Journal articles by G. Avellino
Comunicazione filosofica (ISSN: 1128-9082), 2024
The paper seeks to delve into the complex philosophical landscape of Deleuze and Guattari’s “A th... more The paper seeks to delve into the complex philosophical landscape of Deleuze and Guattari’s “A thousand plateaus” and to propose a comparation between their concept of “War Machine” and that of “Artistic Alienation” from Herbert Marcuse’s mature work. The analysis will be conducted through an initial yet obliged brief deconstruction of Deleuze and Guattari’s relational ontology, with a particular focus on the concepts of Ritornello and Territory. Ultimately, the insights gained from the combination of Marcuse’s philosophy of art and Deleuze and Guattari’s ontology will be used to interpret the function of education in contemporary society. Specifically, I propose to promote artistic alienation to encourage imagination and creativity in learning. Furthermore, I argue that education should function as a "war machine," challenging traditional teaching paradigms and enabling students to explore nowadays' critical issues.
Medicina(é)ambiente (ISSN: 2704-8276), 2024
The aim of this paper is that of underlining the actuality and complexity of Murray Bookchin’s pr... more The aim of this paper is that of underlining the actuality and complexity of Murray Bookchin’s production through a brief analysis of the central concepts of his philosophy: social ecology and dialectical naturalism. We argue that, starting from the perspective of a necessary unity of praxis and theory – respectively expressed by the concepts above -, Bookchin fails to take into account the theoretical implication of the interplay of first and second nature, the outcome being a closure of human praxis into a logical and a-historical dimension. Albeit it is philosophically necessary to consider humankind as always already located within an environment whose crisis reflect societal contradictions and viceversa, Bookchin’s naturalism can display the misleading scope of deducting ethics from a natural state, renewing the inherent philosophical fallacies of the Enlightenment era.
I castelli di Yale online (ISSN 2282-5460), 2023
This paper explores the deep philosophical affinities between Martin Heidegger and Friedrich Niet... more This paper explores the deep philosophical affinities between Martin Heidegger and Friedrich Nietzsche, focusing on their shared understanding of the Apollonian and Dionysian dichotomy and its implications for the essence of human existence. The analysis begins by examining Nietzsche's concept of the unity of the Apollonian and Dionysian as a fundamental aspect of human identity, despite Nietzsche's own unawareness of its metaphysical significance. Heidegger, in turn, recognizes this insight as an epochal breakthrough in Nietzsche's thought, surpassing the boundaries of traditional metaphysics. The discussion further explores the role of Hölderlin as a crucial figure in both Nietzsche's and Heidegger's philosophical trajectories. It argues that in the co-appropriation of the Apollonian and Dionysian and the concept of Ereignis (the Event), both philosophers reveal a profound engagement with the interplay of foundation and abyss. This interplay, according to Heidegger, constitutes the historical-epochal opening of being and provides a perspective for understanding the essence of Dasein as the Ek-sistence (existential being). The paper challenges Heidegger's reductionist interpretation of Nietzsche as merely the completion of metaphysics and suggests a closer affinity between Nietzsche and Hölderlin. It concludes by emphasizing the transformative potential of embracing the interplay of the Apollonian and Dionysian and the reevaluation of human essence based on existence, which enables a new understanding of the world and its inherent mysteries.
Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana (ISSN 1129-5643; ISBN: 978-88-290-1935-9), Aug 2023
The interview focuses on specific aspects of Giuseppe Cacciatore's philosophy, with particular em... more The interview focuses on specific aspects of Giuseppe Cacciatore's philosophy, with particular emphasis on the connection between theoretical speculation and civil practice. As highlighted by philosopher Giuseppe Cantillo, Cacciatore' s works strive to combine thought and history at every point, starting with Pietro Piovani's 'critical-problematic historicism'. The outcome is a theoretical system that is aimed at civil and political commitment, while at the same time maintaining a genuinely ideal motivation.
Phronein, n.9, supplemento ad Atelier, n.110, June 2023 (ISSN: 1128-2584), Jun 1, 2023
The article highlights the metaphysical approach that lies beneath Karl Jaspers' conception of hi... more The article highlights the metaphysical approach that lies beneath Karl Jaspers' conception of history as an unstoppable flow of individual states into a world unity. The analysis is based on a reading of Jaspers' contribution to the Geneva conference of 1946 and his 1949 book "The Origin and Goal of History".
