Papers by Suresh Narayanan
World Development, Jun 1, 2018
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect t... more The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ADB in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term "country" in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.
Social Science Research Network, 2017
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect t... more The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ADB in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term "country" in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Malaysian journal of economic studies, Jun 10, 2019
It is widely held that risk preferences differ between the three ethnic groups in Malaysia with t... more It is widely held that risk preferences differ between the three ethnic groups in Malaysia with the Chinese having the highest preference for risk and Malays having the lowest. This has been used to explain the Chinese preference for, and success in, business ventures relative to Malays. However, this assumption has never been tested in a controlled environment. Three hundred working adults from the three groups were recruited and participated in two-choice lottery games with real monetary reward and risk. The results were analysed using the framework of cumulative prospect theory. The outcomes indicate that broad generalisations regarding inter-ethnic risk tolerance are inaccurate. Malays were less risk averse than the Chinese or others when facing choices with the possibility of losing but became more risk averse only when facing choices with the possibility of winning. Malays were also more willing to take greater risk to reduce possible loss than to settle for a sure gain, compared to the others.

Annals of Epidemiology, 2012
We examined intimate partner violence (IPV) by a former partner among Canadian-born and immigrant... more We examined intimate partner violence (IPV) by a former partner among Canadian-born and immigrant women by length of residence in Canada. Data from a 2009 national, population-based, telephone survey were used to determine the prevalence of and factors associated with any type of IPV (emotional, financial, physical, and/or sexual) by a former partner with whom there had been contact in the previous 5 years among immigrant women 0 to 19 years in Canada, 20 or more years or longer in Canada, and Canadian-born women (n = 1681). Of immigrant women in Canada for 0 to 19 years, 41.6% had experienced IPV by a former partner; for immigrant women in Canada for 20 or more years or longer, 60.6%, and Canadian-born women, 61.5% (P = .0423). In a logistic regression model adjusted for age and other sociodemographic characteristics, immigrant women in Canada for 0 to 19 years were less likely than Canadian-born women to experience any IPV (odds ratio, 0.266; 95% confidence interval, 0.130-0.544). There was no difference in the occurrence of any IPV between immigrant women in Canada 20 or more years or longer and Canadian-born women. High rates of any IPV by a former partner were found for both Canadian-born and immigrant women. Within immigrant communities, specific prevention campaigns should address the high risk of experiencing IPV at later stages of resettlement.

Malaysian journal of economic studies, Jun 1, 2017
Drawing on collective agreements pertaining to rubber tappers in the Malaysian plantation sector ... more Drawing on collective agreements pertaining to rubber tappers in the Malaysian plantation sector for the period, 1954-2003, the authors re-examine three conclusions of previous studies: (i) real earnings of tappers had not increased, (ii) the prosperity sharing provision in the agreements was ineffective in passing some of the windfall gains to workers; and (iii) the overall payment scheme, with fixed and flexible components, only benefited employers. These claims, if left to stand without careful re-examination, would represent a serious misinterpretation of facts. Our findings show that overall earnings have kept pace with rising inflation and the prosperity sharing mechanism benefited workers in 43 out of the 46 years since its introduction in 1959. The flexible wage system, while benefitting employers, also protected labour employment in times of rubber price downswings.
The heavy reliance on immigrant labour in manufacturing remains a contentious issue and we addres... more The heavy reliance on immigrant labour in manufacturing remains a contentious issue and we address three concerns with respect to their impact: did they displace native workers or complement them? Did their influx impede real wage growth? And did they lower real productivity growth? We found that immigrants complemented local workers in the initial phase when a labour shortage emerged at prevailing wage levels but displaced them in later periods because employers favoured them due to significant nonwage cost savings. Immigrants did impede real wage rate growth although given the strong demand for labour that prevailed, wages did rise. Finally, the contention that immigrant labour use contributed to keeping productivity low found some support. In the light of these findings we discuss policy options with respect to immigrant workers.

