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Would my particle cloud shield be effective in limiting the use of combined arms/maneuver warfare operations? [closed]

Since I have particle shields in my setting for my armored vehicles, my military forces have also decided to try and extend that technology to the larger battlefield. One of the issues plaguing my ...
FIRES_ICE's user avatar
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What are things to consider and keep in mind when making a heavily fortified and militarized border?

Here are some maps for reference For some context, in my world, from 2030-2040, an event known as the Great Collapse saw the human race pushed towards the brink of extinction due to Unidentified ...
user69268's user avatar
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Defending a kingdom against highly arboreal (6-limbed) enemies

Before getting on to the main topic, I should point out that the defenders and attackers are both the same species, no humans are present in this scenario, as it does not take place on Earth. The race ...
Foosic17's user avatar
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In a general sense, would it be better to equip troops with plate carriers, body armor, etc. if they’re fighting against zombies?

In a general sense, would it be better to equip troops with plate carriers, body armor, etc. if they’re fighting against zombies? Right now, my Troopers (what someone in the US Garrison is called) ...
user69268's user avatar
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Would this presidential directive be practical to implement?

So I currently have something call the National Defense-Continuity Directive (AKA Directive 0), which is basically a national call to arms. Directive 0 is only signed off on when there is a truly ...
user69268's user avatar
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What should I consider when making walls or fortifications that can stand against zombies, bandits, and enemy militaries?

So recently I’ve decided to add a wall to Washington, DC and this is where the wall (named Federal Wall) would end up encircling, with the area being within the Wall being known as the Federal Defense ...
user69268's user avatar
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Can a group of sufficiently trained and armed high school seniors form an ad hoc force and defend against a battalion of militiamen? [closed]

Yeah this sounds really crazy but hear me out. So I’m working out this semi-alternate history and post-apocalyptic story that’s essentially similar to The 100, The Division, The Hunger Games trilogy,...
user69268's user avatar
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What should I call the troops in my world where the US military consolidated into a single, unified force? [closed]

So basically, for some backstory, rising sea levels and a viral pandemic known as the Black Plague both killed off billions of people in 2015. During that time, due to the collapse of every country ...
user69268's user avatar
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Can spacecraft defend against antimatter weapons? How?

Here is what we know: We have the means to create stable antimatter We can direct it in a beam It can travel nearly as fast as light with ease Antimatter and matter combine in dangerous ways: one ...
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