International Business Education Journal Vol. 17 No.1 (2024) 26-37 , 2024
The aim and objective of this article is to explore the issues and challenges of performance appr... more The aim and objective of this article is to explore the issues and challenges of performance appraisals from the views and perceptions of teachers in selected Malaysian primary schools based on The Unified Evaluation for Education Services Officer's documents also known as Penilaian Bersepadu Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan (PBPPP). The documents are used as formal documents in teachers' performance appraisal evaluation since 2016. This article attempts to understand the issues of the implementation based on the teachers' experiences on the evaluation conducted by educational leaders in their schools. Performance appraisal is always stigmatized with the element of bias, and it is crucial to have clear perspectives of the teachers' true experiences on the positional of this claim. For the analysis, a single explanatory case study based on qualitative methodology was implemented by adapting deductive thematic analysis method. In order to collect transparent data, semi-structured interview questions were designed using the formal appraisal evaluation form as reference. The selection of informants was using purposive sampling which involved five teachers with working experience between five to 30 years. The analysed data from the interview transcriptions and formal documents were divided into three themes: practice, implementations, leaders' capabilities, and teachers' experiences. Through the data, it is interesting to find that the contrast between the documents implementation and the actual practice carries out in schools. Halo effect is one of the leadership biases which frequently occurred based on the data collected. This study could be a reference to the school and educational leaders to thoroughly examine the reality and capabilities of the school leaders to reduce bias in education service officers' performance appraisal.
All praises to Allah the Almighty To my beloved husband, mum, dad, and my adorable children iv AC... more All praises to Allah the Almighty To my beloved husband, mum, dad, and my adorable children iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have put a lot of efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all of them. I am highly indebted to my supervisor, Dr. Fauziah Binti Ismail for her guidance and constant supervision as well as providing information in completing the project. I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents, Hj. Mukhtar and Hjh. Asmah and my parent in law, Pn. Fuziah for their encouragements which help me to complete my study. My special gratitude also to my beloved husband, Dr Saiful Anuar Abu Bakar and my precious children, Arif and Mawaddah. Lastly, my appreciation goes to my colleagues; especially to Noor Shana Kamarundzaman, Siti Asnida Said and Shamila Ismail for the knowledge and guidance shared throughout this study.
This study sets out to investigate the use of the process approach to teach guided essay to prima... more This study sets out to investigate the use of the process approach to teach guided essay to primary pupils. This study is to explore the problems faced by the pupils in writing guided essay and to identify the effects of using process writing in teaching guided essay. This study implemented the classification scheme of Quasiexperimental design adapted from Cresswell (2008) which deals with a single group test for the post-test, treatments and pre-test. Two sets of questionnaires were designed for the pupils and the teachers to answer. At the same time interviews were also conducted. These instruments were used as tools to examine the influence of teaching and learning essay using the process approach on the pupils. Sixty pupils from year 6 and five teachers were selected to participate in this study. The pupils were asked to write guided essays and the essays were marked using the assessment marking scheme of the UPSR format. Initially, by referring to the pre-test conducted, the pu...
In the era of communication and information technology, computer network-based language learning ... more In the era of communication and information technology, computer network-based language learning is widely applied in expending the learning of language in order to facilitate students' activities as well as helping teachers in delivering lesson effectively via various kinds of interactions. Network-Based Language Learning has been developed on the basis of various fields of problems such as differences of mediums, linguistic styles, and level of engagement which complicate the original goal of it. (Kern and Warschauer, 2000).
Islam views knowledge as a very essential elements of human needs. The introduction of the first ... more Islam views knowledge as a very essential elements of human needs. The introduction of the first revelation of Surah Al-'Alaq is a prove that Islam had been the pioneer in introducing the formal method in education to the children. Through this surah, scholars had expended the definition into a vast definition and interpretations, and one of the scholars was Al Ghazali. In his book, 'Ihya Ulum Ad Din', there is a chapter discussing only on the subject of 'ilm (knowledge) in which Al Ghazali mentioned that the utmost objective of learning knowledge is to fear Allah and to become pious. Knowledge and education are seen as a way to get closer to Allah and at the same time to develop a good behaviour or adab. Al Ghazali had seen the knowledge and education as exactly as what our Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us in which to seek Allah's blessings on those who seek knowledge. Knowledge is a tool to balance the meaning of our life, in which not merely focused on the worldly matters but also to achieve the goal of the life hereafter.
reviewing the article:
Kern, R., and Warschauer, (2000) Network-Based Language Teaching: concept... more reviewing the article:
Kern, R., and Warschauer, (2000) Network-Based Language Teaching: concept and practice, retrieved on October 15, 2011 from
Teaching Documents by NOR AZUANEE MUKHTAR
comparison between qualitative and quantitative
There have been various studies done in attempting to analyse on job satisfaction levels in the w... more There have been various studies done in attempting to analyse on job satisfaction levels in the working environment. Political organizational support is always perceived as the opposites of the organizational support and practice. However, we need to give the in-depth views and definition on this matter. The political implementation in the working and organizational must be divided and interpreted in more precise and diverse manner. If the political implementation is towards the working environments, this might contribute an adverse effect onto the whole organization in a long term.
