Papers by Tomislav Hernaus
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Sustinska problematika svake organizacije i njezina organizacijskog rjesenja je podjela i grupira... more Sustinska problematika svake organizacije i njezina organizacijskog rjesenja je podjela i grupiranje poslova i organizacijskih jedinica. Kvalitetna diferencijacija, a potom i integracija poslovnih aktivnosti omogucuju podjelu rada i specijalizaciju, brže i strucnije obavljanje posla, poticu kreativnost, optimiziraju poslovne procese te omogucuju ostvarivanje sinergijskih ucinaka sirom organizacije. Diferencijacija i integracija posebice dolaze do izražaja u velikim organizacijama jer je u njima, osim vece složenosti, prisutna i veca raznolikost. Da bi se istodobno iskoristile prednosti velicine i raznolikosti treba uskladiti horizontalnu i vertikalnu dimenziju organizacije. Tradicionalno prisutnu hijerarhiju i funkcijska znanja treba nadopuniti lateralnim procesima i timskim nacinom obavljanja posla. Zatim je nužno jasno odrediti položaj moci u organizaciji kako bi se na razlicitim razinama mogle donositi pravodobne odluke na zadovoljstvo svih zainteresiranih: menadžera, zaposlenika...
Pravodobno, tocno i efikasno obavljanje složenih zadataka ponajprije zahtijeva podjelu rada i spe... more Pravodobno, tocno i efikasno obavljanje složenih zadataka ponajprije zahtijeva podjelu rada i specijalizaciju (strukturna diferencijacija), a zatim i grupiranje i povezivanje diferenciranih zadataka u smislenu cjelinu (organizacijska integracija). Moguce je razlikovati brojne vertikalne (npr. organizacijska jedinica, grupa ili tim, radno mjesto) i horizontalne (npr. nacelo izvrsenja, nacelo objekta) oblike diferencijacije unutar organizacije. Jednako tako postoje i dvije osnovne vrste integrativnih mehanizama – vertikalni (npr. hijerarhija, ciljevi, planovi i budžeti, pravila i procedure) i lateralni (npr. integrativne uloge, formalne radne grupe, menadžerske pozicije). Potreban i poželjan stupanj diferencijacije i integracije neke organizacije uvjetovan je (ne)sigurnoscu okoline, a izravno se odražava na razinu organizacijske složenosti. Iako je svaka organizacija jedinstvena i neponovljiva, tj. ima strukturu koja odgovara upravo toj organizaciji, postoje određena nacela dizajniran...
Although jobs are tightly woven into the structure and function of organizations, we still lack i... more Although jobs are tightly woven into the structure and function of organizations, we still lack insights about linkages between design practices across different levels of analysis. Specifically, p...
Drustvena istrazivanja, 2019
The organizing nature and quality of jobs drive behavior in organizations and make a difference i... more The organizing nature and quality of jobs drive behavior in organizations and make a difference in the lives of working individuals. Job design-the content and organization of one's work tasks, activities, relationships, and responsibilities (Parker, 2014)-is either directly or indirectly, positively or negatively related to various personal, work, and organizational outcomes. It represents a useful human resource management tool that has drawn much attention from psychologists, economists and sociologists over the last hundred years (e.g., Oldham & Fried, 2016; Parker, Morgeson, & Johns, 2017). While questions of inquiry might remain the same across generations of researchers (i.e. how to make people, jobs and organizations more effective), the uncertain business environment, technological developments and competitive requirements are dramatically changing how, where, and when work is done.
Emotions have been put aside in economics and business theory for a long time. Among other econom... more Emotions have been put aside in economics and business theory for a long time. Among other economic and business settings, international strategic alliances show to be particularly emotional: they often bring together people from different or even conflicting social, political and cultural backgrounds; they change existing inter-organizational routines, might cause changes in organizational positions, and force people to dismiss their habits. This paper looks into the role of emotions in inter-organizational and cross-border ...
Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Dec 1, 2011
Sažetak Globalni trendovi i tehnološki razvoj doprinose razvoju svih područja ljudskog djelovanja... more Sažetak Globalni trendovi i tehnološki razvoj doprinose razvoju svih područja ljudskog djelovanja. Svakodnevno se dolazi do novih znanstvenih otkrića i spoznaja koje pomiču granice produktivnosti i efikasnosti. S ciljem daljnje optimizacije poslovanja, prije 10-ak godina pojavila se i praksa upravljanja poslovnim procesima. Riječ je o vrlo mladoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj disciplini koja naglašava procesni pristup poslovanju, a koja još uvijek nije u dovoljnoj mjeri zastupljena i naglašena unutar akademske zajednice, dok su ...
Because of the increasing business pressures companies must be adaptable and flexible in order to... more Because of the increasing business pressures companies must be adaptable and flexible in order to withstand them. Inadequate business processes and low level of business process orientation, that in its core accentuates business processes as opposed to business functions and focuses on process performance and customer satisfaction, hider the ability to adapt to changing environment. It has been shown in previous studies that the companies which have reached higher business process maturity level consistently ...
Evolving organizational and public work context has generated a shift from a traditional to a new... more Evolving organizational and public work context has generated a shift from a traditional to a new public human resource management (HRM) within the most developed countries. The aim of the paper was to empirically investigate whether Croatian public-sector organizations followed the same path and moved away from the state- towards a corporate-HRM model. The comparative HRM research was conducted on the sample of 125 privately- and 36 publicly-owned organizations with more than 200 employees (32.9% of the total population). The analysis of 83 HRM indicators confirmed our hypothesis that public-sector organizations in Croatia have not yet accepted a new public HRM philosophy.
Capitalizing on Creativity at Work
The aim of the chapter is to explore the relationship between job design and individual innovatio... more The aim of the chapter is to explore the relationship between job design and individual innovation, hence to analyze relevant individual-level, job-related aspects of innovation with a particular emphasis on implementation-oriented work behavior. After a short overview of the job design concept, job characteristics for creativity-oriented and implementation-oriented work behavior are revealed and mutually compared. A comparative review analysis of ‘creative’ and ‘innovative’ jobs is followed by addressing personal and positional determinants of IWB and explaining their complex relationship. Finally, job crafting is offered as a useful tool for enhancing individual innovation, and its practical example is showcased.
Business Process Management Journal, 2016
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how business process management (BPM) is incorp... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how business process management (BPM) is incorporated within organisational structure. The authors demonstrate how a strategic interest in BPM and formal responsibilities for BPM activities shape the efficiency, quality and agility of BPM initiatives. By conducting field research, useful empirical insights were drawn about the necessary conditions for ensuring the success of BPM initiatives. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire survey of BPM adoption practices was conducted among private- and public-sector organisations with more than 50 employees. A cross-national sample of 60 Croatian and 51 Slovenian companies is analysed by applying a subsampling strategy and using inferential statistics methods. Findings – The study clearly shows how particular structural decisions can foster the operational excellence of BPM initiatives. Formal process roles and specialised BPM units were recognised as important drivers of organisation...
Workplaces benefit if workers have good relationships. In other words, in years when people are s... more Workplaces benefit if workers have good relationships. In other words, in years when people are said to be the only true competitive advantage, it is evident that interpersonal relations in organizations and processes of nourishing them have become essential for the organizational success. The purpose of this article was to concisely explain the importance, types and ways of improving interpersonal relations at work, as well as to explore if, and to what extent, interpersonal relations at work are influenced by employees’ backgrounds. The demographic characteristics of employees that were expected to influence their perceptions of interpersonal relations were: the country of origin, age, gender, educational level, hierarchical level, and the size of the company for which they work. The correlation analysis showed that the “country of origin” does influence interpersonal relations at work. Precisely, interpersonal relations in Croatia are, according to the respondents’ perceptions, n...
Baltic Journal of Management, 2012
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the way strategic approach to business process man... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the way strategic approach to business process management (BPM) impacts organizational performance, both its financial and non‐financial aspects, using empirical data from Croatian firms. The impact of strategic approach to BPM on process performance measurement (PPM) is examined as well.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire survey was conducted on a sample of 194 manufacturing and service firms in Croatia and propositions were tested using a structural equation model with SAS software.FindingsThe results suggest that PPM practice is positively related to strategic approach to BPM. The impact of PPM on non‐financial performance has been found, as well as the impact of non‐financial performance on financial performance, thus indicating an indirect influence of PPM on financial performance.Originality/valueThe paper extends the previous research that exclusively investigated impact of BPM to organizational performance. The authors ex...
