The photoproduction of vector mesons on various nuclei has been studied using the CEBAF Large Acc... more The photoproduction of vector mesons on various nuclei has been studied using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Laboratory. The vector mesons, $\rho$, $\omega$, and $\phi$, are observed via their decay to $e^+e^-$, in order to reduce the effects of final state interactions in the nucleus. Of particular interest are possible in-medium effects on the properties of the $\rho$ meson. The $\rho$ spectral function is extracted from the data on various nuclei, carbon, iron, and titanium, and compared to the spectrum from liquid deuterium, which is relatively free of nuclear effects. We observe no significant mass shift for the $\rho$ meson; however, there is some widening of the resonance in titanium and iron, which is consistent with expected collisional broadening.
Textile and confection sector is one of the leading fields of socio-economical activity, regardin... more Textile and confection sector is one of the leading fields of socio-economical activity, regarding its technological state, economical efficiency and social interaction. Marketing conditions became harder within the recent years of 2000, urging this crucial sector for Turkey's economy to aim taking new and radical measures and bounding it to determine its production system focused on the quality. In this article, we studied the effects of quality management practices in difficult marketing conditions, regarding the competitive capability of textile industry.
The photoproduction of vector mesons on various nuclei has been studied using the CEBAF Large Acc... more The photoproduction of vector mesons on various nuclei has been studied using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Laboratory. The vector mesons, $\rho$, $\omega$, and $\phi$, are observed via their decay to $e^+e^-$, in order to reduce the effects of final state interactions in the nucleus. Of particular interest are possible in-medium effects on the properties of the $\rho$ meson. The $\rho$ spectral function is extracted from the data on various nuclei, carbon, iron, and titanium, and compared to the spectrum from liquid deuterium, which is relatively free of nuclear effects. We observe no significant mass shift for the $\rho$ meson; however, there is some widening of the resonance in titanium and iron, which is consistent with expected collisional broadening.
Textile and confection sector is one of the leading fields of socio-economical activity, regardin... more Textile and confection sector is one of the leading fields of socio-economical activity, regarding its technological state, economical efficiency and social interaction. Marketing conditions became harder within the recent years of 2000, urging this crucial sector for Turkey's economy to aim taking new and radical measures and bounding it to determine its production system focused on the quality. In this article, we studied the effects of quality management practices in difficult marketing conditions, regarding the competitive capability of textile industry.
Papers by Liam Lu