time consuming. The participatory nature of the research means that it can also be difficult to collect a
complete record of data, as the researcher may need to rely on their memory
of events.
1. Human participants are people who take part in a social activity. In
discourse analysis research that could involve acting as a subject – for
example, interview participants are the people who are reviewed by a
2. In grammatical theory, participants are components of a clause. In English
clauses, for instance, there are three components: the participants, the
process and the circumstances.
[Sasha] [arrived] [yesterday afternoon]
In the example above, ‘Sasha’ is the participant in the clause, ‘arrived’ is the
process and ‘yesterday afternoon’ describes the circumstances in which the
process takes place.
The participants in a clause are used to represent participants in real life, but this
does not necessarily mean that language users always represent every participant in an explicit or equal way. Some participants may be represented as active
while others could be passive or excluded (see PASSIVE AGENT DELETION).
passive agent deletion
Passive agent deletion refers to the conversion of an active pattern to passive
voice which results in the agent of the process being omitted or backgrounded.
For example, the sentence ‘But the police have killed 46 people in the past
five years, including 12 last year’ (BNC, ABD) is an active sentence with ‘the
police’ as the agent. The sentence could be rewritten as a passive sentence,
‘Forty six people have been killed in the past five years, including 12 last year’,
so that the agent is deleted (see also AGENCY, PASSIVIZATION). In such cases, this
can make the perpetrators of an action appear to be discursively absolved
from responsibility.
passivated social actors
Social actors can be represented as ‘doing’ things (as actors/agents) or as
having things done to them or for them (as goals or beneficiaries of other
social actors’ actions). The latter type of social actors are said to be passivated
while the former are activated. Activated social actors make things happen
and can therefore influence their environment. On the other hand, passivization of social actors can be interpreted as a linguistic trace of disempowering
discourse in that it constructs such actors as inactive and therefore not having
any meaningful influence on their environment (see also AGENCY, PASSIVIZATION,
PASSIVE AGENT DELETION). For example, in the British National Corpus, the group
‘the elderly’ is often composed of passivated social actors, being the goal of
verbs like visit, befriend, help, support and protect.
Passivization is a term used in grammar to refer to the transformation of an
active sentence into a passive one. An active sentence is one with an subject
verb object (SVO) basic pattern, such as ‘John hit Mary’. Here ‘John,’ the
SUBJECT, performs the act of hitting on ‘Mary’, the object. When the same
sentence is transformed into a passive, ‘Mary was hit (by John)’, its structure
changes to subject verb adverbial, where the adverbial (‘by John’ in this case)
is optional. From a discourse analytical perspective, this can have the effect
of backgrounding certain actors or their role in an activity. See also AGENCY,
Patriarchy is a social system that is based on the belief and associated practices
that men are authority figures in most, if not all, social structures. This places
male figures in positions of POWER in structures such as families and communities as well as giving them ACCESS and priority to governance. Patriarchy is
enshrined in practices such as inheritance, whereby older male children inherit
CAPITAL from their parents, or in marriage practices, whereby a woman is ‘given
away’ by her father and then adopts her husband’s surname. Feminists have
challenged and deconstructed patriarchy, showing it to be maintained by
patriarchal discourses, for example, those which construct men as being
natural or good leaders.
Pauses are silences or gaps in a conversation which occur as a result of the
current speaker stopping. Conversation and discourse analysts often take
care to mark pauses in spoken transcriptions as they can be revealing of interesting phenomena. For example, pauses can be associated with dispreferred
Performatives are (often formulaic) SPEECH ACTS which, when uttered, perform
a social act and bring about a new reality (see Austin 1962). Such utterances
have no TRUTH CONDITIONS and usually contain a performative VERB. These are
called explicit performatives. The performative verb indicates the illocutionary
force of the utterance. For example,
I declare the resolution carried. (BNC, HM6)
I promise I will be there in a minute. (BNC, KR1)
I vote that this is a good point. (BNC, J99)
Performative verbs can often be identified by seeing if the word hereby can
be inserted before them. The meanings of the above sentences do not depend
on their truth condition and are not falsifiable. We do not know, for example,
if the person voting on the good point above actually believes that the point
is a good one or whether it can be independently verified that the point is
good. The meaning, or pragmatic force of the performative, depends on
certain conditions, known as FELICITY CONDITIONS, being appropriate for them to
be uttered and to be meaningful. For example, if someone says ‘I resign’, for
the performative to be felicitous, they have to have a particular job or role
that they are allowed to resign from, and they must utter the performative
to someone who is able to accept their resignation. If these conditions are
not present, the uttering of the sentence would be infelicitous and would
have no force.
The idea of performativity is related to Austin’s SPEECH ACT THEORY in which
PERFORMATIVE speech acts do not just reflect an existing reality but create that
reality. For example, a performative SPEECH ACT such as ‘I declare this meeting
officially opened’ creates a new reality in that before the words were uttered
the meeting was not yet happening. However, after they are uttered then a
meeting is actually taking place. Butler applied the concept of performativity
more broadly to refer to how we constitute our sense of self through a
systematic and repeated performance of certain types of acts. See GENDER
A form of social actor representation whereby social actors are represented as
human beings (as opposed to IMPERSONALIZATION). Examples of personalization
Personification is a metaphorical representation, common to literary texts,
whereby nonhuman objects are ascribed human attributes or qualities. For
example, ‘Out of the fifty odd men left, only about thirty would be required
to unload the Russian ship, big as she was’ (BNC, B3J). In this case, the ship
is referenced with the female pronoun she, despite the fact that in English
inanimate objects are not gendered.
Personification can express abstract nouns in human terms, for example, ‘One
thing of which capitalism has always been proud, is that it can in a literal
sense “deliver the goods” ’ (BNC, CDW).
Reisigl and Wodak (2001: 81) refer to perspectivation as the way that
‘speakers express their involvement in discourse and position their point of
phatic communication
view in the discursive flux: for example, in the reporting, description, narration and quotation of discriminatory events or utterances, and not least, in
the discursive practice of discrimination itself’. See DISCURSIVE STRATEGY.
persuasion (persuasive strategies)
Persuasion is an integral part of ARGUMENTATION (see also the DISCOURSEHISTORICAL APPROACH), and it involves a speaker or speakers adopting strategies
to convince the listener of the validity of what he/she is saying. Persuasion
thus involves attempts to influence people to change their perceptions,
attitudes towards people, ideas or the world in general.
Persuasive strategies include the use of WARRANTS or TOPOI, which are rules that
connect the argument to the conclusion or claims. One persuasive strategy
involves the speaker or writer appealing to authorities, experts or celebrities
who support his or her point of view. For example, a 1950s advert for the
cigarette brand Camel stated, ‘According to a recent Nationwide survey:
More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette’.
phatic communication
Phatic communication (or phatic communion) is a term coined by Bronislaw
Malinowski (1923), referring to verbal interaction (sometimes called ‘small
talk’) that is aimed at acknowledging the existence of other people as well as
establishing and maintaining rapport among participants in a conversation.
For example, in England people might engage in talk about the weather. This
is not because English weather is particularly interesting or extreme, but
because it is an uncontroversial way of establishing common ground before
other topics can be approached. Phatic communication can often occur in
COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION, such as text messaging or social networking sites, where its function is not to impart essential information but to
demonstrate that people care for and are thinking of another person. Some
linguists use the term to refer to cases where people refer to the channel of
communication itself, particular in online contexts.
A grammatical structure which functions as a single unit in a sentence. It can
contain one or more words. Phrases can be classified according to a central
word called a head word. Common types of phrases are noun phrases (John,
the black cat, some trees, excitement), prepositional phrases (into the woods,
to the shops), adjectival phrases (sick as a parrot), adverbial phrases (really
slowly) and verb phrases (hit the ball, couldn’t have known that). Phrases can
contain other phrases embedded within them; for example, hit the ball is a
verb phrase which contains a noun phrase. See PARSING.
Pitch is a perceptual characteristic of speech and refers to the frequency of the
vibration of vocal cords in the production of speech sounds. It corresponds to
the musical notions of high notes and low notes. The higher the vibration of
the vocal cords, the higher the pitch. Pitch gives syllables produced in speech
relative prominence. For example, in the English syllable system, if a number
of syllables of a word are said with low pitch and one is said with a high pitch,
the syllable that has higher pitch will be more prominent (it will be a stressed
syllable) (see Kreidler 1989). Pitch can thus be used to signal discourse structure; for example, a change in pitch could mark a new topic, show emphasis
or indicate that the speaker requires the listener to pay attention (see Brown
and Yule 1983: 164).
Politeness theory is concerned with how people establish and maintain social
cohesion, for example, by using various verbal and nonverbal strategies or
avoiding talk that may potentially cause conflict and social disharmony (Brown
and Levinson 1987). Politeness, as used in language, is inextricably linked to
what linguistics philosophers refer to as FACE (see NEGATIVE FACE, POSITIVE FACE).
Leech (1983) conceives of a Politeness Principle, similar to Grice’s (1975)
COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE. This Principle has maxims of tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement and sympathy.
Politeness is also closely linked to POWER and power relations. So in an interaction we would often expect less powerful people to use more polite forms of
political correctness (PC)
language, although people at extreme ends of a social scale may not attend
to a society’s politeness norms. Politeness criteria can vary between cultures
or regions. For example, in Sengwato, a dialect of Setswana, a language
spoken in Botswana, the use of the second person pronoun wena (you) in the
singular form is considered impolite if used by a young person to address
an older person. The polite form is the plural lona (you). However, in the
Southern parts of the country, where other dialects of the language are
spoken, it is acceptable to address an older person using the singular form.
political correctness (PC)
PC is an umbrella term, used in American campuses in the 1980s to designate
forms of behaviour, linguistic and otherwise, that had the intention of
eliminating discrimination against traditionally marginalized social groups,
such as women (see NON-SEXIST LANGUAGE), the disabled, ethnic and religious
minorities. This could include, for example, coining new terms such as
African-American or wheelchair user or avoiding language use that was
considered to be excluding, pejorative or referenced STEREOTYPES Another
example of PC involves ‘affirmative action’ policies designed to counter earlier
incidents of discrimination, such as having quotas in workplaces, schools or
governments to ensure that previously excluded groups are given the opportunity to participate.
However, such practices inspired a backlash, and the concept of PC was
resignified in order to refer to practices that were viewed (especially by the
right-wing media) as ridiculous, interfering with people’s freedom of expression, patronizing or moralizing. As a result, Cameron (1995: 123) noted that
‘PC now has such negative connotations for so many people that the mere
invocation of the phrase can move those so labelled to elaborate disclaimers
or reduce them to silence’.
PC (or ‘sensitive language use’) was debated in media and academic circles in
the 1990s, with Dunant (1994: xi–xii) arguing against ‘positive discrimination’
and assuming that all minority groups wish to be treated in the same way.
Pinker (1994) claimed that PC could result in a ‘euphemism treadmill,’ whereby
new terms continually need to be replaced as older ones acquire negative
meanings, resulting in confusion, whereas Ehrenreich (1992: 335) points
out that changing language does not necessarily alter underlying attitudes.
Cameron, however, writes that ‘[t]he verbal hygiene movement for so-called
politically correct language does not threaten our freedom to speak as we
choose . . . It threatens only our freedom to imagine that our linguistic choices
are inconsequential, or to suppose that any one group of people has an
inalienable right to prescribe them’ (Cameron, 1994: 33).
Albertazzi and McDonnell (2008: 3) define populism as ‘an ideology which
pits a virtuous and homogeneous people against a set of elites and dangerous
“others” who are together depicted as depriving (or attempting to deprive)
the sovereign people of their rights, values, prosperity, identity and voice’.
Populism is not restricted to a particular political position, and thus there can
be liberal or conservative populism. Canovan (1981: 5), however, notes that
people who expound populist ideologies rarely label themselves as populist
and reject the term if it is used on them.
positive discourse analysis
A form of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (CDA) described by Martin and Rose
(2003) and Martin (2004) which foregrounds the fact that CDA need not
always be concerned with exposing hidden negative agendas or discourses
which maintain unequal POWER relationships or mislead readers in some way
(although it should be acknowledged that some texts, intentionally or not, do
this). Positive discourse analysis suggests that positive readings of texts are
possible and that not all discourses are damaging or negative. It therefore
focuses on what texts ‘do well’ and ‘get right’.
positive face
Positive face is a concept in POLITENESS theory which holds that every individual
has the need to feel appreciated, acknowledged, understood and accepted
(Brown and Levinson 1987). For example, when we have done well we expect
and want our friends to acknowledge our achievement by complimenting us.
Positive face is related to issues of self-esteem, reputation and social standing.
Positive face can sometimes be maintained by banter or playful insults, the
post-colonial theory
implication being that two speakers are so close that they can appear to be
rude to each other and no offence will be taken. See also NEGATIVE FACE.
Positivism is a philosophical movement, first theorized by Auguste Comte and
later by Émile Durkheim, that holds that true knowledge is that which is based
on the physical and sensory world. Logical positivism combines empiricism
with rationalism and holds that observation is critical for our understanding of
the world. Scientific positivism views all knowledge as scientific, by which it
means that science is transcultural and rests on results that are not influenced
by the beliefs and IDENTITY of the analyst (see also OBJECTIVITY). Many social
scientists have rejected a completely positivist stance, arguing that taking a
positivist approach to study human behaviour is problematic because it
ignores the role of the researcher in the research and does not take into
account the specific historical and social contexts under which research is
conducted. It has also been argued that positivism results in reductionism
through which one entity is reduced to another entity such as when people
are reduced to numbers and tables. In addition, such approaches could lead
to the establishment of NORMS, which could be used to stereotype or marginalize certain social actors. See also INTERPRETATIVE POSITIVISM.
post-colonial theory
Post-colonial theory is a philosophical and critical approach to the legacy of
colonialism. Post-colonialists examine the relationship between colonisers
(normally from the West) and the colonized, often focusing on unequal POWER
relationships between the two groups and how they have been legitimized
and maintained. For example, post-colonialists may study how the indigenous
knowledge of the colonized was used to benefit the colonisers or how the
literature of the colonisers justified the subordination of the colonized by
representing the latter as inferior and irrational, unable to govern themselves
and therefore needing leadership.
Post-colonialism also deals with the reactions of the colonized and how they
have reclaimed and reconstructed their own identifies, albeit fragmented,
using colonial structures such as schools and universities. It deals with how
the colonies use the coloniser’s languages, such as French, Portuguese and
English, to write their own histories and to creatively resist the images that
come from colonial literature and different art forms. Frequently cited postcolonialist writers include Edward Said, Frantz Fanon and Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak. See also ORIENTALISM.
Post-feminism is a term which first became popular in the early 1980s
to describe the range of different (sometimes conflicting) discourses and
theories that came after the SECOND-WAVE FEMINISM of the 1960s and 1970s.
While second-wave feminism was concerned with issues of legal equality
such as property rights and the right to vote, some feminists noted that it also
tended to construct women as a homogeneous and victimized group that
had little or no agency. In post-feminism, women are seen as coming from
diverse ethnic, cultural, racial and economic backgrounds. Post-feminism
also acknowledges female agency, rather than viewing women as passive
recipients of patriarchal structures and practices. Some post-feminists have
examined why some women agree with the goals of feminism but do not
consider themselves to be feminists; others have examined backlash against
feminism or looked at social practices like pole-dancing or the production
and consumption of pornography from a post-feminist perspective. A key
strand of post-feminist research is the examination of how gender inequality
continues to exist in more subtle, complex or negotiated forms – see, for
example, Levy’s (2005) study of ‘raunch’ culture or Mill’s (1998) examination
of Dateline adverts. Perhaps one of the controversial positions of postfeminism is the idea that feminism is no longer (as) relevant as many of the
issues it fought for have been achieved and that other issues, such as economic inequality, are of importance. Lazar (2005: 17) conceptualizes a global
neoliberal discourse of post-feminism as ‘once certain indicators (such as
rights to educational access, labour force participation, property ownership,
and abortion and fertility) are achieved by women, feminism is considered to
have outlived its purpose and ceases to be of relevance’. Some contemporary
feminists have thus abandoned the term post-feminism, feeling that it does
not accurately reflect their position and instead use the term third-wave
feminism to describe their perspective.
Postmodernism arose as an intellectual movement associated with a number of
philosophers such as Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard
and Michel Foucault, among others. It has also been seen as an aesthetic,
political or literary phenomenon (so, for example, we can talk of a postmodern novel). According to postmodernist philosophers, truth or reality is a
product of human social groups rather than something that is essentially ‘out
there’ waiting to be discovered. A central tenet of postmodernism is ‘the
death of the author’, a rejection of the belief that there is only one true
meaning of a particular TEXT (such as a poem, novel, film or painting), which
is the one that the author intended the audience to understand. Instead,
postmodernists hold that there are multiple readings of a particular text,
depending on who encounters it. Another belief of postmodernists is the
rejection of ‘grand narratives’ – or large-scale theories that are intended to
explain everything. Postmodernists are sceptical of the values of modernity,
such as the value of humanity having an essence different from that of
animals or of good triumphing over evil. Quentin Tarantino, for example, has
been cited as a postmodern film maker, in that his films sometimes combine
different genres and discourses together as well as ‘dissolving the divide
between high and low art’ (Hayward 2000: 279). As well as being antiessentialist, postmodernism is opposed to ways of ordering experience in
binary opposites, such as male versus female, rational versus emotional,
knowledge versus ignorance, dominance versus submissiveness and so on.
Indeed, one goal of postmodernism has been to deconstruct such binary
opposites. Postmodernist thinking thus foregrounds notions of complexity,
contradiction, ambiguity and interconnectedness in every aspect of life. Some
postmodernists have been criticized for foregrounding style over substance,
having a nihilistic or amoral worldview or using unnecessarily complex terminology to express relatively simple concepts. See also POST-STRUCTURALISM.
Post-structuralism is a movement, related to POSTMODERNISM, which is concerned with ‘critiquing the ways in which competing forms of knowledge
and the power interests these serve, aspire to fix meaning once and for all’
post-structuralist discourse analysis
(Baxter 2003: 23; see also Laclau and Mouffe 1985). According to poststructuralism, meaning or reality is discursively constructed. In linguistics,
post-structuralism signifies a shift from constructing meanings in terms of
binary opposites. Structuralists, such as Saussure, have argued that linguistic
signs are composed of two parts – a signifier (such as written word or a collection of sounds) and a signified (the concept or meaning that is referenced
by the signifier). Saussure argued that the relationship between the two was
arbitrary yet fixed. However, in the view of post-structuralists, ‘social meanings
are continuously negotiated and contested through language and discourse’
(Baxter 2003: 23–24). Derrida (1978), for example, claims that in addition to
the signifieds acquiring meaning though their difference with others, they
also have the identity of deferral, which means that the meaning of any
representation can only be fixed temporarily because it depends on the
discursive context in which the signifieds are located. In other words, meanings are not eternally fixed but are discursively constructed and can thus shift
over time. Post-structuralists have problematized the notion of a stable self,
arguing that individuals hold multiple, changing and interacting IDENTITY traits
(social class, age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity) and that any form of knowledge
making (such as text analysis) requires the analyst to take into account
how such identity traits impact on the process of analysis. In addition, poststructuralists reject the idea that a text has a single ‘true’ reading or meaning,
instead advocating that each reader constructs his or her own reading (or set
of readings), which all have validity.
post-structuralist discourse analysis
Post-structuralist discourse analysis (or PDA) is an approach to discourse
analysis that focuses on ‘what is happening right now, on the ground, in this
very conversation’ (Baxter 2002: 828, quoting from Wetherell 1998: 395).
Baxter claims that PDA is concerned with ‘the continuously fluctuating ways
in which speakers, within any discursive context, are variously positioned as
powerful or powerless by competing social and institutional discourses’ (ibid.).
For PDA, the object of discourse analysis is not so much to find closure to
meanings but rather to highlight the ‘diverse viewpoints, contradictory voices
and fragmented messages’ (ibid.) that are represented in spoken data. As a
result, no discourse can be said to be completely dominant as language in
interaction shows a continuous flux, with individual speakers being powerful
at one point and powerless at another (see also Baxter 2008).
Power is our ability to control our environment, our own lives and those of
others. The German sociologist Max Weber (1925: 28) gave a much-quoted
definition of power (Macht), which according to Kronman (1983: 38) translates to ‘the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a
position to carry out his [sic] own will despite resistance, regardless of the
basis on which this probability rests’. Foucault (1979b) contrasts sovereign
power with disciplinary power or what Fairclough (1989: 33) similarly formulates as coercion or consent. The former is exercised by the state or sovereign,
who had the power to punish, coerce or kill people. Disciplinary power, on
the other hand, is a way of ensuring that people exercise self-control or submit to the will of ‘experts’. For Foucault, disciplinary power is a much more
efficient method of control than sovereign power, and this has become the
main form of power that most people in western societies tend to encounter
in their day-to-day lives. Talbot (1998: 193) points out, ‘Real social power
does not reside in big muscles . . . Power resides elsewhere: in being at the
head of a corporation, a general leading an army, a senator or an MP’.
Critical discourse analysts have tended to focus on how disciplinary power is
created, maintained and challenged. For example, Fairclough (1995: 1), following Foucault, defines power not only as asymmetries that exist between
individuals participating in the same discursive event but also in terms of how
people have different capacities to control how texts and thus discourses
are produced, distributed and consumed. Van Dijk (1996: 85) notes that
‘social power and dominance are often organised and institutionalised, so
as to allow more effective control and to enable routine forms of power
reproduction’. This means that power is successful precisely because it is
reenacted in routine activities which are not questioned but instead seen as
normal (see HEGEMONY).
Power is linked to discourse because discourses are ways of representing and
constructing reality so that power relations are constructed, maintained and
contested via discourses. It is because of the link to discourse that power
relations are never static. The inverse of power is RESISTANCE (see also STRUGGLE,
SUBVERSION). As discourses compete for ascendancy, formerly dominant discourses may be challenged, and even replaced, by formerly marginal discourses
resulting in a shift in power relations as well as social change.
Power is not necessarily a bad thing – for example, a student and teacher are
obviously in an asymmetrical power relationship, although here the relationship is usually (hopefully) beneficial rather than detrimental to the student.
Indeed, some critical discourse analysts have focused on cases of abuses of
power, for example, where power has harmful consequences, while POSITIVE
DISCOURSE ANALYSIS focuses on cases where the power utilized by text holders is
used for good. A post-structuralist view of power is that it is connected to
human agency and that no one individual is placed as powerful across all
discourses. Thus, one can be powerful in one context and powerless in
another (see also Baxter 2003).
Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that is concerned with the communicative functions of language (Levinson 1983, Thomas 1995, Yule 1996),
particularly examining language and interaction in context. Pragmatics can
be thought as subsuming or overlapping with other fields and theories such
Pragmatics is concerned with meaning – how people make sense of language.
While we need knowledge about a particular language before we can use it,
such as grammatical rules, what individual words mean and how to pronounce them, pragmatics focuses more on how we achieve meaning in
particular contexts, by taking into account things like how, where and when
something is said, who says it, what the relationship is between the speaker
and hearer, and how we make sense of ambiguous uses of language.
For example, the question ‘Can you pass the salt?’ appears to ask if someone is
capable of passing the salt. However, if it is said with a rising tone, during a
meal, to another person who is closer to the salt than you are, then its communicative goal is probably a request for the salt, rather than a question about
ability. The meaning of the utterance is more than what is actually said.
prejudiced discourse
In traditional grammar a sentence consists of two parts, a SUBJECT and a predicate.
