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2015, Space and Conversion in Global Perspective, ed. G. Marcocci, W. de Boer, A. Maldavsky and I. Pavan. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 1-11
14 pages
1 file
International Relations and Technology, 2020
International Relations and Technology
Third World Quarterly, 2024
In a manner almost reminiscent of the Ottoman Empire’s frantic search (late nineteenth to early twentieth century) for müstemlekat (colonies) in Africa, modern Turkey seems to have revived its imperialist dreams in contemporary Africa. Following the elaboration of a proactive African foreign policy strategy, Turkey declared 2005 the Year of Africa, and established diplomatic relations with a raft of Muslim-majority African countries (MMACs). While Ghana is not an MMAC, Turkey re-established diplomatic ties with Accra in 2010, heralding a burgeoning relationship. Drawing on the theory of sub-imperialism in tandem with the diplomacy of architecture (DoA) framework, this work will argue that Turkey has cleverly utilised the symbolism and siting of the Ghana National Mosque Complex (GNMC) to make the most visible and audacious broadcast yet of its imperial intentions in Africa, and in record time. In unpacking the argument my primary interest will be to canvass the view that architectural imprints have become a powerful cultural weapon in the geostrategic soft-power arsenal of recent rising powers.
6th International New Media Conference: The Political Economy of New Media (October 26-27, 2023): Abstracts, 2024
The chaotic nature of disasters like the recent earthquakes that hit Turkey in more than ten cities has left unforgettable tragic stories and pains behind. Apart from professional psychological support to treat these traumas, the caring discourses and approaches defined as ‘pensar’ by Bernard Stiegler can stretch the sustainability of the healing process. The synoptic surveillance of political figures on social media such as Instagram and Twitter does not contribute positively to the healing process of earthquake victims. The aggressive tone of cancel culture and the ambivalent characteristics of the situation worsen the situation when the survivors and witnesses start sharing terrible visuals and videos on social Media. Although there appears digital content that narrates national and international aid and humanitarian support, the range of this destruction needs to be taken by professional psychiatry and Disaster Sociology. As Wittgenstein puts no words and language can allow us to feel the real pain of the victims. Feeling others’ pain is impossible. This study will explore the possibility of healing as a pensar approach and reverse synoptic surveillance with new types of narrations created on social media within the disaster sociology domain. The pensar movement suggests long-term healing discourses and positive psychology set a healthy mourning process for future generations which are expected to take the correct lessons from the tragedy experienced. Keywords: Earthquake in Turkey, Mourning in Digital Media, Cancel Culture, Pensar, Bernard Stiegler, Disaster Sociology, Synoptic Surveillance, Reverse Surveillance, Digital Media Narrations
Origini, 2023
The site of Monte Croce Guardia offers a unique opportunity to investigate the spatial organization of a Final Bronze Age settlement in peninsular Italy. Data from new excavations and geophysical surveys are presented, focusing on the distribution of identified dwellings. This distribution is explored and compared with that of coeval sites such as Sorgenti della Nova and Sovana. An organizational pattern based on groups of huts, likely related to family groups, emerges from the analysis. The described model is further compared with several settlements and buildings dating from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age, across continental Italy, particularly focusing on the area south of the Po river.
