Papers by Irena Bieńkowska

Muzyka, 2023
Filozof zmieniony (A Philosopher Transformed) is a comic opera with educational elements, one of ... more Filozof zmieniony (A Philosopher Transformed) is a comic opera with educational elements, one of the first Polish-language works in this genre, staged in the carnival of 1771 in Słonim (now Slonim, Belarus) at the court theatre of Michał Kazimierz Ogiński. At present we only have its libretto, anonymously published in Vilnius in 1771 and again in 1779. All the twelve individual parts are sung. The libretto is preceded by a didactic preface and features two themes: a lyrical (amorous) and a satirical (humorous) one. The latter is reflected in character presentation, enhanced by the fact that most of them have telling surnames. Possibly inspired by Molière’s comedies, Ogiński also introduced realistic and satirical elements into the text. The opera comprises a total of sixteen sung numbers (nine in Act I, seven in Act II), including ten arias (one preceded by a recitativo), three duets, a trio, a sextet, and the final chorus. The opera contains two songs not previously identified by musicologists, which come from Ogiński’s 1770 collection of songs. These two, ‘Anetka’ (‘Anette’) and ‘O Filozofii’ (‘On Philosophy’) are used respectively in Scenes I and VI of Act II. The melody of the former song was also printed as an ‘Aria’ in an 1806 violin handbook, which shows that Ogiński’s opera enjoyed some popularity. The handbook quotes (mostly without giving the names of composers) melodies belonging to the late eighteenth-century repertoire. These include pieces by Ignaz Pleyel and excerpts from operas staged in Warsaw, such as Jan Stefani’s Cud mniemany, czyli Krakowiacy i Górale (The Supposed Miracle or Cracovians and Highlanders) and the extremely popular Zośka, czyli Wiejskie zaloty (Zoska, or the Village Amours) by
Maciej Kamieński.
Moda na czynne uprawianie muzyki przez osoby szlachetnie urodzone dotarła do Rzeczpospolitej w po... more Moda na czynne uprawianie muzyki przez osoby szlachetnie urodzone dotarła do Rzeczpospolitej w połowie XVIII wieku. Przykład płynął z warszawskiego dworu królewskiego 1 , a także z licznych ośrodków europejskich 2. Nie można wykluczyć, że na wzmożone edukowanie muzyczne w okresie stanisławowskim miał wpływ słynny traktat pedagogiczny J.-J. Rousseau (1712-78) z 1762 r., Émile, ou De l'éducation, który wywołał skandal, ale i zyskał natychmiastową sławę, będąc w następnych latach inspiracją w zakresie szkolnictwa 3. Autor podkreślał konieczność rozwijania wrażliwości muzycznej dzieci od najmłodszych lat 4. W Rzeczpospolitej kształcenie muzyczne młodzieży widziano nieco inaczej, w zależności od płci. W zachowanych instrukcjach

This article represents the very fi rst attempt at reconstructing musical life in Slutsk (Pol. Sl... more This article represents the very fi rst attempt at reconstructing musical life in Slutsk (Pol. Sluck) during the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, and it merely outlines the issues involved. Slutsk was a typical private town – a multicultural centre inhabited by Jews, Orthodox Ruthenians, Lithuanians and Poles of the Protestant and Roman-Catholic faiths. Among the representatives of the Roman-Catholic faith, the Jesuits were the main animators of the town’s cultural and educational life, alongside the court of Prince Hieronim Florian Radziwill. A medium-sized music boarding school attached to the Jesuit College in Slutsk existed from around 1713. Musical instruments were purchased for the school quite regularly, often in faraway Koenigsberg. The contacts between the boarding school and the prince’s court were relatively frequent and good, and some school-leavers found jobs at the court, chiefl y in the garrison or janissary band, and sporadically also in Prince Radziwill’s musi...
Previously Unknown Sources for Johann Philipp Kirnberger’s Flute Sonatas Found in the Former Rzewuski Music Collection from PODHORCE (Pidhirtsi), 2021
The music-related sources kept at Tarnów Municipal Library (Department of Early Prints and Ninete... more The music-related sources kept at Tarnów Municipal Library (Department of Early Prints and Nineteenth-Century Books) include manuscripts (PL-TAb 44, PL-TAb 45) which once belonged to the music collection of Wacław Rzewuski’s court ensemble in Podhorce (Pidhirtsi in Ukrainian). These manuscripts contain anonymously entered sonatas for flute and basso continuo, one of which has been recognised as the Sonata in E flat minor by Johann Philipp Kirnberger, previously only known from a Berlin copy. On the basis of comparative analysis with other extant sources, the Sonata in F sharp major found in the same manuscripts can also be attributed to Kirnberger.

