Highway Illumination Agency (PJU) is one of public facilities, provided by the City Government, f... more Highway Illumination Agency (PJU) is one of public facilities, provided by the City Government, financed by Highway Illumination Tax (PPJ). The inefficient PJU facilities are caused by the weak control and management by PJU itself, causing the heavy budget guaranteed by the city government. Accordingly, an innovative policy by Magetan government to work with CV. Harsari AMT is conducted overtly, agreed by the government stakeholder and Commission C of the City Legislative Council (DPRD). However, the cooperation between the two parties in five years, added by one-year maintenance guarantee, argued by DPRD after it ends. This research aims at understanding steps of implementing the cooperation, explaining the cooperation chronologically, figuring out the implications of the cooperation for the city government and society, mapping, and explaining the reasons why DPRD argued the cooperation. Conducting policy implementation study with qualitative-explanatory method, this research attem...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI, 2020
Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem ... more Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem irigasi yang baik. Perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di daerah dengan 66.391 daerah irigasi dengan dengan luasan 9.146.027 ha perlu penataan dalam data yang tersistematis. Dashboard perencanaan pembangunan irigasi daerah menjadi media integrasi berbagai perencanaan pembangunan sumber daya air yang dilauan oleh kabupaten/kota. Perancangan mengunakan model pengembangan sistem dengan pendekatan terstruktur yaitu linier sequential model atau waterfall model. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mencapai keberhasilan tujuan kegiatan ini melalui pemetaan indikator dan elemen data, survei lapangan, perancangan dashboard, focus group discussion. Lokasi pelaksanaan diskusi dan ujicoba database perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di laksanakan di 8 (delapan) kabupaten meliputi Kerawang, Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga dan Jember. Keluaran yang dihasilk...
This article discusses the social resilience of rural communities in facing various kinds of prob... more This article discusses the social resilience of rural communities in facing various kinds of problems that cause multidimensional poverty. Social resilience based on established social institutions provides new hope in the opening network access to strengthen the institutional capacity of the local economy so that a communal entity can be built out of poverty. The decentralization and autonomy practices imposed on the village government provide new nuances in realizing prosperity.
Globalisasi mampu untuk merubah mindshet satu negara untuk menganut sistem liberal dalam perekono... more Globalisasi mampu untuk merubah mindshet satu negara untuk menganut sistem liberal dalam perekonomian. Kebijakan-kebijakan negara yang dihasilkan mengarah pada kepentingan korporasi dengan dalih investasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Untuk itu guna memperlancar kepentingan korporasi, negara-negara maju baru berkembang di setting untuk menjadi negara ”bergantung” dengan setumpuk hutang untuk percepatn pembangunan dinegara tersebut. Ketergantungan yang diciptakan mampu memberikan efek kejut bagi negara dalam menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan. Kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat oleh negara tentunya lebih berpihak pada kepentingan korporasi (pemilik modal). Dengan demikian, kesejahteraan rakyat yang dicita-citakan oleh negara sangat sulit diimplemenasikan. Hal ini harus dikembalikan kepada jati diri bangsa secara kaffah sebagaimana dicita-citakan oleh founding father bangsa dengan jalan mengembalikan marwah yang terkoyak oleh globalisasi tanpa filter.
An important point in good governance is essentially the provision of excellent service to people... more An important point in good governance is essentially the provision of excellent service to people who have citizenship rights that must be provided by the government. Globalization has encouraged paradigm changes in government in carrying out its distributive function to the community. As much as developed countries have done, public encouragement accompanied by public participation in all governance processes leads the country to "virtual" spaces with sufficient coverage to facilitate its citizens to participate in all national and state affairs, the autonomy space given to the region is able to make local governments self-reliant, innovative, and creative in providing services to the community. The research conducted in Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Malang Regency shows that the satisfaction of the society is good enough to the service product given, if it is categorized the assessment from public perception of the service given is A (very good). To achieve that...
