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Trying to change the default page break numbering format

You provided an answer on the below post, I wanted to ask if this should work on Wordpress posts or pages, Im trying to do something similar for posts but I added your code to functions.php and it ...
Steve's user avatar
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Issues applying JSON body filters in EU F&T Portal SEARCH API with WordPress integration

I am trying to use the SEARCH API service of the EU F&T Portal public REST APIs for retrieving data for further integration with my project, but I am having some problems. I am using WordPress as ...
smelendez's user avatar
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2 answers

Category Attachment Pagination 404 Error on 2nd Page

I'm customizing category.php to display all attachments with a specific category, but when I click on a link for a page besides the first one, I get a 404 error. To reproduce: Install a new Wordpress ...
The-Coder-Who-Knew-Too-Little's user avatar
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Warning: Undefined variable $post_id

Hi can anyone please help. I'm no computer buff and need a step-by-step guide if possible. In getting this error on my product pages: Warning: Undefined variable $post_id in /customers/5/f/d/...
Andy's user avatar
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How to display only the first 2 words of a post title

I am learning WP and want to display only the first two words of a post title to the user. For the end user only the first two words of the Post title (H1 class) should be shown but source should have ...
Prad G's user avatar
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How to get ACF field to show up on all posts on front end?

I have thousands of posts with attached files. These attached files are part of Advanced Custom Fields Pro. However, they are not showing on the front end for the posts. These files are utilizing the ...
user246199's user avatar
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Global update of records after import WP All Import Pro

friends. I have encountered a problem updating records. I am importing vacancies into the WP Job Board Pro plugin via the WP All Import Pro plugin. When importing, I have a field in wp_postmeta ...
Givanni Dev's user avatar
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Display posts based on the selected category when no subcategory is chosen

The following code displays posts based on subcategory. First dropdown is a custom taxonomy category, second dropdown narrows down the search to subcategories associated with selected category. My ...
Sebastian Szydlowski's user avatar
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How to change post date and post time in Wordpress automatically with a function

I am not much of a coder but I have done research lately on how to change the post date and time in WordPress to the current date and time for all posts and I have not been able to get much. If anyone ...
tee's user avatar
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Display two previous posts on single.php

At the bottom of single.php, I want to display "card" links to the next and previous posts in chronological order. This is pretty easy thanks to get_next_post() and get_previous_post, no ...
doofusb0y's user avatar
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Updating post_parent caused the website to become unresponsive for 40 seconds or more

I am building a WordPress plugin the sets the post_parent of a post to the id of a custom post type called series. However, once I click update on the post it successfully updates the post and the ...
Petar Vasilev's user avatar
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is_singular() in mu-plugins not working

I wanted to use mu-plugins to load the plugin only on a page with a single blog post. Unfortunately, the is_singular('post') function is not working properly. So I tried using $post->post_type, but ...
patryk siuta's user avatar
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Bulk data save in custom table

I have a form in admin page that store data in custom table, with multiple checkboxs. On form submit I need to save the checked box id with the store id it's related in a key pair way (store_id => ...
Francis's user avatar
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How to use a conditional statement in a post loop but not count towards the "posts_per_page" if false

I have a WP_Query which has the "posts_per_page" parameter set to 12. I am then using a while loop to iterate over all of the posts and an IF statement to check whether a condition is true ...
Sam's user avatar
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Count the number of matching post names in foreach loop

I have a simple foreach loop that outputs an ordered list from a CPT 'post_subscribers' and an associated meta key called 'project'. $theposts = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => '...
dekkyd's user avatar
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Need Help With Making Full-Width Template for Blog Posts (common methods aren't working)

I've been researching this one for a while and can't seem to find the solution. But, I'd like to have a selectable template that I can use for certain blog posts to make them full-width by not ...
LK.'s user avatar
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transition_post_status hook, works - but not if the post is new

