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The Persian Caravanserai

The Persian Caravanserai
Caravanserais were roadside inns, providing shelter, food and water for caravans, pilgrims and other travellers. The routes and the locations of the caravanserais were determined by the presence of water, geographical conditions and security concerns. The fifty-four caravanserais of the property are only a small percentage of the numerous caravanserais built along the ancient roads of Iran. They are considered to be the most influential and valuable examples of the caravanserais of Iran, revealing a wide range of architectural styles, adaptation to climatic conditions, and construction materials, spread across thousands of kilometres and built over many centuries. Together, they showcase the evolution and network of caravanserais in Iran, in different historical stages.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Le caravansérail persan
Les caravansérails étaient des relais situés au bord des routes offrant un abri, de la nourriture et de l’eau aux caravanes, aux pèlerins et aux autres voyageurs. Les routes et les emplacements des caravansérails étaient déterminés par la présence de ressources en eau, les caractéristiques géographiques et les questions de sécurité. Les cinquante-quatre caravansérails de ce bien ne représentent qu’un petit nombre des nombreux caravansérails construits sur les anciennes routes d’Iran. Ils sont considérés comme les exemples les plus influents et opulents d’Iran, présentant un large éventail de styles architecturaux, de modes, d’adaptation aux conditions climatiques et de matériaux de construction, répartis sur des milliers de kilomètres et construits sur plusieurs siècles. Ensemble, ils illustrent l’évolution et le réseau des caravansérails en Iran à différentes périodes de l’histoire.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

الخانات الفارسية
الخانات هي نُزل على جانب الطريق تقدِّم المأوى والطعام والمياه للقوافل والحجاج وسائر المسافرين. وكانت تُحدَّد الطرق والمواقع التي تقام فيها الخانات تبعاً لتوافر المياه والظروف الجغرافية والشواغل الأمنية. وتمثل الخانات الستة والخمسون التي يشملها هذا العنصر نسبة مئوية صغيرة مقارنة بالخانات العديدة المبنية على الطرق القديمة في إيران، وهي تعتبر الأكثر تأثيراً والأعلى قيمة من بين الخانات في إيران، واستخدم فيها طيف واسع من الأنماط المعمارية وأساليب التأقلم مع الظروف المناخية ومواد البناء، وهي تنتشر على آلاف الكيلومترات وقد بُنيت على مرِّ العديد من القرون. وتمثل هذه الخانات مجتمعة شبكة الخانات في إيران وتطورها خلال مراحل تاريخية مختلفة.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Персидский Караван-сарай
Караван-сараи представляли собой постоялые дворы вдоль дорог, предоставлявшие кров, пищу и воду караванам, паломникам и другим путешественникам. Маршруты и места расположения караван-сараев определялись наличием воды, географическими условиями и соображениями безопасности. Пятьдесят четыре караван-сараев, входящих в состав объекта, составляют лишь небольшую часть многочисленных караван-сараев, построенных вдоль древних дорог Ирана. Они считаются наиболее влиятельными и ценными образцами караван-сараев Ирана, демонстрирующими широкий спектр архитектурных стилей, адаптации к климатическим условиям и строительным материалам, разбросанных на тысячи километров и построенных на протяжении многих веков. В совокупности они демонстрируют эволюцию и сеть караван-сараев в Иране на разных исторических этапах.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

El caravasar persa
Los caravasares eran posadas situadas al borde de los caminos que ofrecían albergue, comida y agua a caravanas, peregrinos y otros viajeros. Las rutas y la ubicación de los caravasares estaban determinadas por la presencia de agua, las condiciones geográficas y la seguridad. Los cincuenta y cuatro caravasares del sitio son solo un pequeño porcentaje de los numerosos caravasares construidos a lo largo de las antiguas carreteras de Irán. Se consideran los ejemplos más representativos y valiosos de los caravasares iraníes, ya que revelan una amplia gama de estilos arquitectónicos, adaptación a las condiciones climáticas y materiales de construcción, repartidos a lo largo de miles de kilómetros y construidos durante muchos siglos. En conjunto, muestran la evolución y la red de caravasares de Irán, en diferentes etapas históricas.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Caravanserais were roadside inns located along ancient trade and pilgrimage routes, providing shelter, food, and water for caravans, pilgrims and other travellers. The serial property comprises fifty-four caravanserais considered to be the most famous, influential, and valuable examples of this type of building in Iran. Together, they showcase the evolution and diversity of caravanserais in Iran, in different historical stages. They exemplify a wide range of architectural styles, adaptation to climatic conditions (especially desert areas) and use of construction materials.