The predicate must contain a VERB (and can optionally contain other parts of
speech such as nouns, adjectives or adverbs), and it modifies the subject.
predicational strategies
Predicational strategies or strategic predications are evaluations, usually
realized as predicates, adjectives, appositions, adverbials, relative clauses,
metaphors or collocations, that are used to ascribe particular attributes or
qualities to social actors, often in discriminatory discourse (Reisigl and Wodak
2001). These are used as elements in ARGUMENTATION in order to justify discrimination against a certain social group. An example of a predicational strategy
that Reisigl and Wodak (2001: 55) cite is from an Austrian newspaper, which
writes, ‘Foreigners are socio-parasites, who exploit the welfare system’. Such
a strategy is used to justify why foreigners in that country should be removed
from the social welfare system or returned to their countries of origin. See
preferred reading
RECEPTION theory holds that texts are encoded with certain meanings when
they are produced, which are subsequently decoded in the process of text
interpretation. Decoding involves both the comprehension and evaluation of
a text. Hall (1973) suggests that the preferred reading is when consumers of
a text accept the encoded meanings that were intended by the text producer.
This is sometimes referred to as the dominant or hegemonic reading, and the
readers who align with the dominant readings could be referred as dominant,
hegemonic, preferred or passive readers. They contrast with RESISTANT READERS,
who reject the dominant meanings encoded in a text, formulating alternative
prejudiced discourse
Prejudiced discourse is discourse that shows evidence of discrimination against
a particular social group. Common examples of prejudiced discourse involve
discrimination based on ethnicity, race, sex, sexual orientation. While such a
discourse may show evidence of discrimination against one group, it can also
show favour for another, usually more dominant social group. See Van Dijk
Prescriptivism is associated with traditional approaches to the study of
language where some linguists tended to be concerned about preserving the
‘purity’ of language. This approach conceives of a distinction between correct
and incorrect uses of language. The strongest prescriptivists would encourage
use of correct language, for example, by pointing out perceived mistakes and
asking people to correct themselves. An example of prescriptivism would be
‘never end a sentence with a preposition’. Prescriptivism is therefore highly
rule governed. Prescriptivists could be criticized for imposing their own view
of language on others, being over-concerned with rules, not acknowledging
that language is always changing and ‘owned’ by everyone who uses it, even
those who may use nonstandard forms associated with less powerful ways of
Advocates of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS could be viewed as prescriptivist in that
they also attempt to regulate how language is used, according to a particular
value system. Another example of prescriptivism would be the Campaign
for Plain English, which advocates that councils and other bodies avoid
unnecessary jargon and complex language use, which they view as excluding
and confusing to ordinary people.
Prescriptivism could be contrasted with descriptive linguistics (see DESCRIPTION),
which attempts to describe how people actually use language, without
making judgements about correctness. A postmodern perspective would
argue that a truly descriptive approach is impossible, as that too involves
making a judgement (to try to appear neutral).
A presupposition is a proposition which, although not formally stated, is
understood and taken for granted in order for an utterance or a statement to
privileged femininity
make sense. For example, the statement ‘John’s presentation was well
received’ presupposes that ‘John gave a presentation’. Presuppositions differ
from ENTAILMENTS in that if the statement is negated, ‘John’s presentation was
not well received’, then the presupposition still holds true (John still gave a
presentation). Entailments, however, cannot be shown to hold true when
statements are negated.
Presuppositions are important in discourse analysis because they can point to
speakers’ or writers’ commonsense assumptions, beliefs and attitudes that
are taken as given. Analysis of presuppositions allows the discourse analyst
to identify implicit meanings in texts. Presuppositions are also features of
INTERTEXTUALITY in that they ‘constitute something taken for granted by the
text producer which can be interpreted in terms of intertextual relations
with previous texts of the text producer’ (Fairclough 1992: 121). However,
Chapman and Routledge (2009: 179) warn that ‘[t]here is not a consensus
among scholars in the field about what constitutes a standard notion of
presupposition in linguistics and the philosophy of language’.
privileged femininity
1. Privileged femininity can be conceived as a pro-female discourse in that it
operates as a form of positive discrimination. It could involve practices
which acknowledge the existence of male advantage in various contexts,
such as education and the workplace, and attempts to improve access and
opportunities for females (Kitetu and Sunderland 2000).
2. A different understanding of privileged femininity would refer to women
or girls who are relatively advantaged in society, possibly due to other
aspects of their IDENTITY that are more powerful or through being linked to
a powerful man. An example would be a woman who is married to a
wealthy man and does not need to do paid work. While often being linked
to social class, privileged femininity can also be connected to ethnicity.
For example, in pre-democratic South Africa white femininities could be
considered privileged as white women’s experience was not characterized
by the hardships that defined black women’s experience (see also McRobbie
2009: 87). See also HEGEMONIC FEMININITY.
In his SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR, Halliday (1994: 106) writes,
Our most powerful impression of experience is that it consists of
“goings-on” – happening, doing, sensing, meaning, and being and
becoming. All these goings-on are sorted out in the grammar of the
clause. Thus as well as being a mode of action, of giving and demanding
goods-&-services and information, the clause is also a mode of reflection,
of imposing order on the endless variation and flow of events. The
grammatical system by which this is achieved is TRANSITIVITY. The transitivity system construes the world of experience into a manageable set
A transitivity process consists of three elements – the process itself (represented by verbs), the participants (represented by nominals) and the
circumstances (represented by adverbials or prepositional phrases). See
process types
Processes are aspects of TRANSITIVITY. Processes represented in the clause are
processes of doing, being, meaning, becoming and so on. Halliday (1994)
identifies six process types (three main and three secondary). The main types
are (1) material processes (processes of doing), (2) mental processes
(processes of sensing) and (3) relational processes (processes of being). The
three secondary processes appear at the boundaries between the main
process types. So (4) behavioural processes appear between material and
mental processes, (5) verbal processes border the mental and relational and
(6) existential processes border the relational and material. Behavioural
and existential processes only have one participant, while the other processes
may have one or two. A process that has one participant can take an
intransitive verb, whereas processes with two participants make use of
transitive verbs.
For example, material processes are represented as active sentences and can
take both transitive and intransitive verbs, for example,
Joseph is kicking a ball (transitive – two participants: Joseph and a ball).
Joseph is running (intransitive – one participant: Joseph)
Mental processes are always attributed to ‘human or human-like’ participants
who do the sensing. The SUBJECT and the theme often coincide, which results
in the use of personal pronouns and a tendency to be realized as passive
I am worried by your silence.
Relational processes are represented as attributive or existential patterns and
can be realized in three types of clauses:
1. Intensive: I am tired
2. Circumstantial: I am in my forties
3. Possessive: I have two children. (Halliday 1985: 119)
The choice of representational clause (whether it is transitive or intransitive for
material processes) for a real-life process may be ideologically or culturally
significant. In addition, a consistent choice of mental processes in representation may indicate a writer/speaker’s perceptions rather than an objective
account of events.
Production refers to processes that are involved in the creation of a TEXT.
As with analysis of RECEPTION, analysis of text production can be one stage
of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (Fairclough 1989: 24–26). Analysts may ask
questions such as under what circumstances was a text produced, who
produced it, for what purposes and what constraints were placed on the
production of the text (e.g. was censorship involved).
promotional culture
Text production takes place within a specific discursive practice, which is one
aspect of social practice. For example, the production of a newspaper text
takes place with the discursive practices of news production within the main
social practice of the media as an industry. Text production involves processes
based on internalized social structures and conventions. Therefore, the
production of each text is constrained by the social conventions within which
it is produced.
promotional culture
Promotional culture refers to a social phenomenon whose function is to
communicate a message which not only provides information but also
promotes a particular aspect of social life (see Wernick 1991). Such a phenomenon is linked to the marketization or commodification of discourse.
Fairclough (1992) has shown, for example, how university prospectuses
which traditionally provided information about courses, have begun to also
contain promotional messages, functioning as a form of advertising for the
university itself. A degree may be seen as a ‘product’, students are customers
and lecturers are service providers.
A proposition is the semantic content of a sentence, which is the bearer of
truth or falsity. Propositions are sometimes regarded as abstract (or decontextualized) meanings of words, in contrast to their PRAGMATIC meaning.
Prosody refers to the suprasegmental features of connected speech, such as
stress, rhythm, PITCH, volume and intonation. These features can reveal something about the speaker or his/her intentions. For example, volume may
indicate emotional state, while a rising intonation at the end of an utterance
may be used to distinguish a question from a statement. In writing, prosodic
features are sometimes represented orthographically with punctuation marks.
For example, an exclamation mark could be used to indicate certain prosodic
features such as volume or emphasis.
public sphere
public identity
Hekman (2004) distinguishes between what she calls individual identity and
public identity. She believes that every individual has a unique IDENTITY or core
self that is constituted by a variety of experiences and influences from childhood, and it is this identity that allows each individual to function as a mature
adult. However, individual identities can be subsumed under what Heckman
calls public identities. Public identities are overarching identity categories
that are constituted by public discourses. For example, being white, black,
working-class, Christian or an immigrant is a public identity. While our
individual identity makes us different from everyone else, Heckman says, our
public identities identify us as members of a social group, sharing certain
attributes with other members of our identity category.
public sphere
A term associated with Habermas (1984), which refers to the relationship
between social systems and everyday life. Fairclough (2003: 68) sees the
public sphere as ‘the sphere in which people act as citizens’. In the public
sphere, citizens can debate issues that affect their lives and influence the
directions of policies that impact on their way of life. The more powerful
members of a society often have more ACCESS to the public sphere, taking part
in public debates that influence the direction in which society develops.
qualitative methods
qualitative methods
This term refers to a number of research methods which involve nonnumerical data collection or explanation. Such methods include ETHNOGRAPHY,
PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION, unstructured interview, case study, FOCUS GROUP and
CONVERSATION ANALYSIS. Such methods often involve the close analysis of a
small amount of data rather than summarizing large amounts of data via
QUANTITATIVE METHODS. Qualitative approaches have been criticised for being
subjective as the researcher’s identities can influence the research process;
for example, the researcher may choose to analyse a piece of data which
confirms his or her own expectations. See also Bernard and Ryan (2010).
quantitative methods
Quantitative methods rely on mathematical models and statistical tests to
systematically and objectively study natural phenomena. It is widely used in
the natural sciences, such as physics, chemistry and mathematics, as well as
being used in CORPUS LINGUISTICS and CONTENT ANALYSIS. In the social sciences, the
use of quantitative research is criticized as being associated with POSITIVISM.
See also Blaikie (2003).
queer theory
Queer was a pejorative term aimed at gay people, but it was subject to
RECLAIMING in the later part of the twentieth century as a defiant, politicized
IDENTITY label. While queer is still often associated with homosexuality,
proponents of queer theory argue that the term is potentially anything
which mainstream society considers to not be ‘normal’, particularly in terms
of sexual identity or desire. For example, an S/M practitioner, a prostitute
or a woman who has a relationship with a much younger man could be seen
as queer. In addition, the concept could be extended to cover gender identity,
ethnic identity and so on – so a couple who are of different ethnicities could
also be viewed from a queer perspective. Rather than seeking ‘liberation’ or
‘assimilation’ of minority identity groups into the mainstream, queer theory
instead seeks to deconstruct and challenge the concept of fixed and stable
identities (particularly binary pairs like gay/straight), arguing that such identities
queer theory
are social constructs and ‘performed’. One aspect of queer analysis would be
to show that identity categories are specific to particular societies and points
in time by examining historical records or looking at other cultures to show
that such identities were either not conceptualized or that the discourses
about them were very different. Hall (2003: 101) writes, ‘. . . desires do not
necessarily remain true. That is not to say that we are “all” really bisexual. The
point of queer theories generally is that we are not all “really” any one thing’.
Queer theory thus takes POST-STRUCTURALISM as its basis, although it also has
links to feminist theory and GENDER PERFORMATIVITY.
Racism refers to the belief that human abilities and traits can be differentiated
on the basis of ethnicity and that, as a result, some ‘races’ are better or worse
than others (either generally or with respect to particular characteristics).
According to Memmi (1992: 103), racism involves making absolute generalizations that are evaluations of real or fictitious differences which are
detrimental to the accused (see also Reisigl and Wodak 2001: 5–10). A racist
person judges their victim negatively in order to justify and legitimate his or
her own privileged status and the victim’s marginalized status. Racism is
also understood more broadly as an overarching label for all kinds of discriminatory and aggressive tendencies towards those who are perceived as
‘different’. A related term is heterophobia – an irrational fear or dislike of any
different group (e.g. Jews, black people, Arabs, women, young people or
people with disabilities). Racism is ideological, that is, it is encoded in different
sociocultural, religious beliefs and pseudoscientific theories, which are articulated through discourse and result in the stereotyping of certain groups of
people. Institutional racism results in certain groups been denied POWER, ACCESS
or CAPITAL. Racism can also result in violence and, in some cases, genocide. The
used to examine ARGUMENTATION strategies, FALLACIES and TOPOI surrounding
racist discourse
Racist discourse refers to different ways by which people are constructed
as biologically different and therefore deserving to be treated in particular
dehumanizing ways (see ORIENTALISM/ORIENTAL DISCOURSE). RACISM is often based
on STEREOTYPES which are used to characterize an ethnic group as possessing
particular qualities or essential differences when compared to another group;
for example, one ethnic group may be viewed as less generous or intelligent
than another group. Racist discourse is also realized in racializing REFERENTIAL
STRATEGIES or nominations such as ‘nigger’ or ‘bushmen’. However, racist
discourse can construct some groups of people positively through the use of
positive stereotypes.
Reception theory is an approach to textual analysis which focuses on audiences and how they interpret texts (such as a magazine, book, film, piece of
music etc.). Stuart Hall (1973) developed a theory of encoding and decoding
which stipulates that audiences can have three possible reactions to a text.
First, there is a dominant or PREFERRED READING which coincides with how
the creator of the text wished it to be understood. Secondly, there is an oppositional reading (see RESISTANT READER), whereby the audience interprets the
text in a different way to the way it was intended to be understood. Finally,
there is a negotiated meaning which involves a kind of compromise position
between the first two meanings.
A study of reception may also consider other forms of analysis, looking at
what sorts of people actually consumed the text, for what reasons and in
what contexts. This could involve quantitative research (e.g. considering
viewing figures or comparing different demographic groups) and/or carrying
out RESEARCH INTERVIEWS or FOCUS GROUPS with people who have encountered
the text. Consideration of reception can also be a consideration of CRITICAL
The appropriation and resignification of a pejorative term by the group that it
was aimed at, as a political strategy. Labels such as slut, dyke, bitch, nigger
and queer have been ‘reclaimed’ as positive concepts. A reclaimed term
can often be ambiguous, however, as it may retain elements of its original
negative meaning. Thus, context is important in interpreting meaning as well
as the IDENTITY of the user, audience and who the term is aimed at. Some
speakers, particularly those who do not belong to the group in question, may
feel that it is not appropriate for them to use a reclaimed term, for fear that it
could be misinterpreted.
Recontextualization refers to ways in which text or parts of text are taken
from their original setting or context and then used in different contexts.
referential strategies
Bernstein (1990: 184) points out that semantic shifts take place ‘according to
recontextualizing principles which selectively appropriate, relocate, refocus
and relate to other discourses to constitute its own order and orderings’.
Linell (1998) suggests that this can be achieved in three ways: (1) intratextual,
where a part of a text is referred to within the same text, either earlier or later;
(2) intertextual, where part or all of another text is referred to in another text
and (3) interdiscursive, where types of discourses are recontextualized.
referential strategies
Also referred to as ‘nominational strategies’, this is a term used in the
DISCOURSE-HISTORICAL APPROACH to refer to ways of constructing social actors,
particular in relation to self and other representation and the construction of
in- and out-groups. This often involves the use of nouns as labels for people
or groups as well as the adoption of METAPHORS, metonymies and synecdoches
(a part standing for a whole). For example, a businessman might be referred
to as a suit. Referential strategies are used to articulate discriminatory
discourses, be they positive or negative. In their analysis of RACIST DISCOURSE,
Reisigl and Wodak (2001) identified a number of referential strategies which
employ the use of personal reference to represent or construct certain groups
of people disparagingly. Certain nouns have discriminatory connotations
on their own; that is, they do not need further qualification to convey
discriminatory meanings. For example, the use of a term such as paleface
is derogatory to the people who are labelled as such. However, referential
strategies may involve the use of more or less neutral terms which ascribe
more positive value to those being labelled.
Many referential strategies are borrowed or adapted from van Leeuween’s
(1996, 1997) categories of social actor representation, for example, AGGREGATION, IMPERSONALIZATION, EXCLUSION, SUPPRESSION, BACKGROUNDING, SPECIFICATION,
GENERICIZATION. The following is an example of a referential strategy from
spoken English: ‘That could have been painful that could you bitch’ (BNC,
Reflexivity (sometimes called self-reflexivity) refers to a process of reflecting on
the research process as it is being carried out, and it is usually an integral part
of discourse analysis. For example, the researcher may try to consider how
aspects of his/her IDENTITY and the society he/she has been brought up in could
impact on the way that the research proceeds, such as choice of topic,
research questions and methods of data collection and analysis. Reflexivity is
thus the methodological principal of using one’s self-awareness in order to
deal with possible inherent researcher bias.
A register is a specialized code or variety of language associated with a specific social practice and designed to serve a specific social goal. It consists of
distinctive linguistic patterns (vocabulary, grammar, phonology etc.) which
have become conventionalized and are relatively durable. Other terms such as
GENRE or dialect have sometimes been used in similar ways to register. Halliday
and Hasan (1985: 41) differentiate dialects from registers by saying that the
former concept is ‘a variety of language according to the user’, while the latter is ‘a variety according to use’, and it reflects ‘the different types of social
activity that people commonly engage in’. So as register tends to be based on
the use rather than the user of language, variation according to geographical
location and demographic categories are not included under register.
Examples of registers include medical interviews, lab reports, weather reports
and newspaper editorials. However, registers should be seen as a spectrum of
varieties of language rather than clear distinctive varieties. There is no clear
boundary between one register and another. Biber et al. (1998) used corpus
approaches to identify distinctions between a range of different written and
spoken registers, noting that each register could be classified as appearing
on a five linear scales or ‘dimensions’: (1) involved versus informational
production, (2) narrative versus non-narrative discourse, (3) elaborated
versus situation-dependent reference, (4) overt expression of argumentation
and (5) impersonal versus non-impersonal style. For example, telephone
conversations occur at the ‘involved’ end of dimension 1 (speakers use this
register to express involvement with the hearer, rather than give a great deal
of information). On the other hand, official documents are informational
rather than involved. However, for dimension 2, both telephone conversations and official documents are ‘non-narrative’ rather than narrative (e.g.
they do not tend to involve lengthy descriptions of past tense events).
Relativism refers to a philosophy which holds that truth is not absolute.
Relativism thus holds that our understanding of the world is dependent on
our own circumstances, experiences and IDENTITY. For example, we often make
sense of other cultures through comparing them against our own culture.
But in the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America,
parents live in mortal fear of these diseases – and for very good reason.
(BNC, A7G)
In the above example (from a British charity leaflet), the term ‘developing
countries’ implies that less wealthy countries are still in the process
of developing, as opposed to richer countries which are implied to be
‘developed’ (and thus do not need to develop any further). In fact, all
countries are ‘developing’, just some have developed in different ways or
at different speeds relative to others. As a related concept, linguistic
relativity states that the limits of the native speaker’s language are the
limits of their world. Relativism contrasts with such notions as POSITIVISM,
monism and universalism.
relevance theory
Relevance theory is a cognitive theory of pragmatics associated with Sperber
and Wilson (1986), developed out of Grice’s theory of cooperativeness in
conversation. While Grice held that there were four CONVERSATIONAL MAXIMS
(quality, quantity, manner and relevance), which were used by speakers and
listeners in order to encode and decode meaning and IMPLICATURE in interactions, Sperber and Wilson put relevance at the core of their theory. They
postulate that when people are engaged in conversational interaction, they
produce utterances that are presumed to have relevance to the interaction.
The listener is able to infer meaning because he or she assumes that the
speaker’s contribution is relevant enough to warrant processing for meaning
even though a speaker may appear to flout the maxim of relevance (e.g. their
contribution may appear not to be relevant).
Did you go to Tom’s recital?
Donald: Tracy’s here.
On the surface, Donald’s response to Sue’s yes/no question appears to be
irrelevant as he gives information about another person. In order for Sue to
process Donald’s utterance as meaningful, she must assume that Donald is
being relevant to the exchange in that particular context. For example, she
needs to take into consideration that Tracy is Tom’s ex-partner and that Tracy
does not like to hear Tom being talked about. For Sue to interpret Donald’s
response, she needs to know that Donald is aware of the relationship breakup
and also that Donald knows that she (Sue) knows about it too. Don’s utterance is therefore a warning to Sue, perhaps to change the subject. Relevance
is thus a subjective concept, as it depends on the status of the hearer and his/
her knowledge at the time of perceiving an utterance.
Repair is a term used in CONVERSATION ANALYSIS to refer to patterns of naturally
occurring conversation where a speaker needs to repeat or reformulate part
of his/her utterance in order to ‘correct’ what he/she had previously said. This
can often occur when one or more participants has difficulty with speaking,
hearing or understanding. Repair can involve self-repair, or another speaker
can attempt to clarify or correct the first speaker’s utterance. Repair can also
be marked by features such as REPETITION, PAUSES or hesitation markers such as
er or erm.
I think probably that was probably London but in the north I lived on the
north east coast in a very small town and some of I mean my memories are
quite different in a way. (BNC, D90)
In the above example, from a conversation, the speaker engages in selfrepair after the word probably, ‘that was probably’, in order to correct his
Repetition refers to the rearticulation of linguistic phenomena. In naturally
occurring talk, repetition is frequent, as is illustrated in the following stretch
of speech:
Yes, could be could be anybody, yes, yes. (BNC, JK1)
Here the repetition of ‘could be’ is possibly an example of disfluency phenomena. The speaker may be trying to maintain the floor, and repeating part of
the utterance helps him to achieve this while he is formulating what to say
next. In addition, the speaker may use repetition for emphasis, which seems
likely with his use of ‘yes’.
In literary texts repetition is used, especially in poetry as a special device
to achieve an aesthetic or other poetic goal. The repetition of equivalent
grammatical structures is called parallelism, which can be used for the
purposes of foregrounding. The repeated structures become perceptually
more prominent, and as a result they are stylistically significant (Short
Halliday and Hasan (1976: 280) regard ‘repetition’ as being inseparable from
‘reiteration’: ‘When we talk about REITERATION . . . we are including not
only the repetition of the same lexical item but also the occurrence of a
related item, which may be anything from a synonym or near synonym of
the original to a general word dominating the entire class’.
reported speech
Reported speech (also called indirect speech) refers to an aspect of speech
representation (also known as speech presentation) by which words
are attributed (to a speaker/writer by another speaker/writer) but are not
reported verbatim, as they are in DIRECT SPEECH (Short 1996). Reported speech
is characterized by the use of a reporting clause without quotation marks,
for example, ‘She said I was a handsome devil, too’ (BNC, A74).
repressive hypothesis
Representation can generally be defined as the creation of a mental image
through art, language and other domains where meaning can be created
such as theatre. It involves the signifying practices and symbolic systems
through which we produce meaning (see Hall 1997).
