Papers by Georgios Panagiotopoulos
Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση, Dec 21, 2017
Adult Education (ΑΕ) is a field of special interest and importance at a global level. Especially ... more Adult Education (ΑΕ) is a field of special interest and importance at a global level. Especially for the European Union, recent studies state that the situation in Europe (imprinted by evidence such as: one out of five adults has low literacy and numeracy skills, one out of four has finished only primary education while one in three has almost zero ICT skills) reveals the emphasis that needs to be put on Adult Education. In this context, it seems that one of the key tools that can be used to support the AE is Open Educational Resources (OER). OERs have evolved in recent years, getting increased acceptance at all levels of education. Until the end of the last decade, OERs were mainly developed with an emphasis on formal education (primary, secondary and tertiary) or non-formal for adults who already had a good level of education. In recent years, however, there has been an attempt towards OERs and open education in general to cover the whole spectrum of non-formal education as well as the entire adult age range, regardless of previous knowledge and skills.
Education Sciences
Globalization provides access to people, services, goods, ideas, beliefs and values in a new way ... more Globalization provides access to people, services, goods, ideas, beliefs and values in a new way and poses fundamental challenges for all areas of education in every country. Education on global issues is a process of individual and collective growth which allows for transformation and self-transformation. In this vein, this quantitative study seeks to investigate the perspectives of 310 adult educators on global education training. The accessible population of the study was adult educators working in the public and private vocational training institutes in the region of Western Greece during the academic year 2021–2022. The random sampling technique was applied. Research findings show that teachers recognize the necessity and importance of training on global competence and most of them have attended one or more courses mostly during their undergraduate or postgraduate studies or during their participation in training programs. They also regard the University as the most appropriate...
This paper attempts to investigate the views of the administrative officials of the Municipality ... more This paper attempts to investigate the views of the administrative officials of the Municipality of Larissa on their participation in training programs relating to their competencies. In specific, it investigates whether they consider training necessary, the reasons why they choose to be trained and the issues in which they feel they need to be trained. The analysis of the findings highlights, first of all, the great need for training officials. The most important reasons are considered to be the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and the addressing of shortcomings, to allow them to solve problems of their daily working life. As regards the subjects covered by the training, they primarily select programs related to the organisation and administration of local government services and to the interpretation of the legislative framework.
European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2020
The aim of the present study is to investigate and capture teachers’ attitudes towards the princi... more The aim of the present study is to investigate and capture teachers’ attitudes towards the principles, benefits and risks of Education 4.0, as it is shaped in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The methodology followed is the quantitative one and specifically an improvised questionnaire was structured. It was answered by a sample of 233 primary education teachers of the Region of Western Greece. Data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS 26.0 for Windows. The results of the research show that teachers believe that students will have more opportunities to learn at different times and in different locations with tools tailored to their individual abilities and will choose the devices, programs and methods by which they will learn. In addition, the use of technology in education will improve learning outcomes, will help save material resources and improve teachers' communication with parents, students and education staff. However, participating teachers believ...
European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2020
This paper focuses on exploring the thematic analysis of the text "Human Development Report" (Uni... more This paper focuses on exploring the thematic analysis of the text "Human Development Report" (United Nations, 2016) about the way universal policies can contribute to the development of all left out. This means people that belong to vulnerable groups. What are their characteristics, what are their targets, and how can they be implemented? According to the findings, universalism is the principle of the human development approach, but it is not enough. It is necessary to be translated into practice by identifying and breaking down barriers that exclude certain groups. Some universal policies need to be reoriented, since there are many disparities. Even though human development can be achieved, it does not mean that it can also be sustained. Progress may be slowed or even reversed. In such context, people must get empowered even if policies and the relevant actors fail to deliver. They will get stronger when they demand their rights, raise their voice, and seek to redress one situation. Policies should also be inclusive which involves formulating an employmentled growth strategy. This should be done with emphasis on creating productive and remunerative employment opportunities in sectors where poor people live and work, enhancing inclusion in productive resources, and under taking high-impact multidimensional interventions. The usefulness of this study lies in the fact that it provides useful information about United Nations' efforts and policies to help all people to develop. These efforts and policies can be compared to those of other European and international organizations such as the Council of Europe and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This helps in creating larger databases that can multiply and become indicators of relevant actions at both regional and global level.