More on the Music of Giuseppe Torti (before 1752– after 1780), „Musicology Today” , vol. 17, p. 34-44, 2021
Very little is known about Giuseppe Torti's life. Associated with Milan, he was active in 1752–17... more Very little is known about Giuseppe Torti's life. Associated with Milan, he was active in 1752–1780. He made several long journeys, including to the Lithuanian court of H. F. Radziwiłł. I have recently discovered three new works by this composer, which means that his known and surviving output now consists of 12 compositions: 9 instrumental pieces, cantatas, and an aria, to which one should add one opera libretto and information about two operas. In Poland, Torti composed at least two (now lost) operas, staged at H. F. Radziwiłł's court theatre. His earlier works, such as Concerto in G Major (GroF826), Trio in G Major dedicated to Charles Davers, and the aria Attenda il core dal caro bene may also have belonged to the ducal court's repertoire. The cantata Armata sum in campo was most likely composed in Lithuania.
A notable aspect of Torti's preserved output are the numerous arrangements of his works, which suggests that his music was constantly in circulation, adapted and rewritten for the needs of a given place, in accordance with the audience's tastes. This indirectly confirms that his oeuvre earned the audience's acclaim. The geographic distribution of his compositions in European music centres is impressive indeed, from Edinburgh to Slutsk and from Stockholm to Palermo. This wide distribution testifies to Torti's love of travelling, but also to the popularity of his music.
Osiemnastowieczna twórczość instrumentalna z dawnej kolekcji muzykaliów w Podhorcach, 2019

The Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica in Bologna (no. H.66) has
in its collections ... more The Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica in Bologna (no. H.66) has
in its collections letters sent by court musicians employed by Stanisław
Mateusz Rzewuski (1662–1728), Grand Hetman of the Crown, to the former
kapellmeister G.A. Ricieri. Thanks to this correspondence we know that a 13-strong
vocal ensemble was active at the hetman’s court in 1728. The surviving names of
Italian and Polish musicians include those of Camila Pola, Giovanna Graziola,
Janina Więckowska, male soprano Stefan Jaroszewicz, male contraltos Kazimierz
Drewnowski and Bartolomeo Straparapa, bass Marcin Paprocki and court oboist
Pompeo Perini. The letters also mention the repertoire performed at Rzewuski’s
court in Lvov in 1727–1728, namely operas by the previous kapellmeister, G.A.
Ricieri — L’inganno punito and L’Imeneo preteso — as well as compositions by the
then leader of the ensemble, G.M. Nelvi — dramma per musica L’amor nato tra
l’ombre, cantata Le ninfe sdegnate, church concertos for bass, including Summi cives,
and litanies.

The Wawel Division of the State Archive in Cracow is in possession of materials from the court of... more The Wawel Division of the State Archive in Cracow is in possession of materials from the court of the Sanguszko family, including an inventory of music once belonging to the Prince’s court, dating from the second half of the eighteenth century. The musical documents occupy just a few sheets in a volume of almost 500 pages in folio format. The volume contains a wide range of documents, mainly speeches, letters and poems, most of which were part of the collection of Barbara Sanguszkowa, née Dunin (1718–91). The inventory discussed here occupies fols. 161–165. It is neither dated nor annotated with the name of the collection’s owner. The inventory is divided into five parts – symphonies, concertos, arias, divertimenti and compositions for clarinet – and contains a total of 140 compositions. Every work in the list was provided with a musical incipit. Among the seventy-three symphonies in the list, we find works by composers representing both the Mannheim School and early Viennese style.