However, if the political views and implementations are being practiced by individual to gain a certain carrier achievement, it is unfair to directly allocate the political organizational support as something negative. I would agree with what the writers when they stated that how the individual practiced the term itself will bring the term ‘politics into a real purpose rather than practicing it in the organization. We cannot simply put aside the functions and the contribution of politics in an organization (Ferris, G. R., Russ, G. S. and Fandt, P.M, 1989).
aya ingin mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada YB Senator Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri, M... more aya ingin mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada YB Senator Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri, Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama) atas komitmen dan dedikasi dalam membudayakan ilmu dalam masyarakat Malaysia. Sesungguhnya ini adalah satu usaha yang murni dalam memperkaya khazanah perbukuan di Malaysia. Doa adalah pengharapan seseorang untuk mendapatkan kebaikan daripada Allah SWT dengan memohon secara langsung kepada-Nya. Setiap individu mempunyai keperluan dan keinginan masingmasing sama ada secara positif atau negatif, kerana mereka terpaksa menghadapi pelbagai rencam kehidupan berupa cabaran, halangan dan dugaan. Justeru umat Islam diajar supaya berdoa kepada Allah SWT bagi memohon limpah perkenan dan rahmat-Nya supaya hajat terkabul. Maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya doa itu bermanfaat terhadap apa yang telah diturunkan dan apa yang belum diturunkan. Oleh itu, hendaklah kamu berdoa wahai hamba Allah." Riwayat al-Tirmizi (3548) Riwayat Ahmad (15360), (15363); al-Nasa'ie dalam al-Sunan al-Kubra (9831) dan al-Tabarani dalam al-Du'a (293) Pada waktu petang, hendakah ditukar lafaz " " kepada " " َا ن ْ ح َ ب ْ ص َ أ َا ن ْ ي َ س ْ م َ أ Maksudnya: "Ya Allah, Engkau adalah Tuhan kami. Tidak ada tuhan yang berhak disembah kecuali Engkau, Engkaulah yang menciptakan kami dan kami adalah hamba-Mu. Kami akan setia pada perjanjian kami pada-Mu dan janji-Mu dengan sedaya upaya kami. Kami berlindung kepada-Mu dari kejahatan yang kami lakukan. Kami mengakui nikmat-Mu kepada kami dan kami mengakui dosa kami, maka ampunilah kami. Sesungguhnya tiada yang mengampuni dosa kecuali Engkau.
For the Muslims; we always put Islam as our ‘frame of work’ in life. By this, religion will be ou... more For the Muslims; we always put Islam as our ‘frame of work’ in life. By this, religion will be our fundamental element of reference. This is understood as we; the Muslims, are very different from the Christians. The revealed Law or also known as the Sharia Law has always been our guide. It is the documentations of what was expressed through the teachings, what had been said and modeled by our Prophet ﷺ.
Islam views knowledge as a very essential elements of human needs. The introduction of the first... more Islam views knowledge as a very essential elements of human needs. The introduction of the first revelation of Surah Al- ‘Alaq is a prove that Islam had been the pioneer in introducing the formal method in education to the children. Through this surah, scholars had expended the definition into a vast definition and interpretations, and one of the scholars was Al Ghazali.
In his book, ‘Ihya Ulum Ad Din’, there is a chapter discussing only on the subject of ‘ilm (knowledge) in which Al Ghazali mentioned that the utmost objective of learning knowledge is to fear Allah and to become pious. Knowledge and education are seen as a way to get closer to Allah and at the same time to develop a good behaviour or adab.
Al Ghazali had seen the knowledge and education as exactly as what our Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us in which to seek Allah’s blessings on those who seek knowledge. Knowledge is a tool to balance the meaning of our life, in which not merely focused on the worldly matters but also to achieve the goal of the life hereafter.
According to Al Syahrastani, Al Jabariayah was divided into 2 types:
The pure or Al Khalisah:
th... more According to Al Syahrastani, Al Jabariayah was divided into 2 types:
The pure or Al Khalisah:
this group believed that men did not has any control on whatever actions he did. All were pre-set.There were a few minor groups raised from this movement. Such as Al Jahmiyyah, Al Najjariyyah, Al Darariyah and Al Bakriyyah. Al Razi also included Al Kullabiyyah into this group (Kamaruddin, 2021)
The moderate or Al Mutawassittah:
This group believed that man could change but it will not give any effects at all. They were planting a new idea of power, ability, and efforts.
