Papers by Dominika Grzesik
Epigraphic culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in antiquity, K. Nawotka (ed.) London, Routledge, 2020
Epigraphic culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in antiquity, K. Nawotka (ed.) London: Routledge, pp. 52-67., 2020
Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization, 2018
Oligarchization was a widespread phenomenon that had similar features throughout the Greek world.... more Oligarchization was a widespread phenomenon that had similar features throughout the Greek world. The differences and variants, however, should not be overlooked. My goal is to present the Delphic version of oligarchization-a task that has not been undertaken so far. The article aims to present how the leading families of Delphi accumulated power and how they operated within a wider Roman world-system. I use the epigraphical and literary sources to assess the degree to which the illustrious families of Delphi entered the wider provincial and imperial elite, and indicate whether careers were of a more local nature. I conclude the paper by analyzing the relationship between the city and its elite and focus on the benefactions recorded in the epigraphic material.

Antichthon, 2018
This article discusses the evolution and main characteristics of Delphi's statuary landscape, foc... more This article discusses the evolution and main characteristics of Delphi's statuary landscape, focussing on the process of prestige spatialisation via erection of honorific portraits within the Delphic territory. My goal is to present trends and tendencies in placing honorific portraits at Delphi from the mid-fifth century B.C. to the late fourth century A.D. The article focuses on issues surrounding the locations for honorific statues and how these featured in attempts to monopolise the sanctuary's overall layout throughout by vying for the most conspicuous places at Delphi. I argue that the placement of honorific statues within the Delphic temenos was not random but was in fact a precisely planned process which was influenced by several (variable) factors. These factors included the availability of space, the visibility of the monuments, and the number of visitors that could be expected. The relationship between Delphi and the League of the Aetolians is particularly stressed in association with the question regarding the nature of the Aetolian self-representation at Delphi. I contrast Delphi with Thermos to assess the degree to which the Aetolians dominated the sanctuary and how they presented themselves to both internal and external audiences.
The following article is about all honorific statues from Delphi granted by Delphic public author... more The following article is about all honorific statues from Delphi granted by Delphic public authorities and private individuals, and by the citizens and civic bodies of other cities and koina. It concentrates on the unique dual nature (local and international) of the statue habit which was the main feature in the honorific statuary practice in the territory of Delphi.The aim of the article is to interpret the available evidence by going beyond conventional, centennial periodization, and to present the significant trends that occurred in the Delphic statue culture over time.
The aim of this article is to examine the most honorific privileges attested in Delphic decrees. ... more The aim of this article is to examine the most honorific privileges attested in Delphic decrees. Moving from the mid-4th c. BC through the late-2nd c. AD, the paper explores heroic
worship, statues and crowns, arguing for their actual value and honorific character, as well as confronting them with the Athenian μέγισται τιμᾶι.
The article is devoted to honours and privileges in Delphic abbreviated decrees. The aim of this ... more The article is devoted to honours and privileges in Delphic abbreviated decrees. The aim of this article is to analyze the honours and privileges that were granted in Delphic abbreviated decrees during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. The main purpose and intention toward which the efforts were directed was to analyze the meaning of the individual honours and privileges, as well as to present the status and origin of the honoured persons.
SAMAI, 2016
Ostracyzm, będący jednym z najważniejszych symboli ustroju demokratycznego, był obiektem zarówno ... more Ostracyzm, będący jednym z najważniejszych symboli ustroju demokratycznego, był obiektem zarówno zainteresowania, jak i kontrowersji już od czasów starożytnych. Spory nowożytnych badaczy dotyczą tak istotnych kwestii z nim związanych, jak osoba twórcy, data ustanowienia, termin pierwszego zastosowania, osób będących ofiarą procedury oraz w ogóle cel jej ustanowienia. Bez jednoznacznych odpowiedzi pozostają zatem kluczowe pytania.
Book Reviews by Dominika Grzesik
Books by Dominika Grzesik
Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy, 2021
Papers by Dominika Grzesik
worship, statues and crowns, arguing for their actual value and honorific character, as well as confronting them with the Athenian μέγισται τιμᾶι.
Book Reviews by Dominika Grzesik
Books by Dominika Grzesik
worship, statues and crowns, arguing for their actual value and honorific character, as well as confronting them with the Athenian μέγισται τιμᾶι.