Vincenzo De Caprio, già professore ordinario di Letteratura italiana nell’Università della Tuscia, ha insegnato anche nell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, nell’Università per Stranieri di Perugia, nella Columbia University e nel Barnard College di New York. Ha fatto conferenze in parecchie università italiane, negli Stati Uniti (New York University, Columbia Univ., Princeton, Boston, Stony Brook, Quens College, Mount Holyoke College), in Canada (Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary), in Brasile (Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro), Finlandia (Turku, Helsinki, Oulu), Norvegia (Bergen), Polonia (Varsavia, Wroklaw), Rep. Ceca (Praga), Slovaccha (Bratislava, Brno), Ungheria (Budapest, Pécs), Croazia (Spalato, Zagabria), Albania (Tirana), Svizzera (Zurigo), Francia (Parigi, Aix en Provence, Marsiglia), Spagna (Madrid, Siviglia), Portogallo (Lisbona). Ha fondato e diretto l’Archivio informatico dei viaggiatori a Roma e nel Lazio (AVIREL) e, nel 2007, il Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sul Viaggio (CIRIV) dell’Università della Tuscia, di cui è stato presidente fino al pensionamento. È membro di tre Comitati Nazionali del MIBAC
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Papers by Vincenzo De Caprio
Parole chiave · Bombardamento a Tappeto, Sfollati, Dopoguerra, Viktor, Volturno, Terra di Lavoro.
Abstract · When the evacuated came back to their lost towns: the case of Cancello Arnone, destroyed on 9 September 1943 · In September 1943, an American Bombing completely destroyed Cancello Arnone on the lower Volturno River. Many of the inhabitants were displaced in neighboring Villages. When they began to return, they had to start rebuilding not only the houses and businesses, but the very social and cultural plot of their community which was in danger of dispersing. And today, so many years later, the memory of this reconstruction risks being lost. For this reason, the municipality is collaborating in the investigation by recording the memories of the villages’s elderly, who were then children and teenagers. The rst results will be examined at a conference to be held in Cancello on 25 April 2021 (Liberation Day).
Keywords · Carpet bombing, Displaced Persons, Postwar Period, Viktor, Volturno River, Terra di Lavoro.
Parole chiave · Bombardamento a Tappeto, Sfollati, Dopoguerra, Viktor, Volturno, Terra di Lavoro.
Abstract · When the evacuated came back to their lost towns: the case of Cancello Arnone, destroyed on 9 September 1943 · In September 1943, an American Bombing completely destroyed Cancello Arnone on the lower Volturno River. Many of the inhabitants were displaced in neighboring Villages. When they began to return, they had to start rebuilding not only the houses and businesses, but the very social and cultural plot of their community which was in danger of dispersing. And today, so many years later, the memory of this reconstruction risks being lost. For this reason, the municipality is collaborating in the investigation by recording the memories of the villages’s elderly, who were then children and teenagers. The rst results will be examined at a conference to be held in Cancello on 25 April 2021 (Liberation Day).
Keywords · Carpet bombing, Displaced Persons, Postwar Period, Viktor, Volturno River, Terra di Lavoro.
Per secoli quelle mura, dominanti con la loro mole, non furono viste come componenti del paesag- gio, al contrario delle rovine classiche. Divennero visibili solo all’inizio dell’Ottocento in una cultura tesa a riscoprire l’antichità preclassica. Una fantasiosa interpretazione, che poneva la loro origine nella mitica civiltà dei Pelasgi, dette a quelle mura un valore segnico, le rese percepibili come oggetto di ricerche archeologiche e mete a ascinanti per i viaggiatori.
Parole chiave: Mura ciclopiche, Civiltà pelasgica, Paesaggio del Lazio.
Perceptual deceptions in travel writings. The case of the cyclopean walls of Latium · The cyclopean walls in the Lazio landscape are an example of the historical and cultural meaning of the landscape and of its vision by travelers.
Unlike classical ruins, those walls, dominant with their hugeness, for centuries were not seen as com- ponents of the landscape. They became visible only at the beginning of the nineteenth century in a cul- ture interested in the rediscovery of preclassical antiquity. An imaginative interpretation, which placed their origin in the mythical Pelasgian civilization, endowed those walls with a segnic value, making them perceptible as an object of archaeological research and as fascinating destinations for travelers.
Some elements of these two narratives become crucial in the new ver- sions of myth in modern Italian literature: the European seas and rivers are interconnected and it is always possible to sail from one place to another; the Adriatic-Ionian basin is at the center of this network of European waterways. The Adriatic and Ionian Seas create an area where dfferent people may live together and interact.
