Papers by Оlena Chernenko
Археологія Буковини: здобутки та преспективи. Тези доповідей VІІІ міжнародного семінару., 2024
The publication describes the discovery of gold coins at the fortress of Novhorod-Siverskyi. Fiv... more The publication describes the discovery of gold coins at the fortress of Novhorod-Siverskyi. Five gold coins were found: the oldest is a Venetian ducat from the 14th century, while the others are Dutch coins dated 1601, 1636, 1639, and 1643. The coins were discovered alongside human remains. The skeleton was found at the bottom of a 17th-century pit (possibly a storage cellar). The circumstances of the find indicate that the deceased was buried without any formal burial rite.
According to anthropological research, the remains belonged to a man aged 40–50 of Turkic anthropological type. Distinctive pathological changes on the bones suggest he was a professional warrior and horseman. Evidence of cuts from a cold weapon, inflicted immediately before death, was also identified. It appears that the man was killed. The coins were most likely concealed in his clothing and represented his personal savings.
Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine, 2024
The use of so-called "acoustic vessels" in medieval monumental architecture is a subject of debat... more The use of so-called "acoustic vessels" in medieval monumental architecture is a subject of debate. These vessels were most often placed in the arches and vaults of buildings. Sometimes their openings, exposed to the interior spaces, formed decorative compositions. However, it is unclear whether they actually improved the acoustic properties of buildings. It is suggested that these vessels were intended to reduce the weight of the building structures instead. There is also no clear understanding of when and where the tradition of their use originated or how it spread. Nevertheless, the presence of "acoustic vessels" in hundreds of buildings from the 10th to the 18th centuries in Europe and Asia Minor allows us to consider them as characteristic of medieval architecture and to view "acoustic vessels" as a specific building material.
The tradition of using acoustic vessels in Eastern Europe can be traced in the example of Chernihiv. In Chernihiv, they were documented during the investigation of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the 11th-century tomb church, as well as in the 12th-century Borisoglebsk and Assumption Cathedrals and the Pyatnytska Church from the 12th to the early 13th centuries. Research materials indicate that in the construction of 11th-century Chernihiv, specially made jugs were used as acoustic vessels. Later (not earlier than the second half of the 12th century), amphorae began to be used. In the example of Chernihiv, two main methods of using "acoustic vessels" in construction can be identified: numerous vessels filled the cavities of the vaults; one or several vessels were placed at the base of the vaults and arches. The first method is typically found in earlier buildings, while the second is more common in later ones.
A separate issue is the production of this specific building material. The early "acoustic vessels" of Chernihiv have no analogues among the traditional products of local potters. Most likely, their production was organized by the craftsmen who carried out the construction. Only much later did amphorae, which arrived as imported items from the Mediterranean, begin to be used.
Археологія Буковини: здобутки та перспективи: Тези доповідей VІІ міжнародного наукового семінару (м. Чернівці, 22 грудня 2023 р.)., 2023
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх ... more Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам'яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та нового часу, а також історії вивчення, охорони та використання об'єктів археологічної спадщини, музеєфікації старожитностей краю. Результати досліджень представили науковці та краєзнавці з Чернівецької, Івано-Франківської, Тернопільської областей, Києва, Вінниці, Луцька, Львова, Ужгорода, Чернігова, Кам'янця-Подільського (Україна), Будапешта (Угорщина), Варшави (Польща), Сучави (Румунія). Автори-доповідачі несуть відповідальність за точність і зміст наведених фактів та дотримання академічної доброчесності.
Opus_Mixtum, 2023
The article systematizes the materials of archaeological research of the necropolis of the Transf... more The article systematizes the materials of archaeological research of the necropolis of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv (XI - middle of the XX centuries). Its localization, chronology, features of functioning at different stages of existence are considered / У статті систематизуються матеріали археологічних досліджень некрополю Чернігівського Спасо-Преображенського собору (ХІ ст. – середина ХХ ст.). Розглядається його локалізація, хронологія та особливості функціонування на різних етапах існування.
