Papers by Rindani Dwihapsari
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2021
This scientific research was conducted to see the effect and how the effectiveness of the monetar... more This scientific research was conducted to see the effect and how the effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism from both conventional and sharia perspectives to tackle inflation in 2013-2020. The conventional monetary policy transmission mechanism can be seen from the total conventional bank credit (LOAN), the interest rate on Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI), and the average yield on Government Securities (SUN). Meanwhile, sharia monetary policy can be seen from the yield rates on Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates (SBIS), total Islamic bank financing (FINC) and the average yield of State Sharia Securities (SBSN). Through the Vector Error Correction Model method, it is found that the SBI results have a significant negative effect so that if the interest rate increases by one percent it will reduce inflation. Unlike the case with the effectiveness as measured by the Impulse Response Function (IFR) and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD), where conventiona...
Eqien: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2020
Indonesia has the largest number of Muslim in the world, therefore the potential of zakat can rea... more Indonesia has the largest number of Muslim in the world, therefore the potential of zakat can reach 3.46 percent of GDP. But in fact, total collection of zakat is not accordance with its potential. One of the solution which can be done is approach the millennial generation and take advantage of current financial technology. Along with the issue, the purpose of this research is to examine the faktors that influence millennials generation in Jabodetabek in their decision to pay zakat, infaq and alms through digital platforms. Based on the literature review, behavioral intentions will affect individual behavior of consuming an item or service, which in this study is behavior in deciding to pay ZIS through a digital platform such as OVO, GoPay, mobile banking. In addition, religiosity is a form of individual behavior towards their religion and it can influence the decisions to pay ZIS. By using PLS-SEM analysis, as well as survey data from the distribution of questionnaires to 153 respo...
Munculnya pegadaian syariah sebagai lembaga keuangan syariah non-bank membuat masyarakat mempunya... more Munculnya pegadaian syariah sebagai lembaga keuangan syariah non-bank membuat masyarakat mempunyai banyak pilihan untuk bermuamalah. Namun terdapat pro dan kontra dari para ulama, DSN MUI dan Pegadaian Syariah atas kesyariahan produk pembiayaan yang disediakan, sehingga menimbulkan keraguan atas kehalalan pendapatan yang diterimanya. Fenomena yang berkembang adalah citra pegadaian syariah yang kurang baik karena dianggap pegadaian syariah identik dengan golongan menengah kebawah maupun opini- opini lainnya sehingga mempengaruhi preferensi masyarakat dan fakta bahwa pendapatan Pegadaian Syariah hanya mengalami peningkatan yang rendah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini berfokus pada faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi masyarakat terhadap pegadaian syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dari faktor harga, faktor lokasi, dan faktor syariah terhadap preferensi nasabah dalam memilih transaksi gadai di pegadaian syariah. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah nasabah P...
Papers by Rindani Dwihapsari