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How far would radiation from an exclusion zone spread?

I'm working on a story where in 1983 the world went to full on global war and all nuclear power plants blew up either under nuclear fire or by losing power. I know about the general 30km exclusion ...
Nierninwa's user avatar
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Is it possible for a creature to exist as a biological nuclear reactor?

This is somewhat different to this question on the possibility of biological fusion reactors as I am curious if a living FISSION reactor is more plausible.
Jacob Blaustein's user avatar
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Is it safe to grow and eat food on post-nuclear-war land?

Follow-up of Could the entire world have been destroyed by the existing nuclear arsenal in 1962? Is it safe to grow food on land that was hit by nuclear bombs? Or will such food kill/fatally sicken ...
Quwin's user avatar
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Environment and species a century after a nuclear war [closed]

What would the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone imply for a global-scale nuclear event, including environment and wildlife (including mutation, survival, and migration), specifically in the Washington DC area?...
Charlotte Wolery's user avatar