Сіверянський літопис. №4, 2023
The article is devoted to the analysis of a relief depicting a fantastic animal found in Borys an... more The article is devoted to the analysis of a relief depicting a fantastic animal found in Borys and Gleb
cathedral of the 12th c. in Chernihiv. Since the discovery in 1948, this artifact has attracted not only scien- tists, but also the general public. Now it is one of the unofficial symbols of the city and the subject of heated
discussions. This led to the need to revisit the study of its symbolism and origin. The problem is considered
in the light of results of the latest studies of the medieval architectural decoration of the monuments of
Chernihiv. For this, the methods of archeology and art criticism and linguistic data were used. Two main
versions of the interpretation of the relief are analyzed – «Slavic» (the fantastic beast of the relief – the incarnation of Simargl) and «Western European» (the fabulous beast – the image of Romanesque teratology). The results of the analysis allow substantiating the conclusion about the Christian symbolism of the relief and its genetic connection with Romanesque art
Збірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету, 2014
На основі мінералого-петрографічних досліджень було визначено, що основним джерелом надходження б... more На основі мінералого-петрографічних досліджень було визначено, що основним джерелом надходження будівельного каміння для зведення всіх споруд Чернігово-Сіверщини давньоруського часу були родовища бучацького пісковику поблизу м. Новгорода-Сіверського. Встановлені факти дозволяють визначити зону розповсюдження даних порід як стародавній гірничодобувний район. On the basis of mineralogical and petrographic researches it was determined that the main source of building stone for the construction of all of the buildings in Chernihiv-Sivershchyna region in the times of Kievan Rus were the deposits of Buchak series sandstone near the city of Novhorod-Siverskyi. Established facts permit to determine the zone of spreading of current rocks as an ancient mining district.
Opus mixtum, 2022
The paper deals with the materials of architectural and archaeological research of the constructi... more The paper deals with the materials of architectural and archaeological research of the construction of the17th – 18th centuries (кamyanitsa) where the Chernihiv city Magistrate was located. The history of the building and its current state are characterized.
Chernihiv in the tenth century, 2022
Chernihiv was seen as the second town after Kiev. This honour was bestowed upon it by the mention... more Chernihiv was seen as the second town after Kiev. This honour was bestowed upon it by the mentions in the Rus chronicles and years of archaeological excavations by the elite of Imperial and Soviet archaeological establishment. However, excavations were largely unpublished or poorly recorded, allowing a great deal of space for speculative dating. 21st century evidence contests earlier interpretations and the 1300 years of history ascribed to Chernihiv. We find a settlement that originates in the 10th century, with possible beginnings as a temporary or seasonal site.
Оpus mixtum, 2021
The article examines the church in 1989 in the Upper Castle of Chernihiv. Based on the analysis o... more The article examines the church in 1989 in the Upper Castle of Chernihiv. Based on the analysis of the peculiarities of its architecture, the possibility of its dating to the time of the Grand duchy of Lithuania is substantiated (ХІVth century).
This article analyzes the materials of XIII-XIV centuries discovered in the recent decades during... more This article analyzes the materials of XIII-XIV centuries discovered in the recent decades during archaeological investigations on the territory of Chernigov.
According to the chronicles, in 1239 Chernigov was captured and burned by the Mongols. However, material evidences that can be confidently attributed to the destruction of the city as a result of the Mongol assault are not revealed yet. Apparently, its degradation had taken place gradually, in military conflicts and armed attacks that did not cease after 1239. Discovered during excavations traces of fires and massacres can be associated with one of these events.