Discourse analysis often examines how particular phenomena (people, concepts,
events etc.) are represented through language use. For example, prejudiced
language is characterized by positive self-representation and negative ‘other’
representation (Reisigl and Wodak 2001), which can be achieved through
stereotyping. Sometimes, the term construction (associated with STRUCTURALISM
and POST-STRUCTURALISM) can be used with similar effect to representation.
repressive discourse
Repression is an attempt to remove from the consciousness any ideas, thoughts,
memories or desires that are considered to be painful, unacceptable or otherwise unpleasant. Repressive discourses are therefore those discourses whose
effect is to prevent ideas, thoughts, memories and practices that are considered to be unacceptable. For example, during the twentieth century, there
were numerous repressive discourses around homosexuality, which constructed
homosexuals as deviant, mentally ill, child molesters, women trapped in men’s
bodies and so on. The word homosexual itself was part of the repressive
discourse, as it was generally associated with medical and legal practices,
which constructed people who experienced same-sex desire as perverted or
criminal. Laws which criminalized homosexuals were both a result of such
repressive discourses and helped to strengthen them. Repressive discourses
tend to be regulatory (see also REPRESSIVE HYPOTHESIS).
repressive hypothesis
The repressive hypothesis posits that Western societies, from the nineteenth
century, have sought to suppress human sexuality and sexual urges. Foucault
(1979a) notes that although the repressive hypothesis implies large-scale
censorship, in fact, it was a proliferation of discourses around the subject
which suppressed human sexuality. Earlier texts on sexuality from India, China,
Mesopotamia and other parts of the world indicate that human sexuality
used to be discussed without shame, until around the seventeenth century.
Reproduction is used in contrast with transformation in discourse analysis.
Transformative discourses are those that lead to social change while
reproductive discourses help to maintain the status quo. Reproduction means
that established conventions are recreated and maintained, and this often
happens as a result of dominant discourses achieving hegemonic status
over a long period of time. Such discourses will reproduce the established
conventions and maintain the status quo. However, Fairclough (1989: 39)
notes that when people draw on existing orders of discourse they may
use creative combinations, which can result in reproduction either being
‘essentially conservative, sustaining continuity, or basically transformatory,
effecting changes’.
Research refers to the systematic investigation of natural and social phenomena using established methods of measurement and analysis. A distinction
is often made between scientific research and historical research, where
scientific research involves the formulation of a hypothesis, testing (through
experimentation) the hypothesis, drawing a conclusion, and making a generalization. If the findings are consistent with the hypothesis, then the experiment
supports the hypothesis, and if not, then the experiment does not support the
hypothesis. Historical research makes use of historical archives as sources of
information which will be used as evidence. Another distinction can be made
between QUALITATIVE METHODS and QUANTITATIVE METHODS of research. The former
typically using detailed, non-numerical close analysis of particular case
studies, while the latter measures and compares larger scale phenomena in
terms of quantities (mathematical and statistical values). As a form of social
research, discourse analysis often needs to take into account issues of ETHICS
and may also adopt practices of REFLEXIVITY and TRIANGULATION to avoid bias.
research interview
research agenda
A research agenda is a program that is designed to conduct research on a
particular scientific or social issue. The research agenda includes the objectives that a researcher hopes to achieve through the research and the research
questions that the researcher hopes to answer. Discourse analysts can hold a
range of research agendas, depending on their IDENTITY, personal interest
or relationship to what is being researched as well as the kind of discourse
analysis that they are undertaking. A feminist researcher engaging in CRITICAL
DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, for example, may embark on a research project because
he/she wants, through the research, to influence public policy to be more
gender inclusive. However, a researcher who wants to examine how DISCOURSE
MARKERS are used in conversation may not hope to change society, other than
to advance our knowledge in a specific academic field. See also Wodak
and Chilton (2005).
research interview
A tool used in qualitative research which involves the researcher asking
participants questions relating to the topic being researched. The interview
covers both fact and meaning levels of the interviewee’s experience and is
useful for obtaining an in-depth account of the research participant’s life
experience as well as meanings as constructed by the research participant
(Kvale 1996). It also helps to clarify responses to a questionnaire. There are
many types of interviews, which are often categorized according to how
much freedom the researcher is given to divert from a standard procedure.
For example, a conversational or unstructured interview does not follow a set
pattern, and there are no preset answers for the interviewee to choose from.
Such interviews follow the pattern of natural conversation and questions can
be adapted to the interviewee’s own needs and priorities. While such interviews often provide interesting and detailed data, they may lack focus and
can be time consuming to administer. A general guided interview is designed
to obtain information from specific topics or areas, and all interviewees are
asked to talk about the same areas, although the questions may not be strictly
the same. It has more focus than the unstructured interview. Similar to this is
a semi-structured interview, where again the interviewer has a framework of
themes to explore but may adapt questions as needed. Structured interviews,
research questions
however, have a more fixed and limited set of questions. For example, a
standard open-ended interview is designed to get quick responses from
interviewees, and the same questions are asked to all the interviewees. Finally,
the most structured type of interview is a closed fixed response interview,
which consists of questions with a set of possible responses and all interviewees are asked the same questions. This interview type is both quick and
easy to administer although may not provide particular rich data to analyse.
research questions
Research questions are a series of questions which identify and focus on the
research phenomenon that the researcher intends to study. Research questions thus translate the objectives of the research into a set of achievable
goals. Some research projects contain an overarching research question which
is difficult to directly address, so it is then broken down into smaller ‘operable’
questions, which are linked together. A well-thought-out research question is
thus answerable, not too broad, and logically leads to a hypothesis which is a
prediction of the findings of the research process. Mason (2002: 20) defines
research questions as ‘vehicles that you will rely upon to move you from your
broad research interest to your specific research focus and project’.
Resistance is a reaction by social subjects to the imposition of POWER. In every
society, dominant discourses acquire hegemonic status, becoming commonsensical. However, as Foucault (1979a: 95) notes, ‘[W]here there is power,
there is resistance’. When dominant discourses ascribe certain subject
positions to social subjects, those subject positions can be taken up, affirmed
or rejected. A rejection of those SUBJECT POSITIONS proffered by powerful
discourses constitutes resistance. Resistance, then, emphasizes human agency
and conceives power as a never-ending struggle.
resistant reader
In RECEPTION theory, a resistant reader is one who reads ‘against the grain’,
contesting the intended meanings and subject positions that a text proffers.
Unlike passive readers, resistant readers interpret texts with new, unintended
meanings. For example, in the 1950s, Hollywood produced many films aimed
at female audiences starring actresses like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.
These films were sometimes called ‘women’s films’ or ‘weepies’ due to their
(melo)dramatic content and focus on personal and romantic relationships.
However, they became popular with some gay men, who engaged in a resistant reading to view them as a source of camp humour.
Rewording is a form of elaboration, when a proposition or concept is restated
using a different form of words: ‘Oh it’s great, I love it’ (BNC, JT5). It could
also be called paraphrasing or relexicalization. Lexicalization is the creation
of vocabulary to talk about a particular domain of life, such as business,
medicine, disability, education and so on. Through vocabulary, we lexicalize
our experience and construct our social life. However, domains of life can be
relexicalized, and this can often be a strategy which reflects the construction
of discourses. Fairclough (2003: 127) points out that in a text written by two
members of the British Labour Party, the term ‘transnational companies’ is
reworded as ‘transnational capital’ and ‘international capital’, which suggests
the authors are making a relation of equivalence between the concrete concept of ‘companies’ and the abstract concept of ‘capital’, as part of a Marxist
Rewording can also be used to challenge discourses. For example, in Botswana
traditional words which were used to talk about disability have been challenged by new words. Terms like segole (cripple), sefofu (that which is blind)
and semumu (that which is dumb) have been replaced by expressions such as
monalebogole (one who has disability), motlhokapono (one who has no sight)
and motlhokapuo (one who has no speech), respectively, reflecting and
constructing a more sensitive attitude towards people with disabilities. The
latter set of words use human reference compared to the older words, which
referred to such people using nonhuman terms. Rewording strategies
may not always be successful at changing discourses, particularly if the
mainstream discourse is very strong. For example, Pinker (1994) conceives
of a ‘euphemism treadmill’, whereby new terms continually needed to be
coined, in place of older ones which quickly require negative meanings,
despite being initially devised with good intentions (see OVERWORDING, POLITICAL
A distinction can be made between a THEME, which constitutes a topic, and
the rheme, which is what is said about the topic (sometimes called the focus).
Although the distinction dates back to the nineteenth century, it was used by
scare quotes
Sampling refers to selection of data in terms of the scope and depth of coverage. When one is carrying out research into language use, it is often infeasible
to be able to collect every single example of language from a particular
population or dataset. Instead, sampling involves taking a smaller amount
of data which is hoped to be representative in some way of the larger population. One method of obtaining the research sample is through random or
probability sampling, where participants or data are picked at random. This
contrasts with systematic sampling where the sample is obtained by selecting
elements at regular intervals. Another method is stratified sampling by which
data are selected on the basis of preset criteria in order to reflect the make-up
of the population more closely. For example, if a country has 80% of its
population under the age of 18, then we might want to sample 400 people
from this age group and only 100 people aged above 18.
Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis
The term is named after two linguists, Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897–1941) and
Edward Sapir (1884–1939). It holds that the language that people speak
determines how they view the world. This view has also been referred to as
linguistic determinism or linguistic relativity (see RELATIVISM). Whorf used
examples from many Native American Languages as evidence to prove that
different cultural concepts inherent in the structures of different languages
order the ways that people experience the world. For example, the Hopi
language has two different words for water depending on whether the water
is in a container or whether it is a natural body, like in a lake. Most western
cultures do not make this distinction and only have one word.
scare quotes
Scare quotes are quotation marks that are used to separate the voice of
the author from other voices in a text. They therefore can be markers of
INTERTEXTUALITY. There may be a variety of reasons why the author wishes to do
this, rather than simply attributing a quote to someone else; indeed, the
author may not be directly quoting anyone. Scare quotes could be used to
question some aspect of a word or phrase, signifying that the author does not
agree with it or is aware that others may not agree with it. Or they may be
applied in order to show a new usage of an existing term or the introduction
of a new term (see Fairclough 1992: 119–120).
A schema (plural schemata or schemas) is information that is stored as
packages in our long-term memories which we then use to interpret and
understand social phenomena. Around any topic or event, we have a schema
or mental model comprising of a set of assumptions and expectations about
what that thing is like. For example, we know how to conduct ourselves
when we go to a funeral because we have, in our memories, knowledge of
what a funeral is, what it involves and how people usually behave in a funeral.
See also FRAMES, SCRIPTS. See also Schank and Abelson (1977).
Scripts are schemata (see SCHEMA) that are ordered sequentially. Schema
theory distinguishes between these sequentially ordered schemata and nonsequentially ordered schemata (FRAMES) (Minsky 1975). Scripts thus contain
assumptions which involve the order in which things should happen. For
example, in a church, a Sunday service starts with a prayer followed by
announcements and then other rituals. The key event, the sermon, then
follows and so on (depending on which church each individual is familiar
with). Frame assumptions, however, include what a church service is about,
who is responsible for what activity, who gives the sermon (pastor, priest) and
who confesses and to whom.
second-wave feminism
In the West, the ‘second wave’ of the Feminist movement, sometimes referred
to as the Women’s Liberation movement, began in the 1960s and continued
into the 1970s. It is contrasted with first-wave feminism, which involved
the struggle to give voting and property rights to women in the nineteenth
and early twentieth century, and third-wave feminism, which is defined as
the period from about 1990 to the present day (see also POST-FEMINISM).
Second-wave feminism was concerned with a range of issues including
semantic preference
and sexist power structures, the notion of the woman as the ‘other’
in patriarchal society, media representation of women and legal battles
around abortion, rape, divorce, sexuality, education and the workplace. It
was during second-wave feminism that research on WOMEN’S LANGUAGE
became popular.
Self-disclosure is the act of revealing personal information about oneself
to others such as work colleagues or friends. This can be a conscious or
unconscious act. Self-disclosure is viewed by some as threatening, especially
when one encounters a stranger. However, it is believed to be an important
aspect of cultivating intimate relationships between friends or partners.
In professional settings, such as counselling and doctor–patient interactions,
it is the client and patient, respectively, who self-disclose while the counsellor
or doctor listens. Self-disclosure, particularly in counselling, is regarded as a
core part of therapy, where just talking helps the client to deal with his or her
pain. Self-disclosure could be seen as an aspect of INFORMALIZATION of discourse,
and it can also signal asymmetrical power relations as it is only the vulnerable
party that discloses personal information about himself/herself (see Fairclough
(1992) in his discussion of doctor–patient interaction).
semantic field
A semantic field refers to a set of words belonging to the same conceptual
area. They are not synonymous, but they are related to each other (Lyons
1977). For example, acupuncture, physiotherapy, dialysis and chemotherapy
are terms that belong to the semantic field of medicine.
semantic preference
Stubbs (2001: 65) describes semantic preference as ‘the relation, not between
individual words, but between a lemma or word form and a set of semantically
related words’. Semantic preference can therefore be thought of as an extension of COLLOCATION. For example, collocates of the word cup in the British
semantic prosody
National Corpus include tea, coffee and coca-cola, suggesting that cup holds
a semantic preference for drinks. However, an additional set of collocates for
cup – FA, UEFA, world, semi-final, qualifier, gold, finalists – are words which
refer to sports matches (normally football), where a trophy is awarded to the
winner. These two semantic preferences indicate the polysemious nature of
cup – as a drinking receptacle and as a sporting trophy. Semantic preferences,
unlike SEMANTIC PROSODIES or DISCOURSE PROSODIES, do not normally reveal attitudes, and Stubbs (2001: 66) suggests that semantic preferences tend to
involve sets of words that are finite, while discourse prosodies can be more
open ended.
semantic prosody
Semantic prosody was popularized by Louw’s (1993) paper on irony and is
linked to the concept of COLLOCATION. Louw noted that irony tends to rely on a
collocative clash; in other words, a writer will deviate from using expected
collocates for ironic effect. For example, Louw (1993: 164) quotes this
sentence from the novel Small World by David Lodge:
The modern conference resembles the pilgrimage of medieval Christendon
in that it allows the participants to indulge themselves in all the pleasures
and diversions of travel while apparently bent on self-improvement.
Louw points out that the word bent normally tends to occur in negative
situations, collocating with words like destroying, harrying and mayhem. He
suggests then that, in using bent with the positive term self-improvement,
the author is being ironic, implying that the participants of a conference are
not really concerned with self-improvement. While semantic prosody seems
to involve collocates, a related term is Stubbs’ DISCOURSE PROSODY, which
involves longer stretches of discourse which have similar meanings collocating
with particular words. In addition, while semantic prosody suggests an
attitude, SEMANTIC PREFERENCE does not.
semantic relations
Semantic relations are relations that exist between two (or more) meanings or
concepts (Lyons 1977). A wide range of different types of semantic relations
sentence types
exist. For example, polysemy refers to the ability of a word, phrase or sign to
have multiple meanings although the meanings have the same etymology. So
the word bed is polysemious because it can refer to something we sleep on
or the bottom of a river. A similar concept is homonymy, although here the
different meanings also have different etymologies. Synonymy means that
different words may have equivalent meanings. For example, the words
glad and pleased could be said to be synonyms. Antonymy refers to meaning
relations that are oppositional, for example, black/white. Hyponymy is a
meaning relation that expresses hierarchical order of concepts and class
membership of concepts. For example, the concept of human subsumes
the concepts man, boy, woman, girl as subordinate concepts.
semantic role
A semantic role defines the relationship between a participant in a CLAUSE and
the main verb of the clause. For example, the semantic role of agent means
that the participant (agent) is the doer of the action expressed by the main
verb of the clause.
Carol kissed Mary.
‘Carol’ is the agent or doer of the action expressed by the main verb ‘hit’.
‘Mary’, however, has the semantic role of goal. That means that Mary is the
recipient of the action expressed by the main verb ‘kiss’. See also Kreidler
(1998: 66).
sentence types
Sentences can be classified into a number of different types, depending on
their syntactic structure and the communicative functions that they perform
(see Verspoor and Sauter 2000). English, for example, includes declarative,
interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentence types. A declarative
sentence type is structured as a statement (The sky is blue).
An interrogative sentence type is structured as a question and is used in order
to get information from someone (Do you love football?) An imperative type
is often structured with a main verb in the base form and is used to issue
orders or directives (Get out of my house.) Finally, an exclamatory sentence
type usually takes the form of a sudden, forceful expression (My God!)
Sentences can also be defined in terms of the number of CLAUSES they have
and the relationships between the clauses. A simple sentence contains
only one clause. A compound sentence has two or more clauses of equal
grammatical status (see PARATAXIS). A complex sentence contains more than
one clause, but the clauses are not grammatically equal (see HYPOTAXIS,
SUBORDINATION), with one being the main or independent clause, while the
others are subordinate. A main clause can stand alone as a complete
sentence, while a subordinate clause only forms a sentence fragment.
I broke my knee [one clause, simple sentence].
I fell and broke my knee [two clauses, of equal status, compound
When I fell, I broke my knee [two clauses separated by a comma, the
second is a main clause and the first is a subordinate clause, complex
1. Sex refers to the biological make-up of living things which determines
their reproductive functions. A distinction is made between male sex
and female sex, although there are rare instances where one can be
born having both male and female characteristics (sometimes referred
to as being intersexed). Sometimes the term GENDER is used as a ‘polite’
equivalent of sex. See also BIOLOGICAL SEX.
2. Sex is also used in everyday language to refer to a wide variety of sexual
acts or behaviour (for either reproduction or pleasure).
Sexism refers to discrimination against people on the basis of their SEX.
It tends to reflect the belief that one sex is inferior in some way to the other.
sexual harassment
In language, this can include a range of practices such as using gendered
terms which denigrate a particular sex (like bitch), labelling certain jobs in
order to normalize them to one sex (fireman, policeman, charwoman) as well
as specifically marking cases believed to be exceptional (lady doctor, male
prostitute). Sexism can be embedded in language systems – for example, in
English, adult males are normally referred to as Mr, whereas adult females are
referred to as Miss if they are unmarried and Mrs if they are married. The
language system forces women to reveal their marital status, whereas men do
not (an alternative term Ms was proposed as an equivalent to Mr but is still
relatively rare). Sexism may also involve exclusion (such as a generic term like
industrial man) or the use of generalizing or stereotyping remarks about males
or females:
Laura took several sips. Her face was screwed up with grief. ‘Is John looking after Margaret and Rose?’ John was Laura’s husband, Margaret and
Rose their two-year-old twins. ‘He offered. But he’s so useless with them,
typical man! I thought it best I leave them with a neighbour’. (BNC, AN7)
Forms of sexual objectification, through inappropriate use of terms like honey,
sweetheart and so on (e.g. in a workplace context), could be viewed as
sexism. Sexism can also be enshrined in law (such as laws which have not
allowed women to vote or hold certain jobs) and can involve acts of violence
(e.g. women are more likely to be killed or violently attacked by their male
partners than vice versa). See also NON-SEXIST LANGUAGE. See also Mills (2008).
sexist discourse
Sexist discourse refers to ways of representing people stereotypically, which
leads to their marginalization or social exclusion on the basis of their sex. A
discourse that represents women as ‘domestic’ is sexist because it constructs
them in roles that exclude them from participating in public enterprises, such
as formal employment, business and politics.
sexual harassment
Sexual harassment can be perpetrated by or directed at males or females, and
it is often related to abuse of power or expressions of dominance. It consists
sexual identity
of verbal or nonverbal messages relating to a person’s sexuality or gender that
are physically or emotionally threatening and/or intimidating (see Mumby
and Clair 1997). On an individual level, it can involve a suggestive remark
which might be framed as a joke, but it could also include attempts to coerce
someone into a sexual relationship, perhaps in return for a reward, or it could
involve an actual sexual assault.
Sexual harassment can also be seen as a more pervasive practice in which the
threatening messages are directed not so much at individual persons but at a
particular social group such as women. Mumby and Clair (1997) assert that
sexual harassment is a social reality at both the micro-level and macro-levels
of society, with the micro-level supporting the macro-level and the macrolegitimating acts of sexual harassment against some members of the society.
sexual identity
The term sexual identity is used to define a number of IDENTITY traits. At one
level, sexual identity is used to define a person’s biological characteristics. At
another level, it is used to define sexual orientation (sometimes called sexual
preference); that is, it defines the extent to which a person is attracted to
people of the same sex or people of the opposite sex (or both or neither).
Sexual identity may also refer to aspects of sexual desire that are not configured around the BIOLOGICAL SEX of the desired partner. For example, an S/M
practitioner may base her sexual identity around desire to engage in S/M, and
whether her partners are male or female may be secondary. Sexual identity
can thus involve reference to sexual desire and/or sexual behaviour.
shared knowledge
This refers to knowledge about the world which two or more people possess
and which enable them to understand and live in harmony with each
other. People who belong to the same culture, community of practice, family
and so on have large amounts of shared knowledge about how things are
done, along with mutual beliefs and ideologies, which enables them to work
together and to minimize conflict or misunderstandings.
Sign theory was founded by Saussure (see, for example, Saussure 1966). Signs
are entities that represent other entities. They are used to make meaning out
of our experience of the world. For example, a comma is a sign that signifies
a pause in a sentence, and an exclamation mark signifies different emotions
such as surprise and anger. The words of any language are signs. They get
their meanings (or signification) through convention. For example, in English,
the word cat signifies a feline animal that is kept as a pet. Signs are made up
of two parts, the signifier (the form of representation such as words on a
page, a sound or a picture) and the signified (the mental concept that the
signifier represents).
A distinction can be made between natural signs and conventional signs.
Natural signs represent something that occurs in nature. For example, a fever
could be a sign of malaria or another ailment. Conventional signs are those
that get meaning by agreement. For example, the word table signifies a piece
of household furniture. The relationship between the signifier and signified
here is said to be arbitrary. There is nothing ‘natural’ that connects the sound
‘table’ to the physical entity it signifies. If there was, all languages would
use the same word for table. Signs can have both a denotative meaning and
one or more connotative meanings (depending on particular contexts). The
denotative meaning of a word is normally a non-evaluative description (such
as a dictionary definition), whereas a connotative meaning is often more
subjective, evaluative and non-literal. For example, the denotative meaning
of owl would be a nocturnal bird of prey. The connotative meaning of
owl, however, could involve the notion of wisdom. (See CONNOTATION.) POSTSTRUCTURALIST theorists like Derrida (1978) have claimed that the relationship
between signifiers and signifieds is not fixed forever but is instead discursively
constructed and can change over time.
Silence is a lack of articulation or voice. A discourse analyst would be interested in understanding the context in which silence occurs as well as examining
wider societal and cultural norms. For example, by looking at the immediate
context of a particular interaction, we would ascertain whether a person’s
silence was due to them not hearing someone’s utterance or due to sulking,
impoliteness, agreement or something else. A CONVERSATION ANALYSIS approach
would consider how other participants orient to a person’s silence.
However, other discourse analysts might consider the context of silence in
other ways. For example, silence can be a result of ‘silencing’ which is in turn
a result of certain practices that discourage speaking or where linguistic
assertiveness is stigmatized. For example, in some cultures such as the Setswana culture in Botswana, women are not expected to speak in a kgotla (a
public meeting place) and young people are not allowed to ‘talk back’ when
they are chastised by adults. These cultural norms lead to silencing and disempowerment of particular groups.