International Journal of Learning and Development, 2018
In a rapidly changing world with its diverse spectrum of social characteristics that are currentl... more In a rapidly changing world with its diverse spectrum of social characteristics that are currently defining our present period, its continual influx of migrating populations, the growing development of technology as well as the continual increasing rate of unemployment makes it more now than ever, necessary to develop not only international but also national policies that aim to support the viability and advancement of its citizens. International organizations constitute the corner stone of public policy for the confrontation of these challenges. More specifically, UNESCO and the institutions of the European Union (EU) should be called on to play a decisive role in the implementation of Agenda 2030 using the experience and the extended diplomatic networks that they possess. Consequently, important official texts of international policies concerning the prosperity of its citizens through adult education have been recorded. This research, through the qualitative analysis of the UNESCO...
International Journal of Learning and Development, 2018
This paper comes to examine the intense reflection that arises around the issue of the right and ... more This paper comes to examine the intense reflection that arises around the issue of the right and the appropriate skills employees need to obtain in order to adapt to a continuously changing working environment. In a context of global co-operation and coalition, international organizations, such the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU) Institutions, are called upon to play an important role in the development of prosperity, social cohesion and the economy of the countries, given that they have both the appropriate experience and the extensive diplomatic networks. In such a context, a great number of significant official texts have been drafted. Texts which provide policy guidance to member states in order to achieve growth and development. This study, through the bibliographic review of related texts, comes to investigate the proposed by the international organizations types of skills which are related to the protection and the main...
In a dynamic, multidimensional and more operational environment, the effectiveness of human resou... more In a dynamic, multidimensional and more operational environment, the effectiveness of human resources is a matter of major importance, leading most organizations and enterprises to pursue total quality in all their activities (Hofstede, 1990). The quality can be ensured through the comprehensive improvement of employee skills, international alliances, the introduction and support of innovations, the lifelong education and training of human resources. International organizations, in a context of global cooperation and synergy, are called upon to play an important role in this direction, as they have both the appropriate experience and extensive diplomatic networks. To that end, important official texts have been drawn up, of which a constant point of reference is the need to acquire proper and appropriate skills. Which are though the right skills? Since specialized skills seem not to be adequate, emphasis has been lately put on emotional competence, which may contribute to the creation of a healthy working environment (Goleman, 1998). This study, through the qualitative analysis of the European Commission's text "Communication: A new skills agenda for Europe", tries to capture and investigate whether there are references to skills related to the field of emotional intelligence in its content. The analysis of the text shows that references are made mainly to the categories of interpersonal relations management and self-management. In particular, there is a strong need for policy makers to develop communication, facilitate change, enhance the development of others, teamwork, cooperation and adaptation to continuously changing environments.
The following research comes to explore the importance and contribution of in-company training hu... more The following research comes to explore the importance and contribution of in-company training human resources to the business. The literature review shows that education, as a tool for shaping attitudes and attitudes and developing new skills, can play a key role in improving staff skills and thus influencing the overall growth and competitiveness of an enterprise. In the present study, a survey of mixed methods was conducted with quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) data and with sample employees from the Greek construction company "Avax". Answers confirm that education provides employees with all the skills and support they need in order to be more efficient and thus increase their competitiveness and productivity. This research adds further data to the area of in-company education and training, since this kind of research in Greece is limited. In addition the impact of the economic crisis and the change in the culture of businesses trying to survive through training and investing in human resources is highlighted.
