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РОССИЯ В ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИИ АМЕРИКАНЦЕВ: ИСТОКИ ОБРАЗА И ЕГО ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ Для Америки в целом с ее традиционным изоляционизмом, обусловленным географией и историей, интерес к другим культурам не характерен. Страна создавалась энергией отрыва от... more
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Abstract Chekhov’s works exhibit a distinctive pattern of references to human suffering that corresponds to his reserve in matters concerning his personal life. Signals of the pain and suffering of his characters represent an... more
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This article follows life and writings of Leonid Chertkov (1933 -2000), an archivist, poet, and political emigrant. From his initial interest in concealed literary facts during the Soviet years came his continuous preoccupation with... more
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      Russian ArchivesSlavic Studies, Russian Studies, Literature and Cultural History of Gulag and Political Repressions In URSS; Literature and Culture of Russian Post-revolutionnary Emigration; Theory of LiteratureUnofficial Russian poetry of the 1950 and 1960
Published in The Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Winter, 1996), pp. 685-699
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В "Записках юного врача" намечены основные стилистические средства, которыми Булгаков воспользуется в работе над романом "Мастер и Маргарита".
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Published in Toronto TriQuarterly, 56.Russian Intellectual History
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      Russian Intellectual HistoryMemoirs
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    • Language Culture and Communication