Yet, in other contexts, silence can indicate POWER. For example, a person or
organization who refuses to acknowledge or engage with an interlocutor
may be demonstrating that they do not consider them important or relevant
enough to warrant a response. See also Thiesmeyer (2003).
A simile is a form of comparison in which one entity is expressed in terms of
another through the use of an explicit similarity marker such as ‘like’ or ‘as’.
You’re saying space is like a wobbly jelly?. (BNC, FNW)
Similes are similar to metaphors, although with similes the two entities are
marked as being distinct from each other, whereas with metaphors this is not
the case. Both similes and METAPHORS are of interest to discourse analysts in
that they involve ways of representing things which can indicate traces of
particular discourses.
social action
Social action theory was developed by Max Weber who wrote, ‘Action is
social in so far as . . . it takes account of the behaviour of others and is therefore oriented in its course’ (Weber 1947: 88). An example of social action
would be language. We can classify social actions into purposeful rationality
social change
(where a goal and the means used to achieve it are rationally decided), valueoriented rationality (where the goal may not be rational but the means used
to achieve it is rational), affective action (which are actions that occur due to
our emotions, such as crying at a funeral) and traditional actions (actions
which are guided by age-old customs).
social actors
Social actors are participants in clauses, who may be represented as subjects
(agents) or objects (goals) in the clause. Fairclough (2003: 145–150) distinguishes between those elements of the clause which may be subjects or
objects but not social actors. For example, John is eating an apple.
‘John’ is a social actor represented as the agent of the material action of
eating. Apple is the goal of that material action. However, ‘apple’ is not a
social actor as it cannot act on its own volition. In other words, it is inanimate
and nonhuman, so it cannot be a social actor. Social actors are normally
animate and/or human, but can include groups or abstract entities like
‘council’ or ‘community’. And sometimes, however, inanimate objects or
abstract concepts can be represented as if they have agency.
The rules demanded that a hundred games had to be played within
24 hours; there was no time for sleep and only 20-minute breaks were
allowed for snacks. (BNC, A89)
In this example, the rules are represented as ‘demanding’ various requirements,
which has the effect of giving the rules agency, rather than acknowledging the
humans who invented the rules (see also IMPERSONALIZATION).
Analysis of the representation of social actors includes concerns with whether
they are included or excluded in the representational clause. Social actors can
be excluded, a phenomenon called SUPPRESSION, or mentioned but having to
be inferred in one or more places (BACKGROUNDING the social actor). See also
van Leeuwen (1996).
social change
Social change refers to variation in the structure of society that results
from social STRUGGLE. In every society, different discourses ‘combine under
social class
particular social conditions to produce a new complex discourse’ (Fairclough
1992: 4). Social change occurs because the struggle against dominant or
hegemonic discourses has been successful. This may result in changes in the
ways that particular people are treated or represented, changes to laws, social
structures or changes to attitudes or norms.
social class
This term refers to the way in which society is structured by placing different
people in different groups according to their economic, cultural and sometimes ethnic characteristics. Class, from a Marxist perspective, is a system that
classifies people according to whether they own property. Those who have no
property have to work for those who own property, a condition which Marx
believes is harmful to the society. A conservative view would hold that social
class divisions are essential to society and inevitable. In some contexts, social
class can be difficult to define and may depend on different types of CAPITAL
related to behaviours, attitudes, background and education rather than
material aspects like economic status or ownership of property. For example,
an unemployed PhD graduate may have a much smaller amount of money to
live on than a builder but is likely to be considered to be of a ‘higher’ social
class. Variationist sociolinguists like Labov (1966) have used the concept of
social class in order to differentiate aspects of language use such as accent or
lexical choice. Generally, working-class people have been found to use local
accents or dialects, whereas middle-class people tend to use standard forms
of language.
social cohesion
Social cohesion refers to a range of social phenomena that bring together
people and cement their relationship to form one unit. Social cohesion is
usually relevant when there is some sort of diversity in society (ethnic,
religious, sexual, economic etc.) that can potentially cause discord.
social constructionism
This refers to the ways we understand the world which are historically and
culturally determined (Burr 1995). Social constructionist theorists are critical
socially constitutive
of ESSENTIALISM by arguing that there is nothing natural about our perception
of reality. For example, our view of how men and women, girls and boys,
adults and children should behave has nothing to do with their ‘nature’ but
everything to do with social, cultural, economic and historical circumstances.
We understand our world not because of the nature or essence of that world
but because we interpret the world through the discourses that are available
to us. Social interaction, especially linguistic interaction, is seen as having the
greatest influence on how our versions of reality are shaped.
social identity
Social identity refers to the socially constructed attributes that are ascribed
to individuals by themselves or others. Examples of social identities include
labels which reference familial relations (mother), occupations (nurse),
hierarchical roles (boss), religion (Muslim), sexuality (gay), region (northerner)
and age (pensioner). People thus possess multiple social identities, which
change throughout their lives and are understood differently by different
people. Social identities are constructed via discourses which proffer SUBJECT
POSITIONS which people may take up or reject. Hogg and Abrams (1999: 7)
note that ‘Social identity theory is a product of postwar European social
psychology, and so its development cannot properly be understood without
knowing something about the development of European social psychology’.
socially constitutive
Socially constitutive refers to the state of being able to influence or shape
how society is structured. Fairclough (1993, 1995) theorises that texts, language use and discourses are socially constitutive – they contribute towards
the constitution of various aspects of society or culture by creating systems of
knowledge, social subjects and the relationships between them. However,
this is a two-way process. So language is not only socially constitutive but it is
also socially determined. Societies help to shape languages, for example, by
determining which concepts are named. So the Mr/Miss/Mrs term of address
system in English both reflects and constructs societal views about gender.
Therefore, society and discourse or society and language are mutually
social practice
social practice
A social practice is a body of structured, usually institutionalized, activities
mediated through language. For example, politics, the media and the law are
social practices that have language as an integral part of those practices.
Language itself is a social practice because it is an intrinsic part of a society.
Fairclough (2001: 122) notes that a social practice has the following elements:
productive activity, means of production, involves social relations, social
identities, cultural values, consciousness and semiosis. These do not occur
as discrete and autonomous entities but are all ‘dialectically’ related; the
different elements of a social practice shape each other. Social practice is
one dimension of Fairclough’s three-dimensional conception of discourse
(the other two being TEXT and DISCURSIVE PRACTICE).
social relations
Social relations are relationships that occur between different social actors,
such as doctor–patient, counsellor–client, student–teacher and mother–
child. Social relations are constructed, contested and restructured through
socio-cognitive approach
An approach to carrying out CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS developed by Teun Van
Dijk (1998, 2001) which makes explicit the link between discourse, cognition
and society. In practice, it involves the analysis of topics (or macrostructures),
local meanings (relating to phenomena such as word choice), context models
and mental models (involving knowledge, attitudes and ideologies) and the
relationship between discourse and society. Van Dijk (2001: 118) describes his
approach as a ‘permanent bottom-up and top-down linkage of discourse and
interaction with social structures’.
Wardhaugh (2005: 1) describes sociolinguistics as ‘the relationship between
language and society, although Labov (1972b: 183) notes that the term
is ‘oddly redundant’ because language and linguistics are always social.
Bloome and Green (2002: 396) stress the dialectical nature of sociolinguistics
by noting that ‘[a] sociolinguistic perspective requires exploring how language
is used to establish a social context while simultaneously exploring how the
social context influences language use and the communication of meaning’.
Sociolinguists are therefore often interested in identifying how the IDENTITY
of a person or social group relates to the way that they use language. For
example, they may look at linguistic differences (and similarities) between
(and within) certain types or groups of people or attempt to determine the
ways that social variables, such as age, sex, social class or level of education
(either alone or in combination with other variables), impact on language use.
Some sociolinguists focus on why certain languages (or aspects of language)
become popular while others fall into disuse. This could be done by either
carrying out a detailed, small-scale study of a small group or community,
looking at social networks and focusing on the role of ‘language innovators’
or by focusing a much larger population, relating aspects of language uptake
(or decline) to various social contexts. Other sociolinguists consider particular
contexts, such as doctor–patient interactions, while others still examine
attitudes or beliefs about language, looking at why some forms of language
are viewed as ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than others and what impacts such views
have on different types of people and language use itself. See also Meyerhoff
van Leeuwen (1996: 60) defines somatization as being a type of objectivation.
It uses a metonymic reference to label a person or group with reference to
some place or thing that is closely associated with them or an activity they
engage in. Resigl and Wodak (2001: 48) use the term in reference to RACIST DISCOURSE, listing somatonyms such as whites, paleface, slit-eyes and bush negros.
An acronym devised by Dell Hymes (1974) which refers to a model
which shows the components that need to be taken into account before
someone can use language in a particular social context. These include
Setting (time and place) and scene (cultural aspects)
Participants (the speaker, the audience and relationship between the two)
Ends (purposes, goals and outcomes)
Act sequence (form and order)
Key (tone, manner or spirit)
Instrumentalities (forms and styles of speech)
Norms (social rules)
Genre (the kind of speech act or event)
A way of representing social actors as specific cases (as opposed to
van Leeuween (1996: 47) notes that in middle-class newspapers, government
agents and experts are referred to specifically and ordinary people are referred
to generically (while the reverse is the case for working-class newspapers).
speech act
Speech acts are utterances which perform various social functions such as
requesting, greeting, advising, complaining, warning and so on (see also
SPEECH ACT THEORY). Austin (1962: 101) classified three types of speech act:
1. Locutionary act – the actual utterance and its ostensible meaning
2. Illocutionary act – the real meaning that the speaker intended
3. Perlocutionary act – the actual effect of the speech act, whether it was
intended by the speaker or not
Searle (1975) classified illocutionary speech acts into the following taxonomy:
Assertives – acts that commit the speaker to the truth of a proposition
Directives – acts that cause the hearer to do something
Commissives – acts that commit the speaker to do something in the future
Expressives – acts that express the speaker’s feelings towards something
Declarations – acts that change reality (such as baptizing, pronouncing someone guilty etc.)
speech community
speech act theory
Austin (1962) theorized that when people talk they are performing actions
with their words. They are doing things such as warning, promising,
marrying, proposing, inviting and so on. When a priest says ‘I pronounce you
husband and wife’ to a couple before him/her, then he/she is performing the
act of marrying the couple. As long as certain FELICITY CONDITIONS are met,
the performative act creates a new reality. Searle (1969, 1975) defined a
classification system of speech acts as well as introducing the notion of
indirect speech acts by showing that a single utterance could contain more
than one type of speech act, a primary one which is indirect and not literally
performed and a secondary one which is direct and is performed in the literal
utterance of the sentence. For example,
Hugh: I wish I was at Toys R Us.
Paul: OK, I’ll take you.
Here, the primary act of the speaker (a child) is to persuade Paul (an adult) to
take him to Toys R Us and buy him a toy. The secondary act is simply the literal
statement of wishing to be at Toys R Us.
SPEECH ACT THEORY helped to inspire Butler’s theory of GENDER PERFORMATIVITY.
speech community
The term speech community has been traced back to Bloomfield (1926:
153–154): ‘Within certain communities successive utterances are alike or
partly alike . . . Any such community is a speech community’. It was also used
by early sociolinguists like Gumperz (1968), Hymes (1972) and Labov (1973).
Speech communities have been associated with forms of language that are
learnt from a community that one grows up in (and are passed on via inheritance or adoption). This is in opposition to a DISCOURSE COMMUNITY, which
involves shared language use based around a particular formal or informal
social group (such as an email list, a dance club or a law firm).
Speech communities thus involve shared community membership and shared
linguistic communication. However, there is disagreement over the extent to
which these two factors play a role in defining speech communities. Most
societies contain multiple speech communities, and it could be argued that
people can belong to more than one speech community. See also COMMUNITY
Kunda (1999: 315) views stereotypes as ‘mental representations of social
categories’. Stereotypes reduce a person or group to a small number of vivid,
easily grasped traits, which are often exaggerated, frequently negative, and
enable the solidification of differences between in and out groups. Some
members of a social group may possess certain traits (and those same traits
may also occur in other social groups), but with stereotyping, these traits
become an essential, naturalized feature of a particular group. For example,
some gay men talk in a ‘camp’ voice, but many gay men do not (and some
heterosexual men have a camp voice). However, the camp voice has become
a stereotype associated with being gay, perhaps because camp-voiced gay
men are much more ‘different’ and thus visible than gay men who do not
have a camp voice. Comedians who want to index homosexuality will put on
a ‘camp voice’. The trait therefore becomes associated with all gay men and
is disassociated from heterosexual men.
So stereotyping deploys a strategy of splitting by excluding or expelling
everything which does not fit. Dyer (1977: 29) writes that ‘. . . boundaries . . .
must be clearly delineated and so stereotypes, one of the mechanisms of
boundary maintenance, are characteristically fixed, clear-cut, unalterable’.
Hall’s (1997: 223–279) discussion of the stereotyping of racial IDENTITY in the
18th and 19th centuries notes how black people were represented in terms
of a few supposedly essential characteristics, a strategy designed to fix difference and thus secure it forever. ‘Laziness, simple fidelity, mindless “cooning”,
trickery, childishness belonged to blacks as a race, as a species. There was
nothing else to the kneeling slave but his servitude; nothing to Uncle Tom
except his Christian forbearing; nothing to Mammy but her fidelity to
the white household – and . . . her “sho” nuff good cooking’ (ibid.: 245).
Stereotyping tends to occur when there are inequalities of POWER and can
lead to social exclusion.
Structuralism is an intellectual movement in which all phenomena are viewed
as having inherent underlying structures or systems. In linguistics, structuralism is associated with the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure who viewed
language as having an underlying structure. Structuralists tended to focus on
the structure of language at a particular moment in time (synchronically),
rather than looking at how and why languages change (diachronically). They
also viewed SIGNS as deriving meaning through differences to other signs,
especially in relation to binary opposites. For example, we understand what is
meant by the term woman by comparing it to what it is not – man. Similarly
white is not black, good is not bad and so on. Structuralism has been
criticized, especially by discourse analysts (see Baxter 2003, 2008) who
argue that seeing the meaning of concepts as consisting of binary opposites
tends to set up one of the concepts as the norm and the other as deviant or
derivative. Structuralism has also been criticized for being asocial as it tends
not focus on the way language is actually used by its speakers.
Struggle refers to a tension that results from one social group resisting the
power and control of another social group or institution. Theories of discourse argue that different discourses and SOCIAL PRACTICES occur in competing
and contradictory relationships. The tension between oppositional discourses
and practices is a result of a struggle for HEGEMONY. Marginal discourses struggle against mainstream, powerful and hegemonic discourses. The struggle is
successful when previously marginalized discourses and practices successfully
penetrate and change the dominant discourses, resulting in social change.
Fairclough (1989: 34) relates social struggle to the concepts of power relations
and class relations.
Style refers to the manner of doing things. From a linguistic perspective, there
are three views of style: the dualist view, the monist view and the pluralist
view (Short 1996; Leech and Short 2007). The dualist view sees form and
meaning as separate and defines style as a dress of thought. The monist view
sees style (form) and meaning as inseparable and that a choice of form is
simultaneously a choice of meaning. The pluralist view claims that ‘language
performs a number of different functions, and any piece of language is likely
to be the result of choices made on different functional levels’ (Leech and
Short 2007: 24).
Carter and Nash (1990: 15), however, point out that style ‘cannot be explained
by reference to only one level of language such as grammar and vocabulary’.
Fairclough (2009: 164) also defines styles as being related to ‘identities
or ways of being’, pointing out that ‘being a “manager” in the currently
fashionable way in business or in universities is partly a matter of developing
the right semiotic style’ (Fairclough 2009: 164).
Stylistics is the linguistic study of STYLE. It focuses on examining varieties
and properties of language, looking at the principles behind elements such
as register, accent, dialogue, grammar, accent, sentence length and so on.
Short (1996: 5) notes that stylistics is ‘concerned with relating linguistic
facts (linguistic description) to meaning (interpretation) in as explicit a way
as possible’ and is thus ‘the logical extension of practical criticism’ (ibid.: 6).
A subject is one of two main phrasal constituents of a CLAUSE (the other one
being the PREDICATE). The subject relates to other elements in a sentence (such
as the OBJECT) via a VERB.
Subjects can consist of bare noun phrases (Men are working here), determiners with noun phrases (The girl went home), gerunds (Walking is painful),
full clauses (That she didn’t like me was known to everyone), an infinitive
construction (To lose one’s child is a difficult thing) or the word it (It’s raining;
it was known that she didn’t like me). Subjects are identified via flow of
information, word order and their importance in a sentence. Sometimes
subjects can be confused with actors or agents (see
following sentence extract:
Consider the
Bobby Robson was surrounded by players and coaches. (BNC, A4P)
This sentence is in the passive voice so Bobby Robson is the subject, but
the actor is players and coaches. If the extract was reworded as an active
sentence, ‘players and coaches surrounded Bobby Robson’, then both the
subject and actor would be players and coaches.
subject position
Davies and Harré (1990: 48) define positioning as ‘the discursive process
whereby selves are located in conversations as observably and subjectively
coherent participants in jointly produced storylines. There can be interactive
positioning in which what one person says positions another, and there can be
reflexive positioning in which one positions oneself’. Therefore, in discourse,
social actors or individuals are ascribed certain roles and identities which
are referred to as subject positions. For example, if a man refers to a woman
as ‘honey’, then he is positioning her in a certain way. He could be suggesting
that she is desirable or be implying that he has or would like to have a more
intimate relationship with her. He may also be positioning her as inferior to
him. The woman could respond in a way which confirms the subject position,
or she could challenge it, for example, ‘I’m not your honey’. Individuals occupy
multiple subject positions at various points (e.g. parent, boss, teacher, social
activist) depending on the SOCIAL PRACTICE they are involved in and its related
discourses (Hutcheon 1989, Jørgensen and Phillips 2002, Baxter 2003).
From a western humanist perspective, subjectivity is a term that is used to
describe the relationship between the individual and his/her environment
which sees the individual as a unique and autonomous entity (Hutcheon 1989,
Jørgensen and Phillips 2002). This view has been criticised by postmodernists
who see subjectivities as being constructed through discourse (see SUBJECT
1. In English traditional grammar, subordination refers to a transformational
process of joining two clauses to form a complex sentence. One of the
clauses is a main or independent CLAUSE and the other is a dependent,
embedded or subordinate clause. For example,
I enjoyed doing this because it took people by surprise. (BNC, A06)
In the example above, the sentence is made up of two clauses: ‘I enjoyed
doing this’ is a main clause, while ‘because it took people by surprise’ is
a subordinate clause. The subordinate clause cannot stand on its own as a
2. Subordination also refers to the construction of certain members of a
society as not having equal social status as others. Connell’s theory of
HEGEMONIC MASCULINITY (1995) views groups in society as subordinating each
other, for example, heterosexual men subordinate women and gay men.
A technique of COHESION whereby a word or phrase which has already been
encountered in a text is substituted by another word:
Helen: Can you get me the flan tin down there . . .
Clare: Do you want the bigger one?
Helen: No that one will do. (BNC, KCD)
In the above example, the word one substitutes the term flan tin. See also
ANAPHORA. See also Halliday and Hasan (1976).
subversion/subversive discourses
This term describes acts of dismantling established conventions and traditional taken-for-granted assumptions about how the world works. Subversion
is often related to power relations. For example, the RECLAIMING of previously
synthetic personalization
abusive terms such as nigger and queer is a subversive strategy. Dominant or
hegemonic discourses, especially those which involve subordination of certain
groups, are likely to produce subversive discourses. As Foucault (1979a) notes,
wherever there is power, there is also resistance. For example, the discourses
that created the homosexual as a ‘deviant’ sexual category also provided a
lexicon for articulating resistance: ‘[H]omosexuality began to speak in its own
behalf, to demand that its legitimacy or “naturality” be acknowledged often
using the same categories by which it was medically disqualified’ (Foucault
1979a: 101).
A form of social actor EXCLUSION, which according to van Leeuwen (1996: 39)
is the lack of reference to a social actor anywhere in a particular text. A typical
way that this is realized is via passive agent deletion, for example, ‘Complaints
were made to us about certain members of our staff (who, incidentally, no
longer work for us) going into unoccupied floors to make love’ (BNC, A6V).
In this example, we do not know who made the complaints. See also AGENCY,
synchronic studies
Synchronic studies refer to the study of language ‘frozen’ in time. A synchronic study of language may focus on a single population, or it may compare
language use across different types of speakers (such as American English vs.
Indian English or young vs. old people). This approach has been associated
with a structuralist perspective. See also DIACHRONIC STUDIES.
synthetic personalization
A term coined by Fairclough (1989) to describe a way of tailoring interactions
that are directed towards a public mass audience so that every member of the
audience feels that they are being personally addressed. Fairclough (1989: 62)
gives examples from ‘air travel (have a nice day!) [and] restaurants (Welcome
to Wimpy!)’. Synthetic personalization uses techniques of CONVERSATIONALIZATION
in order to give the appearance of substance to a relationship.
systemic functional grammar (SFG)/linguistics
systemic functional grammar (SFG)/linguistics
SFG is a model of grammar that was developed by Michael Halliday (1961,
1978), who was influenced by John Firth. It is an approach to linguistic
description which aims to provide a comprehensive account of how language
is used in context for communication. Halliday began developing the theory
in the 1960s. The ‘systemic’ part views language as a network of systems,
whereas the ‘functional’ part is concerned with the actual uses that language
is put to in real-life contexts (as opposed to viewing language as an abstract
system). SFG analyses language in terms of semantics, phonology and
lexico-grammar (the relationship between structures and words). Halliday
also views language as having three meta-functions: ideational, interpersonal
and textual.
SFG was influential in the development of CRITICAL LINGUISTICS (Fowler et al.
1979) and later CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (Fairclough 1989). Halliday’s model
was used to show how grammatical systems and phenomena can be used in
order to achieve particular social functions.
tag question
This refers to the phenomenon arising in the media where news is presented
in a more personalized, emotive, simplistic and ‘populist’ format, contrasting
with formats which attempt to be more fact oriented and devoid of emotion.
Tabloidization is characterized by the use of personalized and often simplified
narratives. For example, a news article about a murder may include pictures
of the victim and his/her family as well as revealing graphic details about the
murder. The victim may be evaluated in positive ways, which emphasize the
tragedy and waste of life. The killer, if caught, may be described as a monster
or with adjectives like evil, and the coverage may try to explain the murder
in a simple way such as it being linked to taking drugs or watching horror
films. The story may evoke a range of emotional states: empathy, sympathy,
fear and outrage. Tabloidization has sometimes been called ‘dumbing down’,
another aspect of it being a move away from political and international news
and a move towards stories which focus on the lives of individuals from the
entertainment industry, celebrities or other people who are not associated
with politics. However, tabloidization can be associated with particular political
agendas, for example, nationalism. A similar term tabloidese is referred to as
‘downgrading of hard news and upgrading of sex, scandal and infotainment’
(Watson and Hill 2000: 307). Conboy (2006: 212) argues that ‘[t]abloidization
is too complex a phenomenon to judge as a single entity and too fraught with
questions of taste and commercialism for simple judgements on its quality. It
can be considered as a lowering of the standards of idealized journalism or as
a re-orientation of popular national markets within globalized competition for
news within wider media markets’.
tag question
A way of turning an utterance into a question by ‘tagging’ an interrogative
fragment at the end. Typically fragments include isn’t it, would you, all right,
eh, no and must I.