This paper presents the results of a quantitative survey conducted in 278 primary school teachers... more This paper presents the results of a quantitative survey conducted in 278 primary school teachers (teachers and kindergarten teachers) in the prefecture of Ilias with the aim of exploring their views on the impact of training on job satisfaction. In addition, it was investigated whether these views differ according to gender, age, seniority, marital status, specifity (primary school teacher or kindergarten teacher), type of employment relationship (permanent, deputy) and service area (urban area, suburban area, rural area). Τhe research results showed that the majority of participants recognize the contribution of training to job satisfaction mainly indirectly. It is also worth mentioning that a great percentage of the respondents of the survey answer in a neutral way on several items of the questionnaire (neither agree nor disagree). These views appear to be statistically significantly different, on the basis of most predefined variables.
This paper focuses on exploring the thematic analysis of the text "Human Development Report" (Uni... more This paper focuses on exploring the thematic analysis of the text "Human Development Report" (United Nations, 2016) about the way universal policies can contribute to the development of all left out. This means people that belong to vulnerable groups. What are their characteristics, what are their targets, and how can they be implemented? According to the findings, universalism is the principle of the human development approach, but it is not enough. It is necessary to be translated into practice by identifying and breaking down barriers that exclude certain groups. Some universal policies need to be reoriented, since there are many disparities. Even though human development can be achieved, it does not mean that it can also be sustained. Progress may be slowed or even reversed. In such context, people must get empowered even if policies and the relevant actors fail to deliver. They will get stronger when they demand their rights, raise their voice, and seek to redress one situation. Policies should also be inclusive which involves formulating an employmentled growth strategy. This should be done with emphasis on creating productive and remunerative employment opportunities in sectors where poor people live and work, enhancing inclusion in productive resources, and under taking high-impact multidimensional interventions. The usefulness of this study lies in the fact that it provides useful information about United Nations' efforts and policies to help all people to develop. These efforts and policies can be compared to those of other European and international organizations such as the Council of Europe and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This helps in creating larger databases that can multiply and become indicators of relevant actions at both regional and global level.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the views of employees and in particular of the admin... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the views of employees and in particular of the administrative staff of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece regarding the impact of motivation on their professional satisfaction. The tool used for the survey is the questionnaire, while the analysis of the results of the survey was carried out with the SPSS statistical package. The results of the survey showed that promotion, privileges, benefits and colleagues strongly influence the overall satisfaction of employees, potential rewards and communication have a very strong impact on the overall satisfaction of workers, while the overall satisfaction of those employed by their work appeared to be in neutral contexts.
The process of communication is the connecting link of all interpersonal, group or public interac... more The process of communication is the connecting link of all interpersonal, group or public interactions of a man. Knowledge of communication theory and the improvement of communication skills lead to the effectiveness of correct coding and decoding of the message. The evolution of communication between instructor and learner during the educational practice largely determines its successful outcome. Especially in the field of adult education, as it appears from relevant theories, the active participation of the trainees is foreseen, in order to achieve the learning, the crystallization and the reconstruction of attitudes, perceptions, opinions and beliefs. The goal of lifelong learning is for individuals is to develop all the interrelated qualifications required to meet modern requirements. This paper attempts to approach the process of communication in adult education and those involved in it as well as possible obstacles that complicate the beliefs of adult learners. After reviewing the theories of adult education and the characteristics of those involved in it as well as the study of the communication process, the point of view of the trainees in Private Vocational Training Institutes was approached in order to investigate their point of view on the communication relationship between them and their trainers as well and the possible obstacles that make it difficult. The method used to investigate the research questions was the quantitative research by sampling in a sample of convenience and the collection of data was done through an electronic questionnaire with closed ended questions in Google Forms. The elaboration and analysis was done using the SPSS