This paper is the result of research on improving the quality of service at permit service in Mal... more This paper is the result of research on improving the quality of service at permit service in Malang Regency. In the era of decentralization, public demand forservices is the main objective of governance in order to increase public satisfactionwith the services provided. In the context of licensing services, the service directionthat should be part of promoting regional development, therefore fast, friendly,inexpensive, and transparent services are the primary objectives of serviceproviders. This study found a strong interest in licensing services in MalangRegency so that it has a positive impact for regional development. Thus, theadaptation of technological developments coupled with the strengthening of thecapacity of the apparatus is the key to the success of service that paradigm newpublic service. The licensing service model with the use of technology is an effortto bring the user closer to the government as the provider so that the interactionbetween them is a mutually benefici...
Keragaman Bakteri Rizosfir Pada Fitoremediasi Typha Angustifolia Yang Diberi Limbah Cair Kelapa S... more Keragaman Bakteri Rizosfir Pada Fitoremediasi Typha Angustifolia Yang Diberi Limbah Cair Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Sumber Belajar Dalam Mendeskripsikan Bakteri
Proceedings of the 1st Tidar International Conference on Advancing Local Wisdom Towards Global Megatrends, TIC 2020, 21-22 October 2020, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Dinamika Governance : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara
Kemiskinan menjadi persoalan global disebabkan oleh multidimensi persoalan sehingga melahirkan be... more Kemiskinan menjadi persoalan global disebabkan oleh multidimensi persoalan sehingga melahirkan beragam pendekatan yang digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk mengatasinya. Program MDGs yang digantikan dengan SDGs menjadi bukti bahwa kemiskinan menjadi persoalan serius bangsa dalam menata pembangunannya, namun belum mampu menyentuh akar persoalan yang dialami oleh masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan pendekatan social inclution untuk menguatkan kelembagaan sosial masyarakat pedesaan dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan. Artikel ini akan mendiskusikan tentang model penyelesaian masalah kemiskinan di Pedesaan yang ditangani oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Malang. Metode penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Data primer dikumpulkan dari interview dan observasi, sementara data sekunder dikumpulkan dari dokumen-dokumen relevan, dan untuk mendapatkan validitas data digunakan tranggulasi dengan FGD. Data analisis. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisa interaktif yang dikembangkan oleh Miles & Haberman. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Aspek penting dalam penanganan kemiskinan local adalah pendekatan kelembagaan sosial secara otonom dilakukan untuk mendorong seluruh sumberdaya sosial masyarakat yang digerakkan dengan kesadaran bersama. Melalui kesadaran bersama dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan, akar persoalan kemsikinan local dapat diatasi sehingga jaringan lintas actor dapat diwujudkan dalam menjalankan program-program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang dicanangkan oleh Pemerintah. Masyarakat pedesaan yang kaya dengan nilai-nilai sosial serta norma-norma sosial dapat dijadikan sebagai instrument pembentukan tatanan sosial baru dalam implementasi kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan. Tatanan kelembagaan sosial dengan spirit local akan menjadi penggerak implementasi kebijakan nasional, dan bahkan kebijakan global dalam memerangi kemiskinan. Kesimpulan dan Saran. Khazanah kekayaan sosial yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat pedesaan bukan saja dapat dijadikan sebagai perekat kebersamaan dalam interaksi sosialnya, melainkan dapat membentuk sebuah tatanan kelembagaan yang kokoh untuk memerangi kemiskinan ditataran local dengan semangat kebersaan. Kebijakan politik - ekonomi global dan nasional akan mempengaruhi penetapan standar kemiskinan sehingga hal ini sangat penting untuk diteliti dimasa akan datang.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI, 2020
Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem ... more Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem irigasi yang baik. Perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di daerah dengan 66.391 daerah irigasi dengan dengan luasan 9.146.027 ha perlu penataan dalam data yang tersistematis. Dashboard perencanaan pembangunan irigasi daerah menjadi media integrasi berbagai perencanaan pembangunan sumber daya air yang dilauan oleh kabupaten/kota. Perancangan mengunakan model pengembangan sistem dengan pendekatan terstruktur yaitu linier sequential model atau waterfall model. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mencapai keberhasilan tujuan kegiatan ini melalui pemetaan indikator dan elemen data, survei lapangan, perancangan dashboard, focus group discussion. Lokasi pelaksanaan diskusi dan ujicoba database perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di laksanakan di 8 (delapan) kabupaten meliputi Kerawang, Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga dan Jember. Keluaran yang dihasilkan k...