Tag questions were theorized by Lakoff (1975) as being a form of WOMEN’S
LANGUAGE, as she claimed they were linked to politeness; the speaker appears
to be seeking agreement or confirmation. However, tag questions can sometimes be used to indicate emphasis or irony, so they do not always have polite
functions. Holmes (1984) distinguishes between modal tags, which request
technologization of discourse
information or confirmation of information when the speaker is unsure, and
affective tags, which are used to indicate concern for the hearer. Affective
tags are further split into softeners, which are used to express politeness,
and facilitative tags, which invite the hearer to comment on the speaker’s
assertion. Dubois and Crouch (1975) found that in the context of academic
conferences, males used more tag questions than females, while Cameron et
al. (1988) also found more male use of tag questions in a corpus of spoken
English, and while both sexes used more affective tags than modal tags, this
was more pronounced in women. When Cameron et al. (1988) examined a
different set of data, where the speakers were identified as being in relatively
powerful or less powerful positions, it was found that powerful speakers
tended to use the affective tags, and there was no significant difference in
overall tag use between the sexes.
technologization of discourse
Fairclough (1992: 215) talks about the invasion of existing orders of discourse
by new discourse technologies. Examples of such technologies include
advertising, counselling and conversation control skills. Fairclough and
Wodak (1997: 260) note that ‘[t]he increased importance of language in
social life has led to a greater level of conscious intervention to control and
shape language practices in accordance with economic, political and institutional objectives’.
Fairclough (1996: 73) points out a number of features of discourse technologization: the appearance of ‘discourse technologists’, such as communication
specialists who advise people on how to use language for specific strategic
purposes; a move towards standardizing discourse practices, such as the use
of ‘scripts’ in call centres, along with the surveillance techniques that are used
to ensure that workers follow the script; and the creation of various discourse
techniques that can be transferable across a range of difference contexts.
Tense refers to the linguistic expression of time. Tense has the ‘now’ or what
is happening currently as its point of reference (or deictic centre). Tense then
expresses events as happening before or after the ‘now’. English recognizes
the present, past and future tenses.
terms of address
I am eating (present tense).
He ate all the vegetables (past tense).
He will eat all my vegetables (future tense).
Tense goes hand in hand with aspect. Aspect in grammar refers to the
expression of whether an event is ongoing or complete. We can distinguish
between perfective aspect (expressing completion of an event) or continuous
aspect (which indicates that an event is ongoing).
He sings very well (simple present tense).
He was singing a very beautiful song (past tense, continuous aspect,
otherwise referred to as past continuous tense).
He is singing a very beautiful song (present tense, continuous aspect,
otherwise present continuous tense).
He has sung a very beautiful song (present tense, perfective aspect,
otherwise present perfect tense).
Vet and Vetters (1994:1) argue for a consideration of discourse when carrying
out analysis of tense, writing that ‘ . . . a considerable part of the meanings of
tense and aspect forms strongly depends on contextual factors and probably
on the type of text as well, so that tense and aspect cannot be properly studied if their contribution to text cohesion is not taken into account’.
terms of address
Terms of address are words, usually nominals, used to refer to people. They
can express a range of different social phenomena. Many indicate degree of
formality: Mr, Mrs, Sir and Dr are honorifics and are used in formal contexts
to signal respect and distance. Others, like darling, love, mate and dude, may
be used to signal informal relations. Terms of address thus can be manifestations of different types of POLITENESS and deference depending on the social
distance between the addressor and addressee.
Definitions of the term text are difficult as different researchers have
conceptualized texts in a range of ways. A prototypical text would be something which has lots of written words in it, such as a book. However,
De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) define a text as a communicative
occurrence that meets seven standards of textuality: cohesion, coherence,
intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality and intertextuality.
Along similar lines, Halliday and Hasan (1976) define a text as being a
semantic unit that has a particular social meaning, made up of related
sentences whose main characteristic is unity of meaning. A text has cohesion; that is, each sentence in a text is related to the previous ones through
cohesive ties. So any stretch of language that functions as a unity is a text.
This definition could include posters, shopping lists, emails, poems, film
reviews and so on. We could also view a text as anything which involves a
recognized language system (not just writing but speech also). This could
mean that we consider a conversation or a song as a text.
In discourse analysis, the notion of text tends to get extended much further
than ‘anything with words’. For example, Bernstein (1990: 17) refers to a text
as ‘the form of the social relationship made visible, palpable, material’, while
Talbot (1995: 14) calls a text ‘the fabric in which discourses are manifested’.
Barker and Galasinksi (2001: 5) position a text as ‘any phenomenon that
generates meaning through signifying practices. Hence dress, television programmes, advertising images, sporting events, pop stars and so on can all be
read as texts’. Some researchers (e.g. Hodge and Kress 1988, Caldas-Coulthard
and van Leeuwen 2002) have considered objects such as toys as texts.
Fairclough (1995: 4), however, argues against an understanding of text
as anything that generates meaning. Instead, he proposes that a text is an
inherently linguistic event, and two fundamental processes, cognition and
representation of the world, are materialized in texts (1995: 6).
Even if we take the definition of text to mean ‘linguistic event’, we should still
bear in mind that there are additional aspects of texts which may communicate meaning, even if not through language. For example, advertisements
combine written words with images, and the meaning of the advert can only
be decoded by taking into account the relationship between these different
parts. In addition, typographic information such as font size, colour and style
may also impact on the meanings we ascribe to texts.
textual orientation
This refers to an approach to discourse analysis which pays special attention
to features of a TEXT, especially linguistic features such as vocabulary,
grammar, COHESION and COHERENCE. Textually-Oriented Discourse Analysis
(TODA) includes the analysis of ‘actual instances of discourse’ such as texts.
Fairclough (1992: 37) argues that TODA is different from ‘Foucault’s more
abstract approach’ to discourse analysis. This means that TODA must involve
‘linguistic description of the language text, interpretation of the relationship
between the (productive and interpretative) discursive processes and the
text, and explanation of the relationship between the discursive processes
and the social processes’ (Fairclough 1995: 97, original emphasis).
The ‘topic’ of a particular stretch of discourse, as opposed to what is said
about the topic (the RHEME). There are several ways of defining themes – for
example, we could say that the SUBJECT is also the theme, or we could focus
on the position of the theme within a stretch of discourse. A distinction can
be made between themes at the level of discourse and at the level of clause:
The house was full of little flights of steps where he least expected them.
There were many dark, stained rooms. ‘I would have had it done,’ said the
owner, a small, pale woman, ‘but I’m selling up to go and live with my
sister and it didn’t seem worth it’. (BNC, A0R)
Here, the theme at the discourse level is ‘the house’. The rheme is therefore
everything that comes after the first two words as the entire paragraph is
about ‘the house’. However, we could also point to an additional ‘local’ theme
‘the owner’ which is established at the level of the sentence, along with a
local rheme ‘a small pale woman’. Despite this, the discourse-level theme
continues to be the ‘The house’ as the owner is continuing to talk about
the house.
Topoi (sometimes called loci, singular topos) are an aspect of ARGUMENTATION,
being defined as persuasive strategies or rules which connect an argument to
a claim or conclusion. Topoi are thus broad beliefs which help to maintain
an argument without actually constituting the argument itself. Reisigl and
Wodak (2001) have identified a number of topoi which are often used to
justify discriminatory practices towards particular groups. For example, a
topos of burden could be stated as ‘if a group is burdened by another group,
then actions should be taken in order to alleviate this burden’. This topos
could be activated by someone who was opposed to immigration. Such a
person might say something like, ‘they come here to claim benefits and
soon there won’t be enough for everyone else!’ Other topoi include the
following: danger/threat (if x is a threat to y, then x must be stopped),
authority (x is true because an authority said it is true) and justice (everyone
should be treated the same).
Transcription conventions refer to established rules for converting spoken text
to written text for the purposes of analysis. Transcriptions are often used in
CONVERSATION ANALYSIS or the analysis of FOCUS GROUPS or RESEARCH INTERVIEWS. Generally, each line of speech in a transcription is numbered. Some transcription
schemes can be detailed, for example, covering exact lengths of pauses in milliseconds as well as annotating overlapping speech or extralinguistic information.
Some commonly used transcription conventions include the following:
{leaves room}
[are you]
– A number in round brackets indicates a pause of that many
– A full stop indicates a very short pause.
– Double round brackets indicate paralinguistic behaviour.
– Curly brackets could indicate nonverbal behaviour.
– Square brackets can indicate overlapping speech.
– Equals signs show latching between turns of two speakers.
– Multiple colons can indicate a drawn-out syllable.
– Capitalization can indicate loud volume.
See Chafe (1982), Atkinson and Heritage (1984) and Dressler and Kreuz
Transitivity is a system of representation in which the CLAUSE (in English) plays
a crucial role. A VERB can be transitive (taking a direct object), intransitive (not
able to take a direct object) or ERGATIVE (sometimes taking a direct object but
sometimes not). In addition, monotransitive verbs take only one direct object
whereas ditransitive verbs take two objects.
For example,
1. John ate the cheese.
2. Tony slept.
3. Sue gave John the ticket.
In example 1, the verb ate is transitive – it relates to an object (in this case, the
cheese). However, in example 2, the verb slept is intransitive – no object is
referred to. In example 3, the verb gave is ditransitive, taking two objects
(John and the ticket). Rather than viewing transitivity as a binary distinction,
some people see it as more of a continuum, with some verbs having higher
transitivity than others.
It is through the transitivity system that we represent our perception and
experience of the world around and inside us (Halliday 1994). This experience,
according to Halliday, consists of what he calls ‘goings on’, such as ‘happening,
doing, sensing, meaning, being and becoming’ (ibid.: 106).
Transitivity is important in discourse analysis as clause patterns can represent
different ways of viewing the world or constructing reality, for example,
by representing some people as actors and others as goals. This may have
implications for which individuals or groups are represented as having AGENCY
or POWER (Fairclough 1992: 177–185).
Triangulation refers to the use of multiple approaches to research. This could
involve data – for example, collecting data from different sources, or using
different methods of data collection (focus groups, interviews, questionnaires)
truth conditions
or it could involve using different methods of analysis (e.g. corpus analysis
vs. a close qualitative analysis). The term originates from geometry and land
surveying, where an accurate view is obtained from looking at things from
two or more positions. Layder (1993: 128) points out several advantages of
triangulation: It facilitates validity checks of hypotheses, it anchors findings in
more robust interpretations and explanations, and it allows the researcher to
respond flexibly to unforeseen problems and aspects of the research.
Discourse-based social research advocates the use of triangulation. For
example, Reisigl and Wodak (2001: 35) state,
One methodological way for critical discourse analysis to minimise the risk
of critical biasing and to avoid simply politicising, instead of accurately
analysing, is to follow the principle of triangulation [. . . and] endeavour to
work interdisciplinarily, multimethodically and on the basis of a variety of
empirical data as well as background information.
truth conditions
Truth conditions refer to the semantic content of sentences and utterances.
The meanings of certain types of utterances depend on their truth conditions.
A statement such as ‘the sun rises in the east’ can be subjected to investigation
and found to be true or false. Truth conditions are different to FELICITY CONDITIONS,
which are more concerned with the circumstances that are required for a
performative to succeed.
Turn-taking is the set of practices through which conversation is organized
and is therefore an important aspect of CONVERSATION ANALYSIS. Patterns of
turn-taking were first described following a study of the use of English in
telephone conversations and group talk (Sacks et al. 1974), although Cook
(1989) notes that turn-taking mechanisms may vary between cultures or
between languages. In English-speaking societies, turn-taking usually means
that in a conversation one participant speaks at a time. The first speaker, A,
speaks and then stops. The next speaker, B, speaks and then stops, so there
is a conversational pattern that looks like this:
According to Sacks et al. (1974), rules that govern turn-taking constitute a
local management system. In this system, speakers compete over a scarce
resource, namely, the control of the floor. The floor here refers to the right
to speak and be listened to. The speakers share the floor by taking turns
to utilize it. The minimal units by which turns are shared are called turnconstruction units, and they are made up of sentences, clauses or phrases.
They are identified in part by prosodic features such as intonation.
The end of such a unit marks the point at which speakers may change. This
point is known as the transition relevance place. The transition relevance
place does not mean that speakers must or will change at that point. It simply
means that it is possible, at that point, for speakers to change.
There are rules that govern speaker change or how the floor is shared in the
course of an interaction. This has to do with speaker selection. When A is
the current speaker and B is the next speaker,
1. If A selects B in the current turn, then A must stop speaking and B must
speak next. Transition occurs at the first transition relevance place after
B’s selection.
2. If A does not select B, then any (other) party may self-select, the first
speaker gaining rights to the floor then makes a contribution.
3. If A has not selected B, and no other party self selects, A may (but need
not) continue speaking. In other words, he or she may claim the right to
the next turn constructional unit but does not have to.
The pattern then repeats itself (adapted from Levinson 1983: 298).
These rules mean that generally only one person speaks at a time. Overlaps
can occur as competing first starts. Alternatively, they may occur where a
transition relevance place has been mis-projected, such as where a tag or
address term has been appended (ibid.: 299).
Conversation analysts may be interested in cases where turn-taking appears
to break down, as this may indicate something important is happening in the
conversation. They may also examine how participants orient to such breakdowns and attempt to REPAIR them. In addition, an analysis of turn allocation
in conversation can reveal a lot about the relative power of speakers and can
therefore be utilized in CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS.
unsolicited talk
unsolicited talk
Unsolicited talk refers to spoken research data that occurs in ‘authentic’ or
‘natural’ circumstances, rather than being elicited by the researcher.
An utterance refers to a unit of speech. Unlike sentences in written language,
which are marked with particular features (capitalization at the start and
a punctuation mark at the end), utterances can be difficult to delineate at
times – some definitions of utterances note that they are marked by silence
at their start and end, although in naturally occurring conversations, people
can interrupt each other’s utterances, so they appear to be cut off prematurely.
In addition, pauses can potentially occur within utterances, for example, if
someone forgets a word and pauses to remember it. The length of silence
that is required to mark the end of one utterance and the start of another can
also be contestable.
Words which relate to actions, occurrences or states of being. Different languages can modify verb forms according to tense, aspect, mood and voice.
Verbs may also need to agree with the person, gender and number that they
The term vernacular has several related meanings. (1) A vernacular language
is one that is indigenous to a country or locality. (2) Labov (1966) identifies a
vernacular as an unself-conscious style of speech – the sort of language we
would use in relaxed conversation, without having to make an effort about
how we talk. (3) It can refer to a nonstandard variety of language, such as a
particular dialect. Such vernaculars are normally spoken, rather than written.
(4) A vernacular has also been conceptualized as ‘an abstract set of norms’
(Lodge 2005: 13).
Vocabulary refers to the set of words available to a particular language and is
sometimes known as a lexicon. There are different types of vocabulary and
each person acquires different levels of different types of vocabulary. For
example, a speaking vocabulary is all the words that a person is able to utilize
when speaking, while a reading vocabulary is all the words that a person is
able to recognize when reading. A similar distinction can also be made
between active vocabulary (words that are currently used by a particular
speaker) and passive vocabulary (words which are known even if not used).
The vocabulary of any language grows all the time because language is productive and new words are coined continuously. However, words also fall out
of the vocabulary of a language as people stop using them.
Warrants are forms of justification. Toulmin et al. (1979: 43) define ‘warrants’
as ‘statements indicating the general ways of arguing being applied in each
particular case and implicitly relied on as ones whose trustworthiness is well
established’. In ARGUMENTATION theory, a TOPOS is a content-related warrant
or conclusion rule that connects an argument to a claim (Reisigl and Wodak
2001: 75). In racist, xenophobic, homophobic or sexist discourse, warrants
are used to justify the social EXCLUSION of marginal groups and to create ‘outgroups’ which must be separated from mainstream society or the ‘in-group’.
Swann (2002) uses the term warrant in relation to language and gender
research to refer to the evidence that is needed to support conclusions about
gender when analysing linguistic data. For example, what warrants do we
have for being able to say that a piece of language is gendered. Based on
analysing different types of research, she lists a number of different types of
1. Quantitative and general patterns of language use (such as corpus
2. Indirect reliance on quantitative/general patterns
3. Participants’ orientation as evident in the text
4. Speakers/participants’ solicited interpretation (e.g. interviews)
5. Analyst’s theoretical position (e.g. critical discourse analysis)
6. Analyst’s intuition
7. Speakers/participants are male/female
women’s language
Issues surrounding the definition or existence of ‘women’s language’ have
been the subject of many language studies, especially within feminist linguistics. A chapter by the linguist Otto Jespersen in 1922 conceived of women
using language distinctly from men. Jespersen’s claims, now seen as sexist,
presented a form of women’s language use as ‘deficient’ to men’s. Robin
Lakoff’s 1975 book Language and Women’s Place put forward a different
position, that men use language to dominate women and, resultingly,
women’s language is polite, hyper-correct and concerned with ensuring that
conversations run smoothly. Her work has since been criticized for making
word order
overgeneralizations and extrapolating conclusions based on observing a
small sample of her peers. A later position advocated by self-help writer and
interactional sociolinguist Deborah Tannen (1990), that men and women use
language differently (whether due to socialization or other reasons), avoided
accusing men of being bullies and women of being victims, but it fell open
to criticisms of an apolitical perspective. However, all of the above research
has been grounded on the existence of a distinct ‘women’s language’, which
has since been problematized. Since the 1990s, a position which takes into
account diversity, considers how particular women and men use language
in specific settings, and the complex ways that gender interacts with other
IDENTITY categories (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet 1998) has arisen.
word order
This refers to the order in which words in a sentence follow to form a
well-formed sentence. For example, the words ‘killed man the dog, vicious
the’ make no sense until they are ordered according to the rules of English
grammar: ‘The vicious dog killed the man.’ Rules of transformation can be
applied to change the basic word order of sentences in order to foreground
certain aspects of the sentence. For example, a headline in a newspaper can
appear in two different forms:
Two hundred people die in train crash.
Train crash kills two hundred people.
In the first sentence, the two hundred people are thematized and therefore
foregrounded. In the second sentence, it is the train crash that is thematized
and foregrounded.
The Key Thinkers
Louis Althusser
An Algerian philosopher, Althusser was influenced by Marx as well as the
psychoanalysts Freud and Lacan. He wrote on the concept of ideology,
believing that our choices, intentions, values and desires are inculcated by
ideological practices. In other words, social practices impose certain roles
upon the individual which determine the concept of the self. In his 1971 essay
Ideology and State Apparatuses, Althusser claimed that ideological practices
are constituted by an assortment of institutions he refers to as ideological
State Apparatuses such as religious systems, the family, political systems,
trade unions and communications (the media). Such structures are both
agents of repression and inescapable – everyone is subjected to ideology.
Althusser’s conceptualization of ideology has been influential to critical
discourse analysis.
J. L. Austin
A British philosopher of language who developed the concept of the speech
act and its associated theory. Austin’s most influential work was his short
book How to Do Things with Words (1962), based on a series of lectures
he gave in 1955, in which he criticises the notion that statements can only
be either true or false. He introduces the idea of statements that are
not truth-evaluable, including those which are deemed as ‘performative’
because they are used to perform a certain type of action (speech acts). Such
performatives only succeed or are ‘felicitous’ if certain circumstances are met
(e.g. you may try to leave an antique clock to someone in your will, but if you
do not own the clock, or the person does not exist, then the performative will
be infelicitous). Austin’s research was later expanded by John Searle and has
been influential in the development of pragmatics as well as helping to inspire
Judith Butler’s performativity theory of gender.
Pierre Bourdieu
Allan Bell
A New Zealand sociolinguist who has published in the area of language and
the media as well as examining New Zealand English and language style. Bell
is most well known for his theory of audience design (1984), which proposes
that style-shifting occurs primarily in response to a speaker’s audience. Bell
identified a classification system for different types of audiences, depending
on three criteria: whether the audience is known to be part of a speech
context, whether the speaker ratifies or acknowledges the listener’s presence
and whether the listener is directly addressed. Bell is one of the founding
editors of the Journal of Sociolinguistics. His publications include The
Language of News Media (1991) and Approaches to Media Discourse (1998)
with Peter Garrett. He also co-edited New Zealand Ways of Speaking (1990)
with Janet Holmes and Languages of New Zealand (2006) with Ray Harlow
and Donna Starks.
Pierre Bourdieu
A French sociologist and cultural theorist who was influenced by writers
such as Marx, Wittgenstein and Weber. His works include Distinction: A Social
Critique of the Judgement of Taste (1984), Language and Symbolic Power
(1991) and The Field of Cultural Production (1993). Bourdieu wrote about
the concept of capital, extending the term to cover categories such as social
capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital in order to argue that individuals
occupy multiple social positions. Such types of capital help the ruling and
intellectual classes to maintain power in postindustrial societies. In Distinction,
he argues that people internalize aesthetic dispositions from an early age and
that social class is thus demonstrated and maintained by how people present
their social spaces to the world. Rather than emphasizing economic factors in
social domination, Bourdieu was instead more interested in how social actors
engaged with symbolic capital. He viewed language as a mechanism of power
and also coined the term symbolic violence, which involves the imposition of
symbolic capital in order to influence people. Bourdieu also emphasized the
importance of reflexivity in sociological analysis, being critical of the idea of
scientific objectivity.
The Key Thinkers
Judith Butler
An American post-structuralist philosopher who has published extensively in
the areas of gender, feminism, queer theory, ethics and political philosophy.
Her work has often focused on the concept of the embodied self, and she
is also known for her theory of gender performativity which views gender
identity as constituted by repeated stylizations of bodily acts. However, she
underlines that the performance of identity is not a matter of deliberate
choice but a result of discourses which determine what categories of gender,
sex and sexuality are permissible and that masculinities and femininities are
socially constructed. Her publications include Gender Trouble: Feminism and
the Subversion of Identity (1990), Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits
of Sex (1993), Excitable Speech: The Politics of the Performative (1997),
Undoing Gender (2004) and Giving an Account of Oneself (2005). Her work
has been particularly influential to feminist branches of discourse analysis.
Paul Chilton
Deborah Cameron
An English philologist who has made numerous contributions to a range
of linguistic and social topics. In Verbal Hygiene (1995), she employs moral
panic theory to examine debates around political correctness and declining
standards in language, while in Good to Talk? (2000) she examines the surge
of concern about the importance of talk in a range of social contexts. A large
part of her work has focused around issues of gender and sexuality from a
feminist perspective, an early example being Feminism and Linguistic Theory
published in 1992. In Language and Sexuality (co-written with Don Kulick in
2003), she queries definitions of queer theory and suggests that desire might
be a better paradigm than identity in order to make sense of language in
sexual contexts. In The Myth of Mars and Venus (2007), she critiques the
gender differences view of language which has popularized relationship
advice literature. Her Working with Spoken Discourse is a guide to analysis
of spoken texts, covering approaches like conversation analysis and critical
discourse analysis.
