Simple tool for creating paths for game objects. Yes, you can do this in Tiled, but I needed a tool that I could use for when creating maps at run time. So, there is no level to load. This just saves as a JSON string ... the real magic is in loading. When I have an example class, I'll upload that too: as an extra download...

You could use Tiled, export the map as an image, load the image and then make paths.
Currently, I am doing a v-shooter and just wanted paths for enemies to follow.

Although the image path is saved in the JSON, my loader can't autoload the image. It is a JS limitation.... your image would need to be embeded with the app on itch,io :) Of course, you could always do a right-click, view source, select all, copy, and paste into a new text file.... now you have your own copy that you can run locally .... I placed everything all in one page just for that reason. :)

The grid layout is 16x16 pixels... 16 per line.


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