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Australian banks' mortgage concentration worries analysts

A St George branch in Sydney advertises low deposit home loans

A St George branch in Sydney advertises low deposit home loans. (Michael Janda)

Repaying the mortgage no matter what, is a top priority for Lubna Akhy and her family.

"I want to have my own place, if I have to cut back something definitely I will because I don't want to rent for whole life," she said.

It is an attitude that makes mortgages a safer bet for banks than business or commercial property loans.

However, CLSA bank analyst Brian Johnson says there is another compelling attraction for lenders.

"Really profitable, I mean as far as I can work out the return on equity could be anywhere between 40 to 70 per cent," he estimated.

A Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco working paper shows that lending to Australian households has grown more strongly than in any other developed country over the past 50 years.

Banks have 60 per cent of their loan portfolios in housing.

It is that level of concentration that has the OECD's Adrian Blundell-Wignall concerned, because Australian banks get a lot of funding from foreigners using the backing of their massive home loan portfolios.

"Whenever you see concentration and whenever you see the securitisation of a certain set of assets being used as a sort of a funding device then you have to worry about whether there could be problems in rolling over those securities in the future under different sorts of scenarios for the economy," he warned.

Call for more capital, safer banks

It is one reason Financial Services Inquiry chairman David Murray has called for tougher capital requirements, a move resisted by the banks who say it will stunt profits and raise costs to consumers.

"Well have a look at the United States," responded Adrian Blundell-Wignall.

"It's a done a lot more things [than Australia] and I think that serving the United States economy well. You can't have a too well capitalised bank."

I've never ever seen a bank accurately forecast that there would ever be a problem anywhere.

The OECD said regulators should not accept the banks' own risk assessments of their portfolios, which is a system currently allowed by APRA for the big four and Macquarie that has allowed them to reduce the reserves they hold against home loans.

Instead it wants the banks to hold at least five percent in unweighted high quality equity against total assets in the banking system.

"Australian banks, especially the major ones, they don't look as good as some other countries in terms of that," observed Adrian Blundell-Wignall.

Brian Johnson is harsher about bank self-assessment, warning that it is fraught with danger.

"I've been a bank analyst for a long time and I've never ever seen a bank accurately forecast that there would ever be a problem anywhere," he said.

The global trend is to raise capital requirements, especially for housing loans.

Despite that, Australian banks are now holding less capital against their home mortgages than before the GFC hit.

"This hyper-rally that you've seen in Australian bank equity over the last three or four years has been accompanied by banks basically constantly reducing the amount of capital they have in respect of a home loan," Mr Johnson added.

That will have to change but, in the meantime, there are many analysts, such as James Hickey - the banking partner at consultants Deloitte, who remain relaxed and comfortable.

"The banks' lending criteria recently has been very strong and the average loan-to-value ratios are still well less than 80 per cent," he said.

Property investor concerns

However, Martin North from Digital Finance Analytics said serious banking stress may be triggered by the second round impacts of households and businesses struggling in a difficult economy.

"Those economic impacts will have a feedback into the broader economy which, in turn, will have a feedback into the banking system," he cautioned.

Then there is the uncertainty surrounding the behaviour of Australia's army of negatively-geared investors who are mostly interest-only borrowers.

"Investors, if they see properties beginning to slide, probably will walk away earlier and may be prepared to take a capital loss if they can switch into other asset classes," Mr North warned.

However, Deloitte's James Hickey rejected the notion that all investors will head for the exits at the first sign of trouble.

"Many investors these days are actually first home buyers who simply choose the investment path as the path to take out their first home property rather than be an owner-occupier," he responded.

"So we can't just put a common blanket over all investors in the market place."

In addition, the banks have a rescuer no other business in the country can count on if it all goes pear shaped - the Reserve Bank, backed by who else but the taxpayers.