This paper is discussing on the development, movement and impact of Islamization of knowledge in ... more This paper is discussing on the development, movement and impact of Islamization of knowledge in the IIUM govern by its own rectors. This process of developing and imparting the value if Islamization of knowledge are still being done but, surely there will be a few changes as it progressed.
The concept of Islamization of knowledge mostly adapted by the ideas of several Muslim scholars such as Syed Naquib Al Attas (1978) and Ismail al Faruqi (1982). Their ideas were later being expanded and refined by few prominent scholars and mostly mentioned are Dr. Abdul Hamid Abusulayman and professor Dr. Kamal Hassan; both were the former rectors of International Islamic University of Malaysia.
The great work of Al Ghazali
Kern, R., and Warschauer, (2000) Network-Based Language Teaching: concept and practice, retrieved on October 15, 2011 from
Teaching Documents by NOR AZUANEE MUKHTAR
However, if the political views and implementations are being practiced by individual to gain a certain carrier achievement, it is unfair to directly allocate the political organizational support as something negative. I would agree with what the writers when they stated that how the individual practiced the term itself will bring the term ‘politics into a real purpose rather than practicing it in the organization. We cannot simply put aside the functions and the contribution of politics in an organization (Ferris, G. R., Russ, G. S. and Fandt, P.M, 1989).
In his book, ‘Ihya Ulum Ad Din’, there is a chapter discussing only on the subject of ‘ilm (knowledge) in which Al Ghazali mentioned that the utmost objective of learning knowledge is to fear Allah and to become pious. Knowledge and education are seen as a way to get closer to Allah and at the same time to develop a good behaviour or adab.
Al Ghazali had seen the knowledge and education as exactly as what our Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us in which to seek Allah’s blessings on those who seek knowledge. Knowledge is a tool to balance the meaning of our life, in which not merely focused on the worldly matters but also to achieve the goal of the life hereafter.
The pure or Al Khalisah:
this group believed that men did not has any control on whatever actions he did. All were pre-set.There were a few minor groups raised from this movement. Such as Al Jahmiyyah, Al Najjariyyah, Al Darariyah and Al Bakriyyah. Al Razi also included Al Kullabiyyah into this group (Kamaruddin, 2021)
The moderate or Al Mutawassittah:
This group believed that man could change but it will not give any effects at all. They were planting a new idea of power, ability, and efforts.
The concept of Islamization of knowledge mostly adapted by the ideas of several Muslim scholars such as Syed Naquib Al Attas (1978) and Ismail al Faruqi (1982). Their ideas were later being expanded and refined by few prominent scholars and mostly mentioned are Dr. Abdul Hamid Abusulayman and professor Dr. Kamal Hassan; both were the former rectors of International Islamic University of Malaysia.
Kern, R., and Warschauer, (2000) Network-Based Language Teaching: concept and practice, retrieved on October 15, 2011 from
However, if the political views and implementations are being practiced by individual to gain a certain carrier achievement, it is unfair to directly allocate the political organizational support as something negative. I would agree with what the writers when they stated that how the individual practiced the term itself will bring the term ‘politics into a real purpose rather than practicing it in the organization. We cannot simply put aside the functions and the contribution of politics in an organization (Ferris, G. R., Russ, G. S. and Fandt, P.M, 1989).
In his book, ‘Ihya Ulum Ad Din’, there is a chapter discussing only on the subject of ‘ilm (knowledge) in which Al Ghazali mentioned that the utmost objective of learning knowledge is to fear Allah and to become pious. Knowledge and education are seen as a way to get closer to Allah and at the same time to develop a good behaviour or adab.
Al Ghazali had seen the knowledge and education as exactly as what our Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us in which to seek Allah’s blessings on those who seek knowledge. Knowledge is a tool to balance the meaning of our life, in which not merely focused on the worldly matters but also to achieve the goal of the life hereafter.
The pure or Al Khalisah:
this group believed that men did not has any control on whatever actions he did. All were pre-set.There were a few minor groups raised from this movement. Such as Al Jahmiyyah, Al Najjariyyah, Al Darariyah and Al Bakriyyah. Al Razi also included Al Kullabiyyah into this group (Kamaruddin, 2021)
The moderate or Al Mutawassittah:
This group believed that man could change but it will not give any effects at all. They were planting a new idea of power, ability, and efforts.
The concept of Islamization of knowledge mostly adapted by the ideas of several Muslim scholars such as Syed Naquib Al Attas (1978) and Ismail al Faruqi (1982). Their ideas were later being expanded and refined by few prominent scholars and mostly mentioned are Dr. Abdul Hamid Abusulayman and professor Dr. Kamal Hassan; both were the former rectors of International Islamic University of Malaysia.