Asian Economic Papers, 2019
The civil service pension scheme (CSPS) in Malaysia is a defined benefit (DB), non-contributory s... more The civil service pension scheme (CSPS) in Malaysia is a defined benefit (DB), non-contributory system directly funded from the budget. An aging population, rising life expectancy, and ballooning pension payments underscore the need for reform. An annual pension deficit model was used to estimate the pension deficit over a period of 75 years under eight scenarios that compare the current scheme with changes in the pension deficit when three policy variables—retirement age, contribution rate, and replacement rate—are manipulated. We found the current scheme will not be financially sustainable. By increasing the retirement age, introducing employee contributions, and reducing the replacement rate, it is possible to delay the emergence of deficits and lengthen the period of sustainability of the scheme. However, a radical makeover is necessary to be fully sustainable and this might not be politically feasible.

This paper examines four unresolved issues regarding the effects of GDP and inflation on financia... more This paper examines four unresolved issues regarding the effects of GDP and inflation on financial development: (i) Does GDP have uniform impact on financial development in heterogeneous income countries? (ii) Is the relationship non-linear? (iii) Does financial development vary with inflation rates? (iv) Does inflation moderate the effect of GDP on financial development? The authors employ the newly developed dynamic Common Correlated Effects (CCE) and dynamic panel system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) on data from 125 countries. These techniques enable us to control for crosssectional dependence, heterogeneity and endogeneity. They show that GDP has a positive impact on financial development in high and middle-income countries, and the relationship is non-linear in over 60% of the countries. The authors also reveal that inflation has a negative effect on financial development in high- and medium-inflationary countries. Besides, high inflation moderates the effect of GDP on f...

Current opinion in psychiatry, 2018
To review the literature on decriminalization of drug use from 2016 to 2017 and suggest the way f... more To review the literature on decriminalization of drug use from 2016 to 2017 and suggest the way forward. The systematic review of the literature on decriminalization resulted in seven articles that discuss decriminalization as compared with 57 published articles on legalization. Decriminalization of drug use did not have an effect on the age of onset of drug use and the prices of drugs did not decrease after the implementation of drug decriminalization. Policy-based studies on decriminalization suggest shifting from criminal sanctions to a public health approach, which was endorsed by the United Nations (UN) that viewed drug addiction as a preventable and treatable health disorder. One study preferred decriminalization only for cannabis and cautioned against regulating cannabis like alcohol. Another study indicated that general medical practitioners in Ireland did not favour the decriminalization of cannabis. Scientific evidence supporting drug addiction as a health disorder and the...
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental
Objective: Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa. Korth) is an indigenous medicinal plant of Southeast Asia.... more Objective: Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa. Korth) is an indigenous medicinal plant of Southeast Asia. This review paper aims to describe the trends of kratom use in Southeast Asia, particularly, in Malaysia and Thailand, where its use has been extensively studied by social scientists. Design: A literature review search was conducted through the internet. Nineteen articles illustrating kratom use in humans in Southeast Asia were reviewed. Results: The kratom has long been used by rural folk in Southeast Asia as a remedy for common ailments, to fight fatigue from hard manual work, as a drink during social interaction among men and in village religious functions. Studies based on self-reports suggest that prolonged kratom use does not result in serious health risks or impair social-functioning. Two recent trends have emerged: kratom is reportedly being used to ease withdrawal from opioid dependence in rural settings, while in urban areas, adulterated kratom cocktails are being consumed by younger people to induce euphoria. Meanwhile, kratom use is no longer classified under the Dangerous Drug Act in Thailand and attempts to classify it under the Dangerous Drug Act in Malaysia have not been successful. Conclusions: Legal sanctions appear to have preceded serious scientific investigations into the claimed benefits of ketum. More objective controlled trials and experiments on humans need to be conducted to validate self-report claims by kratom users in the community.

