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The aim of this paper is to present the characterisation of the siliceous rocks from the Neolithic mine of Casa Montero (5400-5200 cal. BC). It is located in Madrid (Spain) and it occupies 4 hectares with 3897 mapped shafts, out of which... more
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      PetrologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeMadrid
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    • Gender Archaeology
Tras seis campañas de excavación (1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003) en el yacimiento Mas d'Is (Penáguila, Alicante), podemos empezar a vislumbrar unos resultados, en buena medida sorprendentes, en tanto que junto a diversas estructuras... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Causewayed Enclosures
es un extenso abrigo rocoso situado en la margen izquierda del río Magro (afluente del Júcar), a orillas mismo del cauce, en un paraje cercano al núcleo urbano de Requena donde el río comienza a encajarse después de discurrir por la... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Mediterranean prehistoryIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de los recientes trabajos llevados a cabo en la aldea neolítica de Mas d'Is (Penàguila, Alicante), centrándonos en las estructuras documentadas. La integración de los datos obtenidos en un... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures
This paper focuses on recent discoveries made in the central valleys of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Fresh evidence recovered from this area allows us to propose some alternative pathways in the development of power and social... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Funeral PracticesBell Beakers (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Stone axes
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    • Gender Archaeology
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      Experimental ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Lithics
Using new provenance studies on stone implements from the Valencia region of Spain between 5500-2000 BC, we show not only the large scale of some exchange systems, but also consider how, and why, tastes and fashions are co-ordinated over... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Prehistoric exchange networks
After two decades of continued field work developing survey and excavation projects, the Serpis valley represent a privileged area for analysing the origin and evolution of the first agricultural societies in the Iberian peninsula. The... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Social organizationCardial Groups
Desde la implantación de los grupos agrícolas y ganaderos en valles del área central del Mediterráneo peninsular, aparecen fosos monumentales en el territorio ocupado. La presencia de este espacio monumental junto con otros elementos... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures
El yacimiento que hemos dado en llamar Colata se encuentra en la comarca valenciana de La Vall d'Albaida. El estudio del poblamiento prehistórico anterior a la Edad del Bronce en esta comarca cuenta con escasas pero significativas... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologySocial Organisation (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Storage structures
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Settlement & Landscape research
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic EuropeNeolithic flint procurement
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      Lithic TechnologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)LithicsChaîne Opératoire
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      PetrologyLithicsNeolithic flint procurementRaw Material Characterization
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      LithicsNeolithic flint procurementIberian prehistoryRaw Material Characterization
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      Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures