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4 votes
1 answer

No idea where a current should come from

I was designing a continent and I placed it pretty far south of the equator and far from basically everything (just below 20 degrees south) and have now run into an issue with the ocean currents on ...
Blurbles's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Can someone please doublecheck my ocean currents map?

Just looking for another knowledgeable eye to see if they see any glaring errors with my ocean currents. The world is the same size as Earth, rotates the same direction, same prevailing winds, only ...
inspiris's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Can you critique my sea temp map and answer a couple of specific questions?

I'm working on yet another iteration of a world map project. I'd like to ask for some opinions on the sea temperature map I've done: I also have a few specific questions about some areas on the map. ...
EojjN's user avatar
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29 votes
11 answers

Explaining uphill rivers scientifically?

I see this in so many maps. Normally, the water flows downhill because of gravity but here it is the opposite, rivers will go above the hills. When you mention this incoherence, the authors refuse to ...
Vincent's user avatar
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