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4 answers

Viable power source for a spacecraft to reach relativistic speed [closed]

I’m working on a vehicle that can move from planet to planet in my novel in a short time frame (less than 1 day), and it needs a power source. It is made for shuttling heavy cargo (valuable minerals ...
ETorres01's user avatar
4 votes
11 answers

I designed a Mt. Everest Hyperloop. Do you see any issues with it? How can I improve it?

So, I designed a mass driver on Mt. Everest. The mass driver is powered by "PERMANENT" magnet rings with a strength of 5 teslas each (the black lines in the tube). The mass driver then ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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Industrial scale Tritium production from Helium3?

Currently Tritium is produced by neutron bombardment of Lithium. I was looking into alternatives and learned that Helium3 has a rather large cross section for reacting with thermal neutrons. From what ...
TheDyingOfLight's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

Decelerating a relativistic, beam-powered starship at its destination without pre-established power-beaming infrastructure at said destination

Some background As most of us know, accelerating to relativistic speeds requires truly astronomical amounts of energy. I have internalized that a ship carrying enough energy/fuel to accelerate to near-...
EldritchEntity's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Asteroid/comet deflection: Will a stream of nukes work?

Imagine you want to change the course of an asteroid quickly. You have huge resources at your disposal. What is the best way to move an asteroid quickly? Consider different compositions, chiefly solid ...
TheDyingOfLight's user avatar