University of Tennessee Knoxville
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Environmental indicators for longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystems need to include some measure of understory vegetation because of its responsiveness to disturbance and management practices. To examine the characteristics of... more
Ecological indicators can be used to assess the condition of the environment, to provide an early warning signal of changes in the environment, or to diagnose the cause of an environmental problem. Ideally the suite of indicators should... more
How can ecologists be more effective in supporting ecologically informed rural land-use planning and policy? Improved decision making about rural lands requires careful consideration of how ecological information and analyses can inform... more
Roads and vehicles change the environmental conditions in which they occur. One way to categorize these effects is by the spatial scale of the cause and the impacts. Roads may be viewed from the perspective of road segments, the road... more
Indicators are needed to assess environmental sustainability of bioenergy systems. Effective indicators will help in the quantification of benefits and costs of bioenergy options and resource uses. We identify 19 measurable indicators for... more
Our hypothesis is that a high diversity of dominant life forms in Tennessee forests conveys resilience to disturbance such as climate change. Because of uncertainty in climate change and their effects, three climate change scenarios for... more
Maps of potential habitat distribution are needed for regional population models of rare species, but reliable information from ground surveys is not always available. Existing data sources from disciplines other than ecological research... more
Characterizing how resource use and management activities affect ecological conditions is necessary to document and understand anthropogenic changes in ecological systems. Resource managers on military installations have the delicate task... more
The many ways that people have used and managed land throughout history has emerged as a primary cause of land-cover change around the world. Thus, land use and land management increasingly represent a fundamental source of change in the... more
We study economic and environmental aspects of farming practices of a sample of 91 family farms around the city of Ouro Preto, in Brazil's state of Rond6nia, in western Amazonia, from four overlapping r,~,'spectives. First, we estimate... more
Time series of thematic land-cover maps are used to measure changes in land cover over time. However, pixel-to-pixel comparisons of such maps are often not advisable when these maps are generated from different sources (i.e., satellite... more
AGRIS record. Record number, US9158660. Titles, Climate change and forests. Personal Authors, Binkley, CS. Publisher, School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University. Publisher Place, [Flagstaff (USA)]. Publication Date, [1990]. AGRIS... more
In their Reports in the 29 February issue (Land clearing and the biofuel carbon debt, J. Fargione et al., p. 1235, and Use of US croplands for biofuels increases greenhouse gases through emissions from land-use change, T. Searchinger... more