Marco Bocchese
Marco Bocchese, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Webster Vienna Private University (WVPU: 2021-present), former Visiting Assistant Professor of International Law and International Relations at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC: 2018-2021). Ph.D. Northwestern University (2018); LL.M. Northwestern University (2010); J.D. University of Verona, Italy (2007).
Supervisors: William Reno
Supervisors: William Reno
Papers by Marco Bocchese
The course will start with an introduction to the international legal order, including a presentation of the specificities of international law as compared to domestic law. It will then focus on core areas of public international law which involve the following questions: Who are the actors in the international legal system and to whom does international law apply? How is international law created and where can it be found? What are the fundamental principles of public international law, besides the multitude of international rules, with a special focus on one of them, namely the prohibition of the use of force? Finally, in case of breaches of international rules, how does international law react to such breaches?
The question is why?
The most likely answer is that they do so for political gain...