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4 votes
3 answers

How would warfare change if everyone were concentrated into giant cities?

Due to environmental concerns (very cold winters) humans are concentrated into a few large cities all around the world; smaller isolated settlements die out quickly. These cities would form the basis ...
Boo Radley's user avatar
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3 answers

In what way could a small, non-magical force hold a castle against a larger, magically-abled force?

Say that through some subterfuge and the element of surprise, a small, well equipped force of soldiers managed to wrest control of a castle from a government. The government wants that castle back, ...
Scott Maher's user avatar
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5 answers

How can a WW-II style bunker be hidden?

Besides the obvious steel entry doors, I am most concerned about air-inlets and exhausts. Electricity for essential things like lighting, ventilation or pumping water is generated by diesel generators....
Philipp's user avatar
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8 answers

How to survive a siege for fifty years?

A long and costly war is finally coming to a close. The rebels are losing territory fast and only have rolling hills to guard their last city. According to the scouts, the imperialist regime is about ...
Mandelbrot's user avatar
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Defending a kingdom against highly arboreal (6-limbed) enemies

Before getting on to the main topic, I should point out that the defenders and attackers are both the same species, no humans are present in this scenario, as it does not take place on Earth. The race ...
Foosic17's user avatar
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2 answers

How to protect a small modern military base from a large number of primitives?

So, let’s imagine a force of about 500 people, armed with what we would consider modern weaponry (or, more so, 1960s weaponry), are facing up against a force that outnumbers them at a ratio of 34:1, ...
DT Cooper's user avatar
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3 answers

How can a religious order prepare their abbey for a siege?

A religious order has learned that the Big Bad wants their MacGuffin. They have contracted a local adventurer to prepare their defense as best he can before the enemy arrives. What is the most urgent ...
JETM's user avatar
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4 answers

How to build a fortress on a floating island?

The question How would a fortress built on a floating island look like? what kind of defensive emplacements and structures could be expected to be built for such a construction in order to defend it ...
Miguel Bartelsman's user avatar