Contemporary Economics, 2013
An emerging multidimensional approach to organizational design outlines the need for the alignmen... more An emerging multidimensional approach to organizational design outlines the need for the alignment of relevant structural and process characteristics of organizations. However, neither the interaction of these characteristics nor their role and importance for organizational competitiveness is properly examined in the literature. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the structural and process characteristics of organizational design to determine how and to what extent these characteristics contribute to achieving a competitive advantage. The field survey was conducted on a cross-sectional sample of 134 Croatian companies. The research findings outlined the need for a new organizational design approach that emphasizes both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of design solutions. This paper contributes to previous research by showing that organizational design represents a source of competitive advantage only if structural and process characteristics are commonly designed. In addition, we confirmed that although structural characteristics are usually more often addressed, it is process characteristics that make a difference. Bennet, & Hakonsson, 2012). Although such organizational goals require very broad systemic efforts and call for numerous organizational interventions, differentiation and integration of activities can be recognized as one of the most relevant design issues
The views expressed in this working paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily represen... more The views expressed in this working paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily represent those of the Faculty of Economics and Business – Zagreb. The paper has not undergone formal review or approval. The paper is published to bring forth comments on research in progress before it appears in final form in an academic journal or elsewhere.
Kroz ovo poglavlje dan je prikaz kljucnih unutarnjih cimbenika oblikovanja organizacije. Nakon po... more Kroz ovo poglavlje dan je prikaz kljucnih unutarnjih cimbenika oblikovanja organizacije. Nakon pojmovnog određenja cimbenika oblikovanja organizacije, posebno je naglasena važnost i potreba razlikovanja unutarnjih i vanjskih cimbenika oblikovanja organizacije. Dodatno je istaknuta mogucnost utjecaja organizacije na pojedine vrste cimbenika, kao i međusobna povezanost razlicitih cimbenika oblikovanja organizacije. Prikazani su pojedini unutarnji cimbenici organizacije pri cemu se prvo obrađuju, kao najvažniji cimbenik organizacije – ciljevi i strategija, buduci da oni u znacajnoj mjeri određuju prirodu ostalih cimbenika. Slijedi prikaz važnosti i vrste tehnologija u organizacijama, s posebnim osvrtom na tehnolosku složenost i s njom povezane tri vrste kljucne tehnologije. Objasnjena je i klasifikacija međuzavisnosti između organizacijskih jedinica ili zadataka. Kroz poglavlje se potom prikazuje važnost velicine i broja zaposlenika na organizacijsku strukturu te su posebno istaknuta o...
The aim of this paper is to present a framework for empirical investigation of the effectiveness ... more The aim of this paper is to present a framework for empirical investigation of the effectiveness of simulation games for student learning of BPM concept. A future research methodology is explained and a normative model that extends the standard TAM model by introducing latent and mediating variables into the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable is developed. Future research propositions are defined in order to examine the benefits that can be achieved through the use of BPM simulation games in ERP courses.
Ceprav so mnoge raziskave pokazale, da procesno usmerjena podjetja poslujejo uspesneje, se proces... more Ceprav so mnoge raziskave pokazale, da procesno usmerjena podjetja poslujejo uspesneje, se procesni pogled na poslovanje v nasem okolju uveljavlja pocasi. Da bi ugotovili, kaksno je stanje na tem podrocju, smo v Hrvaski in Sloveniji leta 2008 izvedli raziskavo. Namen prispevka je predstaviti prve rezultate te raziskave in izpostaviti kljucne izzive, s katerimi se bodo podjetja srecevala v prihodnosti, ce bodo želela izboljsati zrelost svoje procesne usmerjenosti. Glavne ugotovitve so, da se je stanje od leta 2005 izboljsalo, predvsem na podrocju definiranosti in dokumentiranosti procesov ter na podrocju definiranja mer uspesnosti procesov. Po drugi strani je kar nekaj podrocij, ki jih bodo morala podjetja se izboljsati, med njimi je tudi informatizacija poslovanja.
Papers by Tomislav Hernaus