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2 answers

How to increase Jupiter’s reflectivity?

The idea of turning Jupiter into a sun to terraform the Galilean moons is a popular one. This concept goes by the alluring name of “stellification,” but has a few important drawbacks when prodded with ...
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Concerning Earth plants on an alien world, how much "sunlight" would "too much" and "too little" be compared to our sunlight?

In a binary system of artificially immortal stars, each one orbited by a ring of mirrors, a whole line of Earthlike planets orbits the binary within its habitable zone, from 400 to 800 AUs. While ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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Feasibility of the Ascendia System?

Some of the events in a story I'm thinking of have occur on a planet called Ascendia. Due to the world's backstory, it has several unusual traits. Despite orbiting around a hot (roughly large F/small ...
Starsong67's user avatar
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Could any Earth-based species survive on a supermassive terrestrial planet?

In the far future, a fleet of human settlers arrives in a star system containing an unusual planet; 90 times the mass of Earth, with only 3 times the radius. Rocky planets with similar mass are known ...
Sol Emperor's user avatar
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How big an area can we possibly make habitable on the moon?

This question focuses on an artificial atmosphere on the moon and the achieved amount being the limiting factor for the size of habitats. I got a lot of beef for the suggestion to terraform the whole ...
Backup Plan's user avatar
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Would this setup of a terraformed moon hold up?

[Edits added in italic] BACKGROUND A few thousand years from now the moon has become one of many habitable places in the solar system. Economy, constant growing knowledge and human will made drastic ...
Backup Plan's user avatar
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How much time would it take Mars to cool enough to be habitable by humans after a gigantic planetary impact?

Let's say humankind terraforms Mars aggressively, increasing the planet's mass (and gravity) to Earth-like levels and causes its core to produce a significant magnetosphere. For example, perhaps they ...
João Pedro Bernardo's user avatar
10 votes
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A planet made of trash?

Consider a scenario where there is an over-populated solar system (not necessarily our solar system). Several other rocky planets and moons in this solar system are inhabited by the same humanoid race,...
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