Paul Chilton
A discourse analyst and cognitive linguist who has also published in literary
studies. His interests include conceptual metaphor theory, cognitive stylistics
and the analysis of political discourse. His books include Orwellian Language
and the Media (1988), Security Metaphors: Cold War Discourse from
Containment to Common European Home (1996) and Analysing Political
Discourse: Theory and Practice (2004). Chilton has drawn on Grice’s
Co-operative Principle, Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory and Chomsky’s
Generative Linguistics in order to formulate principles for a cognitive approach
to political discourse. As well as focusing on metaphors, he has developed a
theory of discourse analysis which takes into account the concepts of space,
vectors and co-ordinates. He argues that anyone who processes discourse will
locate arguments and predicates according to the dimensions of space (s),
time (t) and modality (m) and has used this to build a three-dimensional model
of discourse analysis which he has applied to his own work, for example, an
analysis of President Clinton’s speeches.
The Key Thinkers
Jennifer Coates
A British linguist who has published extensively in the field of language and
gender, mainly looking at spoken language using a range of quantitative
and qualitative discourse analysis techniques. In 1986, she wrote Women,
Men and Language, which went beyond a ‘genderlect’ view of talk to
consider the more nuanced concept of men and women performing gender
in everyday interactions. The book considers social networks as well as
attempting to explain the causes and consequences of gender differentiated language. This book was followed by two empirical sets of studies,
which considered the informal interactions of males and females in
friendship groups: Women Talk (1996), which investigates how women
contribute towards a discourse of solidarity, and Men Talk (2003), where she
shows how men’s talk and particularly men’s story-telling relate to norms
of hegemonic masculinity. Coates has also edited or co-edited a number
of collections of papers, including Women in Their Speech Communities
(1989), Language and Gender: A Reader (1998) and The Sociolinguistics
of Narrative (2003).
Guy Cook
An applied linguist who has published a number of works on discourse,
including Discourse (1989), The Discourse of Advertising (1992) and Discourse
and Literature (1994). He has been the editor of the journal Applied Linguistics
and chair of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. Cook views discourse as hierarchically progressing from substance through to form and then
interaction, and he has written about discourse from the perspective of a
language teacher, applying theory to classroom activities so that students’
discourse skills can be improved. In his book on advertising, Cook deals
with the issue of incorporating the analysis of music and images into more
traditional forms of discourse analysis which deal with written texts, while in
his book on literature he examines how schema theory can be used in the
discourse analysis of literary texts.
Malcolm Coulthard
Malcolm Coulthard
A linguist who is well known in both the fields of discourse analysis and forensic linguistics. Coulthard wrote one of the first introductions to discourse
analysis in 1977. In 1980, with David Brazil and Catherine Johns, he co-wrote
Discourse Intonation and Language Teaching, which focused on intonational
semantics. This was followed a year later by Studies in Discourse Analysis
(with Martin Montgomery). In his 1992 edited collection Advances in Spoken
Discourse Analysis, he has a chapter on forensic discourse analysis, where he
applies concepts like the conversational maxims and analysis of discourse
structure to examine legal interviews and confessions. In his later work on
forensic linguistics, Coulthard has used frequency-based corpus approaches
to determine whether language use is typical in a particular context. For
example, in a 2000 paper he demonstrated that Derek Bentley, a young man
who had been executed in 1953, almost certainly did not say the words which
were supposed to be a transcript of his confession.
The Key Thinkers
Jacques Derrida
A prolific Algerian-born French philosopher who founded the deconstructionist
approach, which aimed to show that within any text there are numerous
(and often conflicting) meanings or interpretations. This approach, although
never formally described as a method of analysis, influenced approaches
to discourse analysis, particularly from the early 1990s onwards, helping to
provide the basis of critiques of the more traditional ways of carrying out
social research which had been based on researcher-defined categorizations.
Some authors have conceptualized deconstruction as a form of discourse
analysis, although others (such as Ernesto Laclau) disagree. Derrida tended
to define deconstruction based on what it is not rather than what it is. He
was influenced by Freud, Nietzsche, de Saussure, Heidegger and Husserl,
among others. Derrida’s most well-known work is Of Grammatology (1976),
which focused on the implications of understanding language in its written
form, rather than as speech, which formed the basis of deconstruction.
Another book, Speech and Phenomena (1973), is also concerned with
Michel Foucault
Norman Fairclough
A discourse analyst who developed one of the first approaches to critical
discourse analysis, based on extending critical linguistics to take social
practices and different types of context more thoroughly into account (see
Language and Power 1989, Discourse and Social Change 1992, Critical
Discourse Analysis 1995, Discourse in Late Modernity (co-authored with
Lilie Chouliaraki) 1999, and Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social
Research 2003). Fairclough has been influenced by Halliday and Bakhtin at
the linguistic level and theorists such as Foucault, Gramsci, Althusser and
Bourdieu at the sociological level. He has applied his own three-stage model
of critical discourse analysis (CDA) (sometimes called Textually Oriented
Discourse Analysis or TODA) in order to address how language is used to
create, maintain and challenge power relationships and ideologies. He is
particularly interested in concepts which refer to current social changes:
globalization, neoliberalism and the knowledge economy. His research has
shown how marketing discourses and associated linguistic phenomena
such as informalization and conversationalization have crossed over into
many other forms of everyday life. In 2000, he authored New Labour,
New Language, which examined the discourse of Tony Blair’s Labour government. More recently, he has worked on aspects of ‘transition’ in Central
and Eastern Europe.
Michel Foucault
A French philosopher, historian, sociologist and activist who studied with
Althusser and was influenced by Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger. His works
include Madness and Civilisation: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason
(1967), The Archaeology of Knowledge (1972), the three-volume The History
of Sexuality (1979a, 1986, 1988) and Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the
Prison (1979b). His writing tended to focus on criticisms of social institutions,
particularly the prison system, psychiatry and medicine. He also wrote widely
on sexuality and the relationships between power, knowledge and discourse.
His theory of discourse (in the Archaeology) is an influential work in contemporary discourse analysis, especially critical discourse analysis.
The Key Thinkers
Roger Fowler
A British critical linguist whose main field was stylistics (his early books include
The Languages of Literature and Linguistics and the Novel). In 1979, he
co-authored Language and Control which contains a chapter (with Gunther
Kress) on critical linguistics, which was influential in the development of
critical discourse analysis. Fowler and Kress applied Halliday’s functional
linguistics to the critical examination of texts, in particular paying attention
to transitivity, modality, nominalizations, passivizations, relexicalization,
over-lexicalization and coherence, order and unity of discourse. In 1991, he
published Language in the News: Discourse and Ideology in the Press, arguing
that newspaper coverage of world events is not unbiased recording of
hard facts but is instead socially constructed, making use of stereotypes,
incorporating biases and subject to various social and economic factors.
Paul Grice
Erving Goffman
A Canadian sociologist whose most famous book The Presentation of Self in
Everyday Life was published 1956 and was one of the first works to discuss
face-to-face interaction from a sociological perspective. He viewed social
interaction as a kind of theatrical performance, with a ‘front’ region, where
people maintain face to others, and a ‘back’ region which is private. Goffman
developed a theory of face, based on the idea that individuals try to control
the impression they make on other people, engaging in various practices,
called ‘face work’ to avoid embarrassing themselves or each other. He argued
that cultural differences aside, societies have basically similar ways of ensuring
self-regulation, based on concepts like dignity, pride and honour. His theories
are continued in his later books: Stigma (1963) and Interaction Ritual (1967).
In Frame Analysis (1974), he developed a theory for how people organize
experiences, using a picture frame metaphor where the frame represents
the structure which holds together the picture, which is the context of the
Paul Grice
A British-born philosopher of language whose work helped to found the field
of pragmatics. He was particularly interested in the relationship between
speaker meaning and linguistic meaning and developed the Cooperative
Principal (Grice 1975) along with four Conversational Maxims in order to help
to explain how non-literal utterances are understood and how speakers adhere
to or flout certain maxims at particular points in order to express meaning. He
developed a theory of implicature, making distinctions between conversational
and conventional implicature as well as making distinctions between four
types of content: encoded/non-encoded content and truth-conditional/
non-truth-conditional content. His 1989 valedictory book Studies in the Way
of Words covers a large amount of his work, including a series of influential
William James lectures he gave in 1967. Grice’s theory of meaning and
pragmatic inference has been built on and challenged by Dan Sperber and
Deirdre Wilson’s (1986) Relevance Theory.
The Key Thinkers
John Gumperz
An American sociolinguist whose early work focused on dialect differences in
rural Michigan. He then carried out anthropological work in a North Indian
village community, examining issues of language contact. In the 1970s, he
became more interested in discourse and conversation analysis, concentrating
on bilingualism and communication between cultures. In 1972, he co-edited
Directions in Sociolinguistics with Dell Hymes, while in 1982 he wrote Discourse Strategies. Gumperz is most well known for developing an approach
called interactional sociolinguistics which foregrounds how speakers signal
and make sense of meaning in social interaction. The approach involves
the close analysis of recorded interactions. Gumperz went against the
‘information theory’ perspective of communication which views context
as separate from communicative content by arguing that sociocultural
knowledge is embedded within the talk and behaviour of interactions.
He postulates that we communicate interpretive frames through ‘contextualization cues’, such as prosody, lexical choice and visual and gestural
phenomena. Such cues help us to interpret the propositional content of
Michael Halliday
Stuart Hall
A Jamaican-born sociologist and cultural theorist who is particularly interested
in hegemony, race, youth subcultures and media. In 1973, he wrote Encoding
and Decoding in the Television Discourse where he developed an approach to
textual analysis which did not view audiences as passive recipients of texts but
instead focused on their ability to negotiate or oppose meanings. Hall’s
emphasis on reception positions the meaning of a text as somewhere between
the producer and the reader. In 1978, he co-wrote Policing the Crisis:
Mugging, the State and Law and Order, where he employed Cohen’s moral
panic theory to show how media reports and crime statistics can be used to
further moral panics as part of the social production of news. His 1997 book
Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices focuses on
the construction of identities, particularly those classed as ‘the other’ in a
variety of social contexts, including photography, soap opera, film, museum
exhibits and advertising.
Michael Halliday
A British-born linguist who mainly worked in Australia, Halliday founded
the field of social semiotics and developed systemic functional grammar
(sometimes called systemic functional linguistics or SFL). Halliday’s research
was influenced by John Firth and is based on people’s real-world systems and
requirements – for example, he outlines seven functions that language has
for developing children. Likewise, with SFL, Halliday foregrounded functional
(as opposed to structural) aspects of language. SFL has been influential in a
number of areas of linguistics, including computational linguistics. It was
also used as the basis of analysis for critical linguistics and was subsequently
influential in the descriptive stage of Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
as well as other forms of critical discourse analysis (CDA). In 1990, Halliday
published a paper which challenged applied linguists to address issues
that were relevant to the twenty-first century, particularly the destruction of
eco-systems. This paper triggered the emergence of eco-critical discourse
The Key Thinkers
John Heritage
A British sociologist who was influenced by ethnomethodology and later
became a leading figure in the field of conversation analysis. His Garfinkel
and Ethnomethodology (first published in 1984) gives an analysis of the
origins and development of ethnomethodological theory and research from
the mid-1940s onwards. He has co-edited several collections of works
on conversation analysis, including Structures of Social Interaction (1984),
Interaction and Language Use (1986), Talk at Work (1992) and Conversation
Analysis (2006). His later research has focused on applying conversation
analysis techniques in both public and institutional settings, such as televised
news and political interviews, medical care, legal trials and calls to emergency
services. He has often published work jointly with Paul Drew and Steven
Susan Herring
A linguist who specializes in information technology. In 1996, she edited one
of the first books on interaction in online environments: Computer-mediated
Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. This was
followed by The Multilingual Internet: Language, Culture, and Communication Online, which was co-edited with Brenda Danet in 2007. Herring has
examined a wide range of computer-mediated communication (CMC) practices: SMS, Twitter, weblogs, online game environments and bulletin boards.
Her work has tended to be based around two main strands. First, she has
particularly examined electronic participation from a gender differences/dominance perspective, arguing that in CMC male participants can dominate
discourse, for example, through rhetorical intimidation. Second, she has considered multilingualism in CMC contexts, drawing on theories of performance
and speech communities, and investigating how multilingual CMC users
develop their own conventions for communication in contexts where English
is the dominant language.
Dell Hymes
Janet Holmes
A sociolinguist who specializes in language and gender, language and the
workplace and New Zealand English. Her work utilizes a range of qualitative
and quantitative approaches, including corpus linguistics, while she has
examined aspects of pragmatics, including politeness strategies, sexist
language, pragmatic particles and hedges, compliments, directives, apologies, disagreement, humour and small talk. She has particularly focused
on sex as a variable in hierarchical workplace settings by examining, for
example, how male and female managers negotiate power differently.
Her publications include An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (1992),
Women, Men and Politeness (1995) and Gendered Talk at Work (2006).
With Miriam Meyerhoff, she has co-edited The Handbook of Language
and Gender (2003).
Dell Hymes
An American anthropologist and sociolinguist who developed a linguistic
model (Hymes 1974) which stated that language users not only need to learn
the vocabulary and grammar of a particular language but they also have to
take into account a number of other components. The model has the
acronym SPEAKING (having 16 components under eight main divisions):
Setting and Scene, Participants, Ends, Act Sequence, Key, Instrumentalities,
Norms, Genre. This model was influential in that it foregrounded social
context, which is a central tenet of discourse analysis. Hymes also proposed
the term ‘communicative competence’ (1966) in contrast with Chomsky’s
notion of ‘linguistic competence’ (1965). His later work focused on folklore
and poetics, particularly in Native American oral narratives. Hymes is a
founder of the journal Language in Society, and his books include Language
in Culture and Society (1964), Foundations in Sociolinguistics (1974) and
Essays in the History of Linguistic Anthropology (1983).
The Key Thinkers
Gunther Kress
A linguist and semiotician whose areas of interest include language and
ideology, literacy, media language, new media, and the analysis of visual
design. In 1979, he co-authored Language as Ideology with Robert Hodge,
which was influential in the development of critical linguistics. He and Theo
van Leeuwen developed a systematic theory of visual design in which, they
claim, visual images have a ‘grammar’ very similar to linguistic grammar in
that, for example, a picture can represent an actor, an action and a goal,
much like a clause. His work has thus added a dimension to discourse analysis
which for a long time was not considered core: visual image analysis.
His other publications include Learning to Write (1982), Before Writing:
Rethinking the Paths to Literacy (1997) and Literacy in The New Media
Age (2003). With van Leeuwen, he has co-authored Reading Images: The
Grammar of Visual Design (1990) and Multimodal Discourse: The Modes
and Media of Contemporary Communication (2001).
Robin Tolmach Lakoff
William Labov
The founder of variationist sociolinguistics, Labov has published extensively
on the relationship between social factors that influence language change,
such as sex, age, ethnicity, and social class. His methods of eliciting data for
study of varieties of English in New York City have been widely cited. He also
studied English used by African-American communities, arguing that rather
than stigmatize this variety as nonstandard English, it should be given full
recognition as a variety of English in its own right with its own grammatical
rules. His publications include The Social Stratification of English in New York
City (1966), Language in the Inner City (1972a), Sociolinguistic Patterns
(1973), Principles of Sociolinguistics: The Internal Factors. Vol 1 (1994),
Principles of Sociolinguistics: Social Factors. Vol 2 (2000) and Studies in
Sociolinguistics by William Labov (2001).
Ernesto Laclau
An Argentinian political theorist who co-authored Hegemony and Socialist
Strategy with Chantal Mouffe in 1985. Laclau’s approach is sometimes
referred to as post-Marxist as he examines the Marxist concept of hegemony
from a discourse-analytical perspective. Laclau has reworked Foucault’s conceptualization of discourse analysis in order to produce a more systematic,
general and clear form of discourse theory. He defines discourse as a structural totality of differences (but because discourse cannot be fixed in place or
maintained by locating something outside discourse to define itself in relation
to, it collapses from within). Furthermore, Laclau defines discourse as not a
practice but the result of a practice and argues that discourse analysis is in
opposition to deconstruction and that the two work in a circular relationship
to each other. Most of Laclau’s work is theoretical rather than empirical.
Robin Tolmach Lakoff
A pioneering feminist linguist whose areas of specialization include pragmatics and sociolinguistics. She is particularly interested in the relationship
between language and gender and is well known for her groundbreaking
book Language and Woman’s Place (1975) in which she argues that men use
The Key Thinkers
language to dominate women, citing a number of disempowering speech
styles such as hedges, tag questions, hyper-correctness and super polite forms
which she claims women use more than males. Her ideas on gender, although
often criticized, formed the basis for feminist approaches to discourse
analysis. She has also published work on language and power with her books
Talking Power (1990) and The Language War (2001).
Stephen Levinson
A linguist who has helped to develop the field of pragmatics. Strongly influenced by Paul Grice, his most well-known work (co-authored with Penelope
Brown) was published in 1987: Politeness: Some Universals in Language Use
(although most of it had been previously published in 1978 in an edited
collection by Esther Goody called Questions and Politeness). In the book, the
authors develop a set of principles for constructing polite speech, incorporating and developing Goffman’s concept of face to include positive and negative
face as well as face-threatening acts. They detail a taxonomy of different
types of positive and negative politeness strategies, applying their theories to
a range of different cultures and conversational contexts. In 1983, Levinson
wrote a general overview of the field called Pragmatics. In his later work, he
has focused on conversational implicature, publishing Presumptive Meanings:
The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature in 2000. He has also
written books on language acquisition, linguistic relativity, language and
space, human sociality, and evolution and culture.
Sara Mills
Karl Marx
A German philosopher, political theorist, historian and communist. In his most
famous work, The Communist Manifesto (1848), he argued that the history
of society is the history of class struggles. He was especially interested in the
organization of labour and how this related to means of production and relations of production. He argued that societies tend to develop the means of
production more quickly than the relations (such as laws to regulate new
technologies), which results in social disruption. He argued that in capitalist
societies the working class is exploited by bourgeois classes and that relations
of production are mediated through commodities, including labour, which
results in people becoming alienated from their own nature. However, Marx
believed that capitalism would result in a crisis and eventually be replaced by
socialism, leading to a classless and communist society. His class-based perspective has been influential in the social sciences and is particularly relevant
to critical discourse analysis, which has addressed similar issues of political
and social oppression and inequality.
Sara Mills
A feminist linguist whose areas of interest include linguistic politeness,
feminist linguistic theory and text analysis, critical discourse analysis and
feminist postcolonial theory. Her books include Discourses of Differences:
Women’s Travel Writing and Colonialism (1991), Discourse (1997), Michel
Foucault (2003a), Gender and Politeness (2003b), Gender and Colonial Space
(2005) and Language and Sexism (2008). In a 1998 paper, she demonstrates
post-feminist text analysis by showing how an advert for a dating agency
contains subtle sexist discourses. She has edited a number of collections
of papers on language and gender and travel, and has edited the Journal of
Politeness Research and Gender and Language.
The Key Thinkers
Jonathan Potter
A discourse analyst who was one of the main founders (along with Derek
Edwards and Margaret Wetherell) of the field of discursive psychology. He
co-authored Discourse and Social Psychology (1987) with Margaret Wetherell,
which presented a critique of traditional experimental ways of conducting
research in social psychology (such as attitude questionnaires and categorization), pointing out that such methods can result in flawed or oversimplified
analyses. Discursive psychology offered a different approach, partly based on
conversation analytical methods but combining these with a perspective that
takes social context into account when carrying out detailed qualitative
analyses of human talk and writing. His later book Representing Reality: Discourse, Rhetoric and Social Construction (1996) gives an overview and critique
of social constructionism in the social sciences, while an edited collection that
he co-authored with Hedwig te Molder called Conversation and Cognition
(2005) attempts to apply discourse analytical methods to cognitive research.
Ron Scollon
Harvey Sacks
An American sociologist who founded the discipline of conversation analysis
in the 1960s and 1970s. Sacks was influenced by ethnomethodology and
much of his work, including transcripts of his lectures, was published after his
premature death in 1975. Sacks initially studied transcripts of conversations
from a suicide hotline which he worked at in the 1960s, gradually developing
a theory of conversation that was based around structured routines (and was
in opposition to established thinking which saw conversation as disorganized
and spoken language as degenerate). Sacks developed a number of important concepts in relation to conversation analysis, including turn-taking,
speaker selection preference, adjacency pairs, conversational openings and
closing, pre-sequences, accounts and repairs. Conversation analysis is widely
accepted in applied linguistic research, and elements of it often occur in
spoken discourse analysis or discursive psychology.
Deborah Schiffrin
An American linguist who has published on a wide range of discourse-based
topics, including language and identity, discourse and history, narratives and
oral histories, grammar and interaction. Her 1987 book Discourse Markers
was a comparative piece of fieldwork analysis which examined frequently
used particles and connectives that perform important functions in conversation. In 1994, she wrote Approaches to Discourse, which gave a comparative
review of six dominant approaches to carrying out discourse analysis (speech
act theory, pragmatics, ethnomethodology, interactional sociolinguistics,
ethnography of communication, and variation theory). She has also co-edited
two large collections of works on discourse analysis: The Handbook of
Discourse Analysis (2001) and Discourse and Identity (2006).
Ron Scollon
An American linguist who has published in the fields of new literacy studies,
discourse analysis and intercultural communication. Scollon was influenced
by John Gumperz and has helped to develop the field of interactional sociolinguistics by showing how speakers create conversational coherence with
The Key Thinkers
a framework laid out in his 1995 book Intercultural Communication: A
Discourse Approach, which he co-authored with Suzanne Wong Scollon. This
was followed in 1998 with Mediated Discourse as Social Interaction, which
focuses on the ethnographic study of the role of print and television news
media in the construction of identity. Scollon also developed a framework
for Mediated Discourse Analysis, which foregrounds social actions and their
consequences rather than taking discourse and language as the central focus.
His 2003 book (also with Suzanne Wong Scollon) Discourses in Place:
Language in the Material World established the field of geosemiotics, offering
an analysis of the ways that people interpret language as it is materially placed
in the world.
Michael Stubbs
A linguist who specializes in language teaching, literacy, educational linguistics,
discourse analysis and corpus linguistics. He published one of the first books on
discourse analysis in 1983 (Discourse Analysis: the Sociolinguistic Analysis of
Natural Language). In the 1990s, he began to use computer-assisted methods
to carry out discourse analysis, first publishing Text and Corpus Analysis in
1996, then Words and Phrases in 2001. He also co-authored Text, Discourse
and Corpora in 2007. Stubbs has shown how corpus methods can help to
reveal hidden patterns of language use that tend to be used subconsciously
and can have ideological functions. He has examined the impact of fixed
collocational patterns such as Jewish intellectual or working mother and has
extended theories of collocation by helping to develop the terms semantic
preference and discourse prosody. Stubbs has also applied corpus techniques
to further the concept of cultural keywords – words which reveal something
important about a culture.
John Swales
An American linguist who has published in the areas of genre analysis, applied
linguistics and English as a Foreign Language. His book Genre Analysis
(1990) is of particular interest to discourse analysts. He has also analysed
comparative rhetoric, the use of English in academic settings and used corpus
linguistics methods in his research. Swales was one of the leaders of the
John Swales
MICASE (Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English) project and has used
MICASE in his own research in order to examine discourse management in
academic contexts. He has also examined corpora of corporate ‘mission statements’ to see how such texts are designed to be rhetorically attractive to
employees. Swales also has a 100,000 word spoken corpus named after him
(The John Swales Conference Corpus). As another strand of his research,
Swales developed the concept of the discourse community, which had been
used previously by Martin Nystrand. Swales’ six characteristics of a discourse
community are regularly referenced by researchers who are seeking a clear
definition of the term.
