Papers by Mariusz Panczyk

EDULEARN15 Proceedings, 2015
Introduction: Despite the numerous scientific papers concerning shaping admission policy on medic... more Introduction: Despite the numerous scientific papers concerning shaping admission policy on medical universities, there is still no consensus in the subject of efficiency and reliability of tools for selecting candidates to universities for faculties connected with educating in the field of the selected specialisations in health sciences. Between 2012 and 2013, the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) made certain changes in entrance test content outlines which aim was to increase the specificity of evaluation of candidates for studies of the 2nd degree at the faculty of Dietetics and Food Science (D&FS). From the point of view of selecting the best candidates, criteria that are more beneficial are such that are characterised by considerable specificity, so as to avoid a situation in which there are people insufficiently prepared for studies among the students beginning their university career.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018
Background: Adherence by diabetic patients to dietary recommendations is important for effective ... more Background: Adherence by diabetic patients to dietary recommendations is important for effective therapy. Considering patients' expectations in case of diet is significant in this regard. The aim of this paper was to analyze the relationship between selected independent variables (eg, regular blood glucose testing) and patients' adherence to dietary recommendations, bearing in mind that the degree of disease acceptance might play a mediation role. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 91 patients treated for type 2 diabetes mellitus in a public medical facility. Paper-and-pencil interviewing was administered ahead of the planned visit with a diabetes specialist. Two measures were applied in the study: the Acceptance and Action Diabetes Questionnaire and the Patient Diet Adherence in Diabetes Scale. Additionally, data related to sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle-related factors, and the course of the disease (management, incidence of complications, and dietician's supervision) were also collected. The regression method was used in the analysis, and Cohen's methodology was used to estimate partial mediation. Significance of the mediation effect was assessed by the Goodman test. P-values of ,0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Patients' non-adherence to dietary recommendations was related to a low level of disease acceptance (standardized regression coefficient =-0.266; P=0.010). Moreover, failure to perform regular blood glucose testing was associated with a lack of disease acceptance (standardized regression coefficient =-0.455; P=0.000). However, the lack of regular blood glucose testing and low level of acceptance had only partially negative impacts on adherence to dietary recommendations (Goodman mediation test, Z=1.939; P=0.054). This dependence was not seen in patients treated with diet and concomitant oral medicines and/or insulin therapy. Conclusion: Effective dietary education should include activities promoting a more positive attitude toward the disease. This may be obtained by individual counseling, respecting the patient's needs, and focus on regular blood glucose testing.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Pielęgniarstwo XXI Wieku, Oct 28, 2015
Porównawcza analiza antyplagiatowa esejów przygotowanych w ramach zaliczenia tematu "Prawa pacjen... more Porównawcza analiza antyplagiatowa esejów przygotowanych w ramach zaliczenia tematu "Prawa pacjenta" przez studentów studiów stacjonarnych (grupa ST) i niestacjonarnych (grupa NST) II stopnia na kierunku Pielęgniarstwo w Warszawskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym (WUM). Materiał i metody. Ocenie antyplagiatowej poddano łącznie 178 pisemnych prac przygotowanych przez dwie grupy studentów: ST (n = 111) i NST (n = 67). Wykorzystano system antyplagiatowy Turnitin®, który pozwala na wygenerowanie trzech parametrów: ogólnego (OWP), internetowego (IWP) i krzyżowego (KWP) współczynnika podobieństwa. Do analizy porównawczej wykorzystano test jednorodności wariancji Levene'a oraz nieparametryczny test U Manna Whitney'a. Wyniki. Przy zakładanym progu dla OWP równym 20%, teksty podejrzane o plagiat stanowiły 52% wszystkich badanych prac zaliczeniowych, przy czym średnia wartość OWP dla ST i NST wyniosła odpowiednio 29,9 vs 35,9%. Stopień zróżnicowania wszystkich parametrów podobieństwa był podobny w obu grupach (test Levene'a p > 0,05). Ponadto, IWP był istotnie statystycznie wyższy w grupie NST w porównaniu z grupą ST (test U Manna-Whitney'a, p < 0,04). Natomiast, dla parametru KWP nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic między badanymi grupami studentów (test U Manna-Whitney'a, p > 0,05). Wnioski. Stwierdzone wyższe wskaźniki nieuprawnionych zapożyczeń zaobserwowane w grupie NST oznaczają, że studenci wymagają edukacji z zakresu "Prawa autorskiego". Ogólnie wysokie wartości parametrów podobieństwa w obu grupach, uzasadniają konieczność wprowadzenia bardziej rygorystycznej kontroli antyplagiatowej wszystkich tekstów przygotowywanych samodzielnie przez studentów. Słowa kluczowe: plagiat, badania edukacji pielęgniarek, szkolnictwo pielęgniarskie wyższe ABSTRACT ANTIPLAGIARISM ANALYSIS OF EXAM PROJECTS CONCERNING PATIENTS' RIGHTS PREPARED BY THE STUDENTS OF NURSING Aim. A comparative analysis of essays, prepared as exam projects looking at the concept of "Patients' rights" written by the full-time students (ST group) and part-time students (NST group) of the Nursing Masters program at the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW). The aim was to detect any plagiarism. Material and methods. The study has been conducted by looking at written works submitted by two groups of students (n = 178): 111 ST group (n = 111) and NST group (n = 67). In the study, the anti-plagiarism system called Turnitin® was used, which allowed to generate three parameters: the general one (OWP), internet one (IWP) and cross-parameter one (KWP) of the similarity factor. Both the Levene's test of variance homogeneity and U Mann Whitney non-parametric test were used.. Results. The OWP level reached 20%, which means that a text could be suspected of having been plagiarised if the rate equalled 52% of all the studied exam projects (OWP average ≈ 32%). The OWP average for ST and NST was 29.9 vs. 35.9% respectively. Differentiation level of all similarity parameters was similar in both groups (Levene's test P > 0.05). Moreover, IWP level was statistically higher than in NST group, as opposed to ST group (U Mann-Whitney test, P < 0.04). Regarding the KWP parameter, there were no relevant differences between the two groups of students (U Mann-Whitney test, P > 0.05). Conclusions. Identified indicators of unauthorised borrowings observed in NST group mean that students require education in the area of "Copyrights". Generally high values of similarity parameters in both groups justify the necessity of introducing a more rigorous anti-plagiarism control of all texts, independently prepared by students.

Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2015
MSc Nursing Entrance Exams-admission to full-time and part-time programmes at medical university ... more MSc Nursing Entrance Exams-admission to full-time and part-time programmes at medical university Egzaminy wstępne na kierunek pielęgniarstwo studia II stopnia-rekrutacja na stacjonarne i niestacjonarne studia na uniwersytecie medycznym ABSTRACT Introduction. Reliable selection of candidates is a prerequisite for Master's degree graduates to achieve professional success on higher levels of nursing management in the future. Aim of the study. Comparative analysis of candidates with reference to their scores on the admission test conducted at the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) between 2009 and 2012 by the preferred mode of the Master's degree programme in Nursing. Material and methods. A retrospective study involving a total of 1960 candidates for a Master's degree programme at the MUW, including 1157 candidates willing to take a full-time course (FT group) and 803 candidates for a part-time course (PT group). Results. Reliability of admission tests was relatively low and a ranged between 0.429 and 0.558. It was demonstrated that the index of test difficulty was lower in all years in the case of the PT candidates compared to the FT candidates. The mean score on the entrance exam was also higher among the FT group compared to the PT group (ANOVA test, p < 0.000001). Significantly higher scores among the FT group compared to the PT group were observed in all years of the study (post-hoc RIR Tukey test, p < 0.01). Conclusions. Candidates for a full-time programme were better prepared for a Master's degree course compared to those applying to a part-time programme. There is a need for a deep analysis (including also individual conditioning) of difficulties encountered by the PT candidates in sufficient mastering of clinical issues.

Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Jul 16, 2018
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was set up by the European Union that operates independentl... more European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was set up by the European Union that operates independently of the European legislative and executive institutions (Commission, Council, Parliament) and EU Member States. It was established in 2002 to be a source of scientifi c advice and communication on risks associated with the food chain. European Food Safety Authority is responsible for risk assessment, and also has a duty to communicate its scientifi c fi ndings to the public. It produces scientifi c opinions and advice that constitute the basis for European policies and legislation. It also play an important role in collecting and analysing data to ensure that European risk assessment is supported by the most comprehensive scientifi c information available. Thus, it is the treasure trove for present and future public health specialists and nutritionists. Since 29 February 2008 when the Polish EFSA Focal Point was established at the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate EFSA's word has become potentially more reachable for Polish consumers and entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of university students of public health, dietetics and other disciplines related to human nutrition on EFSA's objective and scope of its operation as well as to assess EFSA as a potential source of information for them. The study was carried out using the CAWI method from June to November 2017 among 201 students of public health (68 students) and faculties related to human nutrition (133 students). Among them, 85% of public health students did not work and 82% of students of faculties related to human nutrition neither did. The most of public health students were in their fourth year and among students of faculties related to human nutrition a group in third year the accounted for the greatest part. Results were analysed using confi gure frequency analysis (CFA) and χ 2 test. Results indicate that 41% of public health student and 11% of students of human nutrition related faculties did not know EFSA at the moment of participation in the study. In both groups of public health students and students of human nutrition related faculties, more participants were not encouraged by the university to use information published by EFSA (respectively

Abdominal obesity is a common feature of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and it is k... more Abdominal obesity is a common feature of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and it is known to exacerbate insulin resistance (IR). Improper dietary and physical activity patterns are crucial environmental factors involved in the development of obesity, and they can significantly influence the central deposition of adipose tissue. Therefore, in this cross-sectional study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between abdominal adiposity (measured by VAT (visceral adipose tissue), SAT (subcutaneous adipose tissue), VAT/SAT ratio (visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio), and WHR (waist-to-hip ratio)) and the prevalence and odds ratios of IR (measured by the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), the homeostatic model assessment-adiponectin (HOMA-AD) and leptin to adiponectin ratio (L/A ratio)) in 56 PCOS women. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between these abdominal obesity indices and diet and physical activity. An original food frequency que...

Front-of-pack labelling (FoPL) systems, such as the Nutri-Score, play a crucial role in promoting... more Front-of-pack labelling (FoPL) systems, such as the Nutri-Score, play a crucial role in promoting healthy diets and raising consumer awareness. Our study aimed to gather the opinions of Polish experts on the Nutri-Score and its relation to an ideal information system. We conducted a survey with 75 experts, who had an average of 18.1±12.7 years of experience and were mainly employed at medical and agricultural universities. The results showed that the most important features of an FoPL system were clarity, simplicity, consistency with healthy eating recommendations, and the ability to objectively compare products within the same group. While more than half of the respondents believed that the Nutri-Score provides an overall assessment of a product’s nutritional value and facilitates quick purchasing decisions, it falls short in helping consumers compose a balanced diet and cannot be applied to all product groups. The experts also expressed concerns about the system’s ability to accou...

Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century
Aim. A comparative analysis of two methods of organising e-courses designed for students of nursi... more Aim. A comparative analysis of two methods of organising e-courses designed for students of nursing and conducted throughout 2012/13 and 2013/14 at the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW) within the framework of education in “Reliability in scientific research”. Material and Methodology. A group of 285 students of the 1st degree course at the Nursing Faculty, including 141 subjects from the academic year 2012/13 and 144 from 2013/14. Data from reliability reports were analysed comparatively as well as the scored results that represented the assessment results for the solved tasks prepared in the form of Short Answer Questions (SAQs) or tests generated automatically (Multiple-Choice Questions, MCQs). Results. Students who passed the e-course in SAQ format, spent a considerable longer amount of time on the MoodleTM platform (229.1 ± 122.23 minutes, academic year of 2012/13) than the students who passed the e-course taking MCQs (175.3 ± 93.38 minutes, academic year 2013/14) (U Mann-Whit...

BMC Public Health
Background Decision-making skills are considered crucial life skills that condition proper social... more Background Decision-making skills are considered crucial life skills that condition proper social functioning within groups (i.e., support authentic leadership skills and increasing one’s chances of success and wellbeing in life). Nonetheless, the number of scientific papers addressing the role of life skills in developing authentic leadership skills in public health students is limited. The aim of the present study was to develop a theoretical model to determine the role of selected life skills in developing authentic leadership skills in public health students. Methods The study was conducted from January 16 through February 28, 2018. In total, 653 students undertaking in-service training in Master’s degree programs qualified for the study, and complete data sets were obtained from 329 students (response rate 50.38%). The data were collected by means of a paper questionnaire. Four research tools were used in the study: The Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire, The Mo...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media content analysis allowed for tracking attitudes toward... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media content analysis allowed for tracking attitudes toward newly introduced vaccines. However, current evidence is limited to single social media platforms. Our objective was to compare arguments used by anti-vaxxers in the context of COVID-19 vaccines across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. We obtained the data set of 53,671 comments regarding COVID-19 vaccination published between August 2021 and February 2022. After that, we established categories of anti-vaccine content, manually classified comments, and compared the frequency of occurrence of the categories between social media platforms. We found that anti-vaxxers on social media use 14 categories of arguments against COVID-19 vaccines. The frequency of these categories varies across different social media platforms. The anti-vaxxers’ activity on Facebook and Twitter is similar, focusing mainly on distrust of government and allegations regarding vaccination safety and effectivene...

