Papers by Kiyohiko Hasebe
Nihon no kyoikushigaku, 2008
Bu makalenin amaci, Tanzimât doneminde Osmanli hukumeti tarafindan Hiristiyan tebaaya yonelik pla... more Bu makalenin amaci, Tanzimât doneminde Osmanli hukumeti tarafindan Hiristiyan tebaaya yonelik planlanan bir egitim politikasi olarak Funun Mektebi girisimini mutalaa etmektir. Bu deneme gerceklesmemis olasa da, boyle bir girisim hukumetin Osmanli Hiristiyanlarina karsi varolan egitim politikasi hakkinda fikir verebilmektedir. Funun Mektebi, “saltanat-i seniyye ‘aleyhine bir takim uygunsuz seyler”den Hiristiyan cocuklari uzak tutmak icin planlanmistir. O zamanki Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nun ic ve dis haline gore “uygunsuz seyler”, radikal milliyetcilik veya liberalizm olarak yorumlanabilir. Ayrica bu calismada her ikisi de Meclis-i Ma‘ârif-i Muvakkat tarafindan olusturulan Funun Mektebi ve Dâru’l-funun’un iliskisi de incelenmistir. Arastirmamiza gore Dâru’l-funun, Funun Mektebi’nin plani akilda tutularak planlanmisa benzemektedir; cunku her ikisinin egitimsel icerigi, seviyesi, amaci ve ismi hemen hemen musterek olmustur
The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 2018
The enactment of the Regulations of Public Education law in 1869 ushered in a new era in Ottoman ... more The enactment of the Regulations of Public Education law in 1869 ushered in a new era in Ottoman educational history. It was a composite of ideas borrowed from several previous educational reforms, and served as a basis for subsequent reforms. But the participants that drafted this legislation have been misreported for nearly ninety years, dating back to a study by Kansu. This paper will correct that misreporting based on the meeting minutes from the Council of State’s Department of Education, which drafted the law. The findings reveal some interesting participants, including representatives from non-Muslim communities, two ulamas who were previously said to not have participated, members who supported and implemented educational reforms in the Danube Vilayet, and persons familiar with the educational systems of France and Prussia.
The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 2013
This paper examines the attempt at educational politics by the Ottoman
Empire during the Tanzimat... more This paper examines the attempt at educational politics by the Ottoman
Empire during the Tanzimat period through a plan that aimed to establish
the Fünûn Mektebi (School of Sciences) which aimed at educating only Christian
students. Although this plan was never carried out, I would like to clarify the Ottoman
politics toward Christians through such a plan. The Fünûn Mektebi sought to
keep Christian students from studying “a set of unsuitable things against the Ottoman
government” and for the Ottoman government to prevent such study indirectly.
It should be pointed out that “unsuitable things” referred to radical nationalism or liberation, in consideration of domestic and international conditions. I would like to discuss the relation between the Fünûn Mektebi and Dârü’l-fünûn, because both were planned by the Temporary Council of Education. I conclude that Dârü’l-fünûn was planned with the Fünûn Mektebi in mind, because the educational contents, standards, objectives, and names of both had much in common.
Papers by Kiyohiko Hasebe
Empire during the Tanzimat period through a plan that aimed to establish
the Fünûn Mektebi (School of Sciences) which aimed at educating only Christian
students. Although this plan was never carried out, I would like to clarify the Ottoman
politics toward Christians through such a plan. The Fünûn Mektebi sought to
keep Christian students from studying “a set of unsuitable things against the Ottoman
government” and for the Ottoman government to prevent such study indirectly.
It should be pointed out that “unsuitable things” referred to radical nationalism or liberation, in consideration of domestic and international conditions. I would like to discuss the relation between the Fünûn Mektebi and Dârü’l-fünûn, because both were planned by the Temporary Council of Education. I conclude that Dârü’l-fünûn was planned with the Fünûn Mektebi in mind, because the educational contents, standards, objectives, and names of both had much in common.
Empire during the Tanzimat period through a plan that aimed to establish
the Fünûn Mektebi (School of Sciences) which aimed at educating only Christian
students. Although this plan was never carried out, I would like to clarify the Ottoman
politics toward Christians through such a plan. The Fünûn Mektebi sought to
keep Christian students from studying “a set of unsuitable things against the Ottoman
government” and for the Ottoman government to prevent such study indirectly.
It should be pointed out that “unsuitable things” referred to radical nationalism or liberation, in consideration of domestic and international conditions. I would like to discuss the relation between the Fünûn Mektebi and Dârü’l-fünûn, because both were planned by the Temporary Council of Education. I conclude that Dârü’l-fünûn was planned with the Fünûn Mektebi in mind, because the educational contents, standards, objectives, and names of both had much in common.