program. The sample consists of 105 trainees of private Vocational Training Institutes of the municipality of Patras from the period 21/05/2020 to 20/6/2020. The research question has defined as the effectiveness of the communication that exists between trainers and trainees in the structures of private Vocational Training Institutes (VTI). This study comes to examine how the participation of the trainees and teaching effectiveness are effected both by verbal and non-verbal communication applied during the educational action. The results of the survey show that regarding verbal and non verbal communication trainees find that the speech of their instructors is supportive and encouraging, it promotes good communication between them and it is not offensive . In addition, the survey presents that the instructors avoid interrupting learners when they are talking about lesson-related topics. Keywords are used more in instructors' notes than in their presentations. As far as non verbal communication is concerned the analysis presents the appropriateness of the appearance of trainers (which does not distract them from the course), in the habit of moving around and not sitting far away from the bench, without simultaneously violating the personal space of the trainees. They have a calm face -to -face and eye contact to enhance the follow -up of the course. Moreover the relevance of the tone of the instructor's voice and the silence intervals allowing the editing and understanding of the subjects being taught are noted in this survey. Finally the relevance of the tone of the instructor's voice and the silence intervals allowing the editing and understanding of the subjects being taught are noted in this survey. 3rdICOMEU 2020 "Preparing for new realities in education: opportunities and challenges", Thessaloniki, 18-20 December 2020 97
The aim of the present study is to investigate and capture teachers' attitudes towards the princi... more The aim of the present study is to investigate and capture teachers' attitudes towards the principles, benefits and risks of Education 4.0, as it is shaped in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The methodology followed is the quantitative one and specifically an improvised questionnaire was structured. It was answered by a sample of 233 primary education teachers of the Region of Western Greece. Data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS 26.0 for Windows. The results of the research show that teachers believe that students will have more opportunities to learn at different times and in different locations with tools tailored to their individual abilities and will choose the devices, programs and methods by which they will learn. In addition, the use of technology in education will improve learning outcomes, will help save material resources and improve teachers' communication with parents, students and education staff. However, participating teachers believe that the use of technology entails a greater workload for them, leads to the creation of unknown and demanding professions, leads to sharper inequalities and widens the social gap. In addition, there is a very high risk of job losses and is related to the feeling of insecurity and danger. At the same time, it raises moral issues, threatens individuality and the private sphere of life, homogenizes the views of people and polarizes societies. Finally, additional studies, employment, overall service and training in new technologies have a statistically significant effect on teachers' perceptions.
The development of policies aimed at educating and developing citizens is of crucial importance a... more The development of policies aimed at educating and developing citizens is of crucial importance as a result of the particular contemporary societal characteristics, the global demographic changes, the intense rhythm of immigration, the rapid development of technology and the increase in the unemployment rate. This research, through the analysis of the text "Third World Report on Adult Learning and Adult Education (UNESCO, GRALE III, 2016), comes to explore the key dimensions of adult education policies. The methodology used to investigate the material is the qualitative analysis and in particular the methodological tool of thematic analysis with the contribution of thematic networks. The analysis of the text shows that policies supporting adult education should be universal, holistic, inclusive and without exclusions. A second dimension concerns the need for the Member States to modernize their policies, to control and evaluate their implementation. The proportion of public funding in the field of adult education constitutes a challenge, since it remains fairly low in the government's investment priorities, which seem to give priority to other areas, such as health, infrastructure and social welfare. Moreover, it appears that all countries do not interpret international policies in the same way. Thus, policies are sometimes used as a general frame of reference and sometimes as well-established practices. These practices could be implemented by governmental organizations, research institutes, civil society organizations, trade unions and other agents. Finally, governments, in cooperation with regional and local authorities and services are called to broaden their policies and strengthen adult learning and education. Towards this direction, the development of the mobility and participation of trainees in programs such as ARION, Comenius, Grundtvig, Erasmus and Erasmus plus is absolutely of major importance (UNESCO, 2016).
