Pirjo Nikander
Research director of the Tampere University Doctoral School, FINLAND. Member of steering committee of the European University Association Council for Doctoral Education. Beneficiary in Marie Curie ITN Euro-Ageism, and Horizon 2020 project DocEnhance 2020-2022.
After completing my Masters (in Finland) and a PhD in social science (in Loughborough University; UK), my academic experience and expertise comprises qualitative research in the areas of ageing, the workforce, inter-professional decision-making, meetings interaction, the baby-boom generation. I have always had a keen interest in qualitative research methodology, research ethics, and evidence & research design. Currently, my research team is particularly interested in utilising and developing qualitative longitudinal research methodology. I am also a partner in the Marie Skolowska Curie Innovative Training Network EuroAgeism 2017-2020.
On a day-to-day basis, I divide my time between my role as PI in ongoing research projects and my tasks as research director of the Tampere University Doctoral School. I am also active in several international academic journals, and regularly act as external opponent for doctoral dissertations, and teach doctoral courses both in Finland and abroad.
Supervisors: My PhD supervisors were prof. Jonathan Potter https://rutgers.academia.edu/JonathanPotter and and prof. Charles Antaki (Loughborough University, UK). https://www.lboro.ac.uk/subjects/communication-media/staff/charles-antaki/
After completing my Masters (in Finland) and a PhD in social science (in Loughborough University; UK), my academic experience and expertise comprises qualitative research in the areas of ageing, the workforce, inter-professional decision-making, meetings interaction, the baby-boom generation. I have always had a keen interest in qualitative research methodology, research ethics, and evidence & research design. Currently, my research team is particularly interested in utilising and developing qualitative longitudinal research methodology. I am also a partner in the Marie Skolowska Curie Innovative Training Network EuroAgeism 2017-2020.
On a day-to-day basis, I divide my time between my role as PI in ongoing research projects and my tasks as research director of the Tampere University Doctoral School. I am also active in several international academic journals, and regularly act as external opponent for doctoral dissertations, and teach doctoral courses both in Finland and abroad.
Supervisors: My PhD supervisors were prof. Jonathan Potter https://rutgers.academia.edu/JonathanPotter and and prof. Charles Antaki (Loughborough University, UK). https://www.lboro.ac.uk/subjects/communication-media/staff/charles-antaki/
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InterestsView All (7)
Papers by Pirjo Nikander