University of West Florida
Environmental Studies
DDTs were sprayed extensively in Belize to combat malaria but widespread use ceased after 1997. To determine if DDTs still persist in Belize's soils, 23 composite soil samples were collected from each of the two towns of Dangriga and... more
Previous studies have shown that natural disasters, and hurricanes in particular, have led to more deaths than those usually documented in short post-storm surveys. Such indirect deaths, thought to be related to dietary, stress or... more
Quasi-permanent rip current hot spots at Pensacola Beach, Florida, pose a significant hazard to beach users, largely because the hot spots are located at or close to the primary access points. While an increase in the number of lifeguards... more
Previous studies have shown that natural disasters , and hurricanes in particular, have led to more deaths than those usually documented in short post-storm surveys. Such indirect deaths, thought to be related to dietary, stress or... more
The north coast of the Mexican state of Yucatán, centered on the port of Progreso, has been substantially altered by humans over the past century or so. The barrier-lagoon complex, naturally fronted by long straight beaches, has been... more
The north coast of Yucatán has been a destination for domestic tourists for over a century. Since 1945, recreational development has created a 20-km summer-home strip centred upon the port of Progreso. In response to port and harbour... more