Obesity is one of the important risk factors for a severe course of COVID-19. Maintaining a healt... more Obesity is one of the important risk factors for a severe course of COVID-19. Maintaining a healthy body weight through diet and physical activity is a reasonable approach to preventing a SARS-CoV-2 infection or in alleviating its course. The goal of the study was to determine the influence of obesity on nutrition and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 964 respondents, including 227 individuals with a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2 were evaluated in this study. In the case of 482 respondents, including 105 individuals (21.8%) with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, the data were collected during the pandemic period from 1 June to 31 August 2020. The remaining 482 individuals were the “pre-pandemic” group, selected via propensity score matching (PSM) out of the 723 National Health Program study participants whose data was collected in 2017–2019. The evaluated dietary health factors were quantitatively similar in patients with BMI of either <30 kg/m2 or ≥30 kg/m2 and showed n...

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2016
Background: Comparing predictive validity of admission criteria for the MsPharm (Master of Scienc... more Background: Comparing predictive validity of admission criteria for the MsPharm (Master of Sciences of Pharmacy) studies in the period prior and following the reform of the university admission system in Poland illustrated on the example of data obtained from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW). Methods: Admission data was correlated with the learning outcomes of students who undertook the MA studies at the pharmaceutical department between the years 2000/01-2009/10 (N=1702, mean age 19.3 ± 1.22). The method of predictive validity of the old admission system (specific entrance exam) and the new system (the national Polish maturity exam) was performed using correlation and method of multiple linear regression. Results: Chemistry, biology and the total score of ranking points showed a significant correlation with bioGPA, chemGPA, and cumulative GPA but its power was greater for the old system of admission. The analysis of regression showed that by and lar...

Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century, 2015
Aim. An analysis of consistence in evaluating students’ achievements in subjects completed with a... more Aim. An analysis of consistence in evaluating students’ achievements in subjects completed with an exam and included in the curriculum at the department of midwifery of part-time studies at Medical University of Warsaw (MUW). Materials and methods. The authors used examination data of 231 subjects, part-time midwifery students of the second degree at MUW between the years 2007-2012. A retrospective analysis was used for analyzing students’ achievements and learning results in eight subjects completed with an exam. In order to determine the trends in evaluating students in consecutive years, a non-parametric ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis rank test was used. Assessing the subsequent compliance of evaluation of exam subjects was performed using Kendall coefficient. Evaluation of internal validity of educational measurement was established on the basis of inter-correlation analysis and multi-dimensional regression analysis. Results. An analysis of internal compliance in evaluating students in su...

PLOS ONE, 2020
Introduction Chronic hepatitis C (HCV), considered by the World Health Organization as one of the... more Introduction Chronic hepatitis C (HCV), considered by the World Health Organization as one of the greatest epidemiological health hazards, often with asymptomatic clinical course and one which, due to scanty knowledge, remains a crucial risk factor of serious chronic HCV infection complications. The purpose of this study is to validate the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the validated Brief Hepatitis C Knowledge Scale (BHCKS_PL), developed by Balfour in 2009. Methods The study, conducted from May to July 2018, included 246 persons (68,69% females), divided into four subgroups: patients (n = 86), nursing students (n = 74), medical students (n = 28), healthcare workers (nurses and doctors; n = 58). The 19-items questionnaire contained questions designed to assess general knowledge regarding hepatitis C and the transmission risk factors. Results An evaluation by means of multiple comparisons in pairs showed that there were significant differences in the knowledge level between the group of patients and the group of nursing students (Mdn: 14.0 vs 11.0, z = 7.713, P<0.001), and between students of medicine (Mdn: 16.0 vs 11.0, z = 0.339, P<0.001) and healthcare workers (17.0 vs 11.0, z = 11.447, P<0.001). Moreover, significant differences were observed between the groups of students of nursing and medicine (Mdn: 14.0 vs 16.0, z = 3.646, P = 0.002) and healthcare workers (Mdn: 14.0 vs 17.0, z = 4.117, P<0.001). No significant differences in the knowledge level between the students of medicine and healthcare workers were observed (z = 0.377, P = 1.000).

Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2019
Background. Patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or acute trauma (AT) are transported ... more Background. Patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or acute trauma (AT) are transported by air to save time. Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) provides both flights to and from the emergency scene, as well as interhospital transport (interHtransport). Objectives. The objective of this study was to compare aeromedical transport and HEMS missions of AMI and AT patients regarding safety, medical procedures and the length of flights. Material and methods. This is a case-control study analyzing the medical history records of AMI and AT patients transported between hospitals and from the scene identified using ICD-10 codes. Research of customary data (age, sex and general health status measured with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Revised Trauma Score (RTS)) was performed. Results. There were 48,555 flights in the years 2011-2016, of which 7,645 (15.7%) were interhospital (19% AMI and 12% AT). Out of these, 40,910 (84.3%) HEMS missions were to patients on the scene (10% AMI and 13% AT). No fatalities were noted. The AMI GCS score was higher than in AT patients: 15.0 vs 14.0, respectively. The medical procedures during transport of AMI patients between hospitals and from the scene were the following: cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): 6 vs 73 cases (p < 0.001); oxygen therapy: 41. 1% vs 50.2%, respectively. The median distance was 59.4 km vs 52. 1 km (p < 0.001), while median flight time was 45.0 min vs 38.0 min (p < 0.001), respectively. Regarding AT patients, the procedures performed (during interhospital and from the scene transport) were the following: CPR: 5 vs 244 cases (p < 0.001); intubation: 10.7% vs 17.3% (p < 0.001); sedation: 50. 1% vs 24.3% (p < 0.001); oxygen therapy: 17.6% vs 36.6% (p < 0.001); spinal board: 17. 1% vs 66% (p < 0.001); cervical collar: 15.9% vs 63.4% (p < 0.001), respectively. Interhospital transport and HEMS mission median flight distance was 135.9 km vs 56.3 km (p < 0.001), while median flight time was 66.0 min vs 45.0 min (p < 0.001), respectively. Conclusions. Aeromedical transport is safe and very rarely requires resuscitation during the flight. The long distances of flights and time required can reflect the scarcity of trauma centers (TCs) compared to cardiovascular wards. The location of hemodynamic centers in Poland is optimal.

BMJ Open, 2019
ObjectivesTo translate and validate the Communication Skills Attitude Scale in the Polish languag... more ObjectivesTo translate and validate the Communication Skills Attitude Scale in the Polish language (CSAS-P) and its adaptation for use among registered nurses.DesignA cross-sectional descriptive design was used in order to translate and validate the CSAS-P. The following psychometric properties of CSAS-P were evaluated: content validity (content validity index), theoretical relevance (exploratory and confirmative factor analysis), one-dimensionality of subscales (principal component analysis), internal consistency (Cronbach’s α), test–retest reliability and discriminant validity.SettingParticipants were identified and recruited from the Centre for Postgraduate Education for Nurses and Midwives in Warsaw, Poland.ParticipantsThe validation group comprised 2014 registered nurses who were undertaking a spring specialisation exam in 2017.ResultsThe overall content validity index was >0.80, which was interpreted as indicating validity. The factor structure of CSAS-P differed from the o...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Pielęgniarstwo Polskie, 2017
Ból pełni rolę ochronną w organizmie ludzkim, ostrzegając przed zagrożeniem w postaci urazu czy c... more Ból pełni rolę ochronną w organizmie ludzkim, ostrzegając przed zagrożeniem w postaci urazu czy choroby. Można go podzielić pod względem miejsca powstania na ból receptorowy oraz niereceptorowy, zwany inaczej patologicznym. Najczęstszym bólem patologicznym jest ból neuropatyczny. Ból neuropatyczny obejmuje wiele zespołów bólowych o różnej etiologii i umiejscowieniu. Jest on nieodłączną konsekwencją uszkodzenia nerwu w wyniku urazu, ucisku czy choroby. W pracy przeanalizowano dokumentację medyczną dziewięciu pacjentów objętych opieką hospicyjną z bólem neuropatycznym w przebiegu choroby nowotworowej.
Papers by Mariusz Panczyk