Asish Basu
Since 2020 Professor Emeritus, Chair and Professor of the Departments. at the University of Texas (2013-2020) and University of Rochester , Rochester, NY (1978-2013, 2086-98 as Chair), Taught mineralogy-petrology and geochemistry, conducted research in solid earth geochemistry, acted as advisors to 10 PhD, and 20 Master' thesis in both these institutions. Published more than 100 scientific papers , about a dozen in Science and Nature, Earth and Planetray Science Letters, Geochimica Cosmichimica Acta and many others. Petrology.-geochemistry of the mantle , flood basalts geochronology-geochemistry , mass extinctions at the K-Pg and Permian -Triassic boundaries, crust-mantle evolution and Archean crsut
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