Chernihiv at the time of the Golden Horde is relatively unstudied. However, archaeological excava... more Chernihiv at the time of the Golden Horde is relatively unstudied. However, archaeological excavations in the past ten years have provided new material from this “dark” period. Of the finds, fragments of opulent eastern glass and ceramics deserve particular attention. The uncovered items are frequently dated with a large chronological margin (12th – 17th centuries), but there are exceptions. Archaeological investigations of the town’s fortified area in 2018 discovered fragments of a semifaience vessel with black and blue décor. Ju. Koval identified the item as originating in Iran in the second half of the 13th – 14th centuries. Such pieces appeared in Eastern Europe due to the presence of the Golden Horde. Another set of finds was a collection of thin high-quality glass vessel fragments with gold and enamel, decorated in floral and epigraphic ornaments of the Mamluks. Production of similar glass vessels in the 13th – 14th centuries centered around Syria and Egypt. From there, they found their way to the markets of Europe. Some pieces made their way to Eastern Europe. The Chernihiv vessels a likely to be from two glasses of the same type A after S. Kenesson, and from the same set. The vessels’ origin indicated that they went through either Chernsonesus or the Caucuses and then along the trade routes on the rivers Don or Volga. Thus, the Chernihiv finds may be indicators of developing trade in these items during the Golden Horde period. It is equally possible that the finds were brought to Chernihiv by Horde’s representatives, who would have taken them for personal use. The limited quantity of the discovered glass makes this, latter, suggestion the most plausible.
Evidence of ancient fields systems, known in Scandinavia, Denmark, Italy and Poland, was found in... more Evidence of ancient fields systems, known in Scandinavia, Denmark, Italy and Poland, was found in north-western Rus on the Rurik Gorodishche and Novgorod. In almost every case they were dated to the 9th – 10th century. Evidence of several arable fields was recorded on the left bank of the Dnieper: in Prorva, near Trubchevsk (Bryansk region, Russian Federation), dated by Romny culture ceramics to the 9th-10th century, and Avtunichi in the Chernihiv region. A ploughed area in the northern part of the Chernihiv hill fort was recorded by V. Kovalenko in 1986. Similar traces were recorded on a neighboring sitean area of more than 1,500 sq. m in 2005–2006 by the author. The plough lines were visible in the natural as long (up to 10 m), rather narrow (from 2 to 10 cm), and deep (5-10 cm) triangular furrows. They were filled by light grey sandy loam with charcoal inclusions. The furrows overlapped each other perpendicularly, forming a dense mesh. Individual double furrows, with an internal distance of about 20 cm, were also recorded. They are evidence of use of a double plough with narrow sub-triangular points. Judging by the location of the furrows, the crosswise ploughing of the field was repeatedly carried out over several years. The horizon above the ploughing was dated to the 10th centuries. This dating was based, first of all, on the finds of rough thick-walled Rus ceramic vessels with a slightly turned, flaring, flat rims, in combination with single fragments of handmade Romny culture ceramics and a slate spindle whorl. The visibility of a field system that predates the settlement also challenges the frequently expressed opinion that earlier layers of the of the Chernihiv hill fort were completely destroyed by later activity. Had that been the case, the furrows would not have survived either.
This article describes the results of architectural and archaeological exploration of the Transfi... more This article describes the results of architectural and archaeological exploration of the Transfi guration Cathedral in Chernihiv
in 1923 and 2012–2014.Mykola Makarenko
Sclavenia terra, 2020
This article analyzes complexes of the Romny culture from the Sverdlovs’ke-1 hillfort. The settle... more This article analyzes complexes of the Romny culture from the Sverdlovs’ke-1 hillfort. The settlement occupies a cape at the Desna river right bank, which rises above the valley up to 40—50 m. This site is known for nearly 150 years, and field researches were made here in 1968 by the expedition of O. M. Melnykovska and later by the expedition of O. Ye. Chernenko in 2014—2018. The total excavated area of the settlement is 350 m2.The remains of seven buildings of the Romny archeological culture were discovered in the course of the research. The size of the house pits reaches 16—20 m2. Traces of a wooden frame or pillar walls of house pits were detected in all structures. The walls of a log construction outside of house pits could be supposed for three structures. Ovens were present in four objects; at least one
of structures had two furnaces. Finds from remains of buildings were mostly items for household craft and personal adornments. The most remarkable of them are a ceramic crucible and a mold made of chalk. This indicates the processing of non-ferrous metals on this settlement. The complex of ceramic finds is represented
also by shards of handmade vessels of the Romny culture and fragments of the Old Rus’ pottery. Full chronological framework of the settlement existence cannot be find out on a basis of obtained data. The settling of this place by bearers of the Romny culture probably can be dated to the late 9th — early 10th century. Given the presence of the Old Rus’ imports, this settlement existed at least until the second half 10th century.