Εκπαιδευτικός Κύκλος, 2020
Δπηζηεκνληθό Δθπαηδεπηηθό Πεξηνδηθό "eθπ@ηδεπηηθόο θύθινο" Τόκνο 8, Τεύρνο 3, 2020 © eθπ@ηδεπηηθό... more Δπηζηεκνληθό Δθπαηδεπηηθό Πεξηνδηθό "eθπ@ηδεπηηθόο θύθινο" Τόκνο 8, Τεύρνο 3, 2020 © eθπ@ηδεπηηθόο θύθινο ISSN: 2241-4576 Σειίδα 29 από 376 Ψεθηαθέο δεμηόηεηεο θαη επηθνηλσλία ζηελ ελήιηθε κάζεζε: κηα έξεπλα ζε θνηηεηέο θαη Καζεγεηέο-πκβνύινπο ηνπ Διιεληθνύ Αλνηρηνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ
International Journal of Educational Innovation
Η παρούσα μελέτη πραγματεύεται τις εκπαιδευτικές αλλαγές στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, τον τρόπο π... more Η παρούσα μελέτη πραγματεύεται τις εκπαιδευτικές αλλαγές στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, τον τρόπο που επίδρασε στο ρόλο των καθηγητών και στις δεξιότητες που συνεπάγεται ότι πρέπει να αναπτύξουν οι ακαδημαϊκοί για να ανταποκριθούν στις αλλαγές. Σκοπός είναι η ανάδειξη του ρόλου των καθηγητών τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και η συμβολή των δεξιοτήτων αυτών για την προώθηση του διδακτικού τους έργου. Κατά την ποιοτική προσέγγιση που ακολουθείται διερευνώνται απόψεις ακαδημαϊκών μέσα από συνεντεύξεις στην περιοχή της Πάτρας και προσδιορίζεται ο ρόλος τους συμπληρωμένος από θεωρητικό πλαίσιο και βιβλιογραφία. Η πλειονότητα του δείγματος ανήκει στις θετικές επιστήμες και οδηγεί σε συμπεράσματα για πολύπλευρο και δύσκολο ρόλο των καθηγητών. Ως βασική δεξιότητα αναφέρεται η επιστημονική κατάρτιση και ως σημαντικότερη αλλαγή αναφέρεται ο Νόμος 1268/1982 από το σύνολο του δείγματος. Η παρούσα έρευνα αποτελεί το έναυσμα για περαιτέρω μελέτες χωρικά και χρονικά, καθώς γι' αυτό το ζήτημα κυρίως στην Ελλάδα δεν έχουν γίνει ανάλογες μελέτες. Λέξεις κλειδιά: Ρόλος καθηγητή, εκπαιδευτική αλλαγή, τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, δεξιότητες. Εισαγωγή Το ζήτημα των αλλαγών και μεταρρυθμίσεων στην εκπαίδευση έχει προβληματίσει κατά διαστήματα ερευνητές από πολλά επιστημονικά πεδία, της παιδαγωγικής, της ιστορίας, της διοίκησης. Έχουν ερευνηθεί πολλές πλευρές, όμως η οπτική γωνία των καθηγητών τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και ο τρόπος που έζησαν τις αλλαγές δεν έχει μελετηθεί τόσο. Η εκπαιδευτική αλλαγή, οι αλλαγές δηλαδή στην εκπαίδευση ή τη διδασκαλία και εν γένει την παιδεία, αποτελεί σημαντικό ζήτημα συζητήσεων όχι μόνο στους χώρους των εκπαιδευτικών κάθε βαθμίδας, αλλά και όλης της κοινωνίας. Στο πλαίσιο των εξελίξεων που συντελούνται βαθμιαία ανά τον χρόνο στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα σε εθνικό και υπερεθνικό επίπεδο και την αναγνώριση τριών παγιωμένων επιπέδων-της πρωτοβάθμιας, δευτεροβάθμιας και τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, και σε ένα πλαίσιο παγκοσμιοποίησης για ποιότητα παιδείας, κρίνεται σκόπιμη η αναφορά στην ευρωπαϊκή εκπαιδευτική πολιτική και την ιστορική πορεία της για την ανάδειξή της σε σχέση με τη παιδεία.