An important point in good governance is Essentially the provision of excellent service to people... more An important point in good governance is Essentially the provision of excellent service to people who have citizenship rights that must be provided by the government. Globalization has encouraged the paradigm changes in government in carrying out its distributive function to the community. As much as developed countries have done, public encouragement accompanied by public participation in all governance processes leads the country to a “virtual” spaces with sufficient coverage to Facilitate its citizens to Participate in all national and state affairs, the autonomy of space given to the region is Able to Make local Governments self-reliant, innovative, and creative in providing services to the community. The research conducted in the Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Malang Regency shows that the satisfaction of the society is good enough to the service product given, if it is Categorized the assessment from the public perception of the service given is A (very good). To achieve ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Public Administration, Policy and Governance (ICPAPG 2019), 2020
This article discusses the strengthening of the science of public administration in achieving the... more This article discusses the strengthening of the science of public administration in achieving the goals of the state by building an empirical model of the interaction and relations of civil society organizations with the government in the development of decentralization. The concept of collaborative governance that was raised was intended to overcome public problems, implemented by involving multi-stakeholders in planning, implementation, and evaluation through integrated collective agreements in a governance system. This study uses a qualitative approach, and the data are analyzed interactively to answer the issue of interaction and relations between civil society organizations and local governments, especially in Malang Regency, East Java, which has a high level of development dynamics with the heterogeneity of the population. The initiation of cross-stakeholder collaboration in development policy shows the openness of the government in the context of autonomy which can be used as basic capital to improve the quality of services to the community, especially in basic services. The existence of civil society organizations is not only a regional strategic partner but as an agent of development. Interaction and relationships that are built can strengthen the distributive role of government in public affairs. The involvement of civil society organizations as a node of local democracy in regional development can strengthen public administration based on values to realize social equality. Therefore, good collaborative governance which is held must uphold local values as a locomotive driving the formation of strong institutions in implementing the country's vision.
Highway Illumination Agency (PJU) is one of public facilities, provided by the City Government, f... more Highway Illumination Agency (PJU) is one of public facilities, provided by the City Government, financed by Highway Illumination Tax (PPJ). The inefficient PJU facilities are caused by the weak control and management by PJU itself, causing the heavy budget guaranteed by the city government. Accordingly, an innovative policy by Magetan government to work with CV. Harsari AMT is conducted overtly, agreed by the government stakeholder and Commission C of the City Legislative Council (DPRD). However, the cooperation between the two parties in five years, added by one-year maintenance guarantee, argued by DPRD after it ends. This research aims at understanding steps of implementing the cooperation, explaining the cooperation chronologically, figuring out the implications of the cooperation for the city government and society, mapping, and explaining the reasons why DPRD argued the cooperation. Conducting policy implementation study with qualitative-explanatory method, this research attem...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI, 2020
Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem ... more Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem irigasi yang baik. Perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di daerah dengan 66.391 daerah irigasi dengan dengan luasan 9.146.027 ha perlu penataan dalam data yang tersistematis. Dashboard perencanaan pembangunan irigasi daerah menjadi media integrasi berbagai perencanaan pembangunan sumber daya air yang dilauan oleh kabupaten/kota. Perancangan mengunakan model pengembangan sistem dengan pendekatan terstruktur yaitu linier sequential model atau waterfall model. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mencapai keberhasilan tujuan kegiatan ini melalui pemetaan indikator dan elemen data, survei lapangan, perancangan dashboard, focus group discussion. Lokasi pelaksanaan diskusi dan ujicoba database perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di laksanakan di 8 (delapan) kabupaten meliputi Kerawang, Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga dan Jember. Keluaran yang dihasilk...
This article discusses the social resilience of rural communities in facing various kinds of prob... more This article discusses the social resilience of rural communities in facing various kinds of problems that cause multidimensional poverty. Social resilience based on established social institutions provides new hope in the opening network access to strengthen the institutional capacity of the local economy so that a communal entity can be built out of poverty. The decentralization and autonomy practices imposed on the village government provide new nuances in realizing prosperity.