Оpus mixtum, 2020
The markings on bricks from annexes of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral in Chernihiv, discovere... more The markings on bricks from annexes of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral in Chernihiv, discovered during the excavation in 2012–2014 are examined in the paper. Protuberant markings (including those of trident) were recorded on the headers and stretchers of bricks used in the second half of the 11th – early 12th century masonry repairs. They appeared in the southern annex, in the walls of the late 11th – early 12th century two story south-western annex ( the baptistery) and in the 12th century gallery
Стаття присвячена публікації відомостей про знаки, виявлені на плінфі прибудов Спасо-Преображенського собору в Чернігові під час досліджень 2012–2014 років. Опуклі знаки (у тому числі подібні до тризубу) були зафіксовані на торцях плінфи ремонтних мурувань другої половини ХІ – початку ХІІ ст. в південній прибудові, в кладці стін двоярусної південно-західної прибудови кінця ХІ – початку ХІІ ст. (так звана «хрещальня») та в галереї ХІІ ст.
На основе петрографического анализа строительного камня фундаментов Спасо-Преображенского собора ... more На основе петрографического анализа строительного камня фундаментов Спасо-Преображенского собора в г. Чернигове (ХI в.) выделены участки, относящиеся к различным этапам строительства храма. В результате сравнения петрографических особенностей строительного камня фундаментов Спасского собора, Десятинной церкви в г. Киеве и аналогичных пород с обнажений делаются выводы о том, что в гг. Киеве и Чернигове использовался бучакский песчаник с разных месторождений, а вероятным местом разработки данного сырья для строительства Спасского собора были проявления возле г. Новгород-Северского.
On the basis of the petrographic analysis of the building stone from the Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral foundations in the city of Chernihiv (11th century), the sections of different periods of the temple construction were determined. On the basis of the petrographic peculiarities comparison of building stones from the foundations of the Cathedral and Desiatynna Tserkva in the city of Kyiv and similar rocks from outcrops, conclusions were drawn about the fact that Buchak series sandstones used in the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv originated from different deposits. The probable places of mining of the raw material for the Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral construction were the outcrops near the city of Novhorod-Siverskyi.
-Ukrainian Geologist, 2013, No. 2 -
«На одно крыло — серебряная, На другое — золотая...» Сборник статей памяти Светланы Рябцевой = “One her wing is silver, The other one is made of gold…” Selected papers in memory of Svetlana Ryabtseva, 2020
The article proposes a comparative analysis of new finds of the Old Rus’ian female lead seals of ... more The article proposes a comparative analysis of new finds of the Old Rus’ian female lead seals of two types from Chernihiv and Bratislava castle.
The first seal was discovered in 2007 near the so-called «Blagovishchenska» Church (Annunciation Church) on the citadel
of the Old Rus’ian Chernihiv, in cultural layers dated by the late 11th — early 12th centuries. The seal was stamped twice with rotation up to 160°, which led to the imposition of images and inscriptions. The seal almost completely repeats type 116 by V. L. Yanin, attributed to “Princess Mary” and previously known for two finds in Kyiv. The Chernihiv specimen was made by another pair of stamps or by renovated ones.
Seal from excavations in 2009 in the courtyard of the Bratislava castle comes from the middle part of the filling of the pit dated to the end of the 11th — the first half of the 12th century. The Bratislava seal represents the same iconographic type and the invocative inscription as type 116, but it differs in details and the inscription includes a longer form of the name of the seal’s owner — “Marina”. These features allow us to distinguish the seal as a separate type 116a.