International Conference on Business & Economics. HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY. Αθήνα 6-7 /2/2015., 2015
Με ηελ παξνχζα κειέηε επηρεηξείηαη λα δηεξεπλεζεί ν ξφινο ησλ επηκνξθσηηθψλ πξνγξακκάησλ δηνίθεζε... more Με ηελ παξνχζα κειέηε επηρεηξείηαη λα δηεξεπλεζεί ν ξφινο ησλ επηκνξθσηηθψλ πξνγξακκάησλ δηνίθεζεο ζηελ επαγγεικαηηθή αλάπηπμε ησλ Σηειερψλ Δθπαίδεπζεο. Δηδηθφηεξα, δηεξεπλάηαη ην πεξηερφκελν ησλ επηκνξθσηηθψλ πξνγξακκάησλ, ε επάξθεηα θαη ε θαηαιιειφηεηά ηνπο, αλαθνξηθά κε ηελ άζθεζε ησλ δηνηθεηηθψλ θαζεθφλησλ ησλ Σηειερψλ Δθπαίδεπζεο. Γηα ηελ επίηεπμε ηνπ ζθνπνχ ηεο κειέηεο δηεμήρζε ην ζρνιηθφ έηνο 2013-2014 πνζνηηθή έξεπλα κε ρξήζε δνκεκέλνπ εξσηεκαηνινγίνπ ζηνπο δηεπζπληέο θαη ππνδηεπζπληέο ησλ ζρνιηθψλ κνλάδσλ ηεο Πξσηνβάζκηαο Δθπαίδεπζεο Ν. Ζιείαο. Απφ ηα απνηειέζκαηα ηεο έξεπλαο δηαπηζηψλεηαη φηη ε επηκνξθσηηθή πνιηηηθή πνπ αζθείηαη ζηε ρψξα καο γηα ηα Σηειέρε Δθπαίδεπζεο δε ζπλδέεη ηε ζεσξία κε ηελ πξάμε, ελψ νη δηεπζπληέο/ππνδηεπζπληέο δελ είλαη αξθεηά ηθαλνπνηεκέλνη απφ ηελ επάξθεηα, ηελ θαηαιιειφηεηα θαη ηε ρξεζηκφηεηα ησλ επηκνξθσηηθψλ πξνγξακκάησλ πνπ έρνπλ παξαθνινπζήζεη.
4ο Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο του Ι.Α.Κ.Ε. με θέμα: «Δημοκρατία, δικαιώματα και ανισότητες στην εποχή της κρίσης. Προκλήσεις στον χώρο της έρευνας και της εκπαίδευσης. , 2018
Το έλλειμμα ποιότητας, οι στρεβλώσεις και οι αντιφάσεις της διοικητικής δομής του ελληνικού εκπαι... more Το έλλειμμα ποιότητας, οι στρεβλώσεις και οι αντιφάσεις της διοικητικής δομής του ελληνικού εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος δυσχεραίνουν την αποτελεσματική λειτουργία του. Διαφαίνεται έντονα η ανάγκη μετάβασης από ένα συγκεντρωτικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα σε ένα αποκεντρωτικό τόσο μέσα από ριζικές μεταρρυθμίσεις όσο και από την εκ βάθρων ανασυγκρότηση του οικοδομήματος της ελληνικής εκπαίδευσης. Στην παρούσα εργασία αποτυπώνεται η ανάγκη βελτίωσης της αποδοτικότητας της διοίκησης του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος με όρους ολικής ποιότητας, διαδικασία που θα οδηγήσει τόσο σε αύξηση της αποτελεσματικότητας όσο και στην ενεργό συμμετοχή των παραγόντων σε περιφερειακό επίπεδο. Καθίσταται δε αναγκαία η υιοθέτηση κατάλληλων στρατηγικών, οι οποίες θα οδηγήσουν στη δημιουργία ισχυρών περιφερειακών πόλων εκπαίδευσης με προσεκτικά διαρθρωμένη δομή και ενισχυμένες αρμοδιότητες σε διοικητικό επίπεδο.
Papers by Georgios Panagiotopoulos