Globalisasi mampu untuk merubah mindshet satu negara untuk menganut sistem liberal dalam perekono... more Globalisasi mampu untuk merubah mindshet satu negara untuk menganut sistem liberal dalam perekonomian. Kebijakan-kebijakan negara yang dihasilkan mengarah pada kepentingan korporasi dengan dalih investasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Untuk itu guna memperlancar kepentingan korporasi, negara-negara maju baru berkembang di setting untuk menjadi negara ”bergantung” dengan setumpuk hutang untuk percepatn pembangunan dinegara tersebut. Ketergantungan yang diciptakan mampu memberikan efek kejut bagi negara dalam menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan. Kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat oleh negara tentunya lebih berpihak pada kepentingan korporasi (pemilik modal). Dengan demikian, kesejahteraan rakyat yang dicita-citakan oleh negara sangat sulit diimplemenasikan. Hal ini harus dikembalikan kepada jati diri bangsa secara kaffah sebagaimana dicita-citakan oleh founding father bangsa dengan jalan mengembalikan marwah yang terkoyak oleh globalisasi tanpa filter.
An important point in good governance is essentially the provision of excellent service to people... more An important point in good governance is essentially the provision of excellent service to people who have citizenship rights that must be provided by the government. Globalization has encouraged paradigm changes in government in carrying out its distributive function to the community. As much as developed countries have done, public encouragement accompanied by public participation in all governance processes leads the country to "virtual" spaces with sufficient coverage to facilitate its citizens to participate in all national and state affairs, the autonomy space given to the region is able to make local governments self-reliant, innovative, and creative in providing services to the community. The research conducted in Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Malang Regency shows that the satisfaction of the society is good enough to the service product given, if it is categorized the assessment from public perception of the service given is A (very good). To achieve that...
This paper is the result of research on improving the quality of service at permit service in Mal... more This paper is the result of research on improving the quality of service at permit service in Malang Regency. In the era of decentralization, public demand forservices is the main objective of governance in order to increase public satisfactionwith the services provided. In the context of licensing services, the service directionthat should be part of promoting regional development, therefore fast, friendly,inexpensive, and transparent services are the primary objectives of serviceproviders. This study found a strong interest in licensing services in MalangRegency so that it has a positive impact for regional development. Thus, theadaptation of technological developments coupled with the strengthening of thecapacity of the apparatus is the key to the success of service that paradigm newpublic service. The licensing service model with the use of technology is an effortto bring the user closer to the government as the provider so that the interactionbetween them is a mutually benefici...
Keragaman Bakteri Rizosfir Pada Fitoremediasi Typha Angustifolia Yang Diberi Limbah Cair Kelapa S... more Keragaman Bakteri Rizosfir Pada Fitoremediasi Typha Angustifolia Yang Diberi Limbah Cair Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Sumber Belajar Dalam Mendeskripsikan Bakteri
Proceedings of the 1st Tidar International Conference on Advancing Local Wisdom Towards Global Megatrends, TIC 2020, 21-22 October 2020, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Dinamika Governance : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara
Kemiskinan menjadi persoalan global disebabkan oleh multidimensi persoalan sehingga melahirkan be... more Kemiskinan menjadi persoalan global disebabkan oleh multidimensi persoalan sehingga melahirkan beragam pendekatan yang digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk mengatasinya. Program MDGs yang digantikan dengan SDGs menjadi bukti bahwa kemiskinan menjadi persoalan serius bangsa dalam menata pembangunannya, namun belum mampu menyentuh akar persoalan yang dialami oleh masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan pendekatan social inclution untuk menguatkan kelembagaan sosial masyarakat pedesaan dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan. Artikel ini akan mendiskusikan tentang model penyelesaian masalah kemiskinan di Pedesaan yang ditangani oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Malang. Metode penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Data primer dikumpulkan dari interview dan observasi, sementara data sekunder dikumpulkan dari dokumen-dokumen relevan, dan untuk mendapatkan validitas data digunakan tranggulasi dengan FGD. Data analisis. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisa interaktif yang dikembangkan oleh Miles & Haberman. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Aspek penting dalam penanganan kemiskinan local adalah pendekatan kelembagaan sosial secara otonom dilakukan untuk mendorong seluruh sumberdaya sosial masyarakat yang digerakkan dengan kesadaran bersama. Melalui kesadaran bersama dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan, akar persoalan kemsikinan local dapat diatasi sehingga jaringan lintas actor dapat diwujudkan dalam menjalankan program-program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang dicanangkan oleh Pemerintah. Masyarakat pedesaan yang kaya dengan nilai-nilai sosial serta norma-norma sosial dapat dijadikan sebagai instrument pembentukan tatanan sosial baru dalam implementasi kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan. Tatanan kelembagaan sosial dengan spirit local akan menjadi penggerak implementasi kebijakan nasional, dan bahkan kebijakan global dalam memerangi kemiskinan. Kesimpulan dan Saran. Khazanah kekayaan sosial yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat pedesaan bukan saja dapat dijadikan sebagai perekat kebersamaan dalam interaksi sosialnya, melainkan dapat membentuk sebuah tatanan kelembagaan yang kokoh untuk memerangi kemiskinan ditataran local dengan semangat kebersaan. Kebijakan politik - ekonomi global dan nasional akan mempengaruhi penetapan standar kemiskinan sehingga hal ini sangat penting untuk diteliti dimasa akan datang.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI, 2020
Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem ... more Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem irigasi yang baik. Perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di daerah dengan 66.391 daerah irigasi dengan dengan luasan 9.146.027 ha perlu penataan dalam data yang tersistematis. Dashboard perencanaan pembangunan irigasi daerah menjadi media integrasi berbagai perencanaan pembangunan sumber daya air yang dilauan oleh kabupaten/kota. Perancangan mengunakan model pengembangan sistem dengan pendekatan terstruktur yaitu linier sequential model atau waterfall model. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mencapai keberhasilan tujuan kegiatan ini melalui pemetaan indikator dan elemen data, survei lapangan, perancangan dashboard, focus group discussion. Lokasi pelaksanaan diskusi dan ujicoba database perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di laksanakan di 8 (delapan) kabupaten meliputi Kerawang, Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga dan Jember. Keluaran yang dihasilkan k...
An important point in good governance is Essentially the provision of excellent service to people... more An important point in good governance is Essentially the provision of excellent service to people who have citizenship rights that must be provided by the government. Globalization has encouraged the paradigm changes in government in carrying out its distributive function to the community. As much as developed countries have done, public encouragement accompanied by public participation in all governance processes leads the country to a “virtual” spaces with sufficient coverage to Facilitate its citizens to Participate in all national and state affairs, the autonomy of space given to the region is Able to Make local Governments self-reliant, innovative, and creative in providing services to the community. The research conducted in the Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Malang Regency shows that the satisfaction of the society is good enough to the service product given, if it is Categorized the assessment from the public perception of the service given is A (very good). To achieve ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Public Administration, Policy and Governance (ICPAPG 2019), 2020
This article discusses the strengthening of the science of public administration in achieving the... more This article discusses the strengthening of the science of public administration in achieving the goals of the state by building an empirical model of the interaction and relations of civil society organizations with the government in the development of decentralization. The concept of collaborative governance that was raised was intended to overcome public problems, implemented by involving multi-stakeholders in planning, implementation, and evaluation through integrated collective agreements in a governance system. This study uses a qualitative approach, and the data are analyzed interactively to answer the issue of interaction and relations between civil society organizations and local governments, especially in Malang Regency, East Java, which has a high level of development dynamics with the heterogeneity of the population. The initiation of cross-stakeholder collaboration in development policy shows the openness of the government in the context of autonomy which can be used as basic capital to improve the quality of services to the community, especially in basic services. The existence of civil society organizations is not only a regional strategic partner but as an agent of development. Interaction and relationships that are built can strengthen the distributive role of government in public affairs. The involvement of civil society organizations as a node of local democracy in regional development can strengthen public administration based on values to realize social equality. Therefore, good collaborative governance which is held must uphold local values as a locomotive driving the formation of strong institutions in implementing the country's vision.
Papers by Chandra Dinata
Books by Chandra Dinata