The Key Thinkers
Deborah Tannen
An American linguist who has published widely on gender and interpersonal
communication in everyday conversation. She has edited collections of papers
on coherence in spoken and written discourse (1982) and framing in discourse (1993) as well as publishing books on everyday conversation:
Conversational Style: Analysing Talk among Friends (1984) and Talking Voices:
Repetition, Dialogue and Imagery in Conversational Discourse (1989). She is
best known for her book: You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in
Conversation (1990), where she argues that women and men come from different subcultures and therefore their conversational styles reflect those
subcultures. Tannen is critical of earlier approaches to language and gender
which viewed women’s language as weak or deficient, instead emphasizing
the notion of gender ‘difference’ (a position that other writers have since criticized). Her later books have also tended to focus on gender differences:
Talking from 9 to 5: Women and Men in the Workplace: Language, Sex and
Power (1995) and You Were Always Mom’s Favourite: Sisters in Conversation
throughout Their Lives (2009).
Theo van Leeuwen
Teun Van Dijk
A leading figure in the field of critical discourse analysis, he is a proponent of
an approach to critical discourse analysis (CDA) which takes the relationship
between cognition, discourse and society into account. He has theorized on
how people produce, comprehend and remember texts and talk and is also
interested in the relationship between discourse, ideology and power. Two
related strands of his research have involved analysis of the reproduction of
racism and prejudice in discourse, and the analysis of news discourse. He has
founded a number of journals in discourse analysis, and his books include
Prejudice in Discourse (1984), News as Discourse (1988), Racism and the Press
(1991), Elite Discourse and Racism (1993), Ideology (1998) and Discourse and
Context: A Socio-cognitive Approach (2008).
Theo van Leeuwen
A linguist who has also been involved in film and television production. He
was one of the founding editors of the journal Visual Communication and
has published widely in media discourse, critical discourse analysis and
multimodal communication. With Gunther Kress, he developed an approach
to the analysis of visual images in Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual
Design (1990). The two authors later co-wrote Multimodal Discourse: the
Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication (2001). van Leeuwen
has also developed a system of analysis for social actor representation in
language use (1996, 1997), which has been influential in the field of critical
discourse analysis. His approach often involves examining non-traditional
‘texts’ such as computer games, toys or photographs.
The Key Thinkers
Margaret Wetherell
A social psychologist who helped to develop the field of discursive psychology.
Wetherell has applied the discursive psychology framework to issues related
to identity, especially ethnicity, racism and gender. She has examined discursive practices around accounts of illness, gendered division of labour and
negotiation of being single. In 1987, she co-authored Discourse and Social
Psychology with Jonathan Potter. In 2001, she co-edited two collections of
papers on discourse analysis called Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader
and Discourse as Data: A Guide to Analysis. In 2003, she co-authored the
edited collection Analysing Racist Discourse, while in 2009 she published
two edited collections on identity, Identity in the 21st Century and Theorising
Identities and Social Action. She has argued for the omnipresence of gender
as salient for conversation analysis. She has also explored connections
between psychoanalysis and discourse theory in order to carry out analyses
of subjectivity.
Henry Widdowson
A linguist who has published research in or about applied linguistics,
language teaching, discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis. His short
book Discourse Analysis (2007) serves as a good introduction to the subject,
with chapters covering the range of different meanings of discourse and
approaches such as conversation analysis, critical analysis, corpus linguistics,
pragmatics, cohesion and coherence and schema theory. With regard to
critical discourse analysis, Widdowson’s (2004) Text, Context, Pretext presents
a more cautious approach, admitting that he has ‘serious reservations
about the way it [critical discourse analysis] does its work’ (2004: ix). He is
concerned that people involved in CDA are not critical enough of their own
practices, that they selectively attend to certain linguistic features, and are
subjective in their interpretations, which are conditioned by contextual
and pretextual factors.
Ruth Wodak
Ruth Wodak
A leading figure in the field of critical discourse analysis who has published
widely in the areas of racism and anti-Semitism, gender studies, political discourse, organizational discourse and the construction of Austrian and
European identities. With Martin Reisigl, she developed the discourse-historical approach to critical discourse analysis, which involves using triangulation
and emphasizes combining textual analysis with the analysis of historical and
political context. Her analytical framework makes use of argumentation theory, systemic functional linguistics and ethnography. Her publications include
Disorders of Discourse (1996), The Discursive Construction of National Identity (1999/2009) (co-authored with Rudolf de Cillia, Martin Reisigl and Karin
Liebhart), Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism
(2001) (co-authored with Martin Reisigl), The Politics of Exclusion: Debating
Migration in Austria (2008) (with Michal Krzyzanowski) and The Discourse of
Politics in Action: Politics as Usual. (2009). She has edited several collections
of papers on methodology in critical discourse analysis.
The Key Texts
Austin, J. L. (1962) How to do Things with Words. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
This relatively short but influential book comprises transcripts of 12 lectures
that Austin delivered at Harvard University in 1955. Austin develops a theory
of speech acts, arguing that in language there are constatives (statements
that can either be true or false) and performatives which are not truthevaluable but instead can be felicitous (‘happy’) or infelicitous (‘unhappy’)
and are used as part of ‘doing’ an action, such as betting, marrying, naming
or bequeathing. If the performative is not uttered under the right set of
circumstances (e.g. you cannot marry someone if you are not ordained to
do so), then the performative is infelicitous. As the lecture series develops,
Austin makes a distinction between explicit and implicit performatives and
later in the book develops further classifications based on a distinction
between locutions, illocutions and perlocutions. Austin’s theories were later
developed by John Searle (see Searle 1969).
The Key Texts
Bell, A. and Garrett, P. (1998) Approaches to Media Discourse.
Oxford: Malden.
This edited collection (1998) brings together scholars from linguistics,
discourse analysis and media studies and discusses different approaches to
the study of media texts such as television news interviews, opinion letters in
newspapers, and front pages of newspapers. The approaches to discourse
analysis used include textual analysis, narrative analysis, reception analysis
and visual image analysis (e.g. Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen examine
the layout of newspapers and show that the analysis of texts are no longer
structured by linguistic means exclusively but also through the spatial
arrangement of blocks of text, pictures and other graphic features). Because
of the diverse approaches to text and discourse analysis, this book is a valuable
resource for discourse analysts.
Benwell, B and Stokoe, E. (2006) Discourse and Identity.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Considering the relationship between discourse and identity (and defining
identity broadly as how people display who they are to each other), this
accessible book is divided into seven chapters which each considers a different
discursive environment in which people do ‘identity work’. These include
everyday conversations and different types of narratives, computer-mediated
or virtual contexts, advertising and institutions. Analyses of naturally occurring
data are combined with discussions of key studies by other authors, and the
book critically considers a range of approaches, including Conversation
Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, discursive psychology, politeness theory,
positioning theory and narrative analysis. Interestingly, the book also tackles a
somewhat neglected aspect of discourse and identity research, spatial or
place-relevant aspects of identity.
Brown, G. and Yule, G. (1983) Discourse Analysis. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
A relatively early book on discourse analysis, focusing on the concept of
discourse as ‘language in use’ rather than viewing discourse as associated
The Key Texts
with power relations and ideologies. The book takes a wide range of discoursebased research and linguistic terminology into account and is organized
around central topics which include the role of context in making meaning
(which deals with presupposition, implicature and inferencing), topic and
representation of discourse content, thematic structure, information structure,
reference (which covers cohesion) and coherence (which includes speech act
theory, frames and scripts). As such, the bulk of the book focuses on linguistic
analysis in reference to how people communicate, using many real-life
examples (rather than analysing abstracted cases), although it does not take
into account other aspects of analysis such as intertextuality or processes of
production and reception.
Brown, P. and Levinson, S. (1987) Politeness: Some Universals
in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
A reissue of an earlier work, this book seeks to outline a theory of politeness
which can be applied universally (i.e. across cultures). Brown and Levinson’s
framework is influenced by aspects of Gricean pragmatics, such as the
Cooperative Principle and communication as intentional. However, more
central to their model is the concept of face, which can be positive (desire
for approval/closeness) or negative (desire to be unimpeded). The bulk of
the book is concerned with different sorts of FTAs (face threatening acts)
and the different sorts of conversational strategies that are associated
with positive and negative politeness. Utterances from various languages
(English, Tamil, Japanese, Tzeltal etc.) are given as illustrations of different
cultural contexts. Towards the end of the book, the authors consider
implications of their model for social and linguistic theory.
Butler, J. (1990) Gender Trouble. London and New York:
An influential feminist and post-structuralist text which critiques the notion of
fixed gender identities, instead arguing that gender and sexual categories are
produced as a result of powerful discourses that are articulated through
language. Thus, gender appears fixed through its repeated performance in
everyday life. The title of the book derives from Butler’s view that
The Key Texts
contemporary feminist debates on the meaning of ‘gender’ lead to a sense of
‘trouble’. Butler draws mainly on philosophers including Foucault, Irigaray,
Kristeva and Wittig as well as referencing psychoanalytic theories from Freud
and Lacan. The book covers a range of topics and concepts, including the
subject of the woman in feminism, compulsory heterosexuality, the incest
taboo and the maternal body. It ends with a discussion of the link between
gender parody and politics.
The Key Texts
De Saussure, F. (1966) Course in General Linguistics. C. Bally
and A. Sechehaye (eds) Translated by Wade Baskin. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
A groundbreaking book which outlined Saussure’s central ideas of structuralism.
It is based on Saussure’s lecture notes given at the University of Geneva between
1906 and 1911. The book covers a range of topics that are important to
discourse analysis including the division of language into langue/parole, as
well as the investigation of the sign as a linguistic unit which is made up of
the signifier and the signified – the two having an arbitrary relationship.
Saussure also argues that language works through relations of difference,
and he describes two types of relations: syntagmatic and pragmatic. The book
is divided into six parts: introduction, which covers writing systems and
phonetics; general principles which describes sign theory and makes the
distinction between static linguistics and evolutionary linguistics; synchronic
linguistics which tends to focus on grammatical aspects of language; diachronic linguistics which is more interested in sound change; geographical
linguistics which considers dialects and questions of retrospective linguistics
which functions as a conclusion to the book.
The Key Texts
Fairclough, N. (1989) Language and Power. London: Longman.
The opening book in Longman’s Language in Social Life series, where
Fairclough first lays out the theory and procedures surrounding critical
discourse analysis. Fairclough draws on a range of existing literature,
including work on postmodernism, systemic linguistics, discourse analysis,
sociolinguistics, pragmatics, critical linguistics and social theory, to argue
that language is social practice and that a purely descriptive account of
language will offer an incomplete picture. He thus postulates a three-stage
model of critical discourse analysis comprising description, interpretation
and explanation. Illustrations of analysis are given, with examples focusing
on how power relations are expressed and maintained in newspaper articles,
adverts and conversations. Fairclough also argues that the position of the
analyst needs to be taken into account. In later chapters, he focuses on
discourses of Thatcherism, advertising, consumerism, bureaucracy and
therapy, ending with recommendations for the introduction of Critical
Language Study in schools and educational contexts.
Fairclough, N. (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical
Study of Language. London: Longman.
A collection of key papers written by Fairclough mainly between 1983 and
1993 plus three new papers. The chapters are organized into four themes:
(1) language, ideology and power, which reflects on the development of
the analytical framework for studying the relationships between language,
power and ideology; (2) discourse and sociocultural change, which integrates
discourse analysis with social analysis of sociocultural change, presenting
critical discourse analysis as a three-dimensional framework; (3) textual
analysis in social research – this section is addressed to discourse analysts
who are working outside language studies, arguing that textual analysis
(which includes both linguistic and intertextual analysis) should be included in
this kind of research; and (4) critical language awareness, where Fairclough
focuses on educational applications of critical work in discourse analysis,
particularly examining concepts of language awareness and language
appropriateness in schools.
The Key Texts
Fowler, R., Hodge, B., Kress, G. and Trew, T. (eds) (1979)
Language and Control. London: Routledge.
This is a collection of ten essays which work towards developing the concept
of critical linguistics written by the four authors . The book’s three aims are to
show how (1) language is used in order to embody specific views of reality,
(2) linguistic variation reflects and expresses structured social differences and
(3) language use is part of social process. The authors analyse a variety
of naturally occurring data, including newspapers, interviews, children’s
language and birth registration documentation, in order to show how
linguistic structures impact on our perceptions of reality, regulate behaviour,
categorize people, events and objects, and assert status. In doing so, the
authors make use of Halliday’s model of systemic functional linguistics.
Language and Control strongly influenced the development of critical
discourse analysis, which supplemented many of the linguistic tools and techniques of analysis described here with additional analyses of context.
The Key Texts
Grice, P. (1989) Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
This valedictory book contains much of Grice’s work, covering his influential
William James lectures delivered in 1967, along with newer material. It is
divided into two parts, Logic and Conversation, and Explorations in Semantics
and Metaphysics. The book focuses on how people make sense of each
other’s utterances, particularly in terms of how they interpret meaning and
the intention of the speaker as well as covering language philosophy, the
philosophy of perception and metaphysics. Grice develops his theory of
the Cooperative Principle and describes the four conversational Maxims
(quantity, quality, relevance and manner). The book also contains Grice’s work
on implicature and presupposition.
The Key Texts
Halliday, M. and Matthiessen, C. (2004) An Introduction to
Functional Grammar. Third Edition. London: Edward Arnold.
This book gives a detailed account of Halliday’s theory of systemic functional
grammar, first published in 1985. Halliday’s work on the functions of grammar
has been utilized by critical linguists and critical discourse analysts who have
focused on the choices that grammars offer speakers and writers, and the
ways such choices can impact on interpretation of meaning, thus having
ideological functions. In systemic functional grammar, language is analysed
in three ways – as semantics, phonology and lexico-grammar – and text can
be analysed with respect to three meta-functions: ideational, interpersonal
and textual. The third edition of the book retains the original organization
and coverage from the earlier two editions but adds new material, particularly
from corpus data, as well as giving more emphasis to the systematic perspective
and grammaticalization.
Hoey, M., Mahlberg, M., Stubbs, M. and Teubert, W. (2007)
Text, Discourse and Corpora. London: Continuum.
A collection of eight chapters (with an introduction by John Sinclair) which
examines how corpus linguistic approaches can be utilized in various aspects
of discourse or text analysis. Unlike many other forms of discourse analysis,
this approach concentrates on how computational analysis of large collections
of electronic texts can be utilized in order to reveal patterns of language use
that would not normally be available to the human eye. Case studies involve
the use of large reference corpora such as the British National Corpus, smaller
purpose-built corpora and the use of the web as corpus (via search engine
queries). Hoey outlines a theory of lexical priming, Teubert examines words
that represent key concepts (such as globalization, work and property),
Stubbs examines multi-word sequences and the implications that the corpus
approach has on linguistic models, while Mahlberg examines corpora of
newspapers and literary texts (the latter involving the conceptualization of
corpus stylistics).
The Key Texts
Kress, G. and van Leeuwen, T. (1990) Reading Images:
The Grammar of Visual Design. Victoria:
Deakin University Press.
This book covers an approach to the systematic analysis of visual design, with
the authors arguing that there are significant correspondences between
the grammar of language and that of visual culture. Using a wide range
of examples, including children’s drawings, textbook illustrations, photojournalism, images taken from advertising and fine art, they show that
elements such as use of colour, perspective, framing and composition can
communicate meaning or act as rhetorical devices. They also consider
three-dimensional images, including sculpture and architecture. An updated
version of the book, published in 2006, considers new materials on moving
images, colour, websites and web-based images as well as looking at the
future of visual communication.
The Key Texts
Lakoff, R. (1975) Language and Women’s Place. New York:
Oxford University Press.
A pioneering text in the study of gender and language, Lakoff argues
that there is a direct relationship between language use and women’s
powerlessness by focusing on two main areas: language used by women
and language used to talk about women. Her main argument in the book is
that there is a distinctive women’s language which reflects their subordinate
status. Among the examples she cites are that women use tag questions,
hedges, ‘empty’ adjectives and a rising intonation which render their language tentative and weak. Her assertion that the language of and about
women expresses powerlessness began a long-running debate among
gender and feminist scholars so that today her work is widely referenced.
A recent expanded edition of the book was edited by Mary Bucholtz (2004)
and contains some of the responses to the earlier text and brings a diversity
of voices from across disciplines, such as language and linguistics, anthropology, information sciences and others, and situates the earlier work within
contemporary feminist and gender studies.
The Key Texts
Potter, J. and Wetherell, M. (1987) Discourse and Social
Psychology. London: Sage.
Viewing discourse as all forms of talking and writing, this book applies
concepts and techniques of discourse analysis to various topics in or related
to social psychology, showing how discourse analysis offers a more sophisticated way of making sense of data. The authors are critical of traditional
social psychology approaches, pointing out that they can sometimes reflect
researcher bias or be inaccurate. As a contrast, they demonstrate how detailed
qualitative analyses of texts (particularly conversation and interview data)
reveal how concepts such as attitudes (that have traditionally been seen
as easily measurable and stable) often appear contradictory and complex in
people’s talk. Techniques from Conversation Analysis are contrasted with
those involving categorization based on predetermined typologies in order to
demonstrate how the latter model is inadequate at explaining how people
formulate accounts. Towards the end of the book, the authors present a
ten-stage model for carrying out discourse analysis.
The Key Texts
Reisigl, M. and Wodak, R. (2001) Discourse and Discrimination:
Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism. London and New York:
An important text in critical discourse analysis which relates discourse to social
exclusion, more specifically to racism, antisemitism and ethnicism. The authors
describe their discourse-historical framework for critical discourse analysis of
texts, which takes into account the political, historical and cultural contexts in
which the texts are produced and consumed. The theory is grounded in
empirical data in the form of newspaper articles, political speeches and other
policy texts in Austria. The authors use argumentation theory to show how
different argumentation strategies are used to legitimate racist and other
discriminatory discourses and practices. They also draw on and expand
van Leeuwen’s (1996) framework of representation of social actors in order
to show how referential and predicational strategies are used to label
and evaluate social actors in order to provide warrants for their social
exclusion. The book also discusses how stereotypes are used as the basis
for discrimination.
The Key Texts
Sacks, H. (1992) Lectures on Conversation. Oxford: Blackwell.
This 1,400 page two-volume work comprises lectures given by Harvey Sacks
between 1964 and 1972 on conversation and related topics (it is edited by
Gail Jefferson). Sacks outlines many aspects of Conversation Analysis, using
transcripts of conversations he collected (including those from when he
worked at a suicide hotline). Volume 1 focuses on membership categorization
devices and the rules of sequences in conversation, giving a full outline of the
rules of turn-taking. Volume 2 covers the poetics of ordinary talk, the function
of public tragedy and story-telling in conversation. The volume ends with a
discussion of one of the most well-known facets of Conversation Analysis:
adjacency pairs. Throughout both volumes, Sacks also includes commentary
on a range of methodological issues relating to Conversation Analysis.
Schiffrin, D., Tannen, D. and Hamilton, H. E. (eds) (2001)
The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell.
This 850-page edited collection contains 41 chapters on a range of subjects
relating to the various conceptualizations of discourse analysis and is
therefore one of the most wide-ranging and inclusive books available on the
topic (although see also Jaworski and Coupland 2006). The chapters are split
into six main sections: (1) discourse – meaning, function and context;
(2) methods and resources for analysing discourse; (3) sequence and
structure; (4) negotiating social relationships; (5) identity and subjectivity
and (6) power, ideology and control. Each section ends with a number of
discussion points. Many of the papers were previously published elsewhere,
so this key text is in itself a collection of key texts, although other papers are
from more contemporary specialists, and some are reflexive commentaries
which highlight differences between some of the subdivisions in the field.
Stubbs, M. (1983) Discourse Analysis: The Sociolinguistic
Analysis of Natural Language. Oxford: Blackwell.
An early book on discourse analysis which understands discourse as being
‘language above the sentence or above the clause’ as well as occurring
in social contexts, especially in interactions between two or more people.
The Key Texts
The book is split into five main sections. Section 1 is concerned with defining
basic terminology. Section 2 offers three different approaches to carrying out
discourse analysis of conversation: analysing transcripts for organization
patterns, taking an ethnographic approach which focuses on underlying
meanings of utterances and focusing on discourse particles such as well
and please. Section 3 focuses on the concept of conversational exchanges
and their structures, while Section 4 is concerned with cohesion, coherence and
propositions. Finally, Section 5 considers methodological aspects, reflecting on
the fact that there are no established ways of doing discourse analysis and
addressing issues of sampling, data size, bias and triangulation.
Sunderland, J. (2004) Gendered Discourses. London: Palgrave.
Sunderland develops a system for identifying and naming discourses through
analysing their ‘traces’ in language use. She distinguishes between descriptive
discourses (such as classroom discourse) and interpretive discourses, which
represent a particular view or ideology (such as racist discourse). Specific
examples of gendered discourses such as ‘women beware women’ or ‘poor
boys’ are illustrated. The book focuses on relationships between different
types or orders of discourses, noting that discourses are arranged in hierarchies and that they can also be supportive, contradictory and conflicting.
In the middle part of the book, Sunderland draws on examples from texts in
parenting magazines, children’s literature and classroom interactions, while
the book ends with a section on linguistic intervention, which focuses on the
concept of damaging discourses.
The Key Texts
Van Dijk, T. (ed.) (1997) Discourse as Social Interaction.
London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi: Sage.
An edited collection of chapters on different forms of discourse analysis but
heavily featuring perspectives that focus on context, power and ideology.
The collection establishes a theoretical link between discourse and social life
as the contributors focus on the functions of text and talk, showing that
discourse is not only about form and meaning but also about social
(inter)action. The approaches to discourse analysis represented in this
volume include Critical Discourse Analysis, Conversation Analysis and sociocognitive analysis and cover areas such a racism and ethnicism, gender,
corporate power, institutional settings, politics and culture. The book is
suitable for discourse analysts at different levels of sophistication but is
also useful for those whose interests include communication studies, cultural
studies, law and anthropology.
The Key Texts
Widdowson, H. (2004) Text, Context, Pretext: Critical Issues
in Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell.
In this book, Widdowson critically reflects on critical discourse analysis itself,
arguing that while the motivations behind CDA practitioners are laudable, the
way that they approach analysis is problematic in that they tend to rely
on subjective interpretations in their analyses, for example, by engaging
in selective attention to certain textual features. He claims that ‘critical
discourse analysis’ is a misnomer, since its findings usually consist of interpretations which are conditioned by contextual and pretextual factors.
Widdowson also devotes a chapter to the critique of corpus approaches,
arguing that corpus linguists cannot infer contextual factors from co-textual
ones and therefore cannot use textual data as evidence for discourse. In his
conclusion, Widdowson proposes that CDA requires more academic rigour,
suggesting a number of directions, such as establishing default interpretations of texts based on psycholinguistic research or by carrying out detailed
investigations of production and consumption via ethnographic enquiry.
Wodak, R. and Meyer, M. (eds.) (2001). Methods of Critical
Discourse Analysis. London, Thousand Oaks and
New Delhi: Sage.