Le 8e séminaire scientifique et technique de l’Inrap sera organisé par la direction scientifique et technique (DST) de l’Inrap, en partenariat avec le Laboratoire de Mesure du Carbone 14 (LMC14), plateforme nationale rattachée au Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE). Il sera consacré au recours aux datations absolues (ou « chronométriques ») en archéologie. Les datations absolues sont devenues indispensables à la recherche archéologique. Leurs résultats permettent de caler les chronologies sur l’échelle du temps. Elles précisent la durée des phénomènes historiques en oeuvre et situent dans le temps les événements du passé. La découverte de la décroissance régulière au fil du temps de la radioactivité du carbone 14 et de son usage comme « chronomètre » pour estimer l’âge des matériaux soumis à datation a été une petite révolution à l’orée des années 1950. Combinées avec d’autres méthodes dites relatives comme la stratigraphie, la sériation et la typologie, la datation par le radiocarbone a en effet modifié profondément notre connaissance du passé. Depuis, la recherche a permis de considérablement affiner la fiabilité et la précision des résultats. Parallèlement, d’autres méthodes ont été développées en lien avec la diversification des matériaux mis au jour (dendrochronologie, Potassium-Argon, Uranium-Thorium, archéomagnétisme, thermoluminescence et luminescence stimulée optiquement…). Avec le développement de l’archéologie préventive, la masse de données accumulées est aujourd'hui considérable et nécessite de s’interroger sur la manière de gérer et de rendre accessible ces données. Par ailleurs, l’analyse d’un grand nombre de datations relatives à un phénomène culturel ou à la diffusion d’un type d’objet permet de traiter l’information à l’aide de la statistique et de manière géographique, offrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives de recherche. La mise en oeuvre de ces méthodes, en archéologie, se traduit généralement par le recours à des chercheurs spécialisés dans d’autres disciplines (biologie, chimie, sciences de la Terre, physique nucléaire…) ou à des archéomètres formés dans les laboratoires. La multiplicité des acteurs et des compétences mises à contribution est grande, même au sein de la communauté archéologique, et il était donc important, pour l’Inrap, de proposer un lieu de rencontre interdisciplinaire, d’échanges d’expérience et de réflexion sur l’avenir de ces méthodes et des collaborations qu’elles impliquent. Il s’agit de réfléchir, collégialement, sur l’évolution des protocoles de terrain (échantillonnage), les actions de sensibilisation ou de formation à entreprendre et la nécessité de centraliser et de partager les résultats. Enfin, ces rencontres seront l’occasion d’aborder les différentes approches méthodologiques et d’évaluer leurs atouts ou faiblesses.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
In the present scenario, the prevention of failure of a component is having a vital role in piping industry. Failure of a single component can cease the entire functionality of the system. So the prevention of failure is significant to satisfy the customer needs not only aesthetic but also functionality, reliability and utility of the system. With the advancement of new technologies, finding out the failures and giving a pertinent solution is possible. Value engineered component is an added advantage to the industry in all aspects. A flange spool is a basic type of dismantling joint that connect long pipes with flanges at the ends so that they can be bolted to another pipe with matching flange. The flange joint involves interaction between bolts, flange and gasket and it is the most essential part of Pressure vessel, Condenser, Heat exchanger and Storage tank. This flange joint aims at preventing fluid leakage and maintaining the structural integrity of the joint. The objective of this paper is to design and analyze a flange spool which is used to carry and transport processed fluid and gas. This work deals with the replacement of molybdenum steel material flange spool with a silicon-manganese flange spool. The modeling was done using CATIA software as per API standards. The flange spool is modeled and simulated using ANSYS 15 Software. The design optimization also showed significant potential improvement in the performance of flange spool. In the present work finite element analysis procedure is used in ANSYS simulation to predict the levels of stress and deformation of flange spool under subjected loads.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Technology has redefined agriculture for years, and technological advances have influenced agricultural business in one or more ways. Agriculture is a major occupation in many countries around the world, and as the population grows, the United Nations predicts that it will increase to 9.7 billion by 2050, increasing the country's land by only 4%. Therefore, the pressure on the country will continue to increase. This means that farmers need to do more with less effort. According to the same survey, to feed another 2 billion people, food production needs to be increased by 60%. However, traditional methods are not sufficient to meet this enormous demand. This has led farmers and agricultural business to find new ways to increase production and reduce waste. Increasing populace in the long run ends in expanded farming results. At today`s date farming strategies are stronger the use of generation which include synthetic intelligence which ends up in stronger high-satisfactory of yield. This paper Raises an innovative idea like how to introduce the AI based technologies into the agriculture field for future generation.
La Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE) y la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) con sus investigadores Enrique Cabanilla, Edison Molina y Carlos Garrido respectivamente, preocupadas por la situación del sector turístico en el Ecuador durante la pandemia del COVID 19, iniciaron un estudio pormenorizado con el fin de establecer ciertas variables que permitan conocer cuándo y en qué condiciones los ecuatorianos volveremos a viajar, tanto dentro como fuera del país. La herramienta escogida para este estudio fue una encuesta que consistió en diecinueve preguntas, más dos preguntas de filtro: una de edad mínima y otra de consentimiento, las cuales fueron realizadas a un mil cinco (1005) personas de manera aleatoria, en todo el país, desde el 11 hasta el 18 de mayo de 2020.
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J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2003
Cantillo, J.J.; Bernal, D. y Ramos, J. (eds): Moluscos y púrpura en contextos arqueológicos atlántico-mediterráneos. Nuevos datos y reflexiones en clave de proceso histórico, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, 2014
European Journal of Business and Management, 2014
EDULEARN proceedings, 2017
Journal of Human Kinetics, 2018
Revista Tecnología en Marcha
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
JOSETA: Journal of Socio-economics on Tropical Agriculture, 2020