Papers by Joshua Imoniana
The aim of this study was to compare and contrast the parameters of sustainability development an... more The aim of this study was to compare and contrast the parameters of sustainability development and reporting; and the degree of stakeholders’ engagement in the processes of social control of the Municipalities of Santo Andre, Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Caetano do Sul, and Diadema (ABCD) of the greater Sao Paulo, Brazil. This seems to have been ignited by social responsibilities reporting stimulated by the Multi-National Companies (MNC) to abridge the information gap between the companies and stakeholders. With increasing attention to sustainable business, reporting by MNCs about the social and environmental dimensions of their activities – alongside their economic impacts – has become rather common. The transparency of fiscal management in Brazil, from the Fiscal Responsibility Act has become a legal requirement that can be regularly monitored and supervised by stakeholders. However, a transparent public management goes beyond the disclosure of the instruments of fiscal transparency...
This study examines the relationships between sustainability technologies, auditor transition, an... more This study examines the relationships between sustainability technologies, auditor transition, and circular economy models. Circular economy (CE) has been visited in recent studies as a matter of necessity to procure answers to pressing issues that befalls our society, aimed at the survival of the human species. While doing so, there has been little emphasis placed on sustainable technologies that will usher auditors into the new era. Data were constructed from a symposium organized by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), where scholars and practitioners addressed the future of auditing technology, regarding, in particular, the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling (ISEAL) database official website and also interviews with experts dealing day to day with sustainability and circular economy. Discourse analysis assisted in working with these groups of data. Our findings identified 12 different relational types in our analysis, thus signaling upward tre...
International Journal of Global Warming
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças
This study sought to identify incentives that influence the accounting choices for classifying in... more This study sought to identify incentives that influence the accounting choices for classifying interest and dividends received or paid in Cash Flow Statements (CFSs), in the period from 2008 to 2014, in non-financial companies of the Brazilian capital market. The hypotheses refer to the effect of the choice of classification for interest and dividends over cash flow from operations (CFO), according to indebtedness, profitability, size, negative CFO, sector, and auditor. This article seeks to contribute by providing evidence on the accounting choices for classification in CFSs, considering the lack of consensus in the results of studies in the Brazilian capital market and helping to better understand these accounting choices and the incentives behind them. A correct understanding of the information in CFSs is fundamental for them to be useful to their users. The existence of accounting choices for classification in CFSs may directly affect this understanding and, consequently, their ...
International Journal of Global Warming
Revista Organizações em Contexto
Com o aumento dos casos de corrupção e fraudes, surgiram também medidas para combater o avanço de... more Com o aumento dos casos de corrupção e fraudes, surgiram também medidas para combater o avanço dessas práticas e restaurar a confiança dos usuários da informação. Este contexto permitiu o desenvolvimento da prática de contabilidade forense, cujo foco é a prevenção e detecção de fraudes. Esta área se assemelha com outra área da contabilidade, a Perícia Contábil, que, em teoria, também se baseia na investigação para atestar a veracidade de fatos levados a questionamento. Por isso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar as similaridades entre a Contabilidade Forense e a Perícia Contábil, com foco principal nas competências exigidas das ambas as funções. Para a realização do estudo adotou-se o método de estudo fenomenográfico, que se baseia na percepção que as pessoas envolvidas com determinado fenômeno tem sobre o fenômeno em si. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com profissionais dessas duas áreas, com o intuito de identificar a forma como eles conceituam as áreas ...
Brazilian accounting standards establish some classification options in the Statement of Cash Flo... more Brazilian accounting standards establish some classification options in the Statement of Cash Flows (SCF), specifically the cash flows related to interest, dividends and interest on capital paid and received. Such cash flows can be classified in the SCF in three different activities: operating (FCO), investment (FCI) or financing (FCF). This flexibility of classification, on one hand, allows the disclosure of a more accurate information, since the presentation of SCF can be adapted to the specific circumstances of each company. On the other hand, it makes room for opportunistic behavior by allowing choice of which option to generate the most suitable information. This study aims to identify incentives related to the characteristics of non-financial companies in the Brazilian capital markets, which influenced the choices of classification of interest, dividends and interest on capital in the SCF, from 2008 to 2014. The resultant hypotheses from the objective refer to: cash flows classification according to the encouragement of the CPC 03; identification of a possible standardization of classifications in SCF among companies with similar features (same sector or audit firm); relationship between classification shift of the interest paid with the change of auditor; and, the effect on the FCO of the classification choice of interest, dividends and interest on capital in the SCF, according to financial characteristics and performance of companies. For the measurement purposes of the effect on the FCO, paragraph 34A of CPC 03 is taken as a reference, which encourages the classification of interest received or paid, dividends received and interest on capital received as FCO; as well as dividends paid and interest on capital paid as FCF. For analysis of that effect, panel data and two regressions with the following dependent variables have been adopted: 1) the difference in reais between the disclosed FCO and the amount that the FCO would be if the options encouraged by the CPC 03 had been followed; and, 2) the classification choice of interest paid (dummy). The interest paid was considered because, among alternatives, it is that which increases the FCO if the classification recommended by the CPC is not followed. With a sample of 352 companies, 2.290 reports analyzed and 3.764 data collected, the results show that: i) the most Brazilian companies follow the classifications encouraged by CPC 03, except those related to dividends/interest on capital received; ii) some sectors followed a predominant classification in all items or part of them that allow flexibility of presentation in SCF; iii) there are prevalent classifications for companies with certain audit firms; iv) classification shift of the interest paid occurred regardless of the change of auditor; and, v) there is evidence that the debt influences the disclosure of an FCO in a different amount than if the CPC classification recommendation had been followed. The achieved results provide evidence on the relationship between characteristics of Brazilian companies and the FCO released due to the choice of classification in the SCF.
