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How do I burn a debian distribution ISO into a bootable disk using Fedora's command-line tools?

I've been a Fedora user "since forever" (Red Hat v1.1) but, frustrated by some issues I can't ignore, I am interested in trying both Debian and Ubuntu. Step zero was to download the latest ...
Richard T's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

creating a bootable usb with GPT partition scheme to make use of linux .iso

The rhel-8.10-x86_64-dvd.iso to install from which is 14GB in size. For a usb device (i.e. disk) that would show up in Linux as /dev/sdb for example, doing a cp rhel-8.10-x86_64-dvd.iso /dev/sdb ...
ron's user avatar
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1 answer

Why won't Ventoy boot from a flash drive

I recently bought a used Laptop, which had a German xUbuntu installation. I am vaguely familiar with xUbuntu. Because it was in German I wasn't able to find my way around and decided to just plug in ...
NeskoSRB7's user avatar
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Unable to Install Rockstor from bootable USB

Motherboard: Supermicro X11SAE-F, BIOS 2.3 16GB ram Processor: Xeon E3-1225 V6 I have 6 SSDs connected to the onboard SATA ports of the motherboard. All 6 drives are empty/new and have not been ...
Marcatectura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to create a non-UEFI bootable USB install? (openSuSE 15.3)

The title pretty much says it all. I have an older machine with OpenSuSE installed (12.x, IIRC) which I want to update. It does not have a UEFI BIOS. I want to create a bootable USB install, but ...
jamesqf's user avatar
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Error while installing Pop OS 20.04 - Thinkpad T495

I'm trying to install pop os 20.04 on my thinkpad so i've download the proper image from and created a bootable usb using rufus. When I go to the boot section and select the ...
pyseo's user avatar
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1 answer

Is `dd` the universal way to create a bootable flash drive for Debian or (L)Ubuntu? [closed]

I have found various ways of creating a bootable USB flash drive for (L)ubuntu and Debian. says to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from terminal, run sudo dd ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

What is special about programs that create bootable USB sticks for Linux?

Why couldn't I just mount the ISO and copy the files over to the stick?
Raven's user avatar
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Deepin Installer won't start - stuck on black screen with single dash

I have just bought an Asus Zenbook UX433FA, on which I want to install Deepin 15.8 as my only OS. I have followed the installation guide on the Deepin website, therefore creating a bootable USB device ...
Pierre Thalamy's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I install Linux on USB drive and then connect same drive internally (sata) and boot from it?

I would like to replace the hard drive in an old (2013) laptop with a cheap SSD. The SSD is empty and working AFAIK, it is seen by the BIOS and it's info are reported correctly, but if I turn the ...
flagg19's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Which method prefer to create bootable usb using dd? [closed]

This USB flash installation media guides me to use oflag=sync: # dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress oflag=sync ... but other articles like itsfoss guide me to use sync: #...
mja's user avatar
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Pendrive to install Solus Linux doesn't work

I've downloaded Solus Linux ISO (with the GNOME desktop) from its official site. Then, I booted into Windows, opened Rufus, and burned the ISO into my pen drive with the GPT partitioning scheme for ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to install new OS [closed]

I've been trying to dual install Windows 7 and Linux Mint (64bit) on my computer, currently running Linux Mint (32bit). I've got the .iso files for both OSs, and have made bootable USBs for each, but ...
Zoey Hewll's user avatar
2 votes
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Booting Linux from USB without overwriting Windows

So I was under the impression that if I flashed an image of Ubuntu onto a USB stick, connected it to my laptop running Windows 10 and booted it from the boot menu (F10) I would be able to use linux as ...
Keir Simmons's user avatar
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Portable USB HD No Bootable Device Elementary OS

Problem: I am trying to install Elementary OS Loki onto a Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB portable USB HD, I don't think my problem is specific to the OS. The install completes successfully (using the ...
Kooper Smith's user avatar
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Can't boot Debian from USB

I'm having a few problems installing Debian 8. I created a bootable USB using dd if=iso-file.iso of=/dev/sdb, then I changed the BIOS settings to boot from the USB stick, but when I reboot, nothing ...
Corrado's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make bootable pendrive for Kali Linux in UEFI system?

I tried making a bootable pendrive for Kali Linux in order to dual boot Kali Linux with Windows using Rufus on my laptop. I am using GPT drive and UEFI system. But Rufus gives the error that the ISO ...
devansh's user avatar
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How to install more than one OS on a pendrive?

I have a Windows 10 laptop. While I want to use Linux based OS I don't want to partition my HD or remove Windows OS. So I thought of installing Ubuntu on a 64gb pendrive and running the OS from it. ...
devansh's user avatar
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2 answers

Installing Linux on hard disk that will be used by another computer with different hardware

I was given a laptop with a totally dead display. I do not want to pay to replace the broken display, but I would like to use the laptop as a server and connect to it via SSH to control it. I have ...
J. Taylor's user avatar
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13 votes
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How do I boot from ISO file stored on hard disk?

I know that I can create/burn bootable CD/DVD or live USB and can boot/install from it. But suppose I am currently running GNU/Linux and I've ISO file of another GNU/Linux that I want to install on my ...
Pandya's user avatar
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4 answers

How to install Linux Mint from DOS?

I want to install Linux Mint 17.2 on my computer. Unfortunately, my computer doesn't have a CD-ROM (so I can't boot from Live CD). It does not have a capability of booting from USB drive (so I can'...
Egor Skriptunoff's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Linux from Scratch to bootable disk image

I competed LFS 7.6. I want to know is it possible to make it into a bootable disk image that can boot in to different systems?
compiler's user avatar
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Trouble installing <distro> onto correct partition for a dual boot

Some of the context might not be relevant to the problem so feel free to skim through the rest of this post but essentially what I'm doing is trying to install an operating system onto the KAOS ...
Pawnda's user avatar
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Antergos installer says I have no /boot partition

When attempting to install Antergos(Arch-based Linux distro) I am told that it cannot install as I have not specified a /boot partition, when I appear to have done just that. I have attached a picture ...
user1149589's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How to create a bootable Linux installation USB from an ISO in OS X?

I downloaded the ISO for Debian's net installation to a computer running OS X. I want to put the data from the ISO onto a USB, so that I can install Debian on another laptop (not an Apple laptop). ...
Village's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to install Linux distro to a second hdd from within a running Linux Desktop Environment?

More specifically, I am running Fedora18 on my main HDD. I have a second HDD in the "UltraBay" slot of my ThinkPad W520--eSata connection. Is there a possibility to avoid creating a LiveCD/USB, ...
ILMostro_7's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Create a Bootable (UEFI GRUB) USB for Ubuntu & Windows 7 Install

I want to create a Bootable EFI USB to install Ubuntu & Windows 7 (maybe with utilities like PartedMagic). I did that using MultiSystem previously. However, I am using GPT and Windows install ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

What is the "Bootable flag" option when installing a distro?

Is the "bootable flag" needed in today's distributions? If not, then why is it still in the installers? What is it exactly?
LanceBaynes's user avatar