Brain Research Bulletin, 2016
The objective of the paper was to highlight the differences in the traditional and non-traditiona... more The objective of the paper was to highlight the differences in the traditional and non-traditional users of kratom in the South East Asian and Western contexts. A literature survey of published kratom studies among humans was conducted. Forty published studies relevant to the objective were reviewed. Apart from the differences in the sources of supply, patterns of use and social acceptability of kratom within these two regions, the most interesting finding is its evolution to a recreational drug in both settings and the severity of the adverse effects of kratom use reported in the West. While several cases of toxicity and death have emerged in the West, such reports have been non-existent in South East Asia where kratom has had a longer history of use. We highlight the possible reasons for this as discussed in the literature. More importantly, it should be borne in mind that the individual clinical case-reports emerging from the West that link kratom use to adverse reactions or fatalities frequently pertained to kratom used together with other substances. Therefore, there is a danger of these reports being used to strengthen the case for legal sanction against kratom. This would be unfortunate since the experiences from South East Asia suggest considerable potential for therapeutic use among people who use drugs. Despite its addictive properties, reported side-effects and its tendency to be used a recreational drug, more scientific clinical human studies are necessary to determine its potential therapeutic value.
Asian Surv, 1989
... HARI SINGH & SURESH NARAYANAN 519 ... See Mahathir bin Mohamed, The Malay Dilemma (Singap... more ... HARI SINGH & SURESH NARAYANAN 519 ... See Mahathir bin Mohamed, The Malay Dilemma (Singapore: Donald Moore for Asia Pacific Press, 1970). ... 1-2, and Diane K. Mauzy, "Malaysia in 1987: Decline of 'The Malay Way,' " Asian Survey, 28:2 (February 1988), p. 215, fn. ...

Aids Care, Aug 1, 2009
Despite the growing HIV threat among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Malaysia, there is a dearth o... more Despite the growing HIV threat among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Malaysia, there is a dearth of information on their HIV risk behaviour. This study focused on identifying specific risk behaviours that distinguished HIV positive IDUs from those who were not. For the first time, data on IDUs not in treatment were obtained through a cross-sectional survey of 526 subjects recruited from five selected cities across peninsular Malaysia. A structured questionnaire and face-to-face interviews were utilised to collect detailed information on their drug use practices and sexual behaviours. On-site serological testing determined their HIV and hepatitis C status. The findings indicated that ethnic Malays, who are also Muslims, form the majority of IDUs not in treatment. Bivariate analysis identified six risk factors associated with HIV seropositivity: being 44 years or younger; not holding a regular job; initiating drug use at age 23 or younger; being a morphine user; sharing injecting equipment and having multiple-sex partners. However, only the last two remained significant in multivariate analysis. That sharing contaminated injecting equipment is a significant risk factor strongly justifies the widening of the pilot needle and syringe exchange programme initiated hesitantly in late 2005 as a reaction to the worsening HIV/AIDS situation. Condom use, though not independently significant, remains important because consistent and wider use could neutralise the second risk factor--having multiple-sex partners. The finding that injecting drug use is increasingly occurring in groups underscores the need for outreach programmes that emphasise safe injecting practices in group settings. In addition, counsellors should endeavour to convince drug users to enter treatment since being in treatment appears to reduce risk behaviours. Finally, conservative Muslim unease about harm reduction must be assuaged quickly since Malay Muslims form the majority of IDUs not in treatment.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1162 Asep_A_00279, Jun 11, 2014

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2016
Despite the rise in recreational use of ketamine in Malaysia, there have been no studies of users... more Despite the rise in recreational use of ketamine in Malaysia, there have been no studies of users or of the health-related consequences they face. This study was initiated to examine ketamine use and its health consequences. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information. A final sample of 127 males was divided into persons who used only ketamine and those who were poly-drug users. Each group was further divided into long-period and short-period users. Urine toxicology screening for ketamine and other illicit drugs commonly used in Malaysia was also done. Our findings corroborate those of earlier studies that link ketamine use to urological problems such as frequent urination, dysuria, incontinence, painful bladder, nocturia, and urinary urgency. A new finding in this study is the significant association between ketamine use and erectile dysfunction, such that higher odds of reporting erectile dysfunction were linked to long-period users. Our findings strengthen the case for early intervention, as ketamine users are drawn from young and unmarried male participants. The association of ketamine use with erectile dysfunction, if substantiated, will help physicians in their diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, particularly among youths.
Economy and Society, 2008
Papers by Suresh Narayanan