Corporate Ownership and Control, 2009
This paper compares the role of managerial control in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)... more This paper compares the role of managerial control in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) startup in Bosnia Erzegovina, Brazil and Italy respectively in the district of Banja Luka, San Caetano and Forlì-Cesena. The main reason for this emergent topic is the survey carried out in the various countries that shows that informal controls outweighs the formal controls in the MSME and that there is a good evidence that such businesses are family owned. The most interesting result of the research was the discussion on MSMEs control system that is interwoven by the role and features of managerial control in Family Business (FB). In this regard, should we assume as empirically demonstrated in model (Fig.1) together with Greiner statements, developed by other Authors (Quinn, Cameron 1983), the general framework allow us to maintain the hypothesis that the control level in the first phases of MFB startup is low and limited to punctual check and operative one.
Corporate Ownership and Control, 2007
The objective of this study was to present the impact of the budgeting process on staff motivatio... more The objective of this study was to present the impact of the budgeting process on staff motivation based on the theories of Maslow, Herzberg, Vroom & Robins. With a view to accomplishing our objectives the following research questions were thrown: a) is it feasible to establish a relationship between motivations and budgeting b) is the employee welfare plans capable of influencing the effectiveness of budgetary executions? c) what are the functions of knowledge-based systems in the attainment of budgetary assignments and, d) are the feedbacks from results arising from budgetary analysis, taken to the knowledge of the employees so as to warrant learning from apparent errors? A psychological and analytical inductive approach was adopted to develop the research. Results reveal that the budgeting process is a key staff motivational factor.
International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 2017
International Journal of Auditing Technology, 2016
Corporate Ownership and Control, 2009
In the last decades, CAPM model has been of great interest in the scientific scene. Despite all t... more In the last decades, CAPM model has been of great interest in the scientific scene. Despite all the criticism, the improvement of the static CAPM, which has generated new dynamic models, provided investors with stronger guarantee through financial transactions. The CAPM and its static version were and are still very important in the financial scene. Nowadays, more sophisticated adaptations of the CAPM are found, which allow us to explain some matters in finance that had remained unqualified for a couple of time. Considering such discussion about the CAPM validity, this study aims to create a basis for reflection upon the conditional model, comparing it with the static one. In order to verify such facts, tests of conditional models are examined (with beta varying throughout the exercise), something uncommonly studied in the literature. Such tests are suitable to incorporate variances and covariance that change at long run. Methodological wise, the study tested the conditional CAPM mo...
Corporate Ownership and Control, 2011
This study analyzes the managers’ (Chief Financial Officer (CFO)) perception of impact of impleme... more This study analyzes the managers’ (Chief Financial Officer (CFO)) perception of impact of implementation of internal controls. It investigates the causes of adoption in the multidimensionality of internal control of the Brazilian companies traded in the New York Stock market. A survey sent to the CFOs of the 70 companies listed in the NYSE collected empirical data from these companies. The final response rate was 15.16 %. The study uses partial least squares modeling for statistical analysis to test the research question. Our empirical evidence supports the hypotheses that “the greater the level of multidimensionality of controls in an organization the lower the level of causal effects and damage to the control environment. Based on work performed, one is able to infer that overall, there is a significant relationship between causal effects on operating activities, financial reporting and compliance in relation to the multidimensionality of internal controls, thus, when there are un...
Corporate Ownership and Control, 2007
African J. of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2016
Prior studies concentrated on the misuse of accounting information systems and did not explore th... more Prior studies concentrated on the misuse of accounting information systems and did not explore the effectiveness of internal control systems with a view to curb corporate frauds. This study abridged the aforementioned gap. The study rallied around the question of which procedures are deemed appropriate or not in the internal control procedures to mitigate the risks of fraud in organisations. We carried out an interpretative and critical analysis on the issue. Based on the aforementioned, we conclude that corruption and misappropriation of assets are frauds combated more efficiently and effectively with the complainants channel, mechanisms of internal control and rules of compliance; while frauds in financial statements usually linked to higher echelon are more appropriately mapped and traced by external auditors.
Revista Administracao Em Dialogo Issn 2178 0080, 2010
African Journal of Business Management, Jan 14, 2014
Revista Da Micro E Pequena Empresa, 2008
Page 1. Revista da Micro e Pequena Empresa, Campo Limpo Paulista, v.2, n.3, p.28-48, 2008. UM EST... more Page 1. Revista da Micro e Pequena Empresa, Campo Limpo Paulista, v.2, n.3, p.28-48, 2008. UM ESTUDO SOBRE A IMPORTÂNCIA DO USO DAS FERRAMENTAS DE CONTROLE GERENCIAL NAS MICRO, PEQUENAS ...
Papers by Joshua Imoniana