Papers by P. Robert-Jan Simons
... verBchijnselen uit het dagelijks leven of doordat deze meer aanaluit bij de belevingswereld v... more ... verBchijnselen uit het dagelijks leven of doordat deze meer aanaluit bij de belevingswereld van de lerende (zie Simona, 1982b). ... de onderzoekers vond significant hogere prestaties na het leren met beeldspraak vergeleken met leren zonder die beeldspraak (Scandura en Wells ...
Human Resource Development Review, 2004
A model of work-related learning based on intentionality and developmental relatedness is propose... more A model of work-related learning based on intentionality and developmental relatedness is proposed here. A shift is called for from an educational perspective on work-related learning to a noneducational perspective in which learning is construed as largely implicit and spontaneous. That is, work-related learning can happen both deliberately and spontaneously as direct or indirect result of work-related interactions. Work-related learning

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2011
The intensive use of interactive media has led to assertions about the effect of these media on y... more The intensive use of interactive media has led to assertions about the effect of these media on youth. Rather than following the assumption of a distinct Net generation, this study investigates diversity in interactive media use among youth. Results from a pilot study show that contemporary youth can be divided into clusters based on the use of interactive media. These results call for a better understanding of these clusters and the characteristics of their members. The research question for this paper was: Can patterns be found in the interactive media activities and opinions of young people? We answer this question by a survey among 2138 Dutch students aged 9 to 23 in education levels ranging from primary to higher professional education. Four categories of interactive media activities were discerned using confirmatory factor analysis: interacting, performing, interchanging, and authoring. Four clusters of interactive media users, namely Traditionalists, Gamers, Networkers, and Producers were identified using cluster analysis. Behind these straightforward categories, complex patterns of user activities and opinions can be found. The implication is that education should be cautious in applying these media as learning tools, because contemporary students show diversity in the kinds of interactive media they prefer using.
In order to give a definition of a learning professional, we should of course also define what pr... more In order to give a definition of a learning professional, we should of course also define what professionals are and what learning is. The definition of a professional relates closely to professions and professional associations. Professions are mostly defined as fields of ...

Instructional Science, 2007
The aim of this paper is to study the online teaching styles of two teachers who each tutor a net... more The aim of this paper is to study the online teaching styles of two teachers who each tutor a networked learning community (NLC), within the same workshop. The study is undertaking empirical work using a multi-method approach in order to triangulate and contextualise our findings and enrich our understanding of the teacher participation in these NLCs. We apply social network analysis (SNA) to visualise the social structure of the NLC, content analysis (CA) to identify learning and teaching processes, critical event recall (CER) to gather the teacher's personal experiences and intentions. This paper reports some of the current findings of our work and discusses future prospects. This study is part of a continuing international study that is investigating networked collaborative learning as a way to develop a rich descriptive body of evidence of tutoring and learning processes in e-learning.
Interactive Learning Environments, 2012
We study project-based, technology-enhanced learning environments in higher education, which shou... more We study project-based, technology-enhanced learning environments in higher education, which should produce, by means of specific mechanisms, learning outcomes in terms of transferable knowledge and learning-, thinking-, collaboration-and regulation-skills. Our focus is on ...

Learning and Instruction, 2001
The CONTACT-2 strategy is characterised by CONTinuous, computer-assisted ACTivation of the concep... more The CONTACT-2 strategy is characterised by CONTinuous, computer-assisted ACTivation of the conceptions of individual learners while they are processing expository texts. A previous study showed that the CONTACT-2 strategy was effective as an instructional strategy aimed at supporting processes of prior-knowledge activation and conceptual change. The present study was designed to explore the (quantitative and qualitative) differences in learning activities between students who were successful and less successful while working with the CON-TACT-2 strategy. Subjects were 10 fifth-and sixth-graders (primary education). The way in which the second CONTACT-2 step on "comparing and contrasting their preconceptions with the new information" was being performed by the students appeared to be crucial for the effectiveness of the CONTACT-2 strategy as a whole. Recommendations for future research and educational practice are formulated.
Onderwijs En Gezondheidszorg, 2006
In het tijdschrift ‘Develop presenteerden’ Ruijters en Simons een eilandenmodel waarmee het leren... more In het tijdschrift ‘Develop presenteerden’ Ruijters en Simons een eilandenmodel waarmee het leren van en in organisaties kan worden getypeerd. Vanuit dit eilandenmodel interpreteert gastredacteur Prof. Dr. Robert Jan Simons de artikelen in dit themanummer.