This book serves as an introductory text to Critical Discourse Analysis, bringing
together contributions from six prolific scholars of discourse analysis. In the first
chapter, Wodak gives an account of the history of CDA along with important
concepts and developments in the field. Then, Meyer discusses how CDA
uses different approaches, both theoretical and methodological, in doing
discourse analysis. He points out, however, that in this diversity, there are a
number of key characteristics that the different approaches share: They are
interested in the ‘social processes of power, hierarchy building, exclusion and
subordination’ (Meyer 2001: 30), and they aim to uncover the discursive
aspects of social inequalities (ibid.). The final chapters cover five influential
approaches to CDA research, illustrating theoretical and methodological
issues as well as giving examples of analysis: Jäger’s discourse and dispositive
analysis, Wodak’s discourse-historical approach, Van Dijk’s ‘socio-cognitive’
approach, Fairclough’s CDA and Scollon’s Mediated Discourse Analysis.
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Abelson, R. P. 124
Abrams, D. 135
absence 1
abstraction 59
access 1–2, 13, 56, 82, 88, 107, 110
accounts 2, 3, 37, 179, 197
adjacency pair 2–3, 22, 179, 199
adjective 3–4
agency 4–5, 87, 88, 133, 142, 145, 153
aggregation 6, 8, 112
Aijmer, K. 34
Albertazzi, D. 94
Allen, M. 51
Althusser, L. 57, 160, 167
Altman, R. 73
anaphora 6, 14, 17, 144
Andersen, G. 34
Andersen, P. A. 51
Anderson, A. R. 40
Anderson, B. 58–9
anonymity 42
anti-language 6–7
anti-semitism 7
antonymy 127
archaeology 7–8, 167
argumentation 8, 26, 33, 38, 45, 91,
101, 110, 152, 158, 198
Armistead, N. 79
assimilation 6, 8, 17
Atkinson, M. 3, 22, 153
attitudes 8–9, 37
audience design 9–10, 161
Auer, P. 16
Austin, J. L. 46, 52, 89, 90, 138, 139,
160, 186
back channels 11
backgrounding 11, 16, 40, 44, 55, 76,
112, 133, 145
Baker, P. 7, 25, 26, 40, 66, 67, 77
Bakhtin, M. M. 53, 167
Barker, C. 73, 74, 150
Baron-Cohen, S. 11
Baudrillard, J. 97
Baxter, J. 47, 98, 99, 100, 141
Beetham, D. 68
Bell, A. 9–10, 161, 187
Benveniste, E. 66
Benwell, B. 187
Ben-Yehuda, N. 72
Bernard, H. R. 108
Bernstein, B. 112, 150
Bhatia, V. K. 36
Biber, D. 69, 113
Billig, M. 37
biological sex 11–12, 50, 77, 128, 130
bisexuality 40, 55, 109
Blaikie, N. 108
Bloome, D. 136
Bloomfield, L. 139
Boas, F. 27–8
Bordo, S. 54
Bourdieu, P. 7, 161, 167
bourgeois 12
Bowell, T. 8
Brazil, D. 165
Brewer, J. 43
Brown, G. 30, 32, 49, 92, 187
Brown, Penelope 75, 92, 94, 176, 188
Brown, Phil 79
Bucholtz, M. 196
Burr, V. 31, 32, 134
Butler, J. 41, 52, 90, 139, 160, 162, 188
Caldas-Coulthard, C. 150
Cameron, D. 51, 93, 94, 148, 163
Canary, D. J. 51
Canovan, M. 94
capital 7, 13, 88, 110, 134, 161
capitalism 13–14, 18, 20, 23, 61, 73
Carter, R. 142
cataphora 14, 17
categorization 14–15, 49, 57
Cazden, C. 15
Chafe, W. 153
Chapman, S. 103
Chilton, P. 119, 163
Choi, P. Y. L. 54
Chomsky, N. 163, 173
Claire, R. P. 130
classification 57
classroom discourse 15
clause 15–16, 127, 128, 142, 144, 153
Clayman, S. 172
Coates, J. 164
code switching 16, 48
Cohen, S. 72
coherence 16, 151
cohesion 16–17, 144, 151
collectivization 8, 17
collocation 17–18, 25, 125, 126
colonization 18, 20, 62
colony text 18–19
community of practice 19, 33, 70, 140
complicity 54
compulsory heterosexuality 56
computer-mediated communication 16,
19, 91, 172
Comte, A. 95
Conboy, M. 147
confidentiality 42
Connell, R. W. 39, 50, 54–5, 144
connotation 20, 84, 130
consumerism 20
content analysis 21, 66, 108
context 21, 22, 33
conversation analysis 2, 22, 27, 32, 37,
43, 61, 84, 100, 108, 115, 132,
152, 155, 172, 179, 197, 199
conversationalization 22–3, 60, 145, 167
conversational maxims 23–4, 114,
169, 193
Cook, G. 154, 164
cooperative principle 24, 92, 163,
169, 188
corpus-assisted discourse studies 24–5,
26, 32
corpus linguistics 1, 17, 21, 24,
25, 27, 29, 66, 67, 68, 108,
180, 194
Cossard, P. K. 33
co-text 21, 25
Coulthard, M. 165
critical discourse analysis 1, 8, 20, 21,
22, 26–7, 30, 32, 33, 42, 48, 49,
51, 62, 64, 65, 70, 71, 82, 94, 105,
110, 111, 119, 136, 146, 155, 167,
171, 177, 183, 184, 191, 202
critical linguistics 26, 27, 33, 146,
168, 192
Crouch, I. 148
cultural relativism 27–8, 43
Danet, B. 172
data-driven approach 29
Davies, B. 143
De Beaugrande, R. 16, 17, 150
De Saussure, F. 20, 68, 86, 98, 131,
166, 190
deconstruction 166
defective orthography 82
deixis 29
Derrida, J. 97, 98, 166
description 26, 30, 44, 62, 70, 102
diachronic studies 30
Dindia, K. 51
direct speech 30, 116
disciplinary power 99
discourse 30–1, 82
discourse analysis 21, 32, 35, 187, 197,
199–200, 201, 202
discourse community 19, 33, 139, 181
discourse-historical approach 8, 21,
26, 27, 33–4, 38, 45, 61, 91, 110,
112, 185
discourse markers 30, 34, 119
discourse naming 31, 35, 51, 84
discourse prosody 35, 126, 180
discursive competence 36
discursive practice 37, 136
discursive psychology 32, 37, 63, 178,
179, 184, 197
discursive strategy 8, 34, 38
disembedded genre 53
dispreferred second 3
distillation 84–5
Dressler, R. A. 153
Dressler, W. U. 16, 17, 150
Drew, P. 3, 22, 172
Dubois, B. 148
Dunant, S. 93
Duncan, S. 11
Durkheim, E. 95
Dyer, R. 140
Eagleton, T. 76
Eckert, P. 19, 159
eco-critical discourse analysis 39, 171
Edley, N. 63
Edwards, D. 37, 178
Ehrenreich, B. 93
ellipsis 17, 39
emphasized femininity 39, 54
entailment 40, 60, 103
Epstein, S. 58
erasure 40, 41, 82
ergativity 41, 153
essentialism 41, 135
ethics 42, 81
ethnocentricism 27, 43
ethnography 43, 86, 108
ethnomethodology 22, 37, 43, 172, 179
exclusion 11, 40, 44, 55, 56, 112,
145, 158
explanation 26, 30, 44, 62
face 45, 92, 188
face-threatening act 45, 188
facework 45, 169
Fairclough, N. 2, 5, 18, 20, 22, 23,
25, 26, 33, 37, 44, 49, 53, 57, 60,
62, 63, 64, 68, 74–5, 76, 82, 99,
103, 105, 106, 107, 118, 121, 123,
125, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142,
145, 148, 150, 151, 153, 167, 171,
191, 202
fallacy 8, 45–6, 110
Fanon, F. 96
Fauth, J. 51
felicity conditions 46, 89, 139, 154
feminist critical discourse analysis 46
feminist post-structuralist discourse
analysis 47, 82
Fetterman, D. M. 43
floor 155
focus group 37, 47–8, 108, 111, 152
footing 16, 48
forensic linguistics 165
formality 2
Foucault, M. 7, 15, 26, 31, 62, 82, 97,
99, 117–18, 120, 145, 167, 188
Fowler, R. 27, 64, 146, 168, 192
frames 48, 124, 169
Freud, S. 160, 166, 189
functionalisation 14–15, 49, 57, 90
Galasinski, D. 73, 74, 150
Garfinkel, H. 43
Garrett, P. 161, 187
gender 11, 50, 54, 56, 77, 128, 162,
173, 182, 188
gender differences 50–1, 182
gender performativity 50, 52, 109, 139,
162, 188
gendered discourse 31, 35, 51, 52, 200
genericization 52–3, 112, 138
generic man 40, 77, 128
genre 53, 180
Gilbert, G. N. 37
Glaser, B. G. 21
Gleason, P. 58
global markers 34
Goffman, E. 45, 48, 49, 58, 169
Goode, E. 72
Goodman, S. 61
Gramsci, A. 55, 167
Greene, J. 136
Grice, P. 23, 24, 92, 114, 163, 169,
176, 193
Gumperz, J. 61, 139, 170, 179
Habermas, J. 18, 58, 68, 107
Hall, D. E. 109
Hall, S. 101, 111, 117, 140, 171
Halliday, F. 64–5
Halliday, M. A. K. 6, 7, 16, 26, 27, 33,
39, 104, 113, 116, 122, 144, 146,
150, 153, 167, 171, 192, 194
Hamblin, C. L. 45
Hamilton, H. 199
Hardt-Mautner, G. 24, 64
Harlow, R. 161
Harré, R. 39, 79, 143
Harrington, K. 51
Hart, C. 26
Harvey, D. 75
Hasan, R. 16, 39, 113, 116, 144, 150
Hause, K. S. 51
Hay, I. 42
Hayward, S. 97
Hegel, G. W. 167
hegemonic femininity 54
hegemonic masculinity 39, 50, 54–5, 144
hegemony 55, 82, 99, 141, 170, 175
Heidegger, M. 166, 167
Hekman, S. 107
Heritage, J. 22, 153, 172
Herring, S. 172
heteronormativity 55–6
Hewings, M. 33
Hill, A. 147
Hodge, R. 33, 150, 174, 192
Hodges, M. 51
Hoey, M. 18, 194
Hogg, M. A. 135
Hoggart, R. 23
Hollway, W. 1
Holmes, J. 147, 161, 173
homonymy 127
homophobia 56
honorifics 149
Huang, Y. 29
Hunston, S. 25
Husserl, E. 166
Hutcheon, L. 143
Hyde, J. 51
Hymes, D. 137, 139, 170, 173
hyponymy 127
hypotaxis 56, 86, 128
identification 15, 49, 57, 90
identity 4, 7, 16, 17, 22, 40, 41, 58, 60,
73, 79, 82, 95, 98, 103, 107, 108,
111, 119, 130, 137, 140, 159, 187
ideology 12, 25, 32, 55, 57, 64, 67, 71,
160, 174
imagined community 58–9, 74
impersonalization 59, 90, 112, 133
implicature 16, 18, 40, 56, 59–60, 114,
169, 176, 193
indexing 60
individualization 60
informalization 60–1, 125, 167
innovators 137
instrumentalization 59
intensifying strategies 38, 61
interactional sociolinguistics 32, 61,
100, 170
interdiscursivity 33, 62, 64, 81
International Phonetic Alphabet 83
interpretation 26, 30, 44, 49, 62
interpretative positivism 63–4
interpretative repertoire 63
intertextuality 25, 26, 32, 33, 64, 103, 123
inversion 84
Irigaray, L. 189
Islamophobia 64–5
Israel, M. 42
Jäger, S. 26
Jefferson, G. 22, 199
Jespersen, O. 158
Johns, C. 165
Jones, R. H. 70
Jørgensen, M. 143
Jucker, A. H. 34
Kemp, G. 8
Kendall, P. 47
keyness 66
keywords 21, 25, 66–7, 180
Kitetu, C. 103
Kitzinger, C. 48
Klein, N. 13
Krane, V. 54
Kreidler, C. W. 92
Kress, G. 27, 33, 150, 168, 174, 183,
187, 192, 195
Kreuz, R. J. 153
Krippendorff, K. 21
Kristeva, J. 64, 189
Kronman, A. T. 99
Kulick, D. 163
Kunda, Z. 140
Kvale, S. 119
Labov, W. 80, 134, 136, 139, 157, 175
Lacan, J. 160, 189
Laclau, E. 76, 98, 166, 175
Lakoff, G. 48
Lakoff, R. 52, 147, 158, 175–6, 196
Landry, D. 41
langue 68, 86, 190
Lave, J. 19
Layder, D. 154
Lazar, M. 46, 96
Leech, G. 4, 23, 30, 51, 71, 92, 142
legitimation 68, 198
Levinson, S. 75, 82, 94, 100, 155,
176, 188
Levy, A. 96
lexical bundle 66, 68–9
lexical cohesion 17
lexicalization 121
lexicon 157
Likert, R. 9
Lindesmith, A. 21
Lindlof, T. R. 47
Linell, P. 112
linguistic traces 35
Litosseliti, L. 48
local markers 34
Lodge, R. A. 157
Louw, B. 126
Luke, D. 26
Lyman, S. 2
Lyons, J. 125, 126
Lyotard, J. F. 73, 97
MacLean, G. 41
Mahlberg, M. 194
Malinowski, B. 91
marginalization 55
Marshall, C. 47
Martin, J. R. 94
Marx, K. 12, 55, 134, 160, 161, 175, 177
Mason, J. 120
Matthiessen, C. 194
McConnell-Ginet, S. 19, 159
McDonnell, D. 94
McEnery, T. 25, 67
McKee, A. 63
mediated discourse analysis 70, 180, 202
members’ resources 70
Memmi, A. 110
Merton, R. K. 47
metaphor 70–1, 112, 132, 163
Mey, C. 23
Meyer, M. 202
Meyer, R. K. 40
Meyerhoff, M. 16, 137, 173
Mills, S. 96, 129, 177
Minsky, M. 48, 124
mitigating strategies 38, 71
modality 61, 71
Moi, T. 64
Money, J. 50
Montgomery, M. 165
moral panic 72, 171
Mouffe, C. 76, 98, 175
Mulkay, M. 37
Mumby, D. K. 130
Namaste, V. K. 40
narrative 73, 74
Nash, W. 142
national identity 73–4
nationalist discourse 74
naturalization 74, 78
negative face 45, 75, 92
neoliberalism 75
nexus of practice 70, 75–6
Nietzsche, F. 166, 167
nominalization 76, 78
non-discursive 76
non-sexist language 77, 93, 129
nonverbal communication 77, 78
norm 78, 95
normalization of discourse 78
Norris, S. 70
noun 78
Nystrand, M. 33, 181
object 78, 79, 133, 142
objectification 79
objectivation 59, 137
objectivity 79–80, 95
observer’s bias 80
observer’s paradox 80–1
Ochs, E. 60
O’Halloran, K. 26
oppositional discourses 81, 141
oppositional practices 81–2
oppression 82
oral discourse 82
order of discourse 82
Orientalism 83, 110
Orientalist discourse 83, 110
orthography 83–4
overarching discourse 84
over-determination 84–5, 90
overwording 1, 85
parataxis 56, 86, 128
parole 68, 86, 190
parsing 86
participant observation 43, 86–7, 108
participants 87
Partington, A. 25, 26
passivated social actors 88
passive agent deletion 87, 88
passivization 87, 88
patriarchy 88–9
Pauley, B. F. 7
pauses 89, 115
performative 46, 89, 90
performativity 90
personalization 59, 90
personification 90
perspectivation 38, 90–1
persuasion 91
persuasive strategies 91
phatic communication 91
Phillips, L. 143
phrase 92
physical identification 57
Pinker, S. 93, 121
pitch 34, 92, 106
politeness 2, 23, 92–3, 100, 149, 176, 188
political correctness 77, 93–4, 102
polysemy 127
populism 94
positive discourse analysis 94, 100
positive face 45, 92, 94–5
positivism 80, 95, 108, 114
post-colonial theory 83, 95–6, 177
post-feminism 96, 124
postmodernism 73, 97
post-structuralism 41, 47, 97–8, 109,
117, 131, 162
post-structuralist discourse analysis 98–9
Potter, J. 2, 9, 31, 37, 63, 178, 197
power 1, 2, 5, 13, 23, 32, 42, 47, 48,
55, 71, 74, 82, 88, 92, 94, 95,
99–100, 110, 120, 132, 140, 153
pragmatics 100, 106, 175, 176
predicate 15, 101, 142
predicational strategies 38, 101, 198
preferred reading 101, 111
preferred second 3
prejudiced discourse 101–2
prescriptivism 30, 102
presentation markers 3
presupposition 40, 46, 102–3, 193
privileged femininity 39, 103
processes 104
process types 104–5
production 25, 105–6
promotional culture 106
proposition 106
prosody 106
public identity 107
public sphere 107
qualitative methods 108, 118
quantitative methods 108, 118
queer theory 108–9, 162
racism 110
racist discourse 110, 112, 137, 184
Rayson, P. 51
reception 25, 101, 105, 111, 171
reception markers 34
reclaiming 108, 111, 144
recontextualization 111–12
referential strategies 38, 110, 112, 198
reflexivity 27, 32, 47, 80, 112–13,
118, 161
register 33, 113
Reisigl, M. 7, 26, 33, 38, 45, 48, 71, 90,
101, 110, 112, 117, 137, 152, 154,
158, 185, 198
relational identification 57
relativism 114, 123
relevance theory 24, 26, 114–15, 163, 169
repair 22, 115, 155, 179
repetition 115, 116
reported speech 30, 116
representation 4, 117
repressive discourse 117
repressive hypothesis 117–18
reproduction 118
research 118
research agenda 119
research interview 37, 43, 111,
119–20, 152
research questions 120
resistance 100, 120
resistant reader 101, 111, 120–1
rewording 121
rheme 122, 151
Rich, A. C. 56
Richardson, J. 65
Riggins, S. H. 44
Rose, D. 94
Rossman, G. B. 47
Routledge, C. 103
Routley, R. 40
Rühlemann, C. 34
Runnymede Trust 64
Ryan, G. W. 108
Sacks, H. 2, 22, 154, 155, 179, 199
Said, E. 83, 96
sampling 27, 123
Sapir, E. 123
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 123
Sauter, K. 127
scare quotes 123–4
Schank, R. C. 124
Schegloff, E. A. 2, 22
schema 124
Schiffrin, D. 34, 179, 199
Schmid, H-J. 51
Scollon, R. 70, 75, 179–80, 202
Scott, Marvin, B. 2
Scott, Mike 67
scripts, 124
Searle, J. R. 52, 138, 139, 160
second-wave feminism 96, 124–5
Secord, P. F. 79
self-disclosure 61, 125
semantic field 125
semantic preference 35–6, 125–6, 180
semantic prosody 35–6, 126
semantic relations 126–7
semantic role 127
sentence types 127–8
sex 128
sexism 56, 77, 128–9
sexist discourse 129, 177
sexual harassment 129–30
sexual identity 40, 130
shared knowledge 130
Short, M. 30, 116, 142
sign 20, 98, 131, 141, 190
silence 77, 131–2
similies 132
Simpson, P. 63
situated genre 53
small talk 91
Smith, S. W. 34
social action 132–3
social actors 4, 49, 76, 133
social change 133–4
social class 134, 177
social cohesion 134
social constructionism 41, 134–5
social identity 135
socially constitutive 135
social practice 37, 81, 136, 141, 143
social relations 136
socio-cognitive approach 26, 27, 136
sociolinguistic coding orientation 7
sociolinguistics 136–7, 175
somatization 137
sovereign power 99
spatialization 59, 137
speaking 137–8, 173
specification 52, 112, 138
speech act 89, 90, 138, 160
speech act theory 27, 46, 52, 90, 100,
138, 139, 186
speech community 33, 139–40
Sperber, D. 24, 114, 163, 169
Spivak, G. C. 41, 96
Starks, D. 161
stereotypes 41, 56, 74, 82, 93, 129,
140, 168
Stibbe, A. 39
Stokoe, E. 187
Stoller, R. 50
strategic essentialism 41
strategic provisionality 41
structuralism 117, 141
struggle 73, 100, 133, 141
Stubbs, M. 17–18, 24, 30, 31, 32, 35,
41, 125, 180, 194, 199–200
style 141–2
stylistics 142
subject 4, 15, 78, 79, 101, 105, 133,
142–3, 151
subject position 120, 135, 143
subjectivity 143, 184
subordination 54, 56, 128, 144
substitution 17, 144
subversion 100, 144–5
subversive discourses 144–5
Sumner, W. G. 43
Sunderland, J. 11, 31, 35, 51, 60, 84,
103, 200
suppression 11, 40, 44, 55, 112,
133, 145
Swales, J. 33, 53, 130–81
Swann, J. 158
symbolic violence 161
symbolization 84
synchronic studies 145
synthetic personalization 23, 145
systemic functional grammar 15, 26, 27,
33, 104, 122, 146, 171, 192, 194
tabloidization 147
tag question 60, 147–8
Talbot, M. 20, 35, 99, 150
Tannen, D. 50, 61, 159, 182, 199
Tasker, F. 78
Taylor, B. C. 47
Te Molder, H. 178
technologization of discourse 148
tense 148–9
terms of address 23, 61, 77, 135, 149
Teubert, W. 194
text 1, 25, 37, 82, 97, 105, 136, 150–1
text analysis 32
textual orientation 151
theme 122, 151
Thiesmeyer, L. 132
third-wave feminism 96
Thomas, J. 100
Thompson, K. 72
Tognini-Bonello, E. 29
topoi 8, 38, 91, 110, 152, 158
Toulmin, E. 158
transcription 22, 32, 84, 152–3
transformation 118
transition relevance place 155
transitivity 104, 153
triangulation 25, 27, 33, 43, 47, 70,
118, 153–4
Trew, T. 192
Troemel-Plotz, S. 51
truth conditions 89, 154
turn-taking 19, 22, 81, 154–5, 179, 199
unsolicited talk 156
utterance 156
utterance autonomization 59
Van Dijk, T. 1, 9, 21, 26, 32, 55, 99,
102, 136, 183, 201, 202
Van Leeuwen, T. 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14–15,
17, 26, 33, 44, 49, 52, 53, 57, 59,
60, 68, 84–5, 133, 137, 138, 150,
183, 187, 195, 198
verb 41, 79, 89, 101, 142, 153, 157
vernacular 157
Verspoor, M. 127
Vet, C. 149
Vetters, C. 149
visuals 34, 170, 174, 183, 195
vocabulary 157
Walsh, S. 15
Walton, D. 8
Walvis, T. H. 48
Wardhaugh, R. 136
Warner, M. 55
warrants 91, 158
Watson, J. 147
Weber, M. 99, 132, 161
Weber, R. P. 21
Wenger, E. 19
Wernick, A. 106
Wetherell, M. 2, 9, 31, 37, 63, 98, 178,
184, 197
Whorf, B. 123
Widdowson, H. 184, 202
Wierzbicka, A. 66
Wilkins, B. M. 51
Williams, R. 66
Wilson, A. 25
Wilson, D. 24, 114, 163, 169
Wittgenstein, L. 161
Wittig, M. 12, 189
Wodak, R. 7, 8, 21, 26, 33, 38, 45, 48,
71, 73, 74, 90, 101, 110, 112, 117,
119, 137, 148, 152, 154, 158, 185,
198, 202
Wolcott, H. F. 43
women’s language 125, 158–9, 175–6,
Wong Scollon, S. 180
Woodward, K. 58
word order 159
Wouters, C. 60
Yule, G. 30, 32, 49, 92, 100, 187