Mecenat muzyczny Radziwiłłów w XVIII wieku – od Karola Stanisława do Karola Stanisława " Panie Ko... more Mecenat muzyczny Radziwiłłów w XVIII wieku – od Karola Stanisława do Karola Stanisława " Panie Kochanku " Radziwiłła Zarys treści Wspieranie przez Radziwiłłów muzyki i teatru zasługuje na uwagę ze względu na nowatorskość rozwiązań i niezły poziom artystyczny produkcji muzycznych. Książęta stworzyli w swoich rezyden-cjach prężne ośrodki kulturowe, które wiodły prym, jeśli chodzi o teatr dworski. W połowie XVIII w. były to dwory, na których najwcześniej powstały sceny teatralne, tu też pojawiły się pierwsze wolno stojące budynki teatralne (Słuck, Biała), a na dworze Karola Stanisława " Panie Kochanku " zaprezen-towano jedną z pierwszych polskich oper (1784). W Słucku ponadto wykształcono pierwszą zawo-dową grupę baletową składającą się wyłącznie z polskich tancerzy (1756). Warto także odnotować, że książęta zgromadzili w swoich pałacach dość dobre i nowoczesne na tamte czasy instrumenty muzyczne. W działaniach książąt widać znaczną dbałość o pozyskanie dobrych i bardzo dobrych wykonawców, chociaż nie zauważono starań o zatrudnienie światowej sławy kompozytorów. Po negatywnej stronie mecenatu radziwiłłowskiego należy odnotować nieznaczne wspieranie kariery artystycznej muzyków, śpiewaków czy tancerzy, a także brak dążeń do stworzenia eksklu-zywnej kolekcji muzycznej, która mogłaby zaświadczyć o dobrym smaku muzycznym jej właścicieli. Jednej z najpotężniejszych familii Rzeczypospolitej nie udało się powołać do życia ośrodków muzyczno-teatralnych na miarę swojej wielkości i królewskich ambicji. Mając możliwości finan-sowe i umiłowanie sztuki dźwięków, Radziwiłłowie stworzyli co prawda istotne ośrodki kulturalne kraju, ale daleko im było do ambitnych przedsięwzięć europejskich. Warto jednak odnotować cią-głość mecenasowskich poczynań Radziwiłłów, bo podobnych przykładów w XVIII-wiecznej Rze-czypospolitej nie było wiele. Bardzo ciekawe i porównywalnej skali przedsięwzięcia artystyczne na dworach J.K. Branickiego, M.K. Ogińskiego czy A. Tyzenhauza nie miały kontynuatorów, natomiast ciągłość mecenatu muzycznego, który można zauważyć np. na dworze Rzewuskich, Lubomirskich czy Sapiehów, nie była tej skali co poczynania radziwiłłowskie. Słowa klucze: Radziwiłłowie, XVIII wiek, mecenat muzyczny
![Research paper thumbnail of Przedstawienia teatralno-muzyczne na dworach magnaterii litewskiej w połowie XVIII w. [Theatrical and musical performances at the courts of the Lithuanian nobility in the middle of the eighteenth century], “Barok. Historia-Literatura-Sztuka”, XVI / 2 (32) 2009, p. 143-156](
P rzedstawienia teatralno--muzyczne na dworach magnaterii litewskiej w połowie XVIII wieku Magnac... more P rzedstawienia teatralno--muzyczne na dworach magnaterii litewskiej w połowie XVIII wieku Magnaci litewscy, posiadacze jednych z najliczniejszych w Rzeczypospolitej dóbr i majątków, znacznej władzy politycznej i przywilejów, niekiedy własnego wojska, prowadzili w swoich latyfundiach życie prawdziwie królewskie. Dotyczy to w głównej mierze familii radziwiłłowskiej, posiadającej rozległe dobra na Litwie, ale także innych rodzin magnackich, w dużym stopniu skoligaconych z Radziwiłłami i między sobą: Sapiehów, Branickich, Czartoryskich, Poniatowskich, Ogińskich i innych. Znaczne majątki umożliwiały, a pozycja społeczna wymuszała prowadzenie życia wystawnego, porównywanie się i prześciganie w przepychu organizowanych uroczystości. Istotnym elementem owej wystawności była niewątpliwie oprawa muzyczna zarówno życia codziennego (poranne koncerty kapel janczarskich, polowania, obiady, kolacje, tańce, itp.), jak i uświetniania uroczystości kościelnych i rodzinnych (urodzin, imienin, wesel, pogrzebów, a także dat i rocznic przedstawicieli rodziny królewskiej i carskiej, wjazdy do prywatnych miast, powroty z wypraw itp). Wzorem do naśladowania były przede wszystkim dwory królewskie w Dreźnie i Warszawie, a także cesarski dwór w Wiedniu i carski w Sankt-Petersburgu.
Przebogate niegdyś zbiory prywatnej kolekcji książkowej Radziwiłłów z Nieświeża znane są obecnie ... more Przebogate niegdyś zbiory prywatnej kolekcji książkowej Radziwiłłów z Nieświeża znane są obecnie dzięki kilku zachowanym inwentarzom, które zawierają informacje także o zbiorach muzycznych książnicy. W dziale muzycznym biblioteki gromadzono przeważnie pozycje będące w użyciu przez kolejnych przedstawicieli radziwiłłowskiego rodupodręczniki gry na instrumentach, rozprawy teoretyczno-praktyczne dotyczące muzyki, zeszyty z układami choreograficznymi popularnych tańców, liczne libretta operowe oraz libretta kantat. Tym ostatnim chciałabym poświęcić nieco uwagi.
