University of Tennessee Knoxville
College of Communication and Information
I would first like to thank my committee members for agreeing to see me through this. Thank you, Suzie Allard, for encouraging me when I wanted to walk away. Thank you, Carol Tenopir, for seeing my potential early on. Thank you, Michael... more
Based on the theory of the Norm of Reciprocity (NOR), this study is focused on an individual’s data sharing behavior with respect to academic research by investigating their attitude towards data sharing and external funding. A measure... more
Literature on international education indicates a continued need for academic institutions to make efforts to deal with issues around Academic Integrity among international students. Instruction on academic integrity can no longer be... more
Book Review in Notes 74(3)
Music libraries rarely operate in a vacuum. They are part of a consortium of libraries and/or departments that work together on research projects, outreach programs and the cataloging of materials. Historically, records have been created... more