The new finds of the seals independently confirm the dating of both types to the last quarter of the 11th — early 12th centuries. They also clarify the princess’s full name. In the context of the attribution of the seals to the second wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vsevolod Yaroslavich, we can offer an explanation for the discovery of the Old Rus’ian female lead seal in Bratislava castle through a prism of the correspondence mailed by the princess Marina to her daughter Eupraxia-Adelheid during the latter’s brief stay in Hungary on the way to Rus’ in 1097.
У статті розглядається поховання жінки, виявлене під час археологічних досліджень монументальної ... more У статті розглядається поховання жінки, виявлене під час археологічних досліджень монументальної споруди кінця ХІІ - початку ХІІІ ст. у Новгороді-Сіверському. Поховання було здійснено під підлогою будівлі не за християнським звичаєм. Припустимо, воно мало значення будівельної жертви, "закладу".
The article considers the history of rebuilding of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral in Novgorod... more The article considers the history of rebuilding of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral in Novgorod-Siversky during the ХVI–ХVII c.
Papers by Оlena Chernenko
According to anthropological research, the remains belonged to a man aged 40–50 of Turkic anthropological type. Distinctive pathological changes on the bones suggest he was a professional warrior and horseman. Evidence of cuts from a cold weapon, inflicted immediately before death, was also identified. It appears that the man was killed. The coins were most likely concealed in his clothing and represented his personal savings.
The tradition of using acoustic vessels in Eastern Europe can be traced in the example of Chernihiv. In Chernihiv, they were documented during the investigation of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the 11th-century tomb church, as well as in the 12th-century Borisoglebsk and Assumption Cathedrals and the Pyatnytska Church from the 12th to the early 13th centuries. Research materials indicate that in the construction of 11th-century Chernihiv, specially made jugs were used as acoustic vessels. Later (not earlier than the second half of the 12th century), amphorae began to be used. In the example of Chernihiv, two main methods of using "acoustic vessels" in construction can be identified: numerous vessels filled the cavities of the vaults; one or several vessels were placed at the base of the vaults and arches. The first method is typically found in earlier buildings, while the second is more common in later ones.
A separate issue is the production of this specific building material. The early "acoustic vessels" of Chernihiv have no analogues among the traditional products of local potters. Most likely, their production was organized by the craftsmen who carried out the construction. Only much later did amphorae, which arrived as imported items from the Mediterranean, begin to be used.
cathedral of the 12th c. in Chernihiv. Since the discovery in 1948, this artifact has attracted not only scien- tists, but also the general public. Now it is one of the unofficial symbols of the city and the subject of heated
discussions. This led to the need to revisit the study of its symbolism and origin. The problem is considered
in the light of results of the latest studies of the medieval architectural decoration of the monuments of
Chernihiv. For this, the methods of archeology and art criticism and linguistic data were used. Two main
versions of the interpretation of the relief are analyzed – «Slavic» (the fantastic beast of the relief – the incarnation of Simargl) and «Western European» (the fabulous beast – the image of Romanesque teratology). The results of the analysis allow substantiating the conclusion about the Christian symbolism of the relief and its genetic connection with Romanesque art
According to the chronicles, in 1239 Chernigov was captured and burned by the Mongols. However, material evidences that can be confidently attributed to the destruction of the city as a result of the Mongol assault are not revealed yet. Apparently, its degradation had taken place gradually, in military conflicts and armed attacks that did not cease after 1239. Discovered during excavations traces of fires and massacres can be associated with one of these events.
in 1923 and 2012–2014.Mykola Makarenko
of structures had two furnaces. Finds from remains of buildings were mostly items for household craft and personal adornments. The most remarkable of them are a ceramic crucible and a mold made of chalk. This indicates the processing of non-ferrous metals on this settlement. The complex of ceramic finds is represented
also by shards of handmade vessels of the Romny culture and fragments of the Old Rus’ pottery. Full chronological framework of the settlement existence cannot be find out on a basis of obtained data. The settling of this place by bearers of the Romny culture probably can be dated to the late 9th — early 10th century. Given the presence of the Old Rus’ imports, this settlement existed at least until the second half 10th century.