I have no idea whats going wrong. My transition_post_status function works if the post is saved as a draft or another status first, then saved again as the 'transferring' custom post status, which it ...
Yasmine Finbow's user avatar
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How do I get a function to work in single.php

I have a code. add_action( 'init', 'njengah_change_post_date_programmatically'); function njengah_change_post_date_programmatically(){ $time = current_time('mysql'); wp_update_post( array ( ...
Guruh's user avatar
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Set post to draft if matching word is found in the post

Not sure what exactly I'm missing here but I'm trying to set a post to draft if one of the words are detected, it will only publish the post if the user removes the word found within the post. At the ...
Johan Barnard's user avatar
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Disable single posts, but keep archive

I need to completely disable single post pages, but keep the archive. I don't only want to remove the links from the archive, but fully disable the single post pages, so that they cannot be reaced by ...
Madita von Birkenlund's user avatar
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Blog Posts not sorted and pagination not adjusted after filtering some category

Hello im really stuck and messing around now so i thought i give a try and ask the community. Im working on a Blog Post page where im showing some posts. The user have the selection to search for ...
Jaba's user avatar
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Add multiple HTML attributes to an Elementor button

I want to add multiple HTML attributes to a button which is present across all blog posts on my website. The buttons all have links in them, to which I want to add like 3-4 'rel' attribute values. I ...
Kai's user avatar
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WooCommerce: write featured image dimensions to custom fields in product'

It's all in the title. I'm somewhat handy with php, less so with WP hooks and subroutines. When I originally select (or later change) a featured image for a product, I want the pixel dimensions of the ...
Joe Foe's user avatar
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Prevent post from being published and show error

I'm trying to prevent a post from being published if it contains certain words using the folowing: function jhnppWord($content) { global $post; $content = $post->post_content; $...
Johan Barnard's user avatar
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Wp Query : Order by distance lat,lon

I'm new to this forum, sorry in advance :) I have a problem with my display of my posts Let me explain ^^ I want to perform an orderby => '$distance' and display the posts accordingly. $lat2 and $...
codenametest's user avatar
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Pagination in single.php

I have a problem with the pagination on a single.php page. The idea is to have a list of my created posts (the excert, the title and a link to the post) on the post page (single.php) that shares the ...
Adrian's user avatar
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redirect after submiting post for review

I have a frontend page that allows "Tutor Instructor" role, to create a course and this course is a custom type post called courses, when the Tutor Instructor finishes creating the course he ...
KDot's user avatar
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Add posts to custom table in database instead of wp_posts

What the code does: Imports posts, loops through all the posts and calls wp_insert_post to create a new posts for each import. Objective: Import posts and store them in another table, not under the ...
DevSem's user avatar
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Automatically add images to a menu

I am calling a menu into a page, but I want to add images next to the title of the menu items. I have this code: <ol> <?php $navMenu = wp_get_nav_menu_items(2096); /*/Pass Nav Menu_id or ...
vyperlook's user avatar
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Why am I getting a different filename? And how does WordPress load singular.php for both Page & Post? (Fresh WordPress installation)

I installed latest XAMPP & extracted latest WordPress to this path: C:\xampp\htdocs I activated default theme: Active: Twenty Twenty I created these: 1 Page called test: http://localhost:82/...
compliance's user avatar
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Why is a wp function used in current PHP namespace's callback not resolved to global scope?

Imagine the following script: <?php namespace MySpace; class MyClass { public static function execute() { // Do something post_exists(1,'','','my_post_type'); } } ?> I'm now ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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get value from get_post_meta then reuse it in another get_post_meta

I am writing the following code, which I have updated since the original question so as to give the entire picture. I am a newbie, and the reason why I am not using the get_posts() function in ...
luke_mclachlan's user avatar
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Load Posts on Click via Ajax into a DIV

Is it possible to load a specific amount of posts on click into a DIV via ajax? I've found a lot of tutorials, but all of them make use of the load-more- / next-page-functionality of a theme. What I ...
SkyFall's user avatar
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How to catch wordpress post ID when it's published