Computers in Human Behavior, 2010
The intensive use of interactive media has led to assertions about the effect of these media on y... more The intensive use of interactive media has led to assertions about the effect of these media on youth. This paper presents a quantitative study on the position of interactive media in young people's lives. Rather than following the assumption of a homogeneous generation, we investigate the existence of a diversity of user patterns. The research question for this paper: Can patterns be found in the use of interactive media among youth? We answer this question by a survey among Dutch youngsters aged 10-23. Four clusters of interactive media users, namely Traditionalists, Gamers, Networkers and Producers were identified using cluster analysis. Behind these straightforward clusters, a complex whole of user activities can be found. Each cluster shows specific use of and opinions about interactive media. This provides a contextualized understanding of the position of interactive media in the lives of contemporary youth, and a nuanced conceptualization of the 'Net generation'. This allows for studying the intricate relationship between youth culture, interactive media and learning.

European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1988
In this paper an experiment is reported on the influence of two variations of instructions on lea... more In this paper an experiment is reported on the influence of two variations of instructions on learning performance and thinking-aloud protocols of 64 pupils from secondary schools. Furthermore, differences between successful and less successful pupils in self-regulatory processes during text processing are described. The texts consisted of instructions on how to use a computer keyboard and a text-editor. Learning performance referred to both knowledge and application. The variation in instructions did not influence the learning performance and the thinking-aloud protocols (either quantitatively or qualitatively), but the variable Marks/No Marks did. The main differences between successful and less successful pupils occurred in orientation processes, especially with regard to Reflection on Foreknowledge and Gaps in Foreknowledge. Differences also turned up for processes such as Process Selection and Making Summaries. The results are discussed in light of the results from a prior study with an informative text.
Teaching in Higher Education, 2009
Despite its relevance to and inclusion in pedagogical practices, reflection is a challenging acti... more Despite its relevance to and inclusion in pedagogical practices, reflection is a challenging activity for students in tertiary dance education according to teachers. The aim of the current study was to further explore the challenges encountered in the pedagogical practice of reflection. Data on the difficulties of reflection were collected from 14 dance teachers using semi-structured interviews. The results revealed four categories of difficulty: general difficulties, difficulties describing an experience, difficulties evaluating an experience and difficulties relating to multiple perspectives. The reflection difficulties described in this study correspond to the reflection difficulties reported in other domains of higher education, and illuminate how reflection activities could be facilitated more effectively.
... in het lesgeven heeft gekregen. ... leerling te leggen. In de recente literatuur over wat on... more ... in het lesgeven heeft gekregen. ... leerling te leggen. In de recente literatuur over wat onder hoogwaardig leren moet worden verstaan treffen ... voordelen, met name wat betreft de intrinsieke motivatie, de duurzaamheid en de transferwaarde van het geleerde. ...

In deze bijdrage wordt ingegaan op het leervermogen van individuen, groepen en organisaties. Eers... more In deze bijdrage wordt ingegaan op het leervermogen van individuen, groepen en organisaties. Eerst wordt ingegaan op de vraag waarom leervermogen belangrijk is. Vervolgens wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag hoe leervermogen ontstaat en wat de totstandkoming van leervermogen belemmert. Naast aanpassing aan de omgeving zijn persoonlijkheidsfactoren en metacognitieve kennis en vaardigheden van belang. Er worden drie manieren van leren onderscheiden (gestuurd leren, zelfgestuurd of actieleren en ervaringsleren) die gepaard gaan met andere sets van vaardigheden en houdingen. Tot slot wordt een overzicht gegeven van de noodzakelijke leervaardigheden en -houdingen (voor het individueel leren, groepsleren en organisatieleren). Naast de vaardigheden en houdingen op zich zelf zijn ook de onderlinge relaties van belang: de drie vormen van leren kunnen elkaar versterken De geschetste vaardigheden en houdingen kunnen onder meer worden gebruikt bij het diagnosticeren van leervermogens en het organiseren van opleidingen met de bevordering van leervermogen als nevendoel en in coachingstrajecten.

International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, 2006
A system for Banchored discussion^is compared with a system for traditional forum discussion (Bla... more A system for Banchored discussion^is compared with a system for traditional forum discussion (Blackboard), and their collaborative and communicative affordances for the collaborative processing of academic texts are investigated. Results show that discussion in the system for anchored discussion is more directed at processing the meaning of texts than discussion in the traditional forum, which is more oriented towards the sharing of personal opinions and experiences. This difference in orientation produces a more constructive collaboration in the system for anchored discussion, versus a more debate-like collaboration in the forum discussion. Additionally, while messages in the traditional forum resemble usual discussion or email conversation and contain social and regulative comments, discussion in the system for anchored discussion is seen to be more efficient and Bto-the-point.'' We conclude that for collaborative text comprehension by undergraduate students, anchored discussion might be more suitable than traditional forum discussion. Finally, the observed differences can be explained by the stronger defined collaborative context in the system for anchored discussion, which focuses participants_ collaborative intentions and their frames of reference.
Papers by P. Robert-Jan Simons