Стаття присвячена публікації відомостей про знаки, виявлені на плінфі прибудов Спасо-Преображенського собору в Чернігові під час досліджень 2012–2014 років. Опуклі знаки (у тому числі подібні до тризубу) були зафіксовані на торцях плінфи ремонтних мурувань другої половини ХІ – початку ХІІ ст. в південній прибудові, в кладці стін двоярусної південно-західної прибудови кінця ХІ – початку ХІІ ст. (так звана «хрещальня») та в галереї ХІІ ст.
On the basis of the petrographic analysis of the building stone from the Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral foundations in the city of Chernihiv (11th century), the sections of different periods of the temple construction were determined. On the basis of the petrographic peculiarities comparison of building stones from the foundations of the Cathedral and Desiatynna Tserkva in the city of Kyiv and similar rocks from outcrops, conclusions were drawn about the fact that Buchak series sandstones used in the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv originated from different deposits. The probable places of mining of the raw material for the Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral construction were the outcrops near the city of Novhorod-Siverskyi.
-Ukrainian Geologist, 2013, No. 2 -
The first seal was discovered in 2007 near the so-called «Blagovishchenska» Church (Annunciation Church) on the citadel
of the Old Rus’ian Chernihiv, in cultural layers dated by the late 11th — early 12th centuries. The seal was stamped twice with rotation up to 160°, which led to the imposition of images and inscriptions. The seal almost completely repeats type 116 by V. L. Yanin, attributed to “Princess Mary” and previously known for two finds in Kyiv. The Chernihiv specimen was made by another pair of stamps or by renovated ones.
Seal from excavations in 2009 in the courtyard of the Bratislava castle comes from the middle part of the filling of the pit dated to the end of the 11th — the first half of the 12th century. The Bratislava seal represents the same iconographic type and the invocative inscription as type 116, but it differs in details and the inscription includes a longer form of the name of the seal’s owner — “Marina”. These features allow us to distinguish the seal as a separate type 116a.
The new finds of the seals independently confirm the dating of both types to the last quarter of the 11th — early 12th centuries. They also clarify the princess’s full name. In the context of the attribution of the seals to the second wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vsevolod Yaroslavich, we can offer an explanation for the discovery of the Old Rus’ian female lead seal in Bratislava castle through a prism of the correspondence mailed by the princess Marina to her daughter Eupraxia-Adelheid during the latter’s brief stay in Hungary on the way to Rus’ in 1097.
According to anthropological research, the remains belonged to a man aged 40–50 of Turkic anthropological type. Distinctive pathological changes on the bones suggest he was a professional warrior and horseman. Evidence of cuts from a cold weapon, inflicted immediately before death, was also identified. It appears that the man was killed. The coins were most likely concealed in his clothing and represented his personal savings.
The tradition of using acoustic vessels in Eastern Europe can be traced in the example of Chernihiv. In Chernihiv, they were documented during the investigation of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the 11th-century tomb church, as well as in the 12th-century Borisoglebsk and Assumption Cathedrals and the Pyatnytska Church from the 12th to the early 13th centuries. Research materials indicate that in the construction of 11th-century Chernihiv, specially made jugs were used as acoustic vessels. Later (not earlier than the second half of the 12th century), amphorae began to be used. In the example of Chernihiv, two main methods of using "acoustic vessels" in construction can be identified: numerous vessels filled the cavities of the vaults; one or several vessels were placed at the base of the vaults and arches. The first method is typically found in earlier buildings, while the second is more common in later ones.
A separate issue is the production of this specific building material. The early "acoustic vessels" of Chernihiv have no analogues among the traditional products of local potters. Most likely, their production was organized by the craftsmen who carried out the construction. Only much later did amphorae, which arrived as imported items from the Mediterranean, begin to be used.
cathedral of the 12th c. in Chernihiv. Since the discovery in 1948, this artifact has attracted not only scien- tists, but also the general public. Now it is one of the unofficial symbols of the city and the subject of heated
discussions. This led to the need to revisit the study of its symbolism and origin. The problem is considered
in the light of results of the latest studies of the medieval architectural decoration of the monuments of
Chernihiv. For this, the methods of archeology and art criticism and linguistic data were used. Two main
versions of the interpretation of the relief are analyzed – «Slavic» (the fantastic beast of the relief – the incarnation of Simargl) and «Western European» (the fabulous beast – the image of Romanesque teratology). The results of the analysis allow substantiating the conclusion about the Christian symbolism of the relief and its genetic connection with Romanesque art
According to the chronicles, in 1239 Chernigov was captured and burned by the Mongols. However, material evidences that can be confidently attributed to the destruction of the city as a result of the Mongol assault are not revealed yet. Apparently, its degradation had taken place gradually, in military conflicts and armed attacks that did not cease after 1239. Discovered during excavations traces of fires and massacres can be associated with one of these events.
in 1923 and 2012–2014.Mykola Makarenko
of structures had two furnaces. Finds from remains of buildings were mostly items for household craft and personal adornments. The most remarkable of them are a ceramic crucible and a mold made of chalk. This indicates the processing of non-ferrous metals on this settlement. The complex of ceramic finds is represented
also by shards of handmade vessels of the Romny culture and fragments of the Old Rus’ pottery. Full chronological framework of the settlement existence cannot be find out on a basis of obtained data. The settling of this place by bearers of the Romny culture probably can be dated to the late 9th — early 10th century. Given the presence of the Old Rus’ imports, this settlement existed at least until the second half 10th century.
Стаття присвячена публікації відомостей про знаки, виявлені на плінфі прибудов Спасо-Преображенського собору в Чернігові під час досліджень 2012–2014 років. Опуклі знаки (у тому числі подібні до тризубу) були зафіксовані на торцях плінфи ремонтних мурувань другої половини ХІ – початку ХІІ ст. в південній прибудові, в кладці стін двоярусної південно-західної прибудови кінця ХІ – початку ХІІ ст. (так звана «хрещальня») та в галереї ХІІ ст.
On the basis of the petrographic analysis of the building stone from the Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral foundations in the city of Chernihiv (11th century), the sections of different periods of the temple construction were determined. On the basis of the petrographic peculiarities comparison of building stones from the foundations of the Cathedral and Desiatynna Tserkva in the city of Kyiv and similar rocks from outcrops, conclusions were drawn about the fact that Buchak series sandstones used in the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv originated from different deposits. The probable places of mining of the raw material for the Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral construction were the outcrops near the city of Novhorod-Siverskyi.
-Ukrainian Geologist, 2013, No. 2 -
The first seal was discovered in 2007 near the so-called «Blagovishchenska» Church (Annunciation Church) on the citadel
of the Old Rus’ian Chernihiv, in cultural layers dated by the late 11th — early 12th centuries. The seal was stamped twice with rotation up to 160°, which led to the imposition of images and inscriptions. The seal almost completely repeats type 116 by V. L. Yanin, attributed to “Princess Mary” and previously known for two finds in Kyiv. The Chernihiv specimen was made by another pair of stamps or by renovated ones.
Seal from excavations in 2009 in the courtyard of the Bratislava castle comes from the middle part of the filling of the pit dated to the end of the 11th — the first half of the 12th century. The Bratislava seal represents the same iconographic type and the invocative inscription as type 116, but it differs in details and the inscription includes a longer form of the name of the seal’s owner — “Marina”. These features allow us to distinguish the seal as a separate type 116a.
The new finds of the seals independently confirm the dating of both types to the last quarter of the 11th — early 12th centuries. They also clarify the princess’s full name. In the context of the attribution of the seals to the second wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vsevolod Yaroslavich, we can offer an explanation for the discovery of the Old Rus’ian female lead seal in Bratislava castle through a prism of the correspondence mailed by the princess Marina to her daughter Eupraxia-Adelheid during the latter’s brief stay in Hungary on the way to Rus’ in 1097.