I am trying to either automatically a forum section when a post is published - like a discussion page. Normally, I wanted to make the users create the topic but I realized a forum category with many ...
Exarillion's user avatar
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understand what code is doing when prepending /blog

I am new to Wordpress and php coding. We are moving from a different container system to wordpress and to keep the links intact I need to prepend /blog to all post articles. I tried it through the ...
Pir's user avatar
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How to show categories and date on posts

I want to categorise posts and show them on my WordPress website. So in order to achieve that I've written a code. My code is below. function wpb_postsbycategory() { // the query $the_query = new ...
Havishka Halangoda's user avatar
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Unreadable pagination

I act according to the Output of posts There is a file blog.php <?php /* Template Name: Myblogpage */ ?> <?php get_header('third'); ?> <!-- Content ==========================...
wfamilyweb's user avatar
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200 Rewrite blog post links

I have an self-hosted website and Wordpress where is my main site and is my Wordpress Blog. I'm building an new website on AWS Amplify with more modern web languages, ...
Leonardo Felix da Silva's user avatar
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Automatically add custom CSS to new posts using a category template

I have inherited the task of modifying a Wordpress site (using a child theme). I'm a designer, not a code or back-end expert. I have been customizing a set of pages on a site to have alternative ...
Matt Buckley's user avatar
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Generating 10 000 Wordpress posts using PHP and avoiding Server Timeout error

I hope someone would be able to help me. I'm currently trying to develop a plugin which is able to generate 10 000 WP posts, each with different number (basically, 10 000 posts which title is a ...
Sam1501's user avatar
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My worpress search page is showing no results

I want to display the publications searched for via searchform.php in the search.php page but it does not work ... The search is done well when I look at the url (ex: New World): http://localhost/?...
Maximus's user avatar
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set post limit at load more ajax wordpress

The site has load more posts functionality using ajax on vanilla javascript. Ajax: postData.append("action", "loadmore"); postData.append("paged", section_posts); ...
s.kuznetsov's user avatar
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If Post Published Date or Modified Date is 1 Year or Older, Display Notice on Post Page

I need a way to inform visitors if the post published date or modified date is older than 1 year and if so, display a message on the post page. I have added an code to my content-single.php file, but ...
Marcus Wood's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the specific content on the search page?

I am working on the WordPress search. I am using the below code to get the data on the search page. $s=get_search_query(); $args = array( 's' =>$s ); $query = ...
Naren Verma's user avatar
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duplicate posts with ajax load more wordpress

I have ajax loading posts on my site when scrolling. The problem lies in the appearance of duplicate posts. I cannot understand why this is happening. Only some posts have duplicates. Here is my code ...
s.kuznetsov's user avatar
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Returning data instead of echoing/printing

New to WordPress (and PHP) and am trying to get this PHP snippet to work with the Code Snippets plugin so I can display all media attachments within my post. It is working, in that it shows the ...
Mason's user avatar
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Filter wordpress posts without searching the keywords in the post content

We've a courses website where we want to filter posts/courses by the keywords present in the category and/or title. Currently when filtering, the keyword is also being searched in the post content ...
DavidG's user avatar
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Why is my custom post content only viewable when signed into Wordpress?

I've created a custom Post type called 'Data' to display content on a Wordpress site. The content works and is displayed if viewed when signed into Wordpress. Howevever, if you view the same URL when ...
Tom's user avatar
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Posts sortable column not sorting properly for custom field numbers

I have a custom field for view counts that are stored as numbers. I added a Views column, and made it sortable, but they are not sorting properly. The results when I click on the Views column are ...
Michael's user avatar
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Build A Custom SQL Query for WordPress Search

I was working on a code, where I used SQL to find something on my site. I realised that the SQL was giving me far accurate search results, and wanted to implement the same in my WordPress search query....
Aditya Agarwal's user avatar

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