At the middle of the 16th century, after the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece – established by the House of Burgundy – had passed to the House of Habsburg, the myth was revived in two epic poems, La caccia by Erasmo di Valvasone and L’Egida by Girolamo Muzio (which initially celebrated just this order of chivalry). They underline the multiethnic cooperation and the peaceful establishment of new towns by the Colchians, who lost the original negative connotation of cruelty and became migrants living with the people that had welcome them. In the context of the multiethnic Habsburg Empire, the coexistence of dfferent people is still essential in the eighteenth century, i.e. Alberto Fortis. In the second half of the twentieth century, the myth acquires new life in relation to the dramatic upheavals of states and people on the other Adriatic shore (starting from the vicissitudes of Italian people in Istria after the Second World War): the closing of the Adriatic border; the dissolution of the two Balkan coastline states; the new micro-nationalism and micro-statism that caused new wars and massacres; the Albanians’ migration in the 1990s. Hence, the obsession with identity that has hit the area bringing terrible disasters, has spread: it is the target of Claudio Magris’ attack, in which myth is the metaphor of the refusal of an Aristotelian notion of identity meant as something unchanged, static and predetermined.
Parole chiave · Bombardamento a Tappeto, Sfollati, Dopoguerra, Viktor, Volturno, Terra di Lavoro.
Abstract · When the evacuated came back to their lost towns: the case of Cancello Arnone, destroyed on 9 September 1943 · In September 1943, an American Bombing completely destroyed Cancello Arnone on the lower Volturno River. Many of the inhabitants were displaced in neighboring Villages. When they began to return, they had to start rebuilding not only the houses and businesses, but the very social and cultural plot of their community which was in danger of dispersing. And today, so many years later, the memory of this reconstruction risks being lost. For this reason, the municipality is collaborating in the investigation by recording the memories of the villages’s elderly, who were then children and teenagers. The rst results will be examined at a conference to be held in Cancello on 25 April 2021 (Liberation Day).
Keywords · Carpet bombing, Displaced Persons, Postwar Period, Viktor, Volturno River, Terra di Lavoro.
Parole chiave · Bombardamento a Tappeto, Sfollati, Dopoguerra, Viktor, Volturno, Terra di Lavoro.
Abstract · When the evacuated came back to their lost towns: the case of Cancello Arnone, destroyed on 9 September 1943 · In September 1943, an American Bombing completely destroyed Cancello Arnone on the lower Volturno River. Many of the inhabitants were displaced in neighboring Villages. When they began to return, they had to start rebuilding not only the houses and businesses, but the very social and cultural plot of their community which was in danger of dispersing. And today, so many years later, the memory of this reconstruction risks being lost. For this reason, the municipality is collaborating in the investigation by recording the memories of the villages’s elderly, who were then children and teenagers. The rst results will be examined at a conference to be held in Cancello on 25 April 2021 (Liberation Day).
Keywords · Carpet bombing, Displaced Persons, Postwar Period, Viktor, Volturno River, Terra di Lavoro.
Per secoli quelle mura, dominanti con la loro mole, non furono viste come componenti del paesag- gio, al contrario delle rovine classiche. Divennero visibili solo all’inizio dell’Ottocento in una cultura tesa a riscoprire l’antichità preclassica. Una fantasiosa interpretazione, che poneva la loro origine nella mitica civiltà dei Pelasgi, dette a quelle mura un valore segnico, le rese percepibili come oggetto di ricerche archeologiche e mete a ascinanti per i viaggiatori.
Parole chiave: Mura ciclopiche, Civiltà pelasgica, Paesaggio del Lazio.
Perceptual deceptions in travel writings. The case of the cyclopean walls of Latium · The cyclopean walls in the Lazio landscape are an example of the historical and cultural meaning of the landscape and of its vision by travelers.
Unlike classical ruins, those walls, dominant with their hugeness, for centuries were not seen as com- ponents of the landscape. They became visible only at the beginning of the nineteenth century in a cul- ture interested in the rediscovery of preclassical antiquity. An imaginative interpretation, which placed their origin in the mythical Pelasgian civilization, endowed those walls with a segnic value, making them perceptible as an object of archaeological research and as fascinating destinations for travelers.
Some elements of these two narratives become crucial in the new ver- sions of myth in modern Italian literature: the European seas and rivers are interconnected and it is always possible to sail from one place to another; the Adriatic-Ionian basin is at the center of this network of European waterways. The Adriatic and Ionian Seas create an area where dfferent people may live together and interact.
At the middle of the 16th century, after the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece – established by the House of Burgundy – had passed to the House of Habsburg, the myth was revived in two epic poems, La caccia by Erasmo di Valvasone and L’Egida by Girolamo Muzio (which initially celebrated just this order of chivalry). They underline the multiethnic cooperation and the peaceful establishment of new towns by the Colchians, who lost the original negative connotation of cruelty and became migrants living with the people that had welcome them. In the context of the multiethnic Habsburg Empire, the coexistence of dfferent people is still essential in the eighteenth century, i.e. Alberto Fortis. In the second half of the twentieth century, the myth acquires new life in relation to the dramatic upheavals of states and people on the other Adriatic shore (starting from the vicissitudes of Italian people in Istria after the Second World War): the closing of the Adriatic border; the dissolution of the two Balkan coastline states; the new micro-nationalism and micro-statism that caused new wars and massacres; the Albanians’ migration in the 1990s. Hence, the obsession with identity that has hit the area bringing terrible disasters, has spread: it is the target of Claudio Magris’ attack, in which myth is the metaphor of the refusal of an Aristotelian notion of identity meant as something unchanged, static and predetermined.