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Welcome to the Mozilla wiki page on the HTML <input> element. Please feel free to contribute new test pages or new sections. -- Tantek

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input element test pages

General input element test pages:

specific attributes and types

Smaller more atomic tests for specific input element attributes and types.



type - datetime values

type year

proposed on WHATWG wiki and 2010-08-08 mailing list

type month

type week

type date

type datetime

type datetime-local

type time

type month-day

proposed on WHATWG wiki and 2010-08-08 mailing list

type - identifier related values

type email

type tel

Implementation notes:

  • Browser should allow spaces, punctuation in general. Postel's law and all that for user-entry.
  • If a tel is entered both with an international dialing code and with a "(0)" in the middle, that should be ignored when making/producing a canonical (e.g. UK numbers that have a (0) in the middle for "local" dialing).

type url

Implementation notes:

  • Browser should allow user to type in a URL without "http://" and then simply imply it as the default protocol.

type - new simple type values

type color

type number

type range

type - new special text values

type search

see also