РОССИЯ В ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИИ АМЕРИКАНЦЕВ: ИСТОКИ ОБРАЗА И ЕГО ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ Для Америки в целом с ее традиционным изоляционизмом, обусловленным географией и историей, интерес к другим культурам не характерен. Страна создавалась энергией отрыва от... more
Abstract Chekhov’s works exhibit a distinctive pattern of references to human suffering that corresponds to his reserve in matters concerning his personal life. Signals of the pain and suffering of his characters represent an... more
This article follows life and writings of Leonid Chertkov (1933 -2000), an archivist, poet, and political emigrant. From his initial interest in concealed literary facts during the Soviet years came his continuous preoccupation with... more
Published in The Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Winter, 1996), pp. 685-699
В "Записках юного врача" намечены основные стилистические средства, которыми Булгаков воспользуется в работе над романом "Мастер и Маргарита".
Published in Toronto TriQuarterly, 56.Russian Intellectual History