![Research paper thumbnail of The unknown Works of Giuseppe Torti (active between 1752 and 1770), [w:] La cultura del barroco español e iberoamericano y su contexto Europeo, red. Kazimierz Sabik, Karolina Kumor, Warszawa 2010, ss. 575-591](
Giuseppe Torti (active between 1752 and 1770) is one of many Italian 18th century artists who wen... more Giuseppe Torti (active between 1752 and 1770) is one of many Italian 18th century artists who went abroad to seek their professional fortune. Together with his wife, a singer, he travelled a long way from Milan via Vicenza, Graz and Vienna to the other end of Europe – Lithuania. For a few years (1756-59), he was active in Lithuania at the court of Hieronim Florian Radziwiłł in Biała Podlaska and Słuck as an operatic and chamber music composer. In 1760, he returned to Milan together with his family and probably never left Italy any more. For Hieronim Florian Radziwiłł he composed at least one opera, in 1756, to the libretto of Agostino Piovene based on Michel Ducas’ Historia byzantina (1629) – Tamerlain’s Story (the music has not survived). In 1763, in Palermo, the Real Palazzo staged “azione drammatica” Tancredi in Tessalonica to the libretto by Giovanni Baldanza and music by D. Giuseppe Torti (only the libretto has survived) to mark the birthday of King of Sicily Ferdynand Borbone. Giuseppe Torti is the author of works which we have only a fragmentary knowledge of today. His works have been preserved in the archives of Austria, Germany, Italy and Sweden and include a tenor aria Attenda il core dal caro bene (1755), religious cantata: Armata sum in campo, Concerto in G major for three flutes and b.c., Trio sonata in G for two flutes and b.c. as well as another version of that work: Trio in G major for two violins and basso, or Concerto for oboe from about 1770. Giuseppe Torti’s artistic outcome was undoubtedly much more extensive, but the fact that he is at all known and talked about today is more due to his patron, H. F. Radziwiłł, than the musician himself, as he was one of a thousand of Italian artists scattered all over Europe and one of those who helped bring the tradition of Italian baroque also to Lithuania.
Books by Irena Bieńkowska
Critical Editions by Irena Bieńkowska
Papers by Irena Bieńkowska
Maciej Kamieński.
A notable aspect of Torti's preserved output are the numerous arrangements of his works, which suggests that his music was constantly in circulation, adapted and rewritten for the needs of a given place, in accordance with the audience's tastes. This indirectly confirms that his oeuvre earned the audience's acclaim. The geographic distribution of his compositions in European music centres is impressive indeed, from Edinburgh to Slutsk and from Stockholm to Palermo. This wide distribution testifies to Torti's love of travelling, but also to the popularity of his music.
in its collections letters sent by court musicians employed by Stanisław
Mateusz Rzewuski (1662–1728), Grand Hetman of the Crown, to the former
kapellmeister G.A. Ricieri. Thanks to this correspondence we know that a 13-strong
vocal ensemble was active at the hetman’s court in 1728. The surviving names of
Italian and Polish musicians include those of Camila Pola, Giovanna Graziola,
Janina Więckowska, male soprano Stefan Jaroszewicz, male contraltos Kazimierz
Drewnowski and Bartolomeo Straparapa, bass Marcin Paprocki and court oboist
Pompeo Perini. The letters also mention the repertoire performed at Rzewuski’s
court in Lvov in 1727–1728, namely operas by the previous kapellmeister, G.A.
Ricieri — L’inganno punito and L’Imeneo preteso — as well as compositions by the
then leader of the ensemble, G.M. Nelvi — dramma per musica L’amor nato tra
l’ombre, cantata Le ninfe sdegnate, church concertos for bass, including Summi cives,
and litanies.
Books by Irena Bieńkowska
Critical Editions by Irena Bieńkowska
Maciej Kamieński.
A notable aspect of Torti's preserved output are the numerous arrangements of his works, which suggests that his music was constantly in circulation, adapted and rewritten for the needs of a given place, in accordance with the audience's tastes. This indirectly confirms that his oeuvre earned the audience's acclaim. The geographic distribution of his compositions in European music centres is impressive indeed, from Edinburgh to Slutsk and from Stockholm to Palermo. This wide distribution testifies to Torti's love of travelling, but also to the popularity of his music.
in its collections letters sent by court musicians employed by Stanisław
Mateusz Rzewuski (1662–1728), Grand Hetman of the Crown, to the former
kapellmeister G.A. Ricieri. Thanks to this correspondence we know that a 13-strong
vocal ensemble was active at the hetman’s court in 1728. The surviving names of
Italian and Polish musicians include those of Camila Pola, Giovanna Graziola,
Janina Więckowska, male soprano Stefan Jaroszewicz, male contraltos Kazimierz
Drewnowski and Bartolomeo Straparapa, bass Marcin Paprocki and court oboist
Pompeo Perini. The letters also mention the repertoire performed at Rzewuski’s
court in Lvov in 1727–1728, namely operas by the previous kapellmeister, G.A.
Ricieri — L’inganno punito and L’Imeneo preteso — as well as compositions by the
then leader of the ensemble, G.M. Nelvi — dramma per musica L’amor nato tra
l’ombre, cantata Le ninfe sdegnate, church concertos for bass, including Summi cives,
and litanies.