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3 votes
2 answers

Making Australia more humid

I need Australia to support vast areas of african savanna-like environment, and if possible mammoth steppe-like in the colder regions. Turning the deserts into savanna would be a requisite. What would ...
Rhomaioi's user avatar
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Are these ocean currents for my planet plausible?

This is my first attempt at worldbuilding anything at this point. I heavily modelled my first planet after the Earth as my baby steps. I wanted to experiment with how climates on the planet would be ...
Jermaine Valerio's user avatar
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1 answer

I have scrambled the earth’s landmasses to form the world of Htrea [closed]

There are still mountains in the same spots of their mother continents. Wind directions, orbit, and water temperatures are all exactly that of Earth’s (as well as planet size). The equator runs ...
Dominic J. Gomez's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Reasonable placement of tectonic plates

Im working on this little hobby project and i've come to the stage where i want an actual world map. So id decided to use one of the mapgens out there untill i found one i was happy with: Now i have ...
Gixen's user avatar
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2 answers

How accurate was about what Biomes my Fantasy Map should have (realistically)?

I'm making a map for the next D&D game I will run, and I would like some second opinions on what Biomes would encompass it (Assume realistic biomes for now; no Mushroom forests or the like). ...
James Baxter's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Why there is white ash everywhere?

In my world a war happened between a few tribal leaders a really long time ago. Those leaders had nearly god-like magical powers, giving them the ability to modify bodies, matter (like earth, stone, ...
ShadeQ's user avatar
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What effect would exceptionally tall mountains have on high-altitude wind currents in an Earth-like environment?

I am currently in the process of building my fantasy world from the ground up and as I finished my height map, I realized I had some pretty tall mountains. Not just a few of those stereotypical lone, ...
Erik Morelock's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Effect of lower average temperatures on the tropical savannahs and deserts of a planet

I have a nagging question that has been eating away at me since I am figuring out the biomes that are present in the world that I am building. For all intents and purposes this world is basically an ...
anthony gutierrez's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Assigning realistic climate zones

I'm thinking about the Koeppen climate zones for my Earth-like planet. It is all very roughly painted, because I would like to get it right first before fine-tuning the world. I've so far started with ...
Oz1mand1a5's user avatar
18 votes
8 answers

Is it possible for a planet to have the same seasons in both hemispheres?

Our spherical planet has two hemispheres divided at the equator. Those living in the north hemisphere experience the opposite season as those living in the south hemisphere at any given time of year. ...
Nanoshadow's user avatar
0 votes
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Are Planets with mainly one climate Biome Plausible? [duplicate]

So i'll start by saying it feels like a somewhat stupid question in the sense that the answer is no, but im wondering if (for back story of races in a story) its realistically possible for a planet to ...
Dae Knight's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Climate checking my map

So I've decided to come here to see how my map would be effected by climate. Notes: The planet has a 10° axial tilt, it's a little smaller then earth, and has earth like conditions. So my questions ...
Nubian Nauzicaa's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Worldbuilding & Climate: How does the sun affect a simple sphere with atmosphere?

This Query is part of the Worldbuilding Resources Article. I'm working to build a procedure that will help me understand the climate of the worlds I create. I'm beginning with simple and building to ...
JBH's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How do I figure out my planet's biomes and weather?

I'm having trouble figuring out the various biomes for my planet. I have extensively read the post on "Creating a realistic world map - Currents, Precipitation and Climate". But to be honest, I'm hung ...
OCA2blu's user avatar
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3 answers

How to dampen the severity of weather on a tidally locked world

I am currently worldbuilding a setting on a hot eyeball world with the habitable zone located around the terminator rim between desert and ice sides. The world is terraformed with terran-descended ...
mental_maelstorm's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Resources for Climate World building

I'm trying to create a continent where desert areas are as maximal and fertile coastal areas as minimal as possible. I've been trying to find some tools to help me with this, but I've only been able ...
Pedro Gabriel's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Creating a realistic world - Thermohaline circulation

This Query is part of the Worldbuilding Resources Article. One crucial aspect of the climates have been left out so far, deep water circulation. It's the major force driving the heat transfer form ...
Vincent's user avatar
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