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4 votes
6 answers

Can You Make A Tiny Nuclear Reactor By Employing Supercritical Conditions For Brief Periods Of Time?

The idea is that you would have pieces of plutonium or U233 close enough that if left to their own devices they should go supercritical in a fraction of a second. However, in between the pieces you ...
Vakus Drake's user avatar
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Feasibility of Tiny Nuclear Engines

In this setting nuclear material is incredibly cheap, while all hydrocarbons need to be synthesized from scratch. Additionally people have shadow magic which allows them to both easily shield against ...
Vakus Drake's user avatar
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How weight and volume-efficient can you make a high-yield nuclear weapon for setting off a volcano?

Let's say that we need a nuke that can fit into a very small space while also providing a very large boom. Now, the US's B-41 nuclear bomb was quite mass-efficient indeed; it put out 22 petajoules, or ...
KEY_ABRADE's user avatar
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7 votes
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Uses for a 1950s-era nuclear-powered land vehicle?

I have heard of the Chrysler TV-8 design, an amphibious armored vehicle powered by an onboard nuclear reactor...basically a nuclear-powered tank. The TV-8 never made it off the drawing board; the ...
tunguskateer's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How would mountainous landscape look like after remodelling it with nuclear warheads?

As conclusion of this question it seems that under a dense atmosphere it would be a good idea to place the main city in mountains. Just there is the inconvenient issue that top of mountains lack flat ...
Shadow1024's user avatar
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