Papers by Mariola Marczak
Media, Kultura, Komunikacja Społeczna, Jul 2, 2024
Pleograf Historyczno-Filmowy Kwartalnik Filmoteki Narodowej, Dec 31, 2022
Studia Filmoznawcze, 2010
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2018
The author analyses audiovisual productions from recent years referring to hagiographic narrative... more The author analyses audiovisual productions from recent years referring to hagiographic narrative structures, with a main focus on the construction of characters typical of literary and film hagiographies. The presented study shows that hagiographic structures infiltrated film narratives about soldiers of the Polish underground fighting for independence after World War II and fulfil communicative functions analogous to their literary versions. The undertaken research leads to the conclusion that what dominates are persuasive functions aimed at shaping patriotic attitudes and promoting values which influenced the characters modelled on historical figures of the so-called indomitable soldiers (or "cursed soldiers") who opposed the communist power in Poland.
Studia Filmoznawcze, Jul 17, 2018
Lustra i echa. Filmowe adaptacje dzieł Williama Shakespeare'a-monografia pod redakcją Olgi Katafi... more Lustra i echa. Filmowe adaptacje dzieł Williama Shakespeare'a-monografia pod redakcją Olgi Katafiasz, wydana w serii "Literatura na Ekranie" redagowanej przez Alicję Helman, znacząco wzbogaca obfity już dorobek piśmienniczy poświęcony problematyce anonsowanej tytułem serii. Koncepcja tomu, jak również jej indywidualne, autorskie realizacje przekraczają granice definicyjne adaptacji jako transformacji, polegającej na dostosowaniu dzieła do potrzeb nowego medium oraz odmiennego kręgu odbiorców 1. W polskim piśmiennictwie filmoznawczym z perspektywy teoretycznej temat ten podejmowali przede wszystkim Maryla Hopfinger, która rozpowszechniła u nas rozumienie adaptacji jako przekładu intersemiotycznego 2 , Alicja Helman oraz Marek Hendrykowski. Ten ostatni jest także autorem naj
Studia Filmoznawcze, Oct 29, 2014
Journal of Religion and Film, 2018
In the paper the Polish contemporary cinema has been explored as a vehicle through which films ca... more In the paper the Polish contemporary cinema has been explored as a vehicle through which films can reflect and communicate social issues, such as religiosity of Polish society, the character of it, the ways of expression and values promoted by it. The main components of modern Polish religiosity are shown as they are exhibited in film works perceived as part of modern visual culture. The examination also comprises most frequently and typically tools used for communicating or revealing the transcendent sphere in the contemporary Polish films, such as Christ-figures-including apocryphal ones and parables. They are considered as a narrative patterns used in visual artistic communication.
Media, Kultura, Komunikacja Społeczna, Jan 4, 2021
The Polish Review, Oct 1, 2012
Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 2016
Media – Kultura – Komunikacja Społeczna, 2012
Słow a kluczow e: W arm ia, M azury, tożsam ość kulturow a, w izerunek, Ziem ie O dzyska ne, m od... more Słow a kluczow e: W arm ia, M azury, tożsam ość kulturow a, w izerunek, Ziem ie O dzyska ne, m odele przedstaw iania, natura, prow incja K ey w ords: W arm ia, M azury, cultural identity, im age, "th e Regained L an d s", patterns of representations, nature, the provinces
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 2021
The article comprises a study of the creative work of the Polish director Radosław Piwowarski, re... more The article comprises a study of the creative work of the Polish director Radosław Piwowarski, represented by his most characteristic films. The author points out the merger of stylized realism and of the nostalgic (or to be more precise – the realism stylized by means of nostalgia) as constitutive for the film style of this film artist. As a result of film analyses, the narrative structures of Piwowarski’s films appear to be memory structures, as they re-create the reality remembered by the filmmaker, who usually chooses the topos of a trip down memory lane to express his personal and subjective point of view. The film’s story becomes the image of the subjective reality, since it is a product of personal memory, consciousness and imagination. Piwowarski refers to the motif of the Valley of Childhood and Youth, vivid and active in the Polish literature and cinema, as an universum closed up in the past and lost forever, which, however, is accessible through the activity of recalling....
Studia Filmoznawcze, 2018
FILM READING OF SHAKESPEARE. ADAPTATION AS INTERPRETATIONThe text is a review of a book entitled ... more FILM READING OF SHAKESPEARE. ADAPTATION AS INTERPRETATIONThe text is a review of a book entitled Lustra i echa. Filmowe adaptacje dzieł Williama Shakespeare’a Mirrors and Echoes. Film Adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Works edited by Olga Katafiasz. The monograph is a compilation of studies and essays prepared by filmologists, theatre studies and culture studies scholars referring to various film adaptations of William Shakespeare’s works. At the beginning the reviewer reminds film theories concerning film adaptation and the output of filmology on the topic of film adaptations of Shakespeare’s works. The author situates the book in view within the map of past and update researches of both types and evaluates their quality as a part of them. She underlines that the variety of points of view and research approaches to Shakespeare himself and to his oeuvre in Olga Katafiasz’s elaboration highlight the distinctive place of Shakespeare in nowadays culture, including pop-culture. Moreov...
Studia Filmoznawcze, 2019
The polish film hagiography as a form of communicating faith. Communicative function of genre str... more The polish film hagiography as a form of communicating faith. Communicative function of genre structures of contemporary polish film hagiographyThis article is divided in three sections. In the first one the author tries to investigate definitions of film hagiography functioning in the Polish film study writings. The basic research leads her to believe that this is the phenomenon hardly recognized theoretically, although in The World Encyclopedia of Religious Film eds. M. Lis, A. Garbicz there are many specific examples of film hagiographies, mentioned and characterized. The second part of the text is filled out with analyses of concrete film works. The Author concentrates in her procedure on communicative functions of the characteristic structures and genre conventions of these films. She points out that the majority of film hagiographies, especially those produced by independent producers, overtly continues the model of literary hagiographies known as the Gesta Sanctorum. They dev...
Studia Filmoznawcze, 2012
Studia Religiologica, 2018
The author analyses audiovisual productions from recent years referring to hagiographic narrative... more The author analyses audiovisual productions from recent years referring to hagiographic narrative structures, with a main focus on the construction of characters typical of literary and film hagiographies. The presented study shows that hagiographic structures infiltrated film narratives about soldiers of the Polish underground fighting for independence after World War II and fulfil communicative functions analogous to their literary versions. The undertaken research leads to the conclusion that what dominates are persuasive functions aimed at shaping patriotic attitudes and promoting values which influenced the characters modelled on historical figures of the so-called indomitable soldiers (or "cursed soldiers") who opposed the communist power in Poland.
Papers by Mariola Marczak