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Orbit of an earth-sized moon around a gas giant planet

I'm working on a world that is the habitable moon of a gas giant planet. For simplicity's sake, assume that the moon is about exactly Earth-size, and the gas giant planet is roughly Jupiter-sized, ...
tiluchi's user avatar
  • 131
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Could a substantial atmosphere protect a large moon from radiation belts like those seen in Jupiter's magnetosphere?

I'm imagining a moon with a mass of 0.25M (so 10 times larger than Ganymede), in Ganymede's position orbiting a gas giant like Jupiter. Maybe the atmosphere is anywhere from 0.1 - 1 bar. Would the ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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Is terraforming of Europa going to make Jovian system much more dangerous?

I’ve terraformed Europa. The now oceanic moon with floating islands was given thick atmosphere (pressure, thickness and composition to be established later, but I’m aiming at something thick, murky ...
Zjerzy's user avatar
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How can solar eclipse magnify the moons effects?

The moon is made up of a substance called warpstone. This rock is solidified Mana compressed into physical form. Pieces of the moon will sometimes fall to earth, which contain magical properties and ...
Incognito's user avatar
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Calculating Radiation Zones of Gas Giants and the Effects on Its Moons? [closed]

How would I determine the radiation fields, if any, of a gas giant planet? What effect would this have on its moons if they have magnetic fields like the Earth does, and are inhabited?
The Literary Lord's user avatar
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Astronomical Phenomena that cause Tidal Waves

Suppose a world suddenly is being attacked by frequent tidal waves caused by some event in space. What type of event could have caused this? Any side effects caused by the event, such as the release ...
erdekhayser's user avatar