"Includendo. Fare sociale nei beni confiscati", in Read.csvSalerno, Annali del Volontariato (ISSN: 2611-8629; ISBN: 978-88-944-6983-7), Dec 1, 2022
The paper analyses some parts of the GKN Industrial Plan. While not appearing to be an authenti... more The paper analyses some parts of the GKN Industrial Plan. While not appearing to be an authentic industrial document, the tool performs a valuable narrative function of developing a political strategy to benefit the trade union groups that still operate within the factory. The plan that aims to demonstrate the existence of a different socially integrated factory model shows the need for radical change on a global scale. Through the definition of potential factory forms, the plan describes the potential economic and financial transformations of the Florentine system, beginning with workers' democratic involvement in the production process.
Conferences / Seminars by G. Avellino
XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome, Aug 4, 2024
-- 04.08.2024 -- Intervention held at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome, Italy -- The ... more -- 04.08.2024 -- Intervention held at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome, Italy -- The aim of this paper is to propose an interpretation of philosophy’s tasks as those of a “critical theoresis”. The formula draws from both Plato’s utilisation of the word ϑεώρησις and Herodotus’ particular use of the verb κρίνω. While the former indicates a cultural dimension that in itself implies an active participation of subjects in the objective social world, the latter expresses an hermeneutical principle that unites the concepts of “explanation” and “interpretation”. Therefore, I intend to use these key-concepts together in order to picture a type of philosophy that tries to underline the criteria of a normative theory that does not fail to assume a critical standpoint in interpreting social reality.
"Sapere di non sapere. Nuove sfide della conoscenza fra tradizioni e traduzioni": Convegno nazionale della Società Filosofica Italiana, 2024
The aim of this intervention is to briefly advance an interpretation of the post- COVID19 digital... more The aim of this intervention is to briefly advance an interpretation of the post- COVID19 digitalisation processes as to be recognised within the philosophical framework of Vorstellung Metaphysik, “metaphysics of representation”. I would maintain that the formula, firstly indicated by Martin Heidegger, can provide us with a tool to interpret contemporary culture as founded on an “iteration” of individual and collective consciousness into non-existent digital realities. Moreover, I will argue that these concepts are philosophically relatable to those of alienation and reification that come from Marxist traditions. Ultimately, the analysis will try to use the above mentioned tools to delve into an interpretation of remote working and education as potential carriers of alienation.
Event dedicated to the memory of moral and theoretical philosopher Giuseppe Cantillo, a year afte... more Event dedicated to the memory of moral and theoretical philosopher Giuseppe Cantillo, a year after his disappearance.
Giuseppe Cantillo's philosophy suggests a combination between Jaspersian criticism of modernity and the Masullian path through Hegel's dialectical ontology. The "duality" of the Cure that Aldo Masullo talks about allows in fact to rebalance and fluidify the existentialist-teleological approach typical of Jaspers' philosophy. This happens in the terms of a recognition of the individual as irreducibly unique and at the same time always belonging to the social being. This allows for a dialectical interpretation of the relationship between the ego and the other. The result is a theoretical perspective capable of re-establishing the already fragile link between individual and social being, exhuming its transformative and critical potential.
Such a system is rooted in Marxian intuition, which assumes the objective nature of pathicity as the condition that unites historical subjects.