The development and evolution of the property from the Achaemenid period (559-330 BC) to the Qajar period (1794-1925) shows the stability and importance of the caravanserais in Iranian history. The Persian Caravanserai bears testimony to travel traditions before the industrial age and the development of modern roads and railways. In addition to offering multiple services to travellers, caravanserais also had a social function as they were places where people from different ethnicities, languages and religions gathered, albeit for short periods of time. For centuries, they contributed to the exchange of human values, ideas, and knowledge.

Criterion (ii): The fifty-four component parts of the Persian Caravanserai serial property reflect the diversity and variety of caravanserais built along the ancient roads of Iran for over two millennia. Caravanserais were the meeting point for travellers, merchants, and many other people from different cultures, facilitating the exchange of human values.

Criterion (iii): The Persian Caravanserai bears testimony to the continuity of the Persian tradition of building caravanserais from the 5th century BC to the early years of the 20th century. The network of caravanserais and its related infrastructures in different time periods were of significant importance for the expansion of trading among different areas of the known world as well as the growth of economic and cultural interactions among various peoples.


The fifty-four caravanserais are spread over a wide network of historical roads, across thousands of kilometres, and in very different climate and geographical locations. Some of the component parts constitute archaeological sites whereas others retain their original function as temporary accommodation and resting places for travellers.

The conditions of integrity of the Persian Caravanserai are met as the state of conservation of most component parts is adequate, however regular maintenance and conservation works are needed, particular for caravanserais currently not in use and exposed to the effects of weathering in harsh climatic conditions. Ancillary buildings located outside of the caravanserais but important for their functioning – such as water cisterns, tombs and kilns – contribute to the integrity of the property, must be equally conserved and would benefit to be included in the boundaries of the property along with the immediate setting of these caravanserais.

The location and setting of each caravanserai were determinant for its architectural design, for example in response to climatic conditions, availability of water or defence needs. Controlling development in their immediate setting is therefore a continued priority for the conservation and management of the property.


The Persian Caravanserai meets the conditions of authenticity in terms of form and design, materials and substance and location and setting. Some of the caravanserais still keep their historical function as resting places for pilgrims and traders. Other have been adapted to new functions and have had different degrees of alterations made to their form and design, which overall have not compromised their authenticity. The caravanserais that are preserved as archaeological sites enjoy higher degrees of authenticity.

Past reconstructions and interventions in some of the caravanserais were not based on complete and detailed documentation but were undertaken using traditional materials and building techniques, making it difficult to distinguish between old and new fabric.

Recent and ongoing conservation interventions follow good conservation practices with regards to differentiating new materials and substance from original ones (mostly stone and bricks), following traditional building methods as well as relying on trusted documentation.

Protection and management requirements

All component parts of The Persian Caravanserai property have been inscribed on the National Cultural Heritage List and are protected by different legislative instruments. Buffer zones are subject to regulations that prohibit any damaging or disturbing activity such as polluting industrial activities or garbage accumulation. By law, the Iranian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts (IMCHTH) is the responsible authority for the conservation of all artistic, historical and cultural monuments and sites within the country. For the purpose of managing the property, the IMCHTH has established the Persian Caravanserai Cultural Heritage Base, under the Deputy of Cultural Heritage.

The work of the Persian Caravanserai Base is supported by two committees: the Technical Committee and the Steering Committee – and by local technical offices. The Technical Committee is a consultant committee which provides advice on technical details such as interventions or use of materials. It consists of experienced specialists from various fields including restoration and conservation, tourism, handicrafts, anthropology, archaeology, road engineering, and architecture. The Steering Committee is composed of representatives of different institutions involved in the management of the property.

All caravanserais included in the property have individual restoration plans. In addition, caravanserais located within cities and villages are taken into consideration in urban and rural master plans. The provisions included in those plans in relation to the caravanserais and their buffer zones must be approved by the IMCHTH. Local communities are involved in the management of the caravanserais that are located in cities or within the vicinity of villages.

Strengthening the management plan for the property as a whole to include clear management objectives, details on the governance arrangements, information on the coordination of the actions of the different actors, a clear definition of the decision-making processes, the inclusion of disaster risk-preparedness, and a comprehensive interpretation and tourism strategies would enhance the conservation and management of the property.