Reviews by G. Avellino
Fata Morgana Web (ISSN: 2532-487X), Dec 18, 2023
Fata Morgana WEB (ISSN: 2532-487X), Jan 2, 2023
scorta del cui successo è stata pubblicata la serie qui in questione), tutto ciò che conta è la f... more scorta del cui successo è stata pubblicata la serie qui in questione), tutto ciò che conta è la forza, il potere, la velocità. La tecnologia ha acquisito un'influenza tale sull'esistenza degli individui da cominciare a mutarla nei suoi geni. Gli uomini appaiono mutati in veri e propri cyborg. Si tratta di una trasformazione che viene descritta anzitutto da un punto di vista biologico, nei termini di una produzione e vendita massiccia, su qualunque livello sociale, dei cosiddetti cyberware (ossia, apparecchiature protesiche utilizzate al fine di potenziare, integrare e talvolta sostituire gli organi). Gli individui, oppressi nelle proprie libertà e ambizioni da una realtà priva di speranze, catastrofica, tentano a tutti i costi di fuggire dal mondo in cui si trovano, perlopiù attraverso l'intrattenimento. I passatempi che gli abitanti di Night City (questo il nome della città in cui sono ambientate la serie e il videogioco) prediligono sono le cosiddette braindances, abbreviate in BD. Si tratta di un peculiare tipo di tecnologia che permetterebbe di registrare e rivivere determinate esperienze individuali. L'operazione viene effettuata
Fata Morgana WEB (ISSN: 2532-487X), Feb 13, 2023
Tutte queste parole corrispondono ai titoli di alcuni dei saggi che il Mulino ha deciso di lancia... more Tutte queste parole corrispondono ai titoli di alcuni dei saggi che il Mulino ha deciso di lanciare nell'ambito di un progetto editoriale sulle "Parole controtempo". Ideologia, di Carlo Galli, è una di queste. Parola dall'estrema flessibilità culturale, capace di riunire sotto il medesimo sguardo i fenomeni più disparati. È un compito dunque di estrema complessità quello di definire il senso del termine "ideologia". Potremmo forse cominciare in modo assertivo, e vedere pian piano cosa ricavarne; e allora scriviamo, o meglio, citiamo quanto, all'inizio del volume, riporta lo stesso Galli: l'ideologia è un modo "efficace" di far le cose con le parole e con le passioni. In questa formulazione si mostrano elementi importanti: la prassi (il "far le cose"), l'idea (le "parole", ossia i concetti) e l'emozione (le "passioni"). Alla base delle azioni, dunque, troviamo tanto una componente razionale, quanto una emotiva, impulsiva. Fare le cose, per l'uomo, significa anzitutto coniugare queste due sfere. Già solo questo ci permette di illustrare un primo, fondamentale punto: l'"ideologia" si presenta come la coniugazione di movimenti uguali e contrari al tempo stesso. Da un lato, essa sta in sé, nella misura in cui cerca l'identità, tenta costantemente di affermarsi. Dall'altro, si
Online articles by G. Avellino
Gazzetta filosofica, Oct 3, 2022
The article provides a brief introduction to the main themes of young Nietzsche's essay entitled ... more The article provides a brief introduction to the main themes of young Nietzsche's essay entitled 'On Truth and Lie', providing where possible with references to the 'Gay Science'. The aim is to provide a brief presentation of some themes (such as language and art) that traverse all of Nietzsche's production and to propose an analogy with the 'Dialectics of Enlightenment' by Adorno and Horkheimer.
Gazzetta Filosofica, Jun 3, 2020
In the ancient Greek language, the term lògos takes on the seemingly most disparate meanings: it... more In the ancient Greek language, the term lògos takes on the seemingly most disparate meanings: it can mean "word", "language", and also "order", "covenant", "tradition", "legend", "myth", "history", "treaty", "calculation", "cause", "divine reason", "project", "design", "waiting" and much more. Is this set of meanings random or does it have a common thread?
Gazzetta Filosofica, May 25, 2020
To establish a constructive dialogue, one must be open to understanding the other's reasons and a... more To establish a constructive dialogue, one must be open to understanding the other's reasons and acknowledging their own wrongdoing in a certain way.
Journal articles by G. Avellino
Conferences / Seminars by G. Avellino
Giuseppe Cantillo's philosophy suggests a combination between Jaspersian criticism of modernity and the Masullian path through Hegel's dialectical ontology. The "duality" of the Cure that Aldo Masullo talks about allows in fact to rebalance and fluidify the existentialist-teleological approach typical of Jaspers' philosophy. This happens in the terms of a recognition of the individual as irreducibly unique and at the same time always belonging to the social being. This allows for a dialectical interpretation of the relationship between the ego and the other. The result is a theoretical perspective capable of re-establishing the already fragile link between individual and social being, exhuming its transformative and critical potential.
Such a system is rooted in Marxian intuition, which assumes the objective nature of pathicity as the condition that unites historical subjects.
Reviews by G. Avellino
Online articles by G. Avellino
Giuseppe Cantillo's philosophy suggests a combination between Jaspersian criticism of modernity and the Masullian path through Hegel's dialectical ontology. The "duality" of the Cure that Aldo Masullo talks about allows in fact to rebalance and fluidify the existentialist-teleological approach typical of Jaspers' philosophy. This happens in the terms of a recognition of the individual as irreducibly unique and at the same time always belonging to the social being. This allows for a dialectical interpretation of the relationship between the ego and the other. The result is a theoretical perspective capable of re-establishing the already fragile link between individual and social being, exhuming its transformative and critical potential.
Such a system is rooted in Marxian intuition, which assumes the objective